spacerangerred · 10 years
"Well then it's lucky you ran into me."
Kory gave a slight chuckle before her gaze returned to sympathetic. "I'm a roll-with-the-punches type of girl most times." She nudged him slightly with her elbow then gave a mildly-too-hard slap on the back a few times. "And talking is good! Helps air out things,don't it?"
She edged closer to him and chanced coaxing him to look her direction with her hands again. "I'll teach you things to help you, don't worry..ya old geezer." She giggled mischeviously after the odd nickname came from her lips, somewhat pleased with discovering he was older for some reason.
There was something about the physicality of things that caused Benoit to react differently than if only certain words were said. Had Kory only slapped him he wouldn’t have reacted that way. Had she only used her words he would have bitten back with his own. But she had combined the two, which essentially caused, well, this to happen. 
He slowly calmed down though. Compared to some other things, well…Benoit was very aware of it and had repeated it to himself various times. Of course it hurt and it made him feel like shit, but…it was the truth, wasn’t it?
So he listened to Kory, still gazing down at the floor. If he could see he would probably have been making small mental notes on the smallest details of it, but, well…He didn’t have the ability to do that anymore. So instead he listened and made note of the different intonations of her voice, how she spoke, et cetera. 
He could remember, clearly, someone else saying that once.
"…you know…my boyfriend does that every time I’ve reacted like this…" Benoit mumbled, in reply to her action of rubbing his back, but he thought about her "You’re not alone" comment.
He knew that was true, too…because he wasn’t.
"…I suppose this is where I say "thank you," huh…" he muttered, finally sitting up straight and gazing right before him. "I’m…I’m not good at handling things like this…I never have been. Change has always been my worst enemy, because it means you have to adapt…you have to change your form of thinking, your approach…you have to start from point zero again…and it’s almost as though you’ve lost everything you had done before, lost all progress…" he mumbled. "And so something like this happens—first the explosion then the optic neuropathy…” he went silent for a bit, “…I don’t understand how some people can be so positive in this situation but they are…
"…so I can only say "thank you," although I know that saying that will not actually be able to express my gratitude…" and he sighed.
"I’m sorry, I’m talking a lot…"
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spacerangerred · 10 years
Kory let out a chuckle, though she did pause when she felt soft fur brush against her back. She could see Robin's ears poking over her shoulder of of the corner of her eye and couldn't help but smile softly. She guessed he must be scared of meeting Bluebeard, but she would have thought by now he would have realized that hiding behind her of all people was a terrible idea considering Kory's own height was only five inches taller than the top of his head and his ears often gave him away.
Instead of addressing him and making him highly uncomfortable, Kory instead opted to return to her conversation. "So Solace," Kory began, turning to face her fully. "What kind of things you like to do? I'm a video game nut myself, but I'd love to try some things you like to do too!"
Sunny laughed and gave him a wink. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't!" she grinned. "But what I really wanted to ask was how you train for your demonstrations and stuff like that. I'm always curious about techniques and stuff. I'm still refining mine. I also would love to spar with you sometime! I don't get to battle against my type weakness often enough."
"Hey Solace, wait up!" Kory jogged a bit to catch up to her fellow guardian. "We should hang out later. Sunny's been wanting to get to know your Pokemon for ages after that demonstration you did a while back. Robin too, but he doesn't seem to want to admit it as much, the little sweetie." Kory glanced back over to where her two Pokemon were chatting before turning back to face Solace. "It would be good for them all, I think."
Solace paused and looked back over her shoulder to see the redhead approaching her. She had just gotten off of patrol and was making her way to the upper Atrium to do some shopping when she had heard her name being called.
"Hm? Oh…..I guess….?" She said, taken aback. It was an odd thing for people to come to her and try to start a conversation. Most of the time, she was avoided. Not that she expected any different, honestly, considering she was the one with the reputation for punching people in the face. "I’ve only got one of my ‘mon’s on me at the moment, though. It’s just Bluebeard and me this time, so……"
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spacerangerred · 10 years
With the way their converasation was going downhill, Kory expected backlash. She expected a shouting match. Maybe even a physical reaction. But not this.
She was taken aback with his sudden breakdown, his voice warbling between stable and weakened. She wasn't too sure on what to do with him like this. She was always prepared for anger in reaction to her actions. Never this.
