sparklystudybunny · 3 years
DAY 3/100
Yesterday was tough for me to stay productive as I was struggling with my mental health and my sister had to go to the hospital, so I found it difficult to focus after getting that news. I also had a doctors appointment, had to go to the chemist and had to cook family dinner, all of which, considering my mental state, left me pretty exhausted.
Although the day as a whole was fairly unproductive, I did manage to work on my forensic psychology assignment a little bit, so I choose to celebrate this instead of punish myself for what I didn’t do.
You can’t always stop these lows from happening, the important thing is that you try to be kind to yourself and try again tomorrow.
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sparklystudybunny · 3 years
DAY 2/100
Early start again followed by a couple hours working on my forensic psychology assignment, a three hour health psychology seminar, and then a couple more hours working on a health psychology presentation!
A little exhausted, but ready for day 3 :)
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sparklystudybunny · 3 years
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Today was my first day of the 100 days of productivity challenge, and considering my motivation levels have been quite low lately, I think it went well!
Today I did some research for an upcoming forensic psychology assignment and a 2 hour applied psychology tutorial.
Here’s hoping that I can keep up the motivation tomorrow!
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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14.10.16, 19:16 // day 77 out of 100 days of productivity
I suck at all this calligraphy stuff but I tried. this year’s core biology homework is to do the questions (summary, application, etc) in the textbook.
I never know where to take pictures so bare w me for now while you see every flat surface of my room. also my desk is a mess.
happy studying and productive days! XXX
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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{ 9-10-16 } 51/100 days of productivity
tackling ib & studying, accompanied by a strawberry banana smoothie 🔅
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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A good day starts with coffee by Anna Bieniek on Flickr.
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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“If you can dream it, you can do it.” - Walt Disney    //  all the pink notes
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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Blue vibes for chem. 10•16•16
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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more animals rated here
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
✨📚📖📝 Good luck in college applications spell📝📖📚✨
likes charge, reblog to cast.
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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[ 26052016 ] some french notes haha 🔥
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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My film team is brainstorming for our new project this week, and its just about the most exciting thing I’ve worked on at this company.
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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baby animals blog
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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47/100 days of productivity + SAT 10.8.16 // 12:54pm
theme of the week: astronomy. october sciences  (2/4);;;; starry=eyed at starry skies +++ starting dental exploring with the 3A and the 11/12 on monday! 
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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[6/10/16] some revision notes for world history :) instagram: @cmstudy
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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10.07.16 -more calc notes. 
* I’ve also noticed that many of you ‘reply’ to my posts, but I urge you to ask me directly if you have questions; I rarely ever check my posts twice for responses b/c mobile tumblr is really glitchy.
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sparklystudybunny · 8 years
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15.09.16 - still in love with yellow tones // follow my studygram!! 
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