spade-of-vermillion · 2 months
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spade-of-vermillion · 2 months
Visual kei is such a funny genre it’s like yeah everyone is in every band and also Gackt is here. Gackt is everywhere and you can’t escape him.
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spade-of-vermillion · 2 months
[TRANSLATION] Reminiscence*Monochrome Checkmate (2024 Edition) - Masterlist
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✦ Season: Spring, one year ago (! timeline) ✦ Writer: Akira ✦ Release Date: 31st May 2017 ✦ Characters: Leo, Izumi, Arashi, Eichi, Ritsu, Tsumugi, Madara, Tsukasa ✦ Translator: royalquintet ✦ Proofreader: hyenahunt (JP & ENG)
✦ Masterlist ✦
The iconic event story from seven years ago and the one that originally got me involved in Enstars fantranslation in the first place.... now redone and remastered completely from scratch to celebrate the Checkmate anime! Please do check it out, royalquintet did a stellar job and we both did our best to do true justice to the story this time around!
I sat on this post for almost a week because I wasn't sure what to say but the masterlist link itself has some in-depth comments by both royalquintet and myself, so I'll let those do the talking! We hope you enjoy!
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spade-of-vermillion · 2 months
A First Step, Towards Friendship
Season: Spring (ES!! second year)
Characters: Kohaku, Hiiro, Madara
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Hiiro and Kohaku: Nom nom….
Hiiro: Ah, I accidentally got some on the table. Could you get a wipe, Kohaku-san?
Kohaku: ‘Course, here ya go. Ya gotta open yer mouth big an’ wide so that ya don't spill crumbs. 
Hiiro: Thank you, I’ll take note of that! 
Kohaku: (...He looks ‘bout as normal a boy as they come when he’s eatin’ breakfast, huh)
(The Hiiro-han I saw durin’ Matrix astonished me so much that I can’t help but incessantly worry away just from bein’ with him) 
(He disciplines in a way that dredges up memories of my sisters… or well, it’s particularly the way he made us prepare for all kinds o’ things) 
(He dived headfirst into playin’ villain just so Crazy:B could secure the first win)
(There sure were lotsa things happenin’ in the Amagi village, but by far my biggest shocker would be…) 
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Hiiro: Umu. Today’s bread was baked wonderfully. It was so delicious. Maybe I should get seconds? 
Kohaku: (whispering) With that face, he follows every rule to an absolute. He forces everyone to follow them with him, an’ any opposition turns him into a terrifyin’ man. 
(Like say, were there to be a rule that determined that all breakfasts shall be bread, what would Hiiro-han do?) 
(Would he even go as far as to tell me, who’s currently eatin’ rice, to have bread instead?) 
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Phew. I got so caught up with stupid ideas that just eatin’ breakfast took far too long. 
???: I’m hooooome!!!! ☆ I’m so thirsty after running! 
Kohaku: Mm… no doubt, that’s Madara-han’s voice. G’mornin’. 
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Madara: Ohh, if it isn’t Kohaku-san! Goooood morniiiiing! ☆
Kohaku: Yer always so damn loud. 
Anyhow, there’s somethin’ I wanted to ask… 
Would ya rather have rice or bread for breakfast? 
Madara: …Hmm? That’s quite the unexpected question. 
Have you been wondering about what food I like? I’m so happy to hear that ♪
Kohaku: Ah, no, this ain’t the type o’ question that should be thrillin’ ya. Not like I’ll die without yer answer anyhow. 
Madara: Now now, you can be honest and say it! You want to make breakfast for Madara-han over here, don’tcha? ♪
Kohaku: Who’s sayin’ what? And the same goes to you. Rather than “accidentally” pullin’ it outta me, ain’t it better to just ask why I’m questioning ya? 
Anyhow, I’ll explain… I was eatin’ with Hiiro-han just now. 
So we were in the Matrix project, where this an’ that happened… Now, I’ve got this slightly odd relationship with Hiiro-han. 
Madara: Mmhm. I see, I get the situation now. 
Oh, to think that Kohaku-san would consult me for relationship advice ♪
Mama’s delighted! Moved beyond words! So happy, in fact, that I feel inclined to pat Kohaku-san’s head ☆
Kohaku: Uwaah!? Stop! 
Actually, what’s with this weirdass attitude? Are ya makin’ fun of me, ya jerk? 
Madara: Hahaha, who’s to say? 
Moving on. Personally, I’d say that becoming friends with Hiiro-san could alleviate much of your worries, Kohaku-san. 
Kohaku: Friends? 
Madara: Yep. For example… if Hiiro-san were to invite you to a meal, you wouldn’t turn him down, right? 
Kohaku: Well, I ‘spose so. We were eatin’ together earlier too. 