"It's....It's okay to be scared, y'know," she sighed softly. She stepped closer to him and knelt down beside him, the harshness she had moments before melting into softer features. "I want to help you get through it, okay? That's what friends do." She began to rub his back, hand slid between his hair and his clothes.
"You're not alone."
He did nothing.
He did nothing but press his own palm against the spot Kory just so harshly slapped, and he stood there, being scolded like a child. And rightfully scolded. He knew he was wrong. Benoit knew that what he was saying was wrong—that he was being a child, he was being selfish, stubborn. He was being ungrateful and an idiot.
So he bit his bottom lip and stopped himself from trying to say anything while Kory continued to speak, and by the end of her scolding his face was turned downwards and his eyes were shut tightly, as though holding back tears. Or rather, they were holding back tears.
"I know…" he whispered at first. "I know!" he shouted, before he finally gave up and allowed himself to plop onto the floor as he wrapped his arms around his head. "It’s just…it’s difficult, alright?! To be able to see so clearly for 29 years and suddenly nothing…” his voice slowly diminished in volume, “…I know it’s nothing compared to death…” and now it was barely audible, “…but it still hurts…I can’t help but to feel useless…” And he did. He felt useless. But he was only useless because he was scared.
After calming himself down a bit more, he shook his head at her. “…it’s alright…I…I have a friend and he’s a psychic pokémon teacher…I…I’m sure he’ll be willing to lend me one of his pokémon when I need it…” he whispered. “…or h-he’ll help Toujours learn to share her sight…” he bit his bottom lip. “…I…” he muttered. “…I’m sorry…I…” and his words failed him again. “I’m sorry…”
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spacerangerred · 10 years
(( Yes, and some for the redhead. :3))
-Kory is actually smarter than she lets on. While she isn’t the best at straight academics, she is good at perceiving character and figuring out people. Sometimes her obvious nature can make her conclusions come bluntly, and unless she actually wants to, she can get in her own way sometimes and not notice everything. But, her ability to detect good qualities and bring them out is what makes her such a good training advisor.
-Her gloves hide a slew of small cuts and bites she got from dealing with unruly Pokemon without thinking. She has no qualms in showing them, but she prefers how she looks with her gloves on. They make her look cool.
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spacerangerred · 10 years
For every "★" I get, I will post a fact about my characters.
You can specify any number of characters you want. You may also specific something you want to hear about, but not too specific. :>
ex: ★ Fears 
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spacerangerred · 10 years
The sound of open palm against cheek rang down the hallway.
Kory's glare was intense, and as her hand lowered back to rest on her hip, her voice grew several degrees louder.
"Don't say that! Don't ever say that! Do you know how many people out there lost their precious loved ones, how many people wish they had someone by them? The rest of us need to make that void hurt a little less! You are living, and your life has value! So you are blind! That doesn't mean you are useless! What makes you useless is saying that being alone will help you get better. No it will not! We need each other now more than ever. So saying something as silly as not learning how to cope with a disability is grounds for death is an insult to all those people who by died being in the wrong place at the wrong time!"
"And being convinced that Toujours can't learn how to help is not what I'd expect to hear from someone who knows how strong the love and devotion between trainer and Pokemon is. You insult her by having this attitude. And I am being this harsh as your fellow Guardian, fellow Battle Instructor, and as a friend. Get your head out of your own self-pity and let someone help you."
She took a few steps back, unsure if Benoit would try to hit her back for slapping him. It was fair, if he did, she felt. She just wasn't going to make it too easy for him.
"I plan on seeing if there are any psychic Pokemon powerful enough to teach yours how to help you. I think a medicham might be best, but I don't know if anyone has one. Their fighting type will also help with your learning how to extend your senses, I suspect. My Sunny could help too, but she has a tail she uses too, so it might not work the same. Plus, she's not the most patient type either. I mean, if you aren't going to ask for help, I might as well help you get help."
"What’s the point of trying if I know it’ll end up in failure?!" he burst out, before he caught himself and covered his mouth. There he went. Being an idiot who could care less about any ounce of hope in trying new things. Why did he had to go blind?! Why did things have to change?!
When Kory began to scold him, though, he went silent and bit his bottom lip. His eyebrows furrowed and he turned his face to look downwards. He was angry—he didn’t want anybody to be worried about him. He was going to do this alone…he’d rather be alone…because if you were alone nobody would see your misery.
