spankypanky · 2 months
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spankypanky · 2 months
Degrading Orgasm vs. Orgasm Denial
I read of a lot of instances where the dominant (and certainly superior) male will deny pleasure to the worthless cunt that he’s using.  I see the logic in this, withholding pleasure from a sub-creature is a natural thing, it shows dominance and control over an inferior being.  However, the problem I see with it, is that it works as a pleasure enhancer for the cunt.  When it’s eventually allowed to cum, the orgasm will be earth shattering, and hardly worthy of your average worthless cunt.  Not only that, but even stupid sluts have wet dreams, and unbeknownst to it’s superior male, the slut can cum in her sleep, which is also something seemingly unworthy of a useless fuck hole.  In such a situation, the edging is worth it, to eventually be rewarded with an incredible orgasm.
However, a degrading orgasm is something different.  If I am instructed to cum while being degraded or humiliated, it stays with me. No matter how hard I tried to block things out, I would still see it when I closed my eyes.  A worthless cunt who cums while being pissed on, by one or more superiors continues to live with the shame. long after the waves of pleasure subside.  If a dumb whore cums while being laughed at and spit on, it seems that it would be far more demeaning than being denied the pleasure in the first place.  It would serve as a constant memory of it’s worthlessness.
I’m sure that there are varying opinions on this, but I just wanted to say that as a fuckpig, I’ll take the pleasure that’s given to me, but if it’s given as a reminder of my pathetic existence as a cum dumpster, the pleasure comes at the price of whatever dignity I might have held onto.
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spankypanky · 2 months
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spankypanky · 3 months
Ok so this porn clip has just . Changed me. Idk why. But. God. The fact she’s clearly signaling to breathe but he’s so close he just ignores her. The hand between her legs. His sounds. Her sounds. It’s been two days and I can’t stop thinking abt it
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spankypanky · 9 months
Some of my favorite sounds in the world occur with my cock deep in a slut’s tight ass.
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spankypanky · 11 months
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spankypanky · 11 months
Becky and the Disgusting Man
I wrote this for a cunt I met through tumblr. I figured someone other than her might enjoy it. If you’re a cunt and you enjoyed it, make sure to let me know!
Becky looked down at her phone, but she could not believe what she was seeing. She was looking at a video of herself, fingering her ass and sucking her fingers clean. Her face was visible, the entire disgusting act played before her. An unknown number had sent it to her. How had he gotten it?
     “Is that you, Rebecca?” The message arrived shortly after the video. “Respond now or else.” Quickly, Becky asked the stranger what they wanted. Instructions followed. Meeting at a parking lot nearby. Her Facebook profile, the profiles for her siblings and friends, their phone numbers appeared on her phone. “Fuck this up and everyone will find out. EVERYONE.”
     Ice gripped her. How had he gotten it? The man she sent it to had promised to keep it for himself. Stupid. Stupid to trust him. Stupid to believe him. Now she was in a bind. Looking back over the information he had sent, and the video, Becky realize she had no choice. If her family saw how pathetic, how disgusting, she was they would never look at her the same way again. Steeling herself, she headed to meet the stranger.
     A short walk later, she found a single car idling in the location she was instructed to find. The man in the car was huge. His bulk almost took up the entire front seat of the sedan. Upon seeing her, his tiny eyes widened leaving no doubt he recognized her from the video. He broke out a wide, hungry smile. The flagrant lust on his face made Becky want to run. Her mind ran wild trying to imagine what he might want from her, what she might have to do to keep him from trying to destroy her life. As she walked over to his car he stepped out. The first thing that struck her was how tall he was. His height was the only thing about him that was could be considered attractive. His teeth were crooked in his mouth, his face covered in patchy scruff, his hair was dark, greasy and unkempt. His mouth hung slack as he evaluated her, she could practically see his tongue dangling out of his huge mouth. It made her skin crawl. With a huge, pudgy hand he waved Becky over. Stiff with tension, Becky stepped towards him. He waved again, impatient.
