spacemama-askblog · 2 years
HELLO. you creature-woman.
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The so-called "creature-woman" emerged from her washing machine.
" Bonsoir, creature-anon ."
I don't know if being called a creature by a French person is an insult or not.
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
(Well I'm super glad you enjoy the content, anon! I'm very sorry that I've been a bit busy lately, but I've been trying to pump out more Space Mama art, so hopefully I'll manage that and we'll be on a roll again.)
(In the meantime...)
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
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" ...What are you calling me a baka for? "
Denis has no idea what that means, probably for the best.
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
(This applies to this blog as well!)
Small break is over, asks are opened for the meantime. 
However, I will be a bit busy, please be patient when it comes to asks.
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
How is the first king going, Space Mama?
" I believe The First King is alright. " She replied, glancing around before realizing that...
Everything was empty at the moment. Nothing but an anon, Space Mama, and the clouds...
And the washing machine.
She gave a saddened look at her surroundings, the lack of friends was quite upsetting.
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
undead virgin lol
" ... " She was quiet for a moment. She- wasn't sure how to feel about being called a virgin, despite the fact it's true, she's a virgin, even after her dating two people, one she even got married to once.
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
(Would you consider that the end of that session, or should we keep going?)
(I don't necessarily end roleplays/sessions [exception being it just dies out] but if you feel most comfortable with it ending, that's completely alright!)
(BUT if you would like to continue it sometime but you want to do it somewhere else, my messages are opened on this blog and my main blog (@raygore). I do also have Discord, I'm not too active on there but it's another place for private-messaging.)
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
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Also here’s some concept art I made of my Space Mama design, way before the askblog came to be. 
You can see there’s quite a few differences with these designs, such as the lack of halo, (oddly) striped scarf, her potentially having a cape instead of a thin flowing dress, and-
A sweater with… phantom limbs. Yikes. (And also the wait isn’t she canonically dead? note. That’s peak comedy.) 
There’s also another part where it states she takes offense easily “(like a fae)” but I ended up making her a lot, lot sweeter ‘cus I wanted people to get attached to her, not be like ‘oh she’s a bitch.’
I do remember that I was like, super buzzed out when I was making these so that’s why they look so wonky. 
Be thankful for the Space Mama y’all got, I don’t think the Rayman fandom would’ve taken phantom-limbed Space Mama nicely. 
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
" Eh- What- about Marie, dear? " Space Mama seemed a bit unnerved by the sudden mention of Marie's name...
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
Holly looked down at their hands for a bit with a little smirk, "Your hands are big, but gentle and soft." She remarked as she let the lady outside. Due to how big the place was, after all it did house the people who died over who knows how long of a time, it did take a while to get down to the middle level of the Land of the Livid Dead and then they just had to find the exit out of that place.
Denis chuckled softly at Holly's comment, a bit of redness dusting her cheeks. It made her feel a bit giddy to be complimented (by Holly specifically.)
Nothing less, besides that, her excitement grew even despite the lengthy travel, her hands starting to shake as she thought of the many things she could do outside of her heavens. Perhaps she could even perform again...
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
"Very well darling, i'll lead the way." She stated as she went outside the door, before stopping up for a moment, "Do you think Sir Dark was on to something when he called you my girlfriend?" She asked quickly as she yet again continued to go for a bit before spreading her wings to start flying.
Space Mama let out a soft chuckle in response, " I'm sure he just said that to mess with you... I would- assume that. " It was a weird thing for Sir Dark to say, but perhaps he said it in a burst of anger, as an attempt to tick the two off.
Denis subconsciously grabbed Holly Luya's hand as she took a deep breath as she stepped out. She was a bit more comfortable now since Holly was guaranteed to be by her side during this, although still a bit nervous on the possibility of getting run over by a crowd of fans. If anyone even cared about her acting these days.
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
"Just remember to keep an eye on the clock when you decide to leave. Want me to travel with you, or do you wanna go a bit on your own for a bit?" She asked her friend.
Denis cocked her head to the side as she thought for a bit, " I think I'd be more comfortable if I went with someone... For now, at least, 'till I get used to a routine of going out. " Which it makes sense why she wouldn't go alone. After all, she's a celebrity (an actress, specifically) that's been dead for nineteen years, imagine having fans gather up on you and overwhelm you because you returned.
She put her hands together, looking at Holly from the corner of her eye as she waited for her friend to take the first few steps out of here.
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
Also for those who WANT to view the first part of the anon's ask;
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(Clicked sent to soon, sorry!)
Holly gave Denis a soft smile, "Don't worry about it, the whole leaving the Land of the Livid Dead thing is honestly a recent discovery for most, and there's still some who's learning about this for the first time. As for people missing you, well, i certainly did, and i think i know a few folks back in Picture City who does." She a told the other lady.
(No worries! Mistakes happen with everyone!)
Space Mama was still a bit puzzled with the whole concept regarding the fusing with the lands thing. Part of her took it more literal, similar to decomposing physically but having her spirit merge with the ground, but perhaps the concept was much more than that, as the more dark parts of her mind contemplated on it being something more mind-boggling, maybe the lands biomass was all composed of those who passed and suffered the consequences of being outside their formal worlds, their energies would be crushed and dusted around to expand the lands. But it shouldn't be pondered on too much, as the concept seems very personalized. She shook her head and looked at Holly.
" Picture City... Oh, how I miss that place. " She remembered she'd do quite a few plays there, she had a very small, but well production team on her side. Sadly, Denis could barely remember the names of any of her co-workers. Nineteen years can do a lot to you.
