spacebcy · 4 years
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“the condescending tone! not a good look on you, big guy.” she hoists herself up, sitting on his desk, facing him. “you really think you’re so smart, and we’re all struggling to catch up, don’t you?” lila shrugs, taking a page from his hands. she gives it a brief glance before dismissing it. she’s not stupid, she knows some basics. can’t time travel if you don’t understand at least a little bit about physics. “have you ever considered you’re just not saying it in a way that retains people’s interest?”
no one’s asking you to stay. no one ever has, but then again, lila has never wanted to stay. not until diego. but she’s still processing everything. privately, she’s grieving her parents all over again, she’s grieving the mother she thought she had, she’s grieving the life that was taken from her. but he doesn’t need to know that. “your brother promised me a family, isn’t this what families do? stick around and be a pain in each other’s ass? you should know that, mr. love shouldn’t have to hurt this much.”
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he could have worded that much better , and he knew that he could the moment the words passed his lips. it was written all over his face. “ what’s wrong with how I explain it ? “ he asked with a minor hesitation as he mulled over his previous teachings . . . but it could explain how he tended to repel company over totalitarian mindset developed by the prolonged presence of SIR REGINALD.. even if so much time passed , his entire ethos remained compromised, despite the minor breakthrough.
luther didn’t mind lila’s company , however it baffled him at times because ideally he should harbor a grudge. but there were similarities in her actions that lingered the thought of . . .perhaps they were more alike than he thought . . . in a way.   “ that’s the general idea , “ he didn’t always blend well with his siblings as he hasn’t always been the easiest to get close to. nor was he a very amiable presence. their fighting exceeded their chances to bond like normal siblings. nothing about their lives were normal. “ you remembered what I said ? “ the fact that she did genuinely surprised him. he relented his guard slightly. “ I didn’t mean that I didn’t want you here ,, I just don’t see why you’d want to stay. “ diego’s words were true , but luther was used to being in solitude , even he was still trying to re-navigate his place in his sibling’s lives. 
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spacebcy · 4 years
luther hadn’t even gotten through his fourth glass of whiskey ( it took a lot to create a cognitive dissonance ). it was ironic how he originally sought solitude , yet he found himself at a bar . . . during karaoke hours. “ klaus -- I -- “ he was about to reject the idea until he looked at his brother and a sigh left him. “ fine, fine -- “ maybe it’ll be their turn after another round. he’s never gotten up and sang karaoke before , he’s never found the opportunity or the confidence to do so. he certainly isn’t confident now, but why not ?
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“oh,” klaus’ eyes lit up as he spun around to look at the person closest to him.  he waved the tablet in his hand as though someone would be able to read the screen from both, that distance and with the motion added on.  “KARAOKE,” he finally clarified and then continued on, “i’m going to sign us up.  what do ya say, wanna duet with me ?”
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spacebcy · 4 years
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                         ᴏɴᴇ ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏɴᴇʟɪᴇꜱᴛ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ
full name: luther hargreeves
alias: number one , spaceboy , or luther
age: thirty
occupation: astronomer
marital status: single
sexual & romantic orientations : pan - romantic , bi - sexual
gender identity: cis male
religion: agnostic
their parents: his real parents are a mystery to him , the only one’s he has ever known were sir reginald and grace hargreeves. luther would have done everything for their father , guided by broken moral compass by the man’s lack of inability to be a father.
their siblings: all six of his adopted chaotic siblings.
their significant other : n/a
any children? n/a
any wanted connections?  any possible exes , science kindred spirits , training buddies -- honestly anything.
:: // IN DEPTH
current canon: luther hargreeves was pulled back into a broken timeline by the decision making caused by him and his other siblings. (( i’ll do each one another time )
theme song: one is the loneliest number by the beatles
3 likes &. 3 dislikes: likes : astrophysics , doing something meaningful, and dislikes: murder , unresolved issues , and failure
the usual haunt: science wing
skills: enhanced strength , durability , resilience , astronomical intelligence
luther’s essentially trapped in a relationship with a father who abused him, but who was his sole parental and authoritative figure for so long that it’s no wonder he tries to emulate what his father would have done and the choices he made. he doesn’t know of any other way to be because he hasn’t experienced that for himself. his siblings are his only gauge of “normality”.
 what he saw as his life purpose was robbed from him and realized it meant nothing, so he’s in search of his true calling.
his morale is very high , and has a set way of thinking that can be persuaded with reason. depends.
was also earth’s youngest astronaut.
lived on the moon for YEARS , all for his ‘father.
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spacebcy · 4 years
“  i never have any idea what you’re talking about  ”  LILA & LUTHER @sweetsprites​
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blue eyes guide towards her direction , not landing on her before pulling back to his current research. how ironic their jagged union came to be.  chapped lips part with a heavy sigh leaving him. “ astrophysics aren’t for everyone, that’s true. “ he grumbled but exuded patience still. “ no one’s asking you to stay. “ he pointed out as they end up in each other’ s pathway..
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