     When Becky was close enough to smell him she discovered his appearance was not the only thing about him that was repulsive. He smelled strongly of onions and rotting meat. It never occurred to her that a human could smell so terrible. Her stomach roiling she walked closer to him even as her every instinct screamed at her to run away. In a deep, rumbling voice he said, “Hello cunt I’m so glad you made it because I was really wondering if you were smart enough to take me seriously,” the disgusting man spoke fast, as though he was reciting a script he had memorized. As he spoke his horrible, fetid breath mingled with his body odor to make Becky even queasier than she already was. “So I’m going to tell you Becky that I have much more stuff than that little gem I sent to you. I have every disgusting, filthy thing you’ve ever recorded. You really like licking toilet seats don’t you? So I’m just going to make myself clear you have one goal in life now: to make me happy. If you fail, if you let me down, if you fuck up even once, I’ll expose you to everyone in your life and that’ll be that. Now are you going to be good?” Finished speaking, he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. His bulk made the display less intimidating than he wanted, but Becky did not need anything else to be intimidated. If he had everything then there was no way she could risk him posting it. He was fucking disgusting, but he had her.
     She hung her head and nodded, tears stinging her eyes. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him, “What was that Becky? I couldn’t hear you.”
     “I’ll be good,” Becky said with a small voice.
     “Let’s see how serious you are cunt!” he put his hand on the back of her neck and pulled Becky in close, right into her ear he whispered, “I’ve needed to take a piss for like an hour. I want you to get on your knees and drink it all right now. Understand?” Shocked, Becky looked around a saw people strolling down the street, wandering in an out of shops, there was no way she could do it.
     “Please, please can we at least do it in the car? There are people around,” she begged.
     “Did I fucking say we could do it in the car bitch?” the man said, his voice laced with menace.
     “Please, it’s just too much, anyone could walk by. I’ll do whatever you want. Please.”
     The man reached into Becky’s shirt and grabbed her breast. He squeezed it hard. The pain was stunning. “You don’t seem to understand Becky, you’re going to do whatever I want now. I don’t need to make any deals with you. Now talk back again and see what happens.”
     Becky nodded. “I’ll be good. I’ll be good.”
     He released his iron grip on her breast. “Now get on your knees and do as you’re told.” Shaking, Becky lowered herself to her knees on the hot asphalt. The man loomed over her without moving. A moment later he gestured to his crotch, and she understood that he expected her to take out his cock. Glancing around, Becky saw that no one was watching them and she prayed it would stay that way. Despite trying to will herself to stop trembling her hands continued to quake. Slowly, she unzipped his fly. His yellowed underwear greeted her as she reached into his pants to try and get his cock out. She freed it and was shocked at the size of it. Soft the head was still huge, and the girth was terrifying. She was not sure it would fit inside her soft, let alone hard.
     “You better get your mouth open quick cunt, unless you want to get drenched,” he chuckled.
     Becky opened her mouth wide just as the stream began to flow. A hot, sour, bitter assaulted her as she struggled to swallow it all. Some of it escaped her mouth and dribbled down her front. It got everywhere as the disgusting man pissed and pissed. Becky could not possibly swallow it all no matter how fast she gulped the horrible liquid down. When he was finally done he shook off the last few drops onto her face. His urine caused her clothes cling to her obscenely and made her smell rank. Looking up at his piggish face and seeing it lit up with lust and power made almost made Becky throw up all she had just swallowed. A quick glance around confirmed her worst fear; a young couple was pointing right at them and whispering amongst themselves. Becky’s face grew hot. She looked away from the couple and stood up.
     “Can we please go now?” Becky pleaded.
     “Sure,” the man said giving her a slap on the ass, “I feel fucking great! Get in the car bitch and I’ll take you to the hotel.”
     Grateful to be out of the public eye Becky nearly dived into the car only to find herself hauled out. The man was surprisingly strong for someone so fat. “Are you fucking stupid? Look at your you’re covered in piss,” as he spoke he opened the trunk, “you ride in here. I’m not paying to clean this car after you get in it you dumb bitch.” Becky struggled when he picked her up, but it was pointless. He was so much stronger. Into the trunk she went. The last thing she saw was the couple that watched them earlier pretending she did not exist as they walked away. The man closed the trunk and engulfed Becky in darkness. She groped for her bag but cursed. She must have left it in the car before he pulled her out of it. Without a phone she could not call for help, or even know where they were going.
