spacestitch Ā· 5 years
ooc: well guess who remembered her password for this account. i got my boys back. iā€™m still here. just a heads up, iā€™m probably going to start over on all my characters because i need a fresh start.Ā 
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
Stitch walked up to the Parrā€™s place on this summer afternoon. He was looking Dash. He was bored and needed someone to go to the beach with. He knocked on their door to see Jack Jack instead.Ā ā€œHey is Dash around?ā€ @jettjackjackson
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
This was going to blow up in their faces, literally, or be the sickest thing they had ever done. Stitch and Barrel had found some left over fireworks and a golf club. They came up with the idea of wanting to hit a lit firework into the sky. It was possibly the best or the worst idea they had. They found a large empty parking lot to do this.Ā ā€œYou made sure the camera is all set?ā€ Stitch asked his friend getting his swing ready. They had to record them doing this or it never happened.Ā "I can probably hit this thing all the way across. Itā€™s going to go so far. You got the fireworks and lighter?ā€ @barrelselick
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
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ā€œItā€™s at that point in summer where I think putting a popsicle in my juice instead of regular ice cubes is peak innovation.ā€
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His mind was blown.Ā ā€œWhat!? How have I never thought of that before! That is so smart. I must have just wasted my summer not doing this.ā€Ā 
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
Lilo was practically vibrating with excitement now.Ā ā€œThat would be so. freaking. cool!ā€ she exclaimed, finding her footing on the roof and then sitting down.Ā ā€œCould you imagine? Us being the first people aliens would ever meet? They would be so impressed with human society,ā€ Lilo laughed.Ā ā€œFirst ambassadors of Earthā€¦. Thatā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve ever heard.ā€Ā 
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Stitch adored when Lilo got excited. Her excitement was very contagious.Ā ā€œI know! Imagine though!ā€ He turned around to see Lilo sitting on the roof. His own imagination was going wild about working at NASA and flying into space.ā€I mean we would only show them the good stuff that comes from Earth. Like ice-cream, dogs and Elvis. We donā€™t wanna show them the bad shit here, they might no come back. Or worse decide to destroy the place.ā€
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
āĀ  IĀ  WASĀ  JUSTĀ  CURIOUSĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  Ā sheĀ  trailsĀ  offĀ  ,Ā  shruggingĀ  .Ā Ā āĀ  IĀ  canā€™tĀ  believeĀ  youā€™reĀ  drinkingĀ  beerĀ  thoughĀ  ,Ā  grossĀ  !Ā  āžĀ  Ā sheā€™sĀ  teasingĀ  himĀ  ,Ā  herĀ  faceĀ  scrunchingĀ  inĀ  mockĀ  disgustĀ  asĀ  sheĀ  looksĀ  downĀ  atĀ  Ā herĀ  ownĀ  drinkĀ  ,Ā  anotherĀ  moscowĀ  muleĀ  .Ā Ā 
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His face scrunched up in confusion.Ā ā€œGross?!ā€ He shook his head. She didnā€™t know what she was saying.Ā ā€œOh, look at you Ms. Birthday Fancy Drink, here. With your fancy cup. Thinking you can judge me.ā€ He playfully sassed her.Ā  ā€œWhat are you drinking? It canā€™t be better than beer.ā€Ā 
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
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There are simply days when all one can do is go grab a coffee and pretend as though copious amounts of caffeine will fix your problems. Thanks to Honey, Miles knew the best spot in town to grab a cup and hide away in the corners. Heā€™d brought with a notebook and several pens, working through calculation after calculation. He had to admit quantum physics was certainly not his subject of choice, being more of a calculusĀ and chemistryĀ guy himself.
He had gotten up a few times for refills, not looking at the clock since he didnā€™t exactly have anywhere else to be beside Go Go and Honeyā€™s couch, but had otherwise remained stationary. It wasnā€™t until he felt eyes upon him that he looked up from his work and blinked.
ā€œUm, h-hi? Can I help you?ā€
As soon Stitch walked into the coffee shop, he knew he saw the new kid in the corner. Miles seemed to be focused in his work that he didnā€™t see Stitch. He stood in front of his table for a moment, sneaking a peek at what the piles and piles of papers in front of him. From what Stitch could see, he was having some trouble with physics questions.Ā ā€œHey. Not really but I think I could help you.ā€ Stitch took a seat across the table.Ā ā€œI took a quantum physics course last semester. And I didnā€™t fail.ā€
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
D: What time does their day usual start?
A: Who are their exes? Do they still keep in touch?