"…Toujours isn’t that strong…" he muttered in a barely audible voice. "…she has never been taught to allow me to see through her eyes—regardless her own sight isn’t that good…" Excuses. That’s exactly what he was doing. She was completely correct. Nothing that she said was wrong—but he didn’t want to admit it. "I can do it alone…I’d rather do it alone…if I can’t do it alone then I’m better off dead…" he whispered.
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spacerangerred · 10 years
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spacerangerred · 10 years
"You can't give up before you even try!" Kory began to pout angrily at him, and  though he couldn't see it, her cheeks began to puff out as her pout grew.
"We're human. We have emotions, so sue us for getting them involved in things that concern us. We're friends now, so like it or not, I am going to be worried about you and want you to get help. And as your friend, I am telling you that you're just making excuses. It's not healthy to be in misery as if that benefits others, y'know. So, why not try using your Pokemon to help you? Is it not worth a shot?"
She suddenly placed her hands on his cheeks and pressed ever so slightly to get the point across that she was being serious. "Don't make me jump on you literally until you agree. It's not good if you can even tell where I coming from."
…it was difficult not to be.
His frown became more of an inquisitive frown and his brows raised a bit at her sudden excitement, though, before he unconsciously reached to the leg-pouch he was wearing to the first pokéball that rested on it. It was the pokéball belonging to Toujours…his woobat.
"I…I do…I do have one…" he muttered, facing downwards. "…though she’s more of a therapeutic pokémon than an aid…and I’m not sure she can do that sort of thing, anyways…" he pondered out loud, going motionless for a few moments before he finally faced the general direction of Kory again. Supersenses, huh? Well…there was quite the difference between comics and real life…but then again it’s not like it was much of a jump, seeing as there were some rather hard-to-believe-they-exist pokémon in the world already. He had read about it though, before…how your body makes up for the loss of a sense by sensitizing the others much more. Better hearing, more sensitive touch…things like that.
"We’ll see…" he answered simply, glancing down again. It’d be a lie if he said it wasn’t painful. It was enough for him to want to rip out his own eyes…But he allowed his mind to stray away as Kory allowed him to touch her face. It was…weird. This type of…what was it called? Gesture. He could feel her features, the imperfections on her skin and the shape of her nose, cheeks…and it painted an image in his mind.
"…yeah. I’ve seen you around," he finally answered. Would it have been any different had he been born blind?
Her final phrase took him off guard, though…
He knew a lot of people were going through a lot of pain. Loss, harm, shock…everybody was suffering at least from one of them. “…I’d rather suffer alone than cause another to have to suffer more grief…” he said simply.
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spacerangerred · 10 years
"Don't be so upset!"
Kory's voice began to show signs of concern over her now newest friend. "I can't imagine how you feel, but you can't give up trying! There has to be something that can be done to make things easier for you. Maybe...oh!" She pounded a fist into her open palm as an idea struck her. "You need an aid Pokemon! I read back in school that when people still lived on Earth, Pokemon were used for blind people, specifically psychic ones, but there were even seeing-eye canines too."
She began to giggle as another idea came up. "Or, maybe you could learn to make supersenses like Daredevil from the comics! He went blind and learned how to see without his eyes with no help from Pokemon! I mean, you already said you can fight! It might be easier for you."
Kory's smile softened as she looked at him. She honestly couldn't imagine being in his position. Not being able to see color, life, another person's smile. The glow of joy on a happy child's face. "....It must be painful."
She gently touched his wrists to guide his hands to her face, allowing him to feel how her face looked. Some old movie she watched had a blind woman do that to some big rocky superhero she met. The name couldn't come to Kory, but she felt it was worth a shot. Maybe he'd remember then...
"But...you don't have to suffer alone."
…he seemed to have hit the jackpot with this young woman. Benoit was absolutely silent at the onslaught of questions, and if he could see, he would definitely be staring at the young woman with a look that would read “holy crap I broke the dam.”
But alas, everything was black. It’d be the same with or without the blindfold.