     An unknowable amount of time later the trunk opened. The disgusting man looked down upon her and said, “We’re here cunt. You can come out now.” Becky took in her surroundings. They were outside the city. Close by was a small house at the end of a long gravel road. The house was small, but looked well-kept. She was surprised given how vile the man was that his home should look so pleasant.
Without ceremony he gave her ass a firm slap and told her to get moving inside. Ice formed in Becky’s stomach as she wondered what horrors awaited her inside. He gave her another smack on the ass, hard enough to make her yelp, and she went inside. The house was modestly decorated, though the fast food wrappers and half-eaten food strewn about diminished its charm quite a bit. Suddenly, he was there, his massive hands rubbing her breasts. She had not heard him come in, or shut the door. On instinct, she tried to squirm free. His grip on her tightened, he had her wrapped in a suffocating hug now. He squeezed and Becky could not breathe. Desperately, she beat at his arms, but nothing made a difference. Just as her vision started to fade he let her go. She collapsed to the ground drawing the cool air in deep. “You act like that again and you’ll be sorry. Understand?” he said he voice laced with menace.
      Weakly, Becky nodded. “Answer me!” he thundered.
      “Yes I understand,” she choked out.
      “You call me ‘sir.’”
      “Yes sir.”
      “Now pick your ass up off the floor you don’t have time to be lounging. I’m hungry.”
      Becky struggled her feet. “You expect me to cook for you?”
      “Look you fucking toilet, you call me ‘sir,’” he said as his piggish eyes narrowed, “you forget again and your sister gets a video of what you did in that parking lot.” Panic seized Becky. He had taken a video of her gulping down his piss?
      “Please sir, I’m sorry sir. I won’t forget again sir.”
      He reached out to stroke her cheek. It took all her willpower to not flinch. “I know you’re just a stupid cunt but I’m sure you won’t forget again. Now go get cooking.”
      Becky did the best she could with what he had available, which was not much. Still, she prepared a passable meal for the disgusting man. Once it was in front of him he inhaled the aroma deeply and sighed. “God damn that smells good cunt. Now get under the table. I want you to suck my cock while I eat.”
      She froze. His casual humiliation of her made her think twice about what her dignity was worth. Surely her family might overlook her transgressions. But would her boss, or her friends? She knew the risk was not worth it. All she had to do was endure and this would end. Crushed, Becky got down on her knees and crawled under the table. She fished out his cock, which still smelled rotten. It was shocking to her that someone could smell so bad and she wondered when he last bathed. Tentatively, she licked the tip. The taste was worse than the smell. She gagged at it. It tasted like earth and rust and salt. She had never had anything so foul in her mouth and that included his piss from earlier that day. He banged his hand on the table. “What are you waiting for bitch? It’s not going to suck itself,” he chuckled when he was done talking though nothing he said had been funny.
      Steeling herself, she took the cock head in her mouth. It was the size of a small apple and she could barely fit it. Unbelievably, Becky managed to not throw up as the horrid, rancid taste filled her mouth and assaulted her every sense. As she sucked on him his cock started to grow harder and she got a full idea of just how big he was. Engorged he was almost the length of her forearm. His cock was as thick as a can of soda and had thick, unsightly veins running along the shaft. Becky struggled to get as much of it into her mouth as she could but it was just too large. She gagged noisily as she tried to please him. When the pain in her throat as too much to bear she started licking up and down the shaft. His forest of pubic hair was thick, matted, and filthy. Try as she might her tongue occasionally brushed against it and made her retch. She hoped that he would not make her lick his huge, hairy balls. The idea of tasting them almost made her want to run from the house. As she licked and sucked his repulsive shaft she prayed that would be enough to satisfy him.
