spacevinci-blog · 9 years
Hi So I have this cute little head canon where Nico needs glasses and Will just finds them really attractive so Will and Nico has there first kiss. Hope you have a great day!!!😊
Hey, anon! Thanks for the prompt! This isn’t my best work but I hope you like it anyways. xD
“Nico?” Will stared at his best friend (and crush) indisbelief. Sure, Nico had always been attractive with his olive skin tone andhigh cheekbones and deep brown eyes and those well-toned muscles he’d put onsince he’d hit puberty. But this was something else. This was sexy. This wassending not-so-appropriate thoughts to Will’s weak, 17 year-old mind. “Why areyou wearing glasses?”
Nico pushed the frames up his nose and grinned nervously. “Ijust got them. Thought I’d surprise you.”
Will gaped at the boy and gulped. “Oh.”
The grin fell from Nico’s face. “Do they look bad?”
“Um.” Will couldn’t think of anything to say.
Nico bit his lip nervously and continued, worriedly, “OhHades, I knew I should have asked for contacts. Do you think-”
Will stepped forward, laughing and grabbed Nico’s handswhich had begun their usual panicked flailing motions. “No, gosh, they lookgood actually. Really good. You just really surprised me.”
“Oh, good.” Relief flooded Nico’s face, “You had me worriedthere for a minute.”
Will just nodded wordlessly, his eyes still glued to thespectacled glory he called Nico. How was it possible for a person to wearglasses and still look badass? It wasn’t fair! Without thinking, he reached outand touched the edge of the black frame.
“Um, Will?” Nico was looking at Will’s finger from thecorner of his eyes in confusion. “Something wrong?”
Will’s eyes widened and he quickly brought his hand back,mentally cursing himself. He laughed weakly and muttered, “Sorry, I thoughtthere was something on them.”
Nico looked at him unsurely and raised a single eyebrow.“Okay? Are you sure you’re fine, Will?”
Will stood up straight, composing himself. “Yeah, yeah. I’mfine,” he bit his lip nervously, “Um, are you doing anything right now?”
Nico shrugged, still looking unconvinced. “I was thinking ofheading to the library. You want to come?”
“Sure!” Will said, a little too quickly and stood up fromhis desk. “Let’s go!”
“We’re going to the library,” Nico muttered amusedly, hisglasses somehow accenting his smirk, “Not the fucking fair.”
Will rolled his eyes and grabbed Nico by the elbow, “Whatever.Come on, Glasses.”
Nico sighed behind him. “You have got to be kidding me.”
At the library, Nico immediately picked out a book and satdown, more like sprawled out, on one of the empty chairs. Will hid behind abook shelf and hit his head against the shelf. “Calm down, William,” he scoldedhimself, “They’re just glasses. Just glasses.”
Even with the self-reprimanding, Will was not prepared for areading Nico. No one, no one shouldbe allowed to look so goddamn attractive in glasses. No way. Nico was holding ahuge book, leaning against the arms of his chair with his eyebrows scrunched up.His glasses, standing crooked on his nose added to the calm aura Nico usuallygave off whenever he was reading.
Gulping, Will took a seat in the chair next to Nico’s. Nicolooked up at him and smiled briefly before going back to his book. Holy shit, those glasses were going tobe the death of him.
“Nico?” Will asked. He could hear his own strained voice.Apparently, Nico could too and he looked back up worriedly.
“Will? Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, leaning forward.
Will wet his lips and cleared his throat. “Your, um,glasses.”
Nico raised a hand to his frames. “Something wrong withthem?”
Will swallowed. “They look really good on you.”
“Will? What the hell’s wrong with you?”
Without thinking, Will got up and knelt in front of Nico.Wow, he looked even better up close. He raised a hand to caress Nico’s cheek.To his utter surprise, Nico leaned into the touch and whispered, “What are youdoing, Solace?”
