sp33d-racer · 4 years
Phoenix felt anger surge through him white hot and aggressive, he did his best to keep it under control because he didn’t exactly want to start a bar fight right here right now. “Yes I’m alone” he answered voice deadly cold, his chest - where his scar ran - throbbed with phantom pain and he had to resist the urge to touch it. He wouldn’t let his anger burst, not like he wanted to because Jupiter didn’t have a damn clue. “When I’m really hurting I drive, I drive and scream and drive some more and indulge myself in,” he gestured to the bar “This.” It wasn’t healthy, he knew and he did have a psychologist but he hardly saw her and when he did he didn’t overly try to open up. He had been through several psychologists over the years and none of them had stuck, always gently referred him on to someone else.
Phoenix’s chest ached and he visibly winced at the feeling and lightly pressed his finger tips to the base of the scar, breathing a bit uneven. He didn’t need this shit. Jupiter made him feel things that he wasn’t overly used to feeling - anger, grief and guilt. “I’ll have nothing...” Phoenix’s voice trembled ever so much and he raised his hand for the bar tender “And yes, I’m not overly sold on the idea but honestly? I’d rather die lonely then cause anyone else grief because god knows I don’t deserve to be grieved after.” When the tender approached he pulled out his card, “I’ll pay my tab now, this club is dull” he said simply, not missing the way the man behind the bar scoffed as he pressed his black card to the machine before shoving it back in his wallet. “I’m done here, enjoy the rest of your night Jupiter.” Phoenix said turning on his heel and making a beeline for the exit, he felt like he was suffocating, he fucking hated it here. He hated Vegas.
This was a side of Phoenix Jupiter had never seen. Defeated, not so much fighting back as just snarling and hissing that an animal backed into a corner. If he’d know Phoenix was so... sensitive wasn’t the right word, broken maybe. It was obvious Phoenix didn’t want to be alone-- not really. But he was alone, painfully so. It hurt Jupiter just to watch even if he felt he was watching from on high. After all he’d been there too, he’d just somehow managed to crawl out of there, in large part because even when he was alone he still had his family. Phoenix hadn’t mentioned family at all.
“What the fuck kind of logic is that? I don’t want to hurt someone so let me just hurt myself? I’ll just rot alone because it’s easier than being cared for? I don’t like bullshit, Phoenix, especially when the person spewing it knows it’s bullshit too.” Maybe he should have been softer but he wasn’t sure Phoenix would listen if he tried to talk to him like a kid. He’d probably just start yelling and storm out. Though it looked like things were already heading in that direction. Jupiter pushed the rest of his drink aside. “Look man, no one has to be alone. Maybe back in the dark ages when it took days to travel miles but you go all around the country, meet all sorts of people-- there has to be someone you connect with.” I occurred to Jupiter that of all the people Phoenix could have invited out he chose him.
Jupiter watched as Phoenix walked away. Fuck me. He got up and went after him. “Hey!” he called over the music. He grabbed Phoenix’s wrist and pulled him back, his other hand taking Phoenix’s shoulder. “Hey,” he said now only just loud enough to be heard over the music. Holding on to the other man’s wrist and shoulder and standing so close together on a dance floor made him feel like he was at a middle school dance. Only he still had some ecstasy in his system, making Phoenix’s skill feel electric. “You’re not alone, asshole, I’m right here.”