He banged the table again. “Don’t forget my balls bitch. You get them nice and clean.” Her hope died as he spoke. Gulping she reached out with her tongue and licked one. It tasted worse than his cock. Fear is all that made her continue. Displeasing him was unthinkable. And so without laying a hand on her he broke her down as Becky washed his balls with her tongue. “Oh fuck that’s so fucking good. You keep that up bitch.” She continued licking while the sound of him loudly chewing and enjoying his dinner filled the room. Without warning he reached under the table and grabbed her head. He put her mouth back onto his cock. Despite her alarmingly intense gagging he forced his cock down her throat. Even with all the pressure he was applying he could only get half of it into her mouth. Again, Becky found herself unable to breathe as his dick filled her throat. He pulled her head back. She gasped. He forced his cock back into her throat. It only took a few thrusts until her jaw and her lungs burned. Tears stung her eyes. After an eternity of him fucking her face he grunted and shot his load into her mouth. His cum was much like him: thick and disgusting. She struggled to swallow it all but it had the consistency of glue. No matter how much she gulped some of it remained in her mouth.
“Ahhhhhhhh that’s much better. Been needing to cum like that for fucking days bitch. You can come out from under the table now cunt. It’s time to move this show into the bedroom.” Finally, Becky finished swallowing his load. It was only then she noticed that his dick was still hard. That hardly seemed possible, but it was in front of her. Quaking, she wondered what he was going to take from her next.
When Becky emerged from under the table she got a look at herself in a mirror. Her eyes were red and swollen from the tears that stung them, her lower chin was covered in spit and drool, and her hair was a mess. She could see the man in the mirror too. He was behind her and gazing at her like she was a piece of meat. “Actually,” he said, “before we go to the bedroom let’s get you naked bitch. I want to see those udders of yours.”
      His comparing her to a cow felt like a punch in the stomach. There seemed to be no end to the humiliation he was going to inflict on her. Holding back tears, Becky moved to obey his command to disrobe. When her breasts were free from her underwear the disgusting man whistled in appreciation. “God damn cow you have got some great tits. Now turn around for me I want to see that ass.” Becky turned her back to him.
      “God damn,” he said again, he did not seem to have much imagination in his word choice, “bend over that table I want to get a real good look at you.”
      As Becky bent down she noticed for the first time the remnants of his dinner she right in front of her. If she bent down too far she risked making a mess of herself. Bending down as far as she could the tips of her nipples were just above the food; Becky wanted to retain some of her dignity and getting her own food all over her breasts was just a step too far.
      Of course, the disgusting man had other plans. She felt a firm hand on her back and suddenly she was pushed down on the table. The partially-eaten remnants smeared all over her chest and belly. “When I say bend over I fucking mean it.” Then, she felt an impact on her ass that made her yelp in pain. He had smacked her with something hard and metallic. He hit her again, this time she barely managed to not scream. He beat on her ass a third, fourth, fifth time. Each time Becky had to bite back a scream. She did not want to give him the satisfaction of hearing her scream. In all he gave her twenty smacks with what turned out to be his belt buckle. “Next time you don’t listen right I’m going to beat on those udders of yours, understand?”
      Becky nodded, blinded by the tears in her eyes.
      He hit her ass again. “I asked you a fucking question.”
      “Yes sir I understand sir.” He hit her again.
      “Good. Now reach back and spread your ass cunt, I want to get a look at you.”
      Feeling sticky and disgusting Becky reached back and put herself on display for him, burning away more of her dignity. She could feel his eyes examining her pussy and ass. Suddenly, she felt his fingers probing at her. Mortified at how easily his filthy finger slipped into her. Becky hated herself for being so wet and could not understand her pussy was betraying her like this. His finger was almost as thick as a cock itself and it filled her pleasurably. Without thinking, Becky moaned. At that the disgusting man chuckled. “Look at you fuckpig,” he said as he fingered her, “wet before I even touched you. What kind of cunt are you anyway.” He pulled his finger out of her. It started pushing against her ass and that made Becky tense up. Her ass was extremely tight even when she was relaxed and she was far from relaxed right now. Painfully he tried to force his finger inside, but made no progress. After a minute of pushing he stopped.
      “Going to have to do something about this ass bitch. First, it’s too tight. Second, the color on your asshole is just nasty. You need some anal bleaching or some shit.” Hearing a man so disgusting, so repulsive, and so rank criticize any aspect of her appearance made Becky’s stomach turn. It made her feel like garbage. Then, his finger was in her mouth. She could taste her own pussy, the remnants of the meal she made (indicating he had eaten with his hands?) and something foul at the tip. She knew what that taste was and it made her feel degraded anew. “Oh yeah suck it good bitch.”
