spaceytimeywimey · 6 years
Also (relating to my previous ask) if it's not to much to ask, I would personally like to know, just based on what their personalities would be, how my God Tier (a Seer of Time) and my best friend's would interact, and what quadrant makes the most sense for them to be in, in theory.
Literally and figuratively, time and life go hand in hand, one perpetuating the other, for without life how would we perceive time? And without time, how would life perpetuate? They are harmonious, symbiotic. Time is the hand that holds the coin of life and death, flipping it over and over along its palm.
The Maid and the Seer would likely get along very well, having incredibly similar views where reality is concerned. Moirails or Matesprits would be ideal for these two godtiers but from a literary standpoint, it’d be very interesting to see a batman/joker dynamic manifest between them. In reality, they’d mesh nicely. There isn’t really a whole lot to say actually, I can’t imagine any bumps that might arise. Perhaps the Seer would view the Maid as a bit reckless or overzealous from time to time because the Maid is an active class?
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spaceytimeywimey · 6 years
Hello! I am happy that you are still active. ^w^ I just got into Homestuck just last year and found these God Tier concepts amazing. My best friend was wanting to know what the most preferable God Tiers would be in which quadrants to her specific God Tier: a Maid of Life.
Yo! Welcome to the fandom, I’ve been here for longer than I can remember and it’s really been a trip! Regarding your question, I don’t typically just do preferable god tiers in general, as that’s far too vague a question, I’ll have to ask that you be a bit more specific.
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spaceytimeywimey · 6 years
I don't mean you be rude by asking this, but are you still taking asks? I don't want to submit stuff and bother you if you're closed ":3
I’m still taking asks, I’ll get to answering some of them tonight actually, I’ve just been very preoccupied with my other hyperfixations!
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spaceytimeywimey · 6 years
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There’s only a million of these out there, but none that I have found were consolidated into one post, were too vague, were overly complex, etc., etc., etc. I’ve made my own post of colors of import.
I’ve probably missed stuff. Send me an ask if I have, or if something is horribly wrong. I want this to be as accurate and updated as possible. Hopefully someone finds this helpful. ^^
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Hey, new friend! I’ve got a crapton of ships n such for you, but for now I just want to send one. Mage of Blood /
Yooo. Yeah I can do that, no probs. So if you consider the Knight an active class, then we have two classes that directly manipulate the nature of their aspects despite the natural processes of said aspect. The biggest problem point I can imagine emerging between the two is the Mage of Blood, who would be very dependable, but would also suffer from the sheer pressure of the responsibilities they probably put onto their own shoulders. They want to be friends with everyone but the bonds that they create negatively effect them. 
The Knight of Life would be someone who’s incredibly domineering, likely in every aspect of their lives. From education to socializing, they’re probably perfectionists. They most definitely have some self image problems and hide behind some facade to mask their fear of failure. The Mage would make it a personal obligation to open up the Knight of Life when it comes to a relationship setting, I can see the Mage being the glue of the relationship, the person the Knight comes to with their problems and insecurities. And it probably took a whole lot of pestering, a whole lot of time and effort went into this relationship, it didn’t just /happen/ one day. I think the two could definitely fit into either red or pale, especially because the two of them value work ethic, they value getting things done, they value responsibilities. 
They could keep each other grounded, they could keep each other from falling down a hole too deep to dig themselves out of. That’s not even just at their full potential either. Another problem they might face would be looking at the relationship like a business proposal rather than an emotional thing. “What are the benefits of this relationship?” might have come up in both of their heads when entering either quadrant. That’s not necessarily a good thing. But I think this relationship has a whole lot of potential and could go either way. 
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Hello! Do you think relationship between two (or three since we are speaking troll quadrants it seems) people of opposite aspects, like rage to hope, or breath to blood, could have a healthy relationship depending on their classes?
Yes of course. I think anyone could have a healthy relationship, my observations are not concrete and nothing is black and white. They could just as easily bond over their differences as they could be at each other’s throats because of it and I also think that the situation they’re in really has to be accounted for as well. 
I was recently talking to Dahni the Witch of Light about inversion (go check their blog I love them), and she mentioned her idea opposites which really got me thinking about the functions of opposing classpects being fundamentally connected, and thus being very similar. There’s also the phrase “Opposites attract” that I think holds a bit of truth.
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Hi! I see you haven't been active in a while but I was wondering if you could give an analysis on Heir of LightRogue of Space. Love your blog by the way. ;3
Thanks! I’ve been on and off with activity lately. I apologize. 
The aspects of Life and Light are very close on the aspect wheel, meaning that at their core, rudimentary levels, they will behave similarly. And considering they are right beside each other in placement, they probably share some intrinsically connected qualities. If we’re talking about Life as Energy, and Light as photons (a literal interpretation), it’s clear to see where you can connect the dots, and as you think of the two aspects deeply you begin to realize that the line between them becomes blurrier and blurrier the more you examine their similarities. 