Stitch has had twoĀ ā€œgirlfriendsā€ Moana & Taffyta. Neither of them were serious and didnā€™t last very long. They were both in his early years of high school. He still talks to Moana from time to time. He hasnā€™t spoken to Taffyta in a while.// @mvtvnui & @sugartaffyta
V: Theyā€™ve been arrested, who is their one phone call to?
Lilo, so she can calm down Nani before both of them bail him out.Ā 
I: In general, are they organized or messy?
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
H: Who texts/calls them the most?
E: Are they the happiest theyā€™ve ever been?Ā Ā 
C: If they had to pick one sport to play/watch which would it be?
Does pro-gaming count?
T: How quick are they to cry?
O: How much have they changed in the past five years?
R: Whenā€™s the last time they had a birthday party?
Last year. He had a huge party on the beach for his 21st.Ā 
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
M: Whenā€™s the last time they talked to their mom?
When he was a kid. He can still remember the last conversation he had with her.
E: Are they the happiest theyā€™ve ever been?Ā Ā 
Finally having a family and a home, yeah he hasnā€™t been more happier.
H: Who texts/calls them the most?
Itā€™s tie between Lilo, Barrel and Oliver.Ā Ā ā€‹// @lilcpele , @barrelselick & @olliefox
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
D: What time does their day usual start?
On weekdays its around 8 for his classes but on the weekends it can be as late as two in the afternoon. During the summer it can be a free for all depending on the night before.Ā 
O: How much have they changed in the past five years?
T: How quick are they to cry?
He wonā€™t admit it but it doesnā€™t take a lot to make him cry. Heā€™ll hold back tears as long as he can. He doesnā€™t want to appear soft so fast.Ā 
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
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ā€œItā€™s PokemonĀ and you know it,ā€ Swizz squinted suspiciously at him before carrying.Ā ā€œYou should download it, thereā€™s no fighting because itā€™s not Warrior Cats the mobile game, but the cats are mad adorable, man.ā€
ā€œIā€™m more of a dog person. But Iā€™m not going to pass up some cute cats.ā€ Stitch was ready to ruin his life with another addictive mobile game.Ā ā€œWAIT! What the fuck is Warrior Cats? Do you battle cats on that?ā€Ā 
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
ā€œbuy us alcoholā€¦ funny joke,ā€ he winks. barrel was no stranger to scoring some liquor for the two of them using the old five finger discount. that was the fun of their friendship, really. there were very little rules, since neither of them cared for that kind of stuff all too much. they didnā€™t have to. they could get away with it, somehow.Ā ā€œberlioz, hm? fancy schmancy piano boy,ļæ½ļæ½ he quips, surprised. the bonfamille family were upper class and all, but barrel was fond of berlioz. he was a sweet guy.Ā ā€œthatā€™s good. i approve. when did that become a thing?ā€ he cocks a curious brow. he nods at stitchā€™s affirming words. theyā€™re good to hear, especially when there had been others who had been pretty rude about it.Ā ā€œwell, yā€™know what pink floyd saysā€” we donā€™t need no education. maybe iā€™ll start hangingĀ ā€˜round with lilo, she can replace you when you get your new college buds.ā€ of course, itā€™s a joke. the friendship definitely wasnā€™t one that could be broken that easily.
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Stitch laughed. He knew as well as Barrel, even though he was 21, they had other ways of obtaining some.ā€œOh, thanks. I glad you do. I mean if you didnā€™t approve of him, I donā€™t think it would have worked out.ā€ Sarcasm ran through his words. But he was glad his best friend didnā€™t have anything against the current guy he was interested. He didnā€™t want to get into that drama pool. Stuffing another taco into his face, he almost choked.Ā ā€œWow, bro. There go your invites to college parties. Donā€™t think Iā€™m that easily replaced. Just so you know Lilo isnā€™t willing to deliver you tacos to you.ā€ He poked at his joke. Stitch could have moved across the country and he knew Barrel would still have his back. It would take more than some college to separate them.Ā ā€œLucky for you though, you donā€™t have worry about me finding aĀ ā€˜college budā€™. Most of the guys there are dicks.ā€ True Stitch has always had trouble making friends. He just thought college would be easier for him.Ā 
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
L: How often do they post on their social media accounts?
Every single day. You donā€™t want to have his notifications on.
I: In general, are they organized or messy?
Stitch is a mess. Itā€™s surprising how he keeps his life in tack.Ā 
O: How much have they changed in the past five years?
Stitch has almost become a different person. Heā€™s more well behaved, less of a town menace and his temper has gotten more into control. All thanks to this sisters.
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spacestitch Ā· 5 years
Meme Monday
Stitch | Hector | Aladdin
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