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sp33d-racer · 4 years
Phoenix frowned a bit and sipped on his drink “I have a name you know, I would appreciate if you used it” he told him not that he overly cared about the nickname but he didn’t like the tone Jupiter used - like Phoenix didn’t know what it was like to live without money. “And I know how to budget thank you very much. I’m here for a good time not a long time, I’m not overly fussed if I dropped dead tomorrow” He meant it when he said it. He ran his thumb around the rim of his glass thoughtfully, it was true what Jupiter was saying, he could buy cheaper Chanel things but did he want to? No. If he was buying designer then he wanted to buy the prettiest things he could. In truth, he had a pretty casual car sitting in the garage at home and most of his wardrobe was also ordinary. The only time he wore designer was when he was having public appearances or guests. “Unless it’s a gift, I am picky yes. Gifts are priceless if there is thought in it”
He perked up when Jupiter answered his question and he hummed. He knew he should feel guilty for flirting openly with a taken man but he really didn’t, he had never had a proper relationship so he couldn’t understand the devastation that infidelity could cause. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested in a serious relationship, because he was, he could commit but he was scared. He was terrified of abandonment and of losing someone he loved. Sex was simple. “I’m sorry to hear that” Phoenix’s tone was gentle because he did mean it, he knew the pain of Loss. “I’m sure it was hard on you too. Loosing people never gets easier, that’s why I try not to have someone waiting for me. That way no one will miss me when I’m gone and I won’t miss anyone else when they go. It’s simple” Phoenix had finished his drink by this point and was quick to order another, he had the sudden urge to make himself numb
“What? I thought you liked it when I called you pretty boy.” It wasn’t like the name was an insult. Though maybe Jupiter had said it so many times it was starting to sound like one. He just sipped his drink as Phoenix talked about how he was fine with dying tomorrow so long as he had a good time today. Jupiter knew a lot of guys like that... and for a time even he thought about life that way. It was a good thing the club was so dark else Phoenix might catch the sad expression on Jupiter’s face. “Remind me never to get you a gift then,” he said shaking his head. “I’m shit at picking that stuff out. Got my girlfriend a teddy bear once. She re-gifted it to my little cousin.” He chuckled, “it was an absolutely savage move.”
Jupiter couldn’t keep his thoughts to himself any longer. “So if you don’t have people waiting for you then... what, you’re just alone? I know you’ve got fans and hookups and the crew and shit but--” he turned his body to face Phoenix. “You’ve got to know that’s all surface stuff yeah? When you’re really hurting who do you go to? Because spending your life trying to build walls so you don’t get hurt never fucking works Phoenix. I mean-- shit, historically? You only ever hear about the walls that fall, right? That’s because when you build that shit the inevitable outcome is it crumbles and then you’re left more exposed than ever because you don’t know how to fucking deal with it.” He finished off his drink, a bit heated now. “You’re right, losing people sucks and we could all just die tomorrow but I know I’d be happy dying and thinking about my days with my cousins, grandma and Lily...” He pursed his lips. “Hell, I could even think about this moment right now, yeah? But if you have no one what will you think about when you’re alone in the end?”
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sp33d-racer · 4 years
Phoenix did think over Jupiters words, he probably could actually go ‘professionally’ if he wanted and he knew he’d get paid handsomely for it but he liked doing what he did. He liked the danger of getting caught, however it did bug him a little that he couldn’t completely show what he was worth. Phoenix could see the regret on Jupiter’s face as soon as they entered and he felt a little sympathetic, clubs certainly weren’t everyone’s scene. “I only come to clubs for two things” Phoenix said as he ordered another drink - this time a tequila sunrise. “To get drunk and laid, in that specific order. If I want to get high I do it alone, can’t trust some stranger to not try and feel me up if I’m totally off my face and can’t do much about it” It had happened before, luckily he had back up so nothing got to put of hand but still it wasn’t exactly a fun experience.
Phoenix nodded with a shrug “I have enough money, I have no problem giving it away” It was true, Phoenix didn’t just give it carelessly to random people though. He gave generous amounts to charities and such and occasionally bought food for the homeless. Not only did he make enough cash to keep him clothed and fed for several years, but he also had the money he’d inherited from his parents- millions of dollars that mainly sat in his savings account and was only used for practical purchases such as cars, his home, tech he might need ect. Phoenix was well off, and maybe it was because he had no one to go home to that he played with his life so recklessly. No one cared overly for him and he didn’t overly care for himself. Was he suicidal? No, depressed? Maybe a little, he enjoyed life but if he dropped dead tomorrow he wouldn’t be particularly fazed. “I have no partner to buy things for, so I might as well just spend recklessly. Chanel and Gucci never did me any harm”
Phoenix gave a vague gesture to the Chanel necklace and earring as he sipped his drink. He eyed Jupiter up and down and tilted his head to the side slightly, assessing him. “And what about you Jupiter?” His eyes trailed over his hands, no rings, and no tan line that would show he took one off frequently. “Anyone waiting for you at home whilst you’re off traveling the world with cheating racers?” Phoenix didn’t actually overly care if Jupiter did have a partner but he thought he’d ask anyway, he was curious. He sipped at his drink, still letting his eyes wonder shamelessly.