When Kory finally stopped to take a breath, Benoit opened his own mouth to finally reply. “Battle grounds. Probably. I may have seen you around. I’m a battle instructor myself so I spend a lot of time there…Touttemps, my Scrafty, and Sanscesse, my Sprititomb also like to simply go to the ‘grounds so they can stretch out and battle…I do believe I may have seen your pokémon, too…” he finally went quiet. Benoit thought for a moment or two, feeling the muscles of his face relax into the same poker face he never seemed to be failing to wear. Pink flower…Monferno…faces…
He held out a hand in front of him, and looked down at where it would be. He couldn’t remember exactly what it was called, but the familiarity of your own body allowed you to be able to tell what you were doing and the position of your own limbs without actually seeing them…but it was different outside of that. The person who had just been brushing his hair—he could remember how she looked, slightly…but that was it.
"…this is really stressful…" he whispered, finally lowering his hand. "…everything…every color, feature, posture—everything…it’s nothing but black now…I might remember how you look, but I can’t see how you look now…”
He shook his head.
"…you seem to play a lot of games…" he turned his head to face in the general direction of where Kory was. "I was never really good at any other than strategy games. But challenge me to a battle, race, or a boxing match…" he scoffed in such a way that it sounded like a chuckle. If he wasn’t Benoit, he would be grinning rather smugly right now.
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spacerangerred · 10 years
"Oh you have?!" Kory's voice became noticeably louder at the thought that he had seen her before, hope glittering her eyes as she watched him. "Do yo remember where? Was it around the battle grounds? I'm a training advisor's assistant, y'know! Do you remember my Pokemon? I have a monferno named Sunny! She wears a pink flower. Or maybe you saw me at a meeting? Or at a restaurant?"
She all but forgotten to continue brushing his hair but now was focused on finding out how exactly he saw her, unintentionally leaning in against him as she pressed on with her questions. "Or maybe you saw me on a patrol route?? O-Or at a party? Are you a gamer? Maybe you saw me at a tournament! I love video games a lot! Or maybe at the arcade? Oh please say the arcade! I can talk games for hours!"
Hmmmm…This was a problem. Benoit could already feel himself relaxing and starting to fall asleep. He still couldn’t figure out why he was so easily bound to fall asleep. It was a curse. A damned curse!
He perked up, though, once Kory began to speak again. He blinked beneath the blindfold and scoffed in such a way that it sounded like a chuckle…so it was difficult to tell if it was one or the other. “…a girl…huh?” he muttered, and he licked his lips. “…A lot of people tend to think that. I never did understand why…I don’t exactly have a very feminine figure…” he explained, standing up straighter and finally feeling a bit more awake. “…I do believe I may have seen you before, though…I, uh….I tend to…people watch a lot. I’m not good at connecting names to faces, but I’m not one to easily forget faces…” he said, trying to see if he could try to recall seeing Kory…
Benoit gently ran his hand through her hair again to try to get the exact texture in his mind and bit his bottom lip. “…yes. I think I have, actually…” he finally said. Hair like that was difficult to forget.
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spacerangerred · 10 years
She took a hold of the brush, but couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of having one this small. It would very certainly get lost in her curls. It actually happened once or twice before. And, it was rather embarrassing to have Sunny look for the brush and detangle it from her.
She began to stroke his hair once again, content with the feeling of the brush sliding through effortlessly. It was soft, a different kind of softness than hers, a smoother soft. Truth be told, she wanted to rub her cheeks against his hair; if just felt so nice. However, Kory saw that as taking unfair advantage of a person's condition, for he wouldn't know what she was doing until she was verrry close to him. Though, she was already kind of close to him, so they wouldn't be reaching to feel each other's hair.
"Oh....my hair is long too, actually," Kory explained. "I...don't know if you ever actually seen me before....well...you know. I've seen you a couple of times before all of this happened. And y'know, I was actually like 'What beautiful hair!' and I thought you were a girl until I got a better look at you! I wanted to be your friend but I didn't see you again for a while until recently."
Feeling her hand take his made Benoit flinch once again. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to this…He was used to being able to actually see it when people were going to touch him but…now…
Sighing a little, he quietly ran a hand through Kory’s hair. “…It…it seems to still be quite soft…” Benoit finally said again. “I suppose…every type of hair has its own charm…mine…simply happens to be quite straight…” he muttered, sounding as though he was almost purring once Kory started playing with his hair. There was a good reason he only let a few people play with his hair…At least standing would probably keep him awake…for now.
"Looking" around for a second, Benoit retrieved his hand and reached into coat pocket, pulling out a small, portable brush. "…I…always carry a small one with me. It’s not quite as efficient as my other but…I suppose it does the work…hair does, after all, require a bit of managing…" he mumbled, handing the brush to Kory…well, to her general direction, at least.