I can see an Heir and Seer bonding over their aspects, flourishing, as Light and Life are two more positively associated than most, and to some extent they’re connected universally. At their full potential, the two of them could be a wombocombo power couple, reading books together, sharing knowledge, giggling in corners and possibly gossiping about other people in their session. Though at their worst they could be dismissive of one another, fleeting and careless, with the Seer of Life rejecting their aspect entirely and the Heir of Light getting stuck on useless information. Overall though, I think that if the bond between the two runs strong, they’ll be a pretty great couple. 
As for the next pairing I’m not sure I could see where they’d become moirails but because the two of them are so different it’s kind of hard to see what they’d specifically bond over. It might just be their differences that bring them together, or their situation, which I would need a bit more information about in order to properly determine what drew them together. 
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Do you think someone under similar circumstances as Boo Radley, by which I mean was locked up in their room most of their life because they were told they were to be feared or hated for some reason, could be a maid of rage? if not what title do you think would be fitting?
I definitely think that fits a Maid. It would then be up to the Maid to look to themselves for what to be angry at, what to be anxious about, what to feel negative emotions for. 
Of course I’m not quite sure I read this right. If Boo Radley was kept in their room because they were told that they were a source of fear and hatred then I would assume they would more likely be an Heir of Rage, seeing as simply existing means that they are hated, means that people are afraid of them. I might need a bit more on the character to answer this thoroughly, I don’t know who you’re referring to.
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
How well would a witch of heart and rouge of mind work together?
The biggest problem with this pairing that I could imagine is the Witch of Heart not being able to control themselves. What I mean by that is that Witches typically struggle with remaining morally just, breaking the rules of their aspect gives them an ego, they’re confident and powerful and don’t often undergo the same learning curve that everyone else does. The Rogue is kind of the opposite, not quite the opposite of course, but very close to it. The Rogue struggles with a lot of inner turmoil, as Rogues typically do. The Rogue of Mind would have difficulties with their personal view of the way they react to things, thinking that they’re too emotional, not trusting their own moral compass or their own logical abilities. Of course, a fully realized Rogue of Mind would be different. They would have a very, very intense set of morals. They’d rise to every challenge and overcome obstacles, not hesitating to make “the right choice,” and in that way they might be perfect for a Witch of Heart, who would value more decisive people with unwavering conviction in the way they think and act. This pairing would be about building confidence. It would be about growing but also accepting who you are.
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
I was thinking of making a player of the blood aspect and I really want them to have the power to bloodbend. Which title do you think this ability would fall under?
Definitely an Heir, or an active class. Many, including myself, think that active players have the ability to directly control their aspect, which means where the passive classes can perpetuate a natural process of their aspect, an active class can direct that aspect in whichever way they’re so inclined.Dahni the witch of light described it best, giving the analogy of a downhill river where the water flows downstream. Passive classes could continue its downward motion or maybe even make it flow backwards, active classes would have the ability to force it to flow in different directions altogether. 
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
if anyone wants to chat up on discord about classpects feel free to message me
d strider#3005
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Prince of void and page of hope in any quadrants?
The most important thing when it comes to the development of a Page is that they aren’t at the hands of a person who’d willingly exploit their vulnerabilities for personal gain. Now the Prince of Void is a classpect that can be a little paradoxical, as the Prince class in itself is somewhat contradictory. The Prince of Void destroys secrecy and obscurity, revealing to those around them the most relevant information within the context of whatever’s happening. This makes them nearly impossible to lie to, as they see through most people easily. But they’re also excellent liars themselves, and if given the motive they might even exploit the Page for personal gain (or under the impression that they’re doing the correct thing). Though Void players typically lack a specific alignment, working to further their own ends. The Page of Hope would be faced with an incredible learning curve and the potential pale or redrom that could develop would be incredibly beneficial if handled correctly. The Prince of Void is something of an adviser classpect, and would actively guide the Page of Hope towards the potential they need to meet, likely through questionable means, like pulling strings behind the scenes or influencing them in ways they probably wouldn’t realize. Void players can be aloof, mysterious, distant, isolated and guarded with their opinions and emotions, rarely do they open up to people. But the Page of Hope would be naturally somewhat inviting, welcoming and easy to open up to, providing the Prince with something to believe in at their fullest potential. At their worst (blackrom), they could bicker, callously disliking the means of which the other creates. Because the Prince of Void destroys nothing-ness, they in a sense, create. The Page of Hope also creates through simple belief in the existence of something. Prince creates through destruction of nonexistence. Page creates through hope of existence. They do much of the same things through different means, which could cause a bit of a conflict between the two of them, though it likely would only stir up if they’re already on bad terms upon first meeting. Though there’s a slight chance it could be toxic (like with just about any relationship), there’s a higher chance it would go well. It all really depends on the motives of the Prince and the tenacity of the Page.