Leaning in close, Will slowly pressed his lips against Nico’s.He heard Nico yelp in surprise but Will couldn’t help himself. Nico’s lips weresoft and warm against his and the frame of his glasses pressed against Will’sforehead, though not uncomfortably. Before Will could pull back and apologisefor being an ass, Nico cupped a hand behind his neck and pulled him closer,moving his lips against Will’s. If what he’d felt before wasn’t Elysium, thisdefinitely was. Will could think of nothing else but Nico and his beautifuleyes framed with those beautiful glasses and his amazingly soft lips and Nicoand Gods’, Nico.
Too soon, Nico pulled away and stared at Will, his eyes widein disbelief. “All because of the glasses?”
Will just stared, taken aback. He did not expect that. Blinking, he looked at Nico inpanic. “Um, kind of? I mean I’ve always wanted to do that, like, notforcefully, gods no. But the glasses were a sort of a catalyst? Holy shit, whatam I saying? You must think I’m crazy. But those glasses look really good-”
Laughing, Nico cut Will off with another chaste kiss.Pulling back, he chuckled at Will’s expression. “I’m glad I got glasses then.”
Will nodded and allowed himself to grin sheepishly. “Me too.”
“Aren’t you going to ask me out now?”
“Jeez, Nico. All because I kissed you?”
Nico promptly whacked him in the back of his head.
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
Who wants to hear how I rekted a straight boys ego in gym class today? Because in really fucking proud rn
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
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Watch: This incredible Disney prince fan edit will break your heart.
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
sherlock never stares, he can get everything he needs to know from one glance. so why the fuck is he staring at john every second of every day, probably right now, as we speak,
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
Queer Alcoholics Club
• Grantaire
• Dean Winchester
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
the squinting pose boys do in selfies
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
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the 24hour comic @memorille and I worked on together! We literally got together, sat down, wrote a 1 page general summary, and decided we were good to go HAHA. it was honestly super fun to do though, and I can’t wait to do more B)
The story is just a quick cute story two grandsons who meet! 8) my oc is Bryson, a Khmer youth living with his grandson and helping run the bakery. He’s never been one good with school and the books, but he’s definitely a hard worker, spending countless hours at the Black Cattery ( © DIBEE………I GUESS…..) and secretly hoping to take over his grandfather’s business :)… Unfortunately because he spends so much time with just his grandfather and other seniors, he doesn’t really know how to properly communicate with his peers…
Please make sure to check out Memorille’s half as well!!! We both worked on this together! Her comic technically goes first in the succession as well, but they can be read in either order!!!
Anyway it’s a pretty short comic so I don’t want to say too much,I hope you enjoy!
PS, Quick run down of my BASIC khmer vocabulary that is probably not even right because I can barely remember my first language:
Tha: Grandpa
Oum: Referring to a relative older than your parents.
Baht : Yes (m.)
Yaey: Grandma
Sous’dey, boung: Casual greeting, followed by addressing someone older than you with respect.
Chum reap Suor: A more formal greeting.
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
Whats red and bad for your teeth?
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
i’m using Internet Explorer, i hope this posts quickly. happy new year 2011
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
Transition Words For Your Essays
Transition Signals:
Transitions are words and phrases that connect ideas and show how they are related.
To repeat and ideas just stated:
In other words,
That is,
To repeat,
To illustrate an idea:
For example,
For instance,
In particular,
To illustrate,
In this manner,
To announce a contrast, a change in direction:
On the other hand,
In contrast,
Instead of,
On the contrary,
In spite of this,
At once,
In the interim,
At length,
At last,
In the meantime,
At the same time,
In the end,
To restate an idea more precisely:
To be exact,
To be specific,
To be precise,
More specifically,
More precisely,
To mark a new idea as an addition to what has been said:
In addition,
To show cause and effect:
As a result,
For this reason,
In short,
To conclude,
In brief,
On the whole,
In summary,
To sum up,
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spacevinci-blog · 9 years
Do you think Blitz got Hearth the scarf to hide the hickeys
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