soyboyjames · 1 year
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The Art of Pascal Campion by Pascal Campion
10 Favorite Lines:
…we decided as a group to do a quick sketch every day and send it to each other. …that’s how I started drawing again. …Seventeen years later, I am still doing that daily sketch.
As long as you can touch people through your art, all methods work.
I like the idea that very few details can make you feel a lot of things.
One of my goals is to draw the light without drawing the objects. An almost abstract approach.
You keep seeing the learning process as a linear path… It’s not. It’s more like making a map.
Emotions are like a river. You don’t control the current. You control how you deal with them. When you know where these currents are, you can steer clear or toward them.
Pleasure is not happiness. Happiness is a byproduct of fulfilling your potential.
Happiness is a state of flow and as such, it is constantly changing.
Taking breaks is not stopping—it’s part of the creative process.
Art needs to evolve. Otherwise, it stops being art and becomes manufacturing.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Heartbeat Africa: Issue 1 / 2023 by African Inland Mission
Favorite Lines:
And the whole purpose of doing all of this hard work is so that I have opportunities to share the Great News—hopefully with a lot fewer barriers because of the work that I have put into belonging to my community.
By now there are plenty of cities and towns in Africa that have more gospel preaching than some parts of the United States.
…my prayers have changed. I find myself pleading, “Father, not yet! Not yet! Please wait for them! …Please wait for the ones who have never heard the good news.”
I can promise, following Him leads to the best adventure of your life.
What does a good partnership look like? First, a willingness to listen to each other. Second, a willingness to negotiate everything except the gospel message.
There is no substitute for seeing, smelling, tasting the situation on the ground, while observing the gospel needs of the communities in which we all seek to work for God’s glory.
It’s not that we Christians don’t have trouble, but oh what a testimony that we respond to it differently than the people we came to share the good news with.
By learning another person’s language, we are showing that we acknowledge their humanity, and that they carry God’s image.
It’s natural and normal for things to feel awkward in the beginning.
You friendship will ago a long way in helping them feel like a part of the culture they’re now living in.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Hieronymous Bosch: Between Heaven and Hell by Walter Borsing
10 Favorite Lines:
Bosch’s paintings often house visual translations of verbal puns and metaphors.
….Death, the Last Judgment, Heaven and Hell, the Four Last Things of all men as understood by Bosch and his contemporaries.
…it functions as a mirror wherein the viewer is confronted by his own soul disfigured by vice.
For Bosch, sin and folly were the fundamental conditions of human existence and Hellfire the destiny facing most of mankind.
…not only have worldly goods and honors no intrinsic value, they are  also employed by Satan and his army as bait to lure men to ultimate, infernal destruction.
Bosch’s triptych also reflects the Renaissance love of highly original ideas and complex allegories whose full meaning was apparent only to a limited audience.
According to the spiritual thinking of the Middle Ages, based above all upon the writings of the Church Father St Augustine, in principle every man was a pilgrim on earth, an exile searching for his lost homeland.
…Bosch has for once restrained his usual predilection for demonic spectacles.
…thus sums up the major themes we have encountered in the art of Bosch. The spectacle. Of sin and folly and the shifting horrors of Hell are joined to the images of the suffering Christ and of the saint firm in his faith against the assaults of the World, the Flesh and the Devil.
…only one year after Bosch’s death, Luther nailed his ninety-five theses to the door of a Wittenberg church…
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Lay It Down by Bill Tell
10 Favorite Lines:
Donald Gray… We are freed not only from the fear of death but also from the fear of life…
…the gospel of grace always eliminates performance as the basis of relationship.
John Stott… he took our curse, so that we may receive his blessing… Saint Athanasius called this “the great exchange.”
Willpower always fails. …“It is the very nature of addiction… to feed on our attempt to master it.”
You simply can’t mix law with grace. It’s like practicing two religions.
For believers, growing in holiness is living authentically, out of the new us.
“Preach the gospel to yourself every day.”