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Knight of LifeHeir of Hope?
At a surface level they’d counter each other pretty well, but the heir likely wouldn’t understand the facade that the Knight of Life puts up, perhaps they wouldn’t see a need for it, as they gravitate naturally towards believing in something strongly, and might even neglect their moirail for that belief. The Knight of Life would provide the Heir of Hope with a certain energy that they might initially struggle with. And though they both would have a lot of energy and they’d pretty vigorously practice what they believe in, the Knight would have a major self esteem problem that the Heir wouldn’t understand. The Knight would be a perfectionist, they’d want everything to fit into a specific format, they’d need validation, they’d pretty consistently hate everything they do, they’d have a manic fear of failing in every aspect of their lives or just plain letting people down. And the Heir of Hope, who might be pretty careless, wouldn’t understand where it stems from -- and might not be able to relate. While I definitely see potential in the pair as moirails, I fear that a problem could arise from the Heirs initial naivety. 
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Hi! I just wanted to say I really like your blog and wanted to ask for future reference if am I supposed to only ask for your input on one pairing at a time or can I ask about a few in the same ask? Just curious ^u^
You can ask for as many as you’d like in one post. Go for it, shoot.
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Hi, I was thinking of making a bard character, specifically a bard of light (because I figured a bard of space would be too hectic). But due to bards having a reputation of making or breaking a session and I want him to be a good guy, could you help give me an idea of how a bard of light would have a positive influence on the team? I think you are pretty astute judge when it comes to this sort of thing.
Oh thanks. I think I’ve waited really long to answer this question and I seriously apologize for that. The Bard of Light casually invites the destruction of light (as said by Dahni the Witch of Light - go check her blog!), so they passively destroy their aspect. Which basically means they do not directly affect their aspect, and tend to be controlled by it. The Bard of Light would sort of disregard information, they’d be closed minded and tunnel visioned, seeing through rose tinted glasses, saying horribly stupid things -- and probably because that’s what people expect from them. They’re trapped in this limbo of falsehoods, lazily wading through muddy waters, carelessly floating atop a stream of misinformation and nobody seems to care so why get up and go dry off? Then they’re pushed to the brink, someone tries to drown them, or something, and suddenly they’re a completely different person. Suddenly they want to know everything, suddenly they care about this lack of knowledge, they want enlightenment, they seek knowledge as though it were a craving, they want it so much that they even begin burying themselves in the opinions of others. Suddenly their own opinion doesn’t matter. They become a vessel of information and their biggest challenge is to not get sucked into themselves. How can you have a personality when everything you say is something you heard from someone else? They’d carry around all of this baggage and somewhere along the way, they’d drop their own. 
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Compatibility between a maid of rage and a prince of void? Thanks in advance!!
I like to call Prince of Void the adviser class because they destroy any obscurity around hidden information, often times the information that is hidden in plain sight. Which means a lot of the times they play the therapist friend - and a lot of times they actually are the therapist friend. They do a great job of listening, but they do a better job of giving advice. The Maid of Rage really needs advice. Especially if they aren’t at their full potential yet. The Prince of Void would be the type of person to sit down for hours at a time psycho analyzing them, letting them go on rants before dismantling everything they thought they knew about themselves and applying it elsewhere to provide clarity, putting the harder to understand into nuanced terms. Essentially, the Prince of Void classpect works with the majority of classpects I’d think. Maybe not the Light classpects, or admittedly anyone who knows more than they do. They might get jealous.
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spaceytimeywimey · 7 years
Most compatible matesprite for a Knight of Space? Please
Knights tend to more often than not hide themselves behind a spun facade that they’ve had for most of their life. Whether this facade is created to meet a standard or to over compensate for a perceived lack of competence where their aspect is concerned is really a situational thing (sometimes it’s even both). The Knight of Space would have a similar problem with facades, and as such would need a classpect who can understand them to some degree, realizes they have a facade, and would help in some way to lift it up. Other Knights tend to be excellent at this - as seen with Davekat. They probably don’t even realize the effect they have on one another, calling each other out. Sometimes it takes a little tough love to get a person on the right track you know? I could see a Knight of Space with a Rogue of some sort, a class I call the “distributive” class, I think the Knight of Space would find a Rogue of Heart’s compassion admirable, and might even envy them. Which would draw him/her closer to them. Time and Space work well together, even though they’re opposing aspects, and I think it’s because they are so closely intertwined that they understand one another on even the most rudimentary levels. There are just things about the universe they’d both get. Another Space aspect might be good with them, sharing opinions on the same aspect would be something interesting and shared interests always bring people together. But as of most compatible I’m not sure I can do that, I’m a Prince of Void, I happen to like an Heir of Hope, which is an odd combination. So when it comes down to compatibility, I think the most trustworthy person is yourself. I can evaluate the likelihood of compatibility, but in the end, you’re the one who knows if you’re happy. 
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