“I’m starting to sense a pattern here pretty-boy...” He shouldn’t really rag on him when he wasn’t all that different, especially when he was younger. Drugs, sex, and food was about all he cared about in his early twenties. Now he’d liked to think he added music to that list, and just the pursuit of happiness-- whatever the fuck that meant. Jupiter couldn’t ever say it out loud, he could hardly admit it to himself, but sometimes he thought he should get out of this underground, shady business. And do what? There weren’t a lot of legit jobs for car thieves, dealers, and forgers. Okay well maybe some government organization could use his forging skills but he was pretty sure he’d done too much molly to be a candidate, plus it wasn’t like the government’s actions were any less shady than what he did right now.
Jupiter rolled his eyes, figuring the club’s lighting would hide it. “You have enough money now but things change. Those two hundred bucks you flashed at the door could buy...” He looked at his drink. “A lot of La Palomas. Buy a lot of things when you’re down on your luck.” He wasn’t about to get all mushy and tell Phoenix about his days running the streets and sleeping on the floor of his grandparent’s house. It wasn’t much of a story. Not a lot of dramatics just bad circumstances a lot of kids went through. And Jupiter was lucky he had his grandparents, and they didn’t kick him out when they found out he was selling drugs even though they had other grandkids to watch and CPS on their ass because God forbid a couple in their sixties get some slack when watching four grandkids. Five if you counted him but CPS didn’t and it was better off that way. “I can get you a nice Channel bag for like, $50 if you’re not picky.” Again, he really shouldn’t judge, his sneakers were expensive but he wasn’t really one to flaunt it. It was more of a, if-you-notice-you’ve-got-a-friend-in-me type deal.
He looked at Phoenix for a moment. It was an innocent enough question... maybe... “I’ve got a girlfriend,” he responded simply. Normally he’d gush about Lily, maybe even give too many details about her nice thighs and ass but instead he continued and brought up the person he usually kept in the shadows. “And my grandma. Gramps died a couple years back and it was hard on her you know? She and my gramps raised me and my cousins...” He scratched his cheek. “Yeah, medical bills are a bitch.”
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sp33d-racer · 4 years
It might have been silly but it gave Phoenix satisfaction knowing that Jupiter found him attractive. It wasn’t like he was lacking in self esteem or didn’t get such comments a lot of the time but it just hit different when it came from the other male. Phoenix couldn’t suppress his grin when Jupiter agreed to come with him and they both easily slipped through the crowd to the elevator. Phoenix caught eyes with his manager - whom didn’t look overly impressed to see him leaving so early - and the red head shot him a smirk and wave as the elevator doors slid closed. “He can’t stand me” Phoenix sounded proud of it, and he elaborated with; “My manager, he hates my guts, thinks i cause to much trouble then what I’m worth. But why be in such a profession and not stir the pot? Where’s the fun in being good?” Phoenix then chuckled “He may also not be too keen on me because I fucked his sister”
They set off towards the club, Phoenix leading the way mostly, occasionally eyeing the filthy streets with disdain. For a city that proclaimed sin and deadly wishes it really took to its name, it seemed it didn’t even try to make itself look good. Maybe that’s why Phoenix hated it so much, it put out a brilliant and showy facade but in reality it couldn’t provide what it was selling. The walk from the apartment that had held the after party and the club was only around a 10 minute walk, not that Phoenix minded overly much, it was a nice break from too many people pressed obnoxiously close together whilst trying to pretend they were important. Phoenix despised all of them.