Behavior change that does not come from a transformed heart is not pleasing to God. Jesus made this painfully clear when he ripped into the Pharisees.
Obedience is the evidence of trust.
“...my unbelieving neighbors aren’t impressed with how little I sin. They are impressed with how well I love them.”
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Simplify Magazine: Issue 025 — Personal Development by Becoming Minimalist
10 Favorite Lines:
The idea that I couldn’t control my thoughts was a belief that I had to unlearn to feel well mentally… thanks to neural plasticity, my brain can create new neural pathways that help me think more positively, which helps me feel less anxious.
When I find my thoughts heading in a negative direction, I will stop and ask myself if this thought is …helpful for me to think about right now. If it’s not, I’ll immediately focus my attention on something that is.
…the “secret ally” practice. …I voluntarily assume the role of a secret ally of whoever provoked my ire. For the next minute or two, while I’m still in their vicinity, I will look out for this person and help them should they need it.
Simply mark each day on a calendar that you successfully complete your habit and aim to not break the chain for your entire 29-day experiment.
The only way to fail is to quit entirely.
…while we’re hurt in relationships, we heal in relationships too.
…“if you’re hysterical, it’s historical”…
If we’re going to head into the basement of our trauma, shining a spotlight on all the negative behaviors and coping mechanisms we picked up as a result, we need to also shine a light on our basic goodness. We need to consider that anyone with our unique combination of past experiences might struggle in the same way we do.
…core values …are not aspirational; they are present today and have always been central to who you are…
…the experiences of everyday interactions with family leave a lasting impression.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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The Voice of the Martyrs: June 2023 — The Seeds of the Church by The Voice of the Martyrs
Favorite Lines:
In his work Apologeticus (ca. A.D. 200), the early church leader and author Tertullian wrote… “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”
“My father died, but I have a Father in heaven who loves me.”
He said his experience of suffering has prepared him for a life of Christian service.
“He was somebody who believed in the Word of God and was always reading and encouraging the children and me to read more and to pray more.”
Threats were common, but Shankar steadfastly continued to share the gospel.
He told his family and his congregation that he expected one day to be attacked because of his commitment to gospel ministry. But he also told them about the hope he had in Christ.
“He always said that we are Christ’s witnesses, and the day we are persecuted we will become stronger witnesses… He said people around us will know why we are persecuted, and this may cause people to search for Jesus.”
“…we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.”
“I could go anywhere and live a good and safe life… but by doing so no one will remember us like they will remember my father. If I remain here in such a challenging place, I will be able to bring many more into the kingdom, and when I am gone from this world, I will have a legacy like that of my father.”
“Do not turn back when you face persecution… During the time of persecution, you will be very close to God.”
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Twisted Visions: The Art of Junji Ito Junji Ito
10 Favorite Lines:
I’m not the type who can complete an image in my head. I have to actually sketch it so that it gradually takes shape.
…I felt that the true meaning of watercolors was to re-create sunlight.
I came across a Giger collection… I could stare at those images for hours.
…I developed a phobia of blank spaces and feel compelled to fill in pieces with my pen.
Sometimes, the trailer for a movie is better than the movie, and the same is possible when you manage to draw a single panel that’s maybe better than the full manga, in a way.
…the neatness of digital art always makes it feel digital, in the end.
I do think life would be so much more fun if I could do nothing but portraits of beautiful girls.
I’m happiest when I’m creating something. I get so focused, I forget to eat or sleep.
…I’m always disappointed by how far the end result is from he ideal in my head.
The second time around, I remembered all the things I’d done wrong the first time, so it turned out fairly good.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Simple Money: No. 20 (May 2023) by Becoming Minimalist/No Sidebar
10 Favorite Lines:
“You know we faced the same issue in the 1970s and we decided not to bring children into this world. Now, 50 years later, the world still has the same problems. The only difference is, we don’t have kids. And we wish we did.”
…Mark Twain said: “I have had a lot of troubles in life, and some of them even happened.”