Madara: Then, let’s extend it from within the Starmony dorms to ES as a whole. What would you do if he asked you to go shopping with him? Turn him down? 
Kohaku: Maybe if I had other plans… ‘sides that, I don’t see a reason to not go. 
Madara: Yep. So basically, you two are already on pretty decent terms. 
But what would you consider Hiiro-san to be to you? 
Is he an acquaintance from a different unit? Or perhaps someone close to a good friend of yours? …Try taking a step back to reevaluate. 
Kohaku: That’s true. Who knows whether or not Rabu-han an’ I have the same thoughts on this person. 
Madara: I’m also assuming that, since whatever happened during Matrix, your thoughts on him have complicated since. 
You two may be on relatively good terms, but with your perspective, it seems you can’t quite put a good name to your relationship. 
And that’s exactly why if you were able to get to a point where you could start calling him a “friend”, you could reforge your relationship with him entirely. 
Kohaku: Woah… I’d never expected you to give such sound advice. 
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Madara: ….That’s odd. I’m supposed to be your older senpai with plenty of life experience under my belt, no?
Kohaku: My bad. I just didn’t expect the friendless Madara-han to be the one advisin’ me on makin’ friends. 
Madara: Hrm… what was that about me making fun of you earlier? 
Kohaku: Ahaha! ‘Course, I think I can do this with yer idea. Thank ya kindly ♪
Now, I’ll call Hiiro-han right away—
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Hiiro: This… is a store selling idol merchandise, yes? 
Did you want to come to this store with me, Kohaku-san? 
Kohaku: It must’ve been a doozy to be called an’ brought here so suddenly, sorry ‘bout that. 
I was just glad to have gotten in touch with ya… but the only spot I can think for bringin’ “friends” is this idol goods store. (1)
Hiiro: “Friends”? 
Kohaku: Mmhm. I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout wantin’ to be such with ya, Hiiro-han. 
I thought of talkin’ it out with fists too, since I reckon that a playfight could bring us closer. 
Hiiro: With fists? Playfight? 
Kohaku: Ah, I’m just talkin’ to myself. Don’t worry ‘bout that. 
…So far, I believe you and I’ve been toddlin’ along on just “being on decent terms”. 
What do you think ‘bout callin’ each other “friends” from now on? 
We’ve even worked together as one unit before, so how ‘bout we continue workin' together? 
I’d never really tried to make friends before, so I may slip an’ say weird things from time to time. If that’s okay with you…. how about it? 
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Hiiro: ….Umu! I’d love to, Kohaku-san! 
Kohaku: Really? 
Hiiro: Of course ♪ You’re a close friend of Aira’s, so I assumed that the two of us were already friends. 
But now that I think about it, we never did walk up to each other and go, “let’s be friends!”, did we? 
From now on, as newfound friends… I’ll be in your care, Kohaku-san ♪
Kohaku: Ahaha, shakin’ hands as proof of our friendship, huh. What a nice feelin’ ♪
I planned on the two of us just goin’ shopping as friends, but I’d like ta hear more ‘bout ya, Hiiro-han. 
Do you have any other friends, like Hinata-han? What hobbies do you have, and what do ya usually talk about? Can ya tell me?
Hiiro: Of course! Let’s shop and chat away! 
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Kohaku: Thanks, Hiiro-han. As friends, from now on… I’ll be in yer care ♪
Translation Notes
Callback to Aira’s FS1 4* story, “Novices in Friendship”, where Aira brings Kohaku to presumably the exact same merch store. 
Thank you for reading! This is not proofread at the moment, but this was such a cute story that I had to translate it!! ^^ 
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spade-of-vermillion · 3 months
Hajime Shino 4☆ Feature Scout 2
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Title: President Grass and Pizza
Writer: Suika
Season: Summer
Rinne: (Hehe, today’s my lucky day!)
(Who knew I'd bag a big win in the slot machines today! Ain't that enough to make up for my losses this month?)
(I thought that of course I'd come home and celebrate, but I pro'lly got carried away and bought too many ingredients.)
(Well, not that I need to worry about leftovers when Niki's right there.)
(I gotta get back quick and let Niki—… Hm? That guy over there is…)
Hajime Shino-kun from Ra*bits, ain't it?
Hajime: Amagi-senpai? Hello~
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Rinne: He~ya. Thrillin' to know that you remember this li'l ol' me's name.
So, what're ya hidin’ in the grass for? Up to somethin’ sneaky?
Are you buryin’ treasure or somethin'? Ya look like a little puppy digging like that~
Hajime: Oh, no. I just came to pick these up.
Rinne: Huh. Your bag has…some leaves and grass?
Hajime: That's right! I got quite a lot of them ♪
Rinne: Pickin' up wild grass, huh… Why?