Phoenix headed straight for the VIP door and flashed his ID as well as two hundred dollar notes and they were in without a hitch. Phoenix made sure to put his name on the VIP lists of clubs he thought he might attended at each city he was flying too just in case he decided to show up. The club glowed that’s for sure, fluorescent blue light gleaned on whoever was wearing something white and a light smoke machine that was positioned somewhere in the venue pumped mist out into the club. The mostly green neon light gave it an ominous feel, like they were shooting for a Halloween vibe all year. It was cool, Phoenix decided it was alright aesthetically. He headed straight for the bar and ordered a double vodka and downed it in one go without flinching. “I despise parties” Phoenix told Jupiter over the obnoxiously loud music “Mainly because I know everyone there, clubs at least, are mostly full of strangers.” He waved to the bar “Order what you want, I’ll put it on my tab” Phoenix wasn’t fussy about having his drinks payed for or paying for others, it wasn’t like he couldn’t afford it.
Jupiter kept his head down as they walked through the throws of people. He could never be comfortable in a crowd. Maybe he should, since he could fade into the background, but it was too likely someone would see him and want him to join in on some shit he didn’t care about. Occasionally they’d have drugs and he’d humor a group of people just long enough to not make it awkward. Though he was sure he ended up coming off as awkward anyway. Not really paying attention Jupiter didn’t hear Phoenix at first, then the man got his attention even over the booming music. Jupiter raised a brow, “you really think pissing off the guy who keeps you working is a good idea?” He grimaced when Phoenix gave another reason for his manager to hate him. “Jesus, dude.”
Leaving the party, Jupiter couldn’t shake Phoenix’s confession. “Listen, I really don’t give a shit about your manager-- he probably doesn’t even know who I am.” Of course Jupiter had seen him around but never bothered to talk to him. “I know you think your hot shit,” he rolled his eyes, “and I guess you are. But connections will get you far man. I don’t know if you want the rest of your life to be working under the table jobs...” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “But some of us don’t have a chance to go legit, you know.” He looked at Phoenix with a blank stare. “Just something to think about. If you’re such a good racer,” a smirk pulled at his lips, “maybe you should try placing without someone holding you back to make a profit, yeah?”
Vegas wasn’t really his scene either. Though he did appreciate the bright neon lights and seeing the wonders of the world all in one place. But the place was crawling with tourists, people who had no reason to give a shit about the people around them. They’d never see them ever again. Who gave a shit if you vomitted on a woman’s shoes? Jupiter’s brow was cocked the whole time Phoenix flashed his badge and the cash. If he knew it would be such a hassle to get in the place. A bottle of vodka and the shitty hotel porn would be a pretty fulfilling night if you asked him. Jupiter nodded at the bouncer, “thanks, man.”
As soon as the neon lights hit his face Jupiter felt a pang of regret. The place wasn’t obnoxiously crowded but it was far from empty. He waved smoke out of his face as he followed Phoenix to the bar. He pressed his back against the bar, watching Phoenix down his drink out of the corner of his eye. Jupiter chuckled at his remarks. “Hate parties. Hate clubs. I’d rather just get high and listen to a record alone without some sweaty person grinding on me.” He turned around and ordered a La Paloma. “Do you always flash cash like that?” He nodded back towards the door of the club.
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sp33d-racer · 4 years
Phoenix didn’t bat an eyelid at Jupiter’s jab about useless smoking and instead shrugged “You’re the one that asked for a hit sweetness” Phoenix replied simply clicking his tongue “Plus no one actually likes the smell of nicotine and this-“ he gave the vape a shake “Doesn’t actually have nicotine in it, it just gives me something to do with my mouth that isn’t sucking dick or smoking weed, and anyway...” Phoenix took a final drag before placing it in his back pocket “I don’t need to justify myself to you mate” Phoenix wasn’t a heavy user by any means, he did it occasionally to relax himself, he used weed more often then not but didn’t ever touch actual cigarettes.