She slowly stood up and looked at her gloved hands, " Maybe... Maybe it wouldn't hurt to step out of here for a bit. (I just have to hope I don't get captured again...) "
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
(Clicked sent to soon, sorry!)
Holly gave Denis a soft smile, "Don't worry about it, the whole leaving the Land of the Livid Dead thing is honestly a recent discovery for most, and there's still some who's learning about this for the first time. As for people missing you, well, i certainly did, and i think i know a few folks back in Picture City who does." She a told the other lady.
(No worries! Mistakes happen with everyone!)
Space Mama was still a bit puzzled with the whole concept regarding the fusing with the lands thing. Part of her took it more literal, similar to decomposing physically but having her spirit merge with the ground, but perhaps the concept was much more than that, as the more dark parts of her mind contemplated on it being something more mind-boggling, maybe the lands biomass was all composed of those who passed and suffered the consequences of being outside their formal worlds, their energies would be crushed and dusted around to expand the lands. But it shouldn't be pondered on too much, as the concept seems very personalized. She shook her head and looked at Holly.
" Picture City... Oh, how I miss that place. " She remembered she'd do quite a few plays there, she had a very small, but well production team on her side. Sadly, Denis could barely remember the names of any of her co-workers. Nineteen years can do a lot to you.
She slowly stood up and looked at her gloved hands, " Maybe... Maybe it wouldn't hurt to step out of here for a bit. (I just have to hope I don't get captured again...) "
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
"Honestly, ever since Ales got his butt handed to him by Rayman and friends, things started to calm down, eventually it reached a point where some of us was able to just get more time to ourselves. I mean that didn't stop the workaholics in the council, but you know how that is." She explained with a little smile and a shrug, when she remembered the little detail that Denis mentioned.
"Oh that? It's not so much you'd permanently "die", it's more like your life force would fuse with the area. Everyone in here can survive at least 1 day outside before having to return, though there has been records of some being able to be out for a week before returning, though i honestly would recommend taking the risk of figuring out the time limit." She went ahead to explain. After all there were other ghosts and undeads roamding outside the dead zones every now and then anyways.
Denis rose a brow, "What... exactly do you mean by my life force would fuse with the area? That sounds quite..." She thought for a second, "That sounds quite unpleasant, unless I'm taking it in the wrong way." Per usual Denis, she does take things more negatively these days.
"But- on the other hand of things, it's good to know that I can leave... even if it be for a small while. Sad to know I've just learned about this after being dead for nineteen years..." She stretched and popped her wrist, "Perhaps I should visit someone sometime. I wonder if there's anyone that's been missing me."
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
Holly thought for a bit. "Well there's couple of things. Nothing major, but it should help set the scene in some circumstances; She has no real preference when it comes to chocolate, all of them work. She has a habit of overworking herself, so make sure to remind her to take a break. Her favorite colours are blue and yellow, she's not wearing them because she thinks it clashes with her hair though, but wouldn't you know it, you got yellow eyes and blue clothing. She is okay with physical effection, but she does understand the concept of personal space still. If you want to start a prank war, do so at your own peril, because she will prank back. She's fairly easy to start a conversation with, so you can pretty much just throw a random topic in, and you'll be having a convo in no time. She won't admit it, but she got a sweet tooth." Holly explained listing a few things she remembered about her sister.
"If there's any specifics you wanna know, do specify them." She added on.
Sir Dark simply nodded in response to all she said, “ Thank you, Holly... Hopefully I'll build up confidence to talk to Betilla sometime. „ He sighed before getting up and walking away from the two, eventually turning around and waving to them, the ringed planet bracelet glimmered, “ I will see you both sometime else. Have a good rest of your time. „
And with that, Sir Dark had left . For now, of course. He could always come back.
Denis sighed as she rubbed her gloved hands together, "I think we did well, helping him a little with his new path," she said with a smile, "But I already miss him though... I wish I could visit him, but I can't really exit these lands without getting hurt- At least, I was told I'd permanently die if I leave this place. What a shame..."
Space Mama put her hand under her chin as she laid on her side, glancing down from above her cloud before looking at Holly, "...I'm quite surprised you're still here, as part of the fairy council, I would've expected you to be more busy."
(For further interaction with Mr/Sir Dark, you can head here. These blogs ARE connected when it comes to story, keep in mind.)
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spacemama-askblog · 2 years
"This place is safe for living beings, but some entities plays by different rules. For example air spirits would indeed see this as heaven and a nice place, while fire elementals would find the lower regions of the Land of the Livid Dead much more appealing in comparison. In the case of Sir Dark, i think it's pretty much just his energy or elemental makeup that makes him burn when exposing himself in here. From what i can tell though, it's not a dangerous burn, but definately one that'll make him go "ouchie"." She explained to them both.
She looked over at Sir Dark for a bit, "Anything you'd like to chat about or have help with, or do you think you're ready to leave?" She asked him curiously.
Sir Dark glanced at Holly, rubbing his eyes with his shaky hand, “ I should probably head back to see how my son's doing... However, I would like to know- Are there... any specific things I should know about Betilla before- „ He anxiously cleared his throat, “ Talking with her? „ Mentioning her name seemingly made him soften up immediately.
He was a bit embarrassed by the question now that he thought about it. He stuffed his face into his bandana and fidgeted with his fingers, pulling on them and bending them in awkward ways.
Space Mama had nothing to say for this scene but she's definitely still there.
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