Hajime: ? I'm going to eat them, of course?
Rinne: ………Ah, I got it. I can see what you're up to now.
That's for a TV show, isn't it? You should've told me earlier~
Hajime: Oh, this isn't for TV though? It's just that I got a craving for it since it's been a while since I ate these so I went here and got some.
Rinne: ………………
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(From what I remember, aren't Ra*bits supposed to be a popular unit?)
(Well, not as much as UNDEAD or Akatsuki from the same agency but… each member seems to be goin’ strong in their own way, right?)
(So to see him here picking up grass like this… Never thought they're in deep shit that they can't even properly keep their stomachs full.)
'S that so? But ain't Seisoukan fully stocked with food? There's also lots of snacks in the ES break room, yeah?
If you're havin' trouble finding something to eat, ain't those better places to search in?
If anyone sees their precious idol foraging for grass in a place like this, that's not really a good look with the public, y'know?
Hajime: Trouble finding something to eat…?
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Ah, no! You've got it wrong! I'm not gathering grass like this because I'm having trouble with money!
When I got on the phone with my family, we happened to talk about how we used to eat grass a lot when I was younger.
And then I just suddenly craved that nostalgic taste so I came here to pick these up. I normally eat properly, so please don't worry that much about it~
Rinne: Oh, so that's it? You made me uncharacteristically nervous for a sec there.
Hajime: I'm sorry for making you worry.
Rinne: Nah, don't mind it. My fault for jumpin' to conclusions so fast.
In fact, those grass growin' out there are delicious too. I also used to forage for them back when I was a li'l boy so I get ya, Hajime-kun.
I even used to go to the mountains to pick up some edible wild plants.
Thanks to that, I got some basic stuff down when it comes to edible grass. This one and this one can be eaten. This one's not. This one's edible too, but it's not really good.
Hajime: Wow! You didn't miss any! You're really knowledgeable about them!
Rinne: Hehe, told ya right? This ol' me won't ever lie ♪
This one's tasty if you blanch it a little. And this one's something that only Niki could munch on.
Hajime: Huh?! Shiina-senpai can eat this? I had an upset stomach when I ate this one by mistake.
Rinne: Yeah, same here. After eating it, I felt like dyin' the next day—couldn't move at all. But that guy's all fine and dandy.
Maybe it's got somethin' that only his stomach can digest. He's the one who cooked it, after all.
Hajime: Shiina-senpai is really good with cooking, isn't he? ♪
Rinne: Yeah. That guy's real good with his hands when it comes to food. Everything he makes is delicious. When I get home, I'll have him cook for me; that's why I got a lot of stuff here with me.
Hajime: Oh, that's indeed a lot. Let's see… Cheese, ketchup… There's also salami and basil… Are you planning to make pizza?
Rinne: Spot on ♪ Niki's pizza's always bangin', y'know? I end up eating too much if I don't watch it.
Hajime: Fufu, that's wonderful! Are you celebrating something today?
Rinne: Celebrating? No, not really…
Hajime: Huh? Is it okay to eat pizza on a normal day?
Back in my home, I was taught that pizza is a treat that you only eat on special occasions.
Rinne: Oh, is it now?
My bad, my bad. You're right, Hajime-kun. Of course, today is a special day~
And it's somethin' so important that we can't ever, ever forget about! None other than President Pizza's birthday!
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Hajime: President Pizza's birthday?! I never knew about the existence of someone that great!
Rinne: You don't know him, Hajime-kun?! Man, that's really, really bad.
Hajime: W-What's wrong with it…?
Rinne: When it's President Pizza's birthday, everyone's gotta feast on some pizza.
If you only knew about it today, then I guess Hajime-kun never got to eat anything these past years, huh…
If that's the case, then it ain't good if you don't eat all those years' lost servings of pizza…
Hajime: All those years' lost servings of pizza… Are you saying that I should eat 17 years' worth of them?!
Rinne: Ah, then what I have here won't be enough. I gotta get back and grab some more ingredients, huh…
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Hajime: I can't possibly eat that much!
Can't you do something to help me?! If I eat that much pizza, I'll end up hating it!
Rinne: Pfft… Ha…
Kyahahaha! Your reaction's takin' me out, Hajime-kun!
Hajime: This isn't a laughing matter! Uuu~ what am I supposed to do now?
Rinne: Don't ya worry your pretty li'l head. I was just messin' with you. That's a lie.
Hajime: A lie..? From which point was it a lie?
Rinne: Everything startin' from President Pizza's birthday.
Hajime: So, uhm… I don't have to stuff myself full of pizza until my stomach explodes?
Rinne: Yup. President Pizza doesn't exist.
Hajime: T-Thank god…
Rinne: I didn't expect you'd just take all of that without even questioning me.