The hair comment however did tick Phoenix off a little and he scowled “Fuck off, I do take care of my hair. It’s for the big races that I do that shit and it’s not like I’m being paid to win. I get paid to come whichever place I feel like coming on that day, I don’t give a fuck” What he said was true, he didn’t care overly about losing. Did he prefer to win? Fuck yes he did, but if the money had enough zeros then slowing down subtly ever so often (obviously not often enough to make it look like a pattern) wasn’t a big deal to him. And really, his hair was well maintained, of course it wasn’t as silky smooth as non-bleached hair but it wasn’t dried out or overly oily so he counted it as alright.
“You think I’m cute” Phoenix counted it as somewhat of a win. “I’m so flattered, but unless their making me cum or choking me, keep your paws to yourself” he told Jupiter, nipping ever so lightly at his thumb before soothing over the digit with his tongue and leaning back and away from him. The public’s opinion on him didn’t necessarily matter to Phoenix, but despite widespread belief he wasn’t really a slut. Was he a Virgin Mary? Hell no, but he didn’t necessarily spread his legs for every guy that came onto him or every chick who had nice enough tits, Phoenix had some class. “There is a black light club that’s starting happy hour soon down the street from here, I don’t know about you but $5 drinks never did me any harm” Phoenix finished his champagne in one long gulp before setting the glass on a nearest table “You want to come along?”
“Nicotine is nicot-- what, it doesn’t have any nicotine?” He furrowed his brows looking at Phoenix like he had sprouted a second head. “Why the hell do you use it then?” He asked just before Phoenix gave his explanation. Jupiter rolled his eyes. “Cute. But you sucking dick is cuter.” He wasn’t even making eye contact with Phoenix when he said it but once it left his lips Jupiter realized he was flirting. Maybe not intentionally-- though Phoenix was attractive. The Pretty Boy nickname wasn’t in jest. “You don’t strike me as the type to justify anything to anyone. Must be a nice life.” Jupiter didn’t have many connections but the few he had the clung to. There was Lily, his cousins, and the boss man who had pulled him up from street level work to something a bit more reliable. Illegal, but reliable. 
Jupiter quirked a brow. “Touchy about going bald?” He was glad he wasn’t in Phoenix’s spot though. He wasn’t sure he could throw a race just so some prick could get richer off bets. Jupiter wouldn’t say he was a prideful person, especially compared to some of the egomaniacs he met at the racetrack, but he wasn’t the type to roll over either. Not even for money. “I guess I can’t knock losing in style.”
Had Phoenix not pulled back Jupiter would have pressed his thumb into Phoenix’s tongue and opened his mouth wider. The guy couldn’t really expect to talk about giving blowjobs to pass the time and have Jupiter not be curious. But the racer pulled away and Jupiter chuckled. “Nooooo I’ve just been calling you Pretty Boy since the day we met as a joke. No homo or whatever,” he rolled his eyes. He didn’t make it obvious he liked guys. Most of his life it hadn’t been very safe to express such things but now he was an adult who had plenty of experiences with plenty of people. Men, women, other-- all of them all at once. It was cheesy but he actually preferred to sleep with one person at a time. Intimacy was his true kink it seemed. 
Phoenix downed his glass and Jupiter looked back out over the skyline. It was buzzing, alive, but still somehow felt dead. It was like looking out over a zombie apocalypse if the zombies gave a shit about keeping face. Looking back at the party inside, he felt the same feeling. “Sure,” he replied to Phoenix. “Fuck it, I need a change of scene. He headed inside, passing through the crow with little recognition, then entered the elevator with Phoenix. 
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sp33d-racer · 4 years
Phoenix grinned, showing lines of perfectly straight white teeth before he took a drag from his vape, the sugary sweet scent of strawberry syrup drifted through the air between them. “Does it look like I care?” He replied shamelessly because he really didn’t. Phoenix had never had a proper relationship, didn’t feel the need too. If he got laid he got laid, if he didn’t he didn’t. Partners were just a drag on both fun and money. Phoenix didn’t flinch when Jupiter undid another button of his already chest exposing shirt. He had enough liquor in his system to feel loose and the line he’d done in the bathroom before coming over to the party had given him an extra boost of relative confidence.