Given the statistical improbability of life on this planet, it’s incomprehensibly miraculous to be granted any time at all in this world. Maybe the world is actually conspiring to work in our favor in a billion small unseen ways, and maybe we should help it out.
…follow Warren Buffet s advice: save first, spend later. When you receive your paycheck, set some money aside for savings, and then spend the rest, never the other way around.
Here’s my decision rubric: Among my options, which one will give me greater stability today? How does this decision affect my future stability?
…the Prime Directive of Personal Finance… Avoid committing future funds to spending obligations; commit them to saving obligations.
Your money is a proxy for your time.
When I own less my mind is clearer and my goals and ambitions are more visible because my life is simpler.
Be honest and easy with yourself. Overextension is the quickest way to burnout.
Just like elite athletes must prioritize recovery time or farmers must let fields lie fallow before replanting, you must dedicate quality time to rest after a big push in order to achieve long-term success. Plan your pushes and your rest.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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The Voice of the Martyrs: May 2023 — Tanzania: Suffering, Steadfast Servants by The Voice of the Martyrs
10 Favorite Lines:
Praise that springs forth from a thankful heart is spiritual warfare…
Instead of using natural thinking based on our circumstances, we are meant to have a supernatural gratitude that transcends them.
…God might use our gratitude to encourage other believers and to lead the lost to Christ. When we thank God during trials, we bear witness to an eternal reality that transcends temporary circumstances.
…Temistocres hopes to receive additional training in ministry to Muslims. He wants to show them the same kind of love that he received when a pastor first visited his home years ago.
When she becomes anxious about their situation, Generosa reminds herself to fast and pray. She said when she does that, God brings her comfort and relief.
“They said, ‘OK, perhaps God knows why this happened and will take care of us.’”
“I am witnessing on the streets.”
Despite the risk, Generosa and her children are committed to continuing Mathayo’s ministry — proclaiming Christ… to everyone in the Geita region.
“If the government is going to take this land from us,” she told him, “then I will give my land for the church to worship on.”
“They might destroy the building, but they cannot destroy … my heart or the heart of the flock."
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Marvelous Art Magazine — March 2023 | Issue No. 13 by Marvelous Art Gallery
10 Favorite Lines:
I went to university and studied English and history, thinking I’d be “practical” and be an English teacher like both my parents. But I soon started to suffer from depression, and realized I was miserable unless I was making art. …I have finally accepted that making art is who and what I am, and I have no choice!
No language is needed to communicate what the visual stories of a myth can convey…
The metaphors found in symbols, mythologies and archetypes hold up a mirror to a viewer, allowing them to see themselves.
I love it when people find their own personal meaning in my work!
The more we can make a personal connection to the fragility and beauty of our world, the more important the nature will become to each of us. It’s very important to me for my work to do some part in bringing a viewer back to or helping to strengthen their connection to the natural world.
I’ve made it a practice to fully trust my intuition when I’m working. That is I will ask “what’s next?” And I have to honor the first answer I get and go with it. It’s something I’ve practiced for 20 years now and it didn’t come easily at first. I used to struggle with putting down color after color and not trusting myself that he first one was right. Now if I don’t know what to do next, I pause and ask myself “what is the thing that I do know”, and I only work on that. …something will always reveal itself.
If I’m really stuck, I’ll put something away for a while. Sometimes the thing I need in order to continue just isn’t ready to reveal itself yet and I have to be patient… Eventually I’ll get a piece of insight… and my intuition will let me know that we are good to go again.
I don’t have a day job now, but am able to make an income from my artwork that covers the essentials. Over the yers I’ve become very resilient and am able to live comfortably with less.
…I’ve learned from experience not to panic. I have a lot of trust that if I stay focused on making art, something will come along to help with other things.
I love the meditative qualities of working on a detailed ink drawing.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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The Voice of the Martyrs: April 2023 — The Need of the Hour by The Voice of the Martyrs
10 Favorite Lines:
…after continuing to read the Bible in secret, Hoosier placed his faith in Jesus Christ.