You gotta put it in your head to suspect people a little more from now on, 'kay? Shino "Majime"-kun~ ♪ [1]
Hajime: Geez, you're so mean to deceive me like that, Amagi-senpai! You really scared me back there!
Rinne: Come on, sorry for bein' like that~
Oh, got it. As an apology for messin' with ya, lemme treat you to some pizza.
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Hajime: …Are you sure you're not lying this time?
Rinne: Kyahahaha! Talk about a fast learner! Ya immediately got on your toes and suspected me! You take things so seriously. You really are Majime-kun, huh?
Hajime: M-My name is "Hajime"!
Rinne: Yessir~ Come on, let's bounce back home and have a feast! ♪
And while we're at it, let's use those grass you picked and make some wild grass pizza!
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Hajime: W-Wah, please don't just drag me around, Amagi-senpai!
Translation: Sophie
Proofreading: Ara
[1] “Majime” / まじめ = lit. means as a person who’s earnestly sincere and honest, and therefore takes things seriously at its face value. It’s a syllable off Hajime’s name, which makes it funnier given how Rinne has a penchant for giving silly nicknames to people he encounters.
Also can I just point out how Hiiro, who’s actually Hajime’s classmate and therefore theoretically closer to him, calls him “Shino-kun” (last name) while Rinne calls him “Hajime-kun” (first name) right off the bat. I just think his shamelessness is hilarious LOL
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spade-of-vermillion · 3 months
[TRANSLATION] Double-Headed Style! Dragon's Head - Directory
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Starpro and Rhylink are rumored to be at odds with each other in a weekly magazine. As the rift between fans deepen, Tetora and Kuro plan an event to resolve the situation.
♡ Writer: Nishioka Maiko (西岡麻衣子) with Akira (日日日)
♡ Released date: March 31st, 2024 [!! Era]
♡ Characters: Tetora, Kuro, Tomoya, Eichi, Hiiro, Adonis, Koga
♡ Translation: Polyphonical
True Intentions and Stances – Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Back to Square One
Interval – Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Restlessness and Injustice
Beyond the Point of Yielding – Chapter 1, Chapter 2
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spade-of-vermillion · 3 months
Synopsis: Tomoya is happy when he finds out he'll be doing a Shuffle Unit project alongside familiar faces. But, it turns out the real Shuffle Unit Tomoya's going to participate in consists of a bunch of his weird seniors, led by none other than…?!
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Main Characters: Tomoya Mashiro, Rinne Amagi, Subaru Akehoshi, Ibara Saegusa, Yuzuru Fushimi
Side Characters: Hinata Aoi, Niki Shiina, Aira Shiratori, Mitsuru Tenma
White Carol
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Black Carol
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Dream Maker
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Funky Gift
Chapter 10 Chapter 11
a MASSIVE thank you to @yume-fanfare for agreeing to help with tomoya dialogue accuracy, and @misuzuh for being my jp proofer as well as generally a second set of eyes !! i wouldn't be able to post this if not for those two <3
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spade-of-vermillion · 3 months
Probing Dice Roll / Battle on the Sugoroku Board Directory
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Writer: Kino Seitarou (Supervised by Akira)
Season: Winter
Featuring: Ibara Saegusa, Natsume Sakasaki, Tsumugi Aoba, Rinne Amagi, Madara Mikejima, Arashi Narukami, Hinata Aoi, Yuuta Aoi
The Die Has Been Cast: Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
God Won't Roll the Dice: Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17
Epilogue 1 - Epilogue 2 - Epilogue 3
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spade-of-vermillion · 4 months
Sex Appeal 101 (Jun Idol Story)
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Author: Nishioka Maiko
Characters: HiMERU, Jun, Kohaku
“HiMERU’s always had somethin’ like that, right? Pheromones, I guess.”
Keep reading
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spade-of-vermillion · 4 months
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concepts for an Obbligato comic i started making last year …
i really want to work on it some more but i can’t speak japanese so i can’t tl the story … and asking a translator if i could use their tls is sooooooo scary ….. i kindof resorted to waiting for the official engstars translation ……. months and months to go ….
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spade-of-vermillion · 4 months
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spade-of-vermillion · 4 months
may i request a kaname or a himeru please? thank you
first of all anon im sorry this ask sat in my inbox for so long. second of all im sorry you waited so long and then its this. i unfortunately think about this scene a lot
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spade-of-vermillion · 4 months
Blasphemy // Redemption
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spade-of-vermillion · 4 months
Obbligato on engstars in 2 days which means a lot of ppl will finally be able to witness the horror
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spade-of-vermillion · 4 months
Hello everynyan I haven’t went on here for a while
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spade-of-vermillion · 4 months
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I think this might be my new magnum opus
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spade-of-vermillion · 5 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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