“Well when in Vegas” he gave a vague hand gesture and took another hit, turning away from Jupiter to look out over the balcony. Vegas was rather pretty from up high; all the glistening lights and sounds of music that seemed to call from everywhere. But when looked at too closely you could see how broken it was; how dirty and crime ridden the streets were. Phoenix made a scandalised sound when his choice of hair colour was insulted and he looked back at Jupiter with a scowl “Don’t be a dick” he replied, not sounding overly offended “I like to dye my hair different colours for every leg of the race, it won’t be this...” he gestured to the bright red “For much longer. We’re off to Europe next, I think I’ll go silver” He handed the vape over with an eye roll seemingly unimpressed by the other man’s lack of manners.
“I was planning to get laid” Phoenix said casually, stealing a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. “Or high. One of the two, or both at the same time” he shrugged “But I don’t really care” he looked Jupiter up and down and gave him a flirty smile “What are your plans for this evening then? The flight isn’t until tomorrow afternoon so I don’t mind staying out late”
Jupiter scrunched his nose as the smell of sugar filled the air. “Just smoke a cigarette” he muttered. Something about vapes annoyed him. Maybe it was because it felt like a co-out. If you were going to be addicted to nicotine then you might as well let the tar fill your lungs. If you did a shit ton of coke you got the nose bleeds and and the withdrawals. It was a relationship. Sometimes the only one he ever had. Even now with Lily he couldn’t let it all go. The party life and the culture of crime was too engrained. 
At Phoenix’ outburst Jupiter chuckled. The guy was pretty stoic so any rise he could get out of him was a win. “I’ve gone blond,” he acknowledged. “Fried the shit out of my hair. You looking to go bald? I’m sure you’ve got a nice round head under all that hair.” Maybe he should be a tad nicer. “Silver would look nice. Though you know you’ll have people joking you’re planing on taking second place.” A broad grin spread across his face. “Which if I were racing, would be true.” The pair had never raced against each other. Jupiter preferred to keep things underground, strictly illegal. The spotlight never suited him. He was happy to race, take his winnings, and leave for some party that had nothing to do with the race. It was safer that way. 
“You don’t do that every night?” Jupiter inquired. He noticed Phoenix’s flirtation and raised a brow. “What? With me?” He blew air through his lips. “Come on pretty boy, you think all it takes is a cute face for me to unzip and unwind?” He reached out and took Phoenix’ face in his hand, squishing his cheeks. “I’m a gentleman who likes to seduce and be seduced.” He let go of his cheeks, resting his hand on Phoenix’s jaw and running a thumb over his lips. “Try a little harder, okay?” he winked. 
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sp33d-racer · 4 years
Phoenix loved his job, really. He made money enough to keep him well fed, clothed and satisfied for at least 7 years if he stopped working at that moment. But he didn’t want to, because Phoenix loved the thrill of the chase. Phoenix was a car racer and a good one at that. He loved cars and the power that he had under his feet and hands whenever he sat in the car; whenever he pressed his boot to the accelerator. When he was behind the wheel Phoenix felt like he could fly. Maybe it was the near death experience at such a young age that had him craving to get close to the void. But with the good there was also bad. Now, to be fair, the bad wasn’t terrible but it certainly wasn’t fantastic either. Phoenix didn’t mind being social as long as he wasn’t the centre of attention, he despised having all eyes on him: he preferred very much to simply blend in. To watch, To choose who he wanted to talk too. Choose he wanted to fuck. Drugs and alcohol made party’s more bearable, the promise of getting laid was also a upside as well. And maybe if he knew that the races were being rigged so what? He didn’t particularly care. He got paid, money was made and that’s all that mattered. Phoenix didn’t care who got hurt because he never let himself get attached. 