      Now Becky felt the man’s huge cockhead poking at her pussy. She pulled her mouth off his finger and said, “Will you wear a condom? Please? Sir?” her quiet voice was filled with momentary hope, dashed as soon as Ian replied.
      “Fuck, no! I’m riding you bareback, Becky!” For a moment she thought about how easy it would be to kick him in his surprisingly large balls, or simply make a run for it and deal with what came afterward. Normally Becky was strong-willed, confident, and outgoing, but this disgusting man had somehow turned her into his powerless slut. She felt him grab at her breasts as he lined his dick up with her wet slit. She could hear the labored, excited breathing so close behind her. She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror, and the greedy lust in her blackmailer’s eyes. He was drooling visibly, and tugged stunning blonde her hair back sharply as she tried to look down.  The moment’s pain told her she was to watch as she was taken from behind. In one swift motion he buried half his cock in her.
     “Oh god damn! It’s amazing! I can’t believe how good your cunt feels! What do you think of my cock, fuckpig?”
“It’s big!”
The words were out of Becky’s mouth before she could stop them, and in the mirror the disgusting man saw her face blush a dark shade of red yet.  The smirk of arrogant pleasure on his fat face only compounded her fresh degradation, but there was no doubt that as much as Becky hated being taken by this nauseating loser, his cock felt good sliding inside her.
“I had no idea how much of a whore you were! Tell me you want me to fuck you, make it sound good!”
The words almost stuck in her throat.  The man’s sweaty soft body pressing into her back was utterly disgusting to her, and he smelled atrocious. She her felt moist and gooey as his thrusting pushed her deeper into the food. What she wanted to cry was “No! God, no! Please just let me go!” but what she said was, “Please fuck me sir! I want to be your whore!”
“Yeah, you fucking cow!” He withdrew almost his entire dick and then slammed it back into her hard enough to make her cry out. Wet and no stranger to sex, Becky felt her unwanted pleasure growing as the fat man rutted on her.  It was so shameful to find that she was physically enjoying this blackmailed fucking from possibly the ugliest man she had ever seen.  She moaned, and then clamped her mouth shut. It was too late, the damage was done.
“C’mon, Becky you slut! Open your dirty mouth and moan like a whore for me!”
“Yes sir,” she said. She moaned again. Becky’s moaning clearly had a powerful effect on her the disgusting man.  His thrusts grew shorter and faster, and she could tell that he was close to coming. The idea of being filled with his vile cum was too much for her to bear. Feeling a little more of her dignity die Becky begged, “Please sir let me swallow your cum. I want it in my mouth so much. I want to suck out every drop.” She prayed he would accept his offer.
Her prayers went unanswered. The disgusting man He pushed forward hard, and wrapped his arms around Becky.  She was completely crushed between him and the table, barely able to breathe, as he shot his pent up cum as deeply into her as it would go. To add insult to injury, his last desperate thrusts pushed her over the edge as well. Becky’s scream of pleasure was translated to a strangled gasp as she shuddered in his fat grasp, but her squeezing pussy milked fresh blasts from the large cock buried deep inside her.
After an eternity of emptying is balls inside her he finished cumming at last. He staggered backwards and landed heavily on his fat ass, withdrawing from Becky’s gaping cunt with a horrendous wet slurping noise. She could feel his thick cum dribbling out of her and down her legs. She lay prone over the table, unable to raise her face or look her reflection in the eyes. Aftershocks of pleasure radiated from her sensitive clit and compounded her shame. It made her want to die. How could she let herself be so thoroughly used. How could she cum while he forced her to pleasure him. She had become a cum dump for a man so repulsive it would have been a miracle if this was not the first time he fucked a conscious woman. The humiliation was too much, so she lay passively until finally the disgusting man pulled himself up to his feet.
He bent over and grabbed Becky by the hair pulling her off the table. He dropped her painfully to her knees and shoved his dick into her face, “Lick it clean you nasty bitch,” he said. She looked up at him and he looked positively giddy. He looked as though he could not imagine his luck. Defeated, she began lapping at his cock with her tongue, trying hard to ignore the taste. “You came at the end there didn’t you? Tell me the truth!” With great reluctance, Becky looked up at him and nodded.