Iranian Christians boldly and creatively share God’s Word despite constant risk of arrest and imprisonment for owning a Bible or even talking about Christ.
The believers, some of whom had walked as far as 25 miles, joyfully received their Bibles and some basic instructions in how to study God’s Word.
“…I can say that persecution every time gives the result of church growth.”
“They cannot eradicate Christianity from India, I am sure… They cannot take Jesus from our hearts.”
“One Bible placed in my hands gave birth to a house church in my village.”
“…the challenge for all the Christians in the world is whether we stand for God, whether we can stand for God’s truth, whether we can stand for God’s love.”
…they studied God’s Word together and grew in faith. They even began sharing their faith with others, leading more than 20 people to Christ.
“Many difficulties will come in our life, but they won’t matter. What matters is ‘are we seeking Christ’s face?’”
I only have this mind, that I want my beloved family and friends to go to heaven, not hell, so that I need to share it with my people around me.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Simplify Magazine: Issue 024 — Possessions by Becoming Minimalist/No Sidebar
10 Favorite Lines:
You need enough to be able to live your life to the full, but not so much that it becomes a burden that holds you back.
The human body is designed to eat, digest, and excrete. Life works best when our relationship to material possessions follows a similar path—acquire, use, and then let the item go…
More physical space in my home created more mental space in my head.
Consider the way previous generations have lived. Rarely did they own as much as modern consumers do. They prioritized special items, passed them down, and maintained houses of function rather than museums of relics.
Is there an important story behind the item? Sometimes writing down the story allows us to let go of the item, because the memory has been captured.
Purchasing better-quality wearables makes practical sense. Well-made items generally last longer…
…“boring now equals timeless later.”
…hoarding is never about the stuff, so why would the solution be about cleaning the stuff? The solution is about getting treated for the trauma that caused the hoarding.
Identify the purpose of a room and get rid of anything that doesn’t serve that purpose.
…every object carries a burden as well as a benefit. …consider the benefit-to-burden ratio for everything you intend to keep…
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Beautiful Bizarre Magazine — Issue 037 | 2022 by Beautiful Bizarre
10 Favorite Lines:
Andy and Hayley’s own experiences of healing through art can remind us of this significant effect that creativity can have. It can be a great medicine and therapeutic balm for both heart and soul.
…I got serious and made a goal to create an illustration every day for 100 days. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t meet that goal, but I did learn to integrate art into my routine and art is 100% part of my daily practice now.
I’m a visual learner, and an opinionated piece of art often speaks louder to me than a news article.
Whether it be environmental, social, political, personal, and so on, art helps us connect to the emotion of what we are dealing with. Art also acts as the driving force behind action.
…I’ve embraced my inner critic. Self-critiquing and nitpicking my own work had helped me push, from and improve.
“Realistic anatomical representation is not a priority for us. We would rather want to be able to convert a message or an emotion.”
“Saturday mornings were filled with sketch battles with my dad, where we would go back and forth adding something to a page until it became a frenzied scene of charters and actions.”
Being self-taught like I am has given me a lot of leeway… I never had anyone tell me that you can’t do this or that.
I would recommend posting your work, consistently, but not spending much time on the app itself.
Some might call my belief that there is a higher order, such as the muse or God, superstitious. Can we really explain who the true author of our creativity is?
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Marvelous Art Magazine — February 2023 | Issue No. 12 by Marvelous Art Gallery
10 Favorite Lines:
“By discovering who we really are, we can transform ourselves, and move forward in a positive way in this lifetime, and hopefully help and uplift others in the process.”
My higher education isn’t about art, I took a wrong turn at some point.
Never lose the ability to wonder.
I find it difficult to describe my feelings and thoughts with words. …I can’t describe or even title my painting in the process. It comes later when I begin to analyze that I was feeling, what I was thinking about and what was happening when I started it.
I don’t wait for inspiration to come to me. Inspiration comes during work.