 But then there was Jupiter. Jupiter was on two of Phoenix’s metaphorical lists being; ‘want to fuck’ and ‘want to figure out’. Jupiter was tall, dark and incredibly handsome and absolutely Phoenix’s type. He was always at the races, never as a competitor (Phoenix noted) always on the sidelines. The business he worked under was quiet extensive and employed people of all nationalities, ages snd genders so it was hard to pinpoint who was on the crew and who was the crew. Lucas Mikaelson was smart in he didn’t let everyone in on the secrets; the drugs, the sex, the tampering. Phoenix had met Lucas’ son - Thomas - at high school and he became one of Phoenix’s only real friends. Thomas knew of Phoenix’s car jacking tendency’s and eventually introduced him to his father, the rest was history. 
 It was a night that was an all too familiar scene - another win, another loss. Another after party. This time, Vegas. It wasn’t the first time in Vegas, nor would it be the last, but it was the first time Phoenix was actually planning on furthering his conversations with Jupiter. Phoenix had recently dyed his hair a shocking shade of bright red and for the party had matched a large Chanel Ruby earring with it. Phoenix was dressed in his usual leather pants, branded Louis Vuitton boots and low cut (tasteful) leaped print top. It didn’t take long for him to spot Jupiter having conversation out on the balcony with one of the other races on the team. Phoenix pulled his vape pen from his back pocket and slunk out onto the balcony. “You always look like you’re thoroughly enjoying yourself at these parties” Phoenix inserted himself rather rudely, eyes on Jupiter “Think you’ll get bored of them?” The other racer, Monica - Phoenix recognised her as - scowled and left.
Jupiter had a girlfriend back home but he wasn’t going to stop Monica from flirting with him. He would never cheat on Lily with another woman, she was much too nice for that-- much too nice for him really. But Lily was back home while Monica was right in front of him and the microdose of ecstasy made it hard for him to deny her advances. She let him touch his arm, even squeeze his muscles, but he wouldn’t let it go farther that than. Not that any of that was going to happen as soon as Phoenix showed. Jupiter looked at the racer and scoffed, then looked back at Monica who was already leaving. “You’re ruining my game, pretty boy.”
Phoenix wasn’t a bad guy. In a relative sense. The guys Jupiter couldn’t stand were the ones that talked shit about their girlfriends to other guys for a laugh or thought their dicks were so great that they gave hookers mind-blowing orgasms. Thieves were fine, he’d been raised by dealers, and met a couple nice hit-men in his time. But it was guys like that he couldn’t stand. So Pretty-Boy-Phoenix was alright. If a little eccentric. Jupiter looked him up and down. “Really embracing the Vegas vibe huh?” He unbuttoned the top button of Phoenix’s leopard print shirt. “Are you going to the slots later tonight?”
He looked Phoenix in the eye. Jupiter made it no secret that he found the racer attractive even if he passed it off as a joke. He had dark eyes you could get lost in and lips that were full but masculine. Jupiter was pretty sure the guy’s face was perfectly symmetrically which someone told him was a sign of attractiveness. Come to think of it, it might have been Lily. She was smart like that. The only flaw Jupiter could really pin-point on the other man was that his ears stuck out, a bit like Dumbo. But if Phoenix was self conscious about this he did show it, especially with his choice of jewelry. Alright there was one other thing that wasn’t super attractive-- “you look like a stop light” He messed up Phoenix’s hair. “Trying to confuse the other racers?”
Jupiter himself was dressed pretty standard. Dark jeans and a large, loose shirt printed with a graphic MF Doom’s mask, a few gold bangles-- since this was one of the few times their jangling wouldn’t get in the way of his work. Still, the most expensive thing on him was his sneakers. Jupiter pointed to Phoenix’s vape, “let me hit that. Unless you’re squeamish about indirect kissing.”
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sp33d-racer · 4 years
Give me a plot where two guys are criminals, drug runners, weapons smugglers; whatever. They’re terrible, always partying and over indulging and doing what they want. But behind the scenes the two guys love touching each other– it starts with hand jobs, then blowjobs… but soon they’ll just be sitting on the couch and cuddiling or holding hands in the van after a job. There is a softness they only show to each other even while still covered in blood. 
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sp33d-racer · 4 years
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Nathan Stewart-Jarrett
—Born: 4 December 1985
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