He slapped her, “I can’t hear you cunt.”
“Yes I came sir,” Becky said in between licks. She did not want to give him another excuse to hit her. She could feel her pussy leaking and making puddle on the floor between her legs as she remained on her knees. How much had he cum in her?
“Keep using your tongue only! That’s how you sluts like it, right, Becky? Look me in the eye and tell me you like it!”
“Yes… Yes, I like to use my tongue.”
“God you whore, you slut, you filthy bitch, look at you fucking a guy like me just for my huge cock, isn’t that right?”
The insults continued on and on. The smell and taste lessened as Becky worked her tongue along his shaft, or perhaps she grew used to them. She licked him until he grew hard and straight again, and again she was impressed with his size.
“Climb on, Becky. This time I’m just going to lie here while you ride me you dumb cunt!”
When the disgusting man laid back, his bliss written across his face, Becky slowly lowered herself onto the fat man’s rigid shaft.  Her sticky thighs descended until she sat astride his legs. He grabbed her breasts suddenly, painfully groping at her tender flesh and stiff nipples.  A fresh moan escaped her lips as began to move on top of the disgusting man.
“Hey,” he said playfully, “you know something?” he waited for her to nod.
“I have cameras all over this house uploading to a secure server! You’re a fucking porn star you stupid bitch!”
The shock of his statement almost made Becky stop fucking him. But, she thought to herself, she had already fucked him once because of what he already had on her. What was one more thing? Becky didn’t stop fucking disgusting man, it was too late for that.  She found that on top of all the humiliation the night had wrought, the footage could hardly make things much worse.  Riding on top, controlling the depth and speed of the fuck, Becky realized she was moving like a willing lover.  She looked down past his groping hands to his bulk spread out beneath her, and into the lust twisted ugliness of his face, and found she was moving even faster.  He was going to cum inside her again, and compound her humiliation again. Yet, she wasn’t even going to try and stop him this time.
She realized now she had truly become a whore for this disgusting man. And the obese tub of lard was surely going to blackmail her many more times, if he really had filmed her.  The thought of being forced into ever more degrading acts racked her with a fresh wave of humiliation. Perhaps one day the man would burn away the last of her shame, but for now the last of Becky’s pride kept her blushing as she rode the guard to a loud grunting climax on his part. He stiffened beneath her, and she knew he was shooting more of his filthy cum into her. He groaned and trashed like an animal, his huge paw-like hands digging cruelly into her thighs holding her in place as he drained himself inside her.
When he was finally done he allowed Becky to climb off of him.
“Tell me bitch, are you on birth control?”
“I am sir,” Becky answered; she could feel her face turning red.
“Not anymore you’re not. Throw that shit away, understand?”
“Will you at least use condoms then sir?” Becky asked with a hollow voice.
“Fuck no!” he thundered, the words made her flinch, “now do as you’re fucking told or the whole internet is going to see you riding my dick.”
Becky nodded. “If you don’t want that tape going public, then you’re going to meet me every time I call you.” He did not say it like a question, it was undoubtedly a command. Becky nodded again.
“Good, now get the fuck out of here. Leave your panties. They’re mine now.”
He allowed her the luxury of sitting in the front seat of the car on the way back. He played with her tits the entire time, no matter who could see them. Becky kept her eyes closed to block out the world as he pawed at her. When they finally arrived the disgusting man pulled her to him for one final slobbery disgusting kiss before allowing her to leave. She heard the disgusting, fat asshole, her new master, laughing at her back. She desperately wanted to forget him, but she knew that if and when he called her she would come and she would feel him inside her again, be assaulted by his vile stench. and hear his labored breathing.
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spankypanky · 5 years
So turns out a bunch of you want to know what inspired my post about sucking the cock of a guy who’s not paying attention to you. Such a surprise. Ok then.
It was the guy who I picked up the other night. Or I guess the guy I let pick me up. We’d been texting. It started when I asked him what kind of porn he was into. He told me some stuff so I sent him some hookups hotshots stuff to tell him what I was into.
So the conversation got filthier. I reminded him I’m not a girl he’s looking to date I’m a girl who let him go A2M on a one night stand, he probably shouldn’t worry about offending me.