I say that paintings tell stories because in my imagination my paintings are dynamic, some-thing has happened before and is about to happen, and what remains on the canvas is like a frame taken out of the film. The story they tell is different for everyone and I love it when people share the with me.
I strive to create works that are both visually striking and intellectually engaging…
Before the painting is finished, I hand it in the most visible place pin the apartment and watch it. If I don’t find anything that annoys me, then I paint it…
…a lot of ideas come to me while reading. …if we allow ourselves to develop on various levels, we will watch, read and listen to a lot, feed our soul, then we Weill not need to look for inspiration, ideas will come to us.
I wanted to ask art lovers and collectors who buy art not to ask artists for discounts… I would like people to start appreciating the work of artists and stop seeing them as crazy dreamers, but as normal working people.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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Simple Money: No. 19 (February 2023) by Becoming Minimalist/No Sidebar
10 Favorite Lines:
…[avoid] buying things for your 'fantasy self' …Shopping for things that you actually need vs things that you wish you needed…
Before you buy something, wait 30 days to make sure that you really want it.
…having something specific you are saving for will keep you motivated to stick to your goal.
There is a big difference between net wealth and disposable income. …people might be millionaires on paper, but hold relatively little fluid cash, preferring to instead invest it…
Your Bank Balance Has Very Little to Do With Your Overall Happiness
Growth is NEVER linear.
“…99 percent of the stuff we run through this [consumeristic] system is trashed within 6 months.”
…price per unit. This will give you a better look at which items give you the better deal and makes it easier to compare different brands if they come in different size packaging.
Eat At Home More Frequently …With a bit of planning and creativity, you can make delicious, healthy meals at home that will save you money.
An excellent life hack is to reward yourself and be proud of the work you’ve done.
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Favorite Lines:
Even if my neighbor doesn’t understand my religion or understand my politics, he can understand my story. If he can understand my story, then he’s never too far from me. It is always within my power to build a bridge.
“…people are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”
“Don’t forget that everything you deal with is only one thing and nothing else.”
…he realized that he had to choose between thinking of himself as the poor victim of a thief and as an adventurer in quest of his treasure. “I’m an adventurer, looking for treasure,” he said to himself.
…there was a language in the world that everyone understood… It was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love and purpose, and as part of a search for something beloved in and desired.
“…I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man. …life is the moment we’re living right now.”
“It was my fear of failure that first kept my from attempting the Master Work. Now, I’m beginning what I could have started ten years ago. But I’m happy at least that I didn’t wait twenty years.”
“If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.”
“There is only one way to learn… It’s through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey.”
…his heart whispered, “Be aware of the place where you are brought to tears. That’s where I am, and that’s where your treasure is.”
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soyboyjames · 1 year
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The Voice of the Martyrs: March 2023 — More Precious than Jewels by The Voice of the Martyrs
Favorite Lines:
Like all of us, they had no chance on their own but every chance with God.
“What can they do?” He said confidently. “The only thing they can do is to kill me, and then I will be killed for Christ.”
“When I would think about myself in this situation, I would feel depressed, but when I looked to God, he would lift me up.”
…she finally asked her oldest son, George, what he thought of the man who had murdered his father. “I was surprised any his answer,” Pauline recalled. “He said, ‘I forgive him and I pray that he will go to heaven and meet with my dad.’”
“Forgiveness is a decision… You cannot forgive by your own strength, but when you have this will, a real will, an honest will to forgive and you put it in front of God, God will help you to forgive.”
“…I became more mature as I shared more.”
“While working to share the gospel and make new disciples, make sure you are teaching the next generation of disciple makers to follow in your footsteps.”
Phomme said relying on God’s Word transformed her household and made her bold for Christ.
“If they do not like me, then I leave it as it is. Some do not listen, but some are curious and want to know more. Some eventually are led to christ.”
“Just hearing the word Jesus makes many people angry. People hate this a lot. Even today, many people hate me. Yet I am patient. I have a heart that is not full of hatred to anyone. I have love toward others.”
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