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spacerangerred · 10 years
What would you do if you were Ark for a day?
Kory’s mouth began to widen into a grin as an unhealthily deep chortle came out.
"Mandatory rave! And a giant video game party in one of the battle arenas. Nothing but junk food and soda to eat! Half priced apps in every restaurant!"
Her eyes began to sparkle.
"Mosh pits!"
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spacerangerred · 10 years
10. Favourite place on the ship?
9. What did your cabin in Quarters look like?
8. Why did you choose your faction and job?
7. Are you part of any volunteer groups? (sports, politics, theatre, etc.)
6. Do any of the ship rules bug you?
5. What would you do if you were Ark for a day?
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spacerangerred · 10 years
Kory bit her lip as she noticed Benoit appear upset that he couldn't find her. "It's okay, really." She drew closer to him, pulling away the small scrunchie that was keeping her hair in its normal ponytail to let her hair roll free. He might enjoy feeling it better this way.
She touched one of his hands carefully and raised it to lay on top of her head. "That should be better, even if my hair isn't no where near as nice as yours." She began to stroke his hair absentmindedly as she  remembered one very important detail. "Do you have a brush nearby?" she asked. "I would offer my own but that is actually unhygienic..."
"Faction buddy! Can I brush your hair? Mine is as long as yours but yours is as smooth as silk! I bet you don't fight to get it looking manageable at all!" Kor stared at his hair in admiration and longing. "You can touch my hair to see my point since I just realized you're wearing a blindfold."
Benoit jumped at the sudden voice before looking around to see if he could find the source of it. Once he thought he was looking at the right direction, he looked downwards and pursed his lips. “Ah…I…s-suppose if you…really want to…” he answered, gently taking his own hair into his hands before he stopped and considered what she said. “…Um…” he reached out before he stopped. “…I…I’m afraid I don’t know where you are, though…” he said, looking a bit stressed out.
"…B-But to answer your question, I…suppose I put a lot of time into my hair to keep it manageable…it is a bit irritating and labor-intensive, but it pays off…I suppose…" he said as his voice trailed off.
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spacerangerred · 10 years
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Being a redhead yourself, do you find redheads sexy? Would you want to date one? Flaming hot hair cascading down cheek and plump lovely lips? Is your heart racing and your cheeks flushing red as the red rose locks?
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(I think i went a little over bored with this)
(also i will admit this, i trace this from a pic from this)
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spacerangerred · 10 years
She lunged at him,  pinning him to the ground and grabbing at him as fast as she could. Even though he was older than her (and probably her superior as far as rank went), she had no hesitation as she wrapped her legs around his waist, slipped her arms between his shirt and his skin, and began furiously tickling him, that sly smirk never leaving her face. Oh, she probably would get in trouble for this, ut it would be worth it to render Jacob immobile even for a little while!
Hey faction buddy!" Kory glanced at Jacob slyly, leaning in as she said "You're mine!"
Jacob turns and sees Kory leaning over him with sly look, get kind of annoyed, ” Kory, what the hell are you staring at… if you got something to say just say it! What’s do you mean by I’m you’re…
Before Jacob could finished his sentence, Kory lock the door behind her.
"What don’t even think about…., he snarls!"
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spacerangerred · 10 years
"That's exactly why I love video games!" Kory beamed "It's nice to imagine yourself in a new world instead of here on the ship!"
"Oh, but Mirror Duo Diana is a great game. It's an action-adventure puzzle platformer about a young girl who gets trapped in a mirror universe parallel to her own. Everyone she knows in her world have mirror beings of themselves in this world full of dangerous creatures ruled under a mysterious force no one has been able to conquer. In order to find out how to get free back to her world, she has to find the Writer of Days, who can control the balance between worlds. The thing is, the Writer of Days has gone missing since this mysterious force began wreaking havoc. I'm at the part in the story where she finally encounters her MirrorSelf, the version of her that is from that world. The two of them together have powerful combo moves, but in order to use MirrorDiana to the full, the game recommends a second player. By myself, I can't do as well and it is much harder."
"You are mine!" (From Kory)
David set down the papers he had been reading and looked over his glasses at her. with a sigh he looked back down at the papers. “fine. what do you want to do?” he looked at Kory, waiting for a response. 
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