It got filthier. Heh.
Anyway he told me he was working from home and all this sexting was making it really hard to concentrate so I playfully suggested I come over and suck him off under his desk. He told me he had a conference call when I was free between lectures but I shouldn’t let that stop me. So I didn’t.
I turned up at his and we didn’t waste any time, he just told me to get my top off and get on my knees. I unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out while he dialled into the call.
And that was my lunch break. He had his conference call with one hand resting on the back of my head just holding me down on his cock. Sometimes he’d absently rock me back and forth on it but mostly just left me there. For aaaages. I drooled on myself so fucking much and I’m actually kinda glad he had me take my top off because I had a lab right after and my top would have been a mess, lol
It wasn’t all being ignored though. After what felt like forever he said “hang on just a moment” and I guess he must have put himself on mute because next thing I know both hands are on my head and he’s bouncing me up and down on his cock furiously. Like he’s jerking off with a toy. Sure enough after not a whole lot of skull fucking he cums right in my mouth, then hand still holding me down he says “fuck, that’s better” and then “sorry about that, where were we?” Like nothing at all had happened.
He kept me down there sucking on him for the rest of the meeting which was long enough for him to get rock hard again. When he hung up he sat back and told me to get to it. So I blew him, eagerly. I was very, very turned on at this point and gave him my best enthusiastic sloppy pornstar head and soon enough he blew another load in my mouth.
Then he just said he had to get back to work but we should do this again some time. And that was that. I wiped myself down, put my top back on and left and went back to class. Well, I stopped to get some mints on the way, heh. Not sure it quite masked the dick breath but here’s hoping.
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spankypanky · 5 years
Umm doctor... when I squeeze my nipples milk comes out, and I’ve never been pregnant 🥺
Aren’t you just a special little medical mystery, pretty girl.
The doctor would have you admitted to her service and examined right away, your nipples pinched, squeezed, twisted, palpated, pulled and tugged at despite their sensitivity. You would whimper and get so embarrassed when your breast milk beaded and dribbled all over the doctor’s latex fingers, but the nurses would pet your head and tell you what a good girl you’re being while the doctor fastened breast pumps to your chest so she could check how many fluid ounces you were producing.
When you get uncomfortable and try to pull the breast pumps off, that is when everything changes. The nurses hold your arms away from your body and strap them to the side of the bed, your clothes are cut away from your limbs with medical scissors, your legs are placed into stirrups, somebody notices how drippy and wet you are between your thighs and the doctor steps around to take a closer examination. The entire time the breast pumps never stop mechanically suckling your milk, pulling your nipples, releasing, pulling, releasing, draining your engorged little breasts in a way that isn’t entirely unpleasant.
“Do you pull and play with your nipples when you’re aroused?” The doctor asks mirthlessly. You blush, nodding, explaining away your naughtiest secrets. “Well, you must find yourself aroused quite often considering you have managed to induce lactation, silly girl.” They all giggle at you and find it adorable, if anything.
They diagnose you with some sort of sexual dysfunction disorder, but rather than treat the illness they instead treat you like a little play thing locked away inside their clinic. When they come in the quietest hours of night they place you on all fours while you’re still groggy and tired, explaining it all away as necessary examination, as they always do. You know that isn’t the case. You’re long used to seeing male doctors (and a few females too) grow hard and stiff inside their trousers while they abuse your breasts, the female doctors (and, also, a few males too) getting so wet they can’t help but rub themselves slightly between playing with your body.
The breast pumps have long since been replaced with udder vacuums – the kind used for cows and livestock – with long metal cylinders that piston your sore little tits until you’re squealing on all fours like a little girl, thoroughly drained, thoroughly dripping, palpably aware of the vacuum violently pulling your nipples into such an elongated state that you’re frightened to look at them when they decide to take them off, whenever that will be. It’s after your first pint of breast milk that they always begin taking turns to fuck you. Regardless of whether your nipples are wet or dry, the udder vacuums don’t come off until the last clinician has finished with your vagina and anus.
The amount of hot raw loads you have taken to your womb, it won’t be long until they give you a reason for all that breast milk.
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spankypanky · 5 years
(Un)comfortably numb
During a chat I just had, I recalled this one time when I used numbing cream on my fucktoy.
