spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
Traffic lights Moving forwards / waiting / go Permission within the micro-moments before the green light.
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
☼ ‘Goldfish, Common Interests and Other Sanctuaries/Empires’
☼ To produce a ‘konvolut’ (assemblage) of useful materials existing as an archive/library, a place to sit, and as an exhibition. Here you will find books and audio cassette tapes as resources on a manoeuvrable / transportable wooden bookstand, and a soft place to sit, behind a curtain as a private space or opened. This work should exist outside of the university building, accessible to anyone, free to use or ruin.
Things that lead me to want to do this:
☼ “How does anyone know the room is occupied or in use if others cannot see you are there?” - Cathy Wade. ➜
↳ ☼ Pippa Hale’s ‘Play Rebellion’ at Baltic invites audiences from all ages to be active participants in the work. Does the work exist without the body? Visitors are invited to take some out to configure their work as rearrangements of the work and as one rendition of the space. ⬎
☼ Simnikiwe Buhlingue at The Showroom in London hosts visitors who do not come to the gallery by becoming a surface to the outside of the gallery that offers dialogue with those on the outside.
☼ Strategy and feedback from action are more significant than detailed planning.
☼ Hierarchies give way to networks –
⤏ Self-interest and competition are balanced by trust and cooperation
☼ ‘Socratic elenchus’ over prescriptive schooling to seek the production of expertise and the authoritative pronouncement of trust, where people happen to have a conversation.
☼ It is generative, productive impulse that propels a desire to communicate.
☼ ‘The archive’ as this corpus mystrium is sometimes referred to generically and is a mix of social structure and cultural form that governs and directs the kind of insight we gather and pleasures we enjoy.
☼ Common interest as a realm to invite conversation and exchange together ☼
➜ Art and its institutions are gauged by disembodied technical and systemic criteria that promotes ends outside of any individual intention. The intention ends at a removal from the vertical authority of theology, philosophy and aesthetic experience.
➜ The archive, this line of thought assumes is a kind of imagined community of things beyond the horizon of our direct cognition and policies its own boundaries to authority in all the ways a secret society does, not only through procedural means of enforcement but also by less structured, less conscious cultural means.
↳ ‘This is a Work of Fiction’ – Alina Lupu: “Language is a transparent tool used to express logical, coherent and conclusive thoughts according to a strict set of rules […] We can prefer to challenge it in order to demonstrate flexibility and multidimensionality. There are many ways to use language: Why limit to just one?” – as a displacement of the use of resources as metaphors, and instead is a point of entry to understanding the idea, using ‘usefulness’ as a system to appreciate the work
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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21st June
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
21st June
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
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