She had been on denial for a few days. She actually had the privilege of one orgasm for every 12 hours she spent sucking my cock, which took about 8 to 10 days to fulfill, and made for some interesting begging on her part. I had been fucking her ass, which was my usual hole of choice. She wasn’t able to cum from it, so no risks there.
However, that day I wanted to fuck her cunt, and I didn’t want her to cum. So, I put on a rubber glove, pour some numbing cream on my fingers, and rub it generously on her clit and labia. Then I proceeded to first finger-fuck and then fist-fuck her cunt. I started slowly, and then built up on speed and strength, as her nerves got number and number. Once she couldn’t feel a thing, I put a condom on (yeah, the price I had to pay), and fucked her to my heart’s content.
I recall the exact moment her reality finally hit her. I was pounding away, and she burst into tears. At that moment, she was completely, utterly, genuinely, nothing more than a fuck toy. A hole. A piece of meat. Being used, servicing, serving a purpose, but completely unable to derive any physical pleasure from it.
I was kind enough to let her chew on the used condom when I was done with her.
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spankypanky · 5 years
Vamos jogar? rs
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spankypanky · 5 years
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spankypanky · 5 years
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spankypanky · 5 years
Rules For My fuckpet
Take care of the dog
- Feed twice a day
- two brisk walks a day, minimum of 30 min each
Take care of you:
- proper diet and exercise
- minimal junk food (only when permission granted)
- no naps longer than 45 min
- no naps after 4pm
- teeth brushed twice a day
- 11pm bed time or earlier
- 30 min of exercise a day or more (dog walking doesn’t count)
Dress code
- always in your collar
- no clothing at home ever (unless otherwise instructed)
- no panties, ever
- skirts or dresses unless otherwise approved when out
- bras when allowed
- no cumming without permission
- edge for 10 minutes every waking hour
- fuck/suck anything Daddy tells you to without question
- Bathroom use only when given permission
- Offer opinion only if asked
- You are Daddy’s fucktoy/urinal anywhere, anytime
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spankypanky · 5 years
this is a pretty extreme punishment, but i think a lot about it
having a needy sub that wants to cum very badly. denied again and again, told no multiple times, to the point where they start getting mouthy and disrespectful. finally, enough is enough, and i take them to a room with nothing but a sybian. i fully strip them and handcuff them, then sit them on the saddle. the lowest setting to start, increasing slowly, reminding them what’s to come. that orgasm they so desperately crave. it builds up, until finally, climax. a long awaited release. shuddering and sensitive, the sybian continues. a confused, softly panting sub looks up, expecting the machine to be turned off. the intensity is increased, and i grab their hips and push them down again, stroking their hair softly. “you’re going to cum. again and again, until you learn how to behave, how to be patient and wait for your rewards.”
if i’m feeling particularly incensed, i’ll bind their legs so that they can’t escape the sybian, and go off to take care of some other task for an hour or two. their cries ringing out as they’re given what they’ve asked for. return to find a crying, drooling, panting mess, on the brink of consciousness as i release their bindings and carry them to the couch for a bout of aftercare
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spankypanky · 5 years
Pathetic dumb little fuckpig
“You like to be humiliated don’t you!? For somebody to just degrade you, call you names, spit on your face and slap you around like the piece of filth you are. You can’t hide it~ it gets you sloppy wet. You don’t want to hide it~ because it gets you that needed attention.
If you could choose you would be dragged into a dark room right fucking now. Have a bunch of men write: whore, slut, use me, free fuck, fucktoy, cumslut, breedingwhore, slap me, dumb doll, cum deposit, pig, bitch in heat, smelly slut~ and oh so much more all over your body and face.
You would have them rip your clothes off. Have you walk around on hands and knees. Treat you like an animal. Cover you in cum. And treat you like the dumb needy pig you are.
Because let’s face it fuckpig. You enjoy humiliation. You get wet when treated like less than a humanbeing. You get dripping wet when somebody treats you like shit and fucks you like a whore~ and that’s nothing to be ashamed about! So don’t feel bad about it, but instead rub your little pussy until it’s a slopppy fucking mess for me.”
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spankypanky · 5 years
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