sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
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An original of mine. I was experimenting on floofy hair.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
First human realistic face I've done right.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Honestly, if I lost this notebook you're seeing all my sketches in, if curl in a ball and die. But hey, I haven't lost it yet!
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
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Throwback to when Markiplier got stuck underneath Bob, and Fishcone was born.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
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Art dump.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
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Was watching Adventure Time, had to draw them. They're so dang cute.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Update for those of you who care.
I've been seriously busy, and any free time I've had, I've tried to do some gaming to get my YouTube channel up and running. I haven't had any time to edit about videos yet though, so I'll probably just scratch that. My puppy is happy and healthy. He stays outside almost all day with the sun when I'm home. I'm gonna have to give him a bath soon. Yay. I'm tired just of the time, and so anxiety-ridden it's painful. But I'm trying. Trying to be a better person. If anyone else is struggling, you can reach out to me. Please do.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Finally got the face down. I'm rather proud of how this one turned out.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
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Just a few doodles and rough drawings. Hope you enjoy.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
I think it's sad, the day a granddaughter realizes her grandparents can't be trusted anymore. When your grandfather proves he's like every other man in your family; abusive, toxic, judgemental, and just all around makes you feel unsafe. When your grandmother gives you the cold shoulder for reasons unknown.
But by all means, let's pretend the other night didn't happen at all. Let's just make small talk, realize I'm mad, then say I have no right to be upset. Fuck this.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Another shit day.
Walk into work, push past 30+customers in the door
Walk in, boss says will help with line.
Boss dissapears
Other manager helps bag food
Get told I have to take orders AND bag my food.
Then get told someone else is bagging food and I have to stay on top of line.
Cue angry face
Customer has 5 separate orders
"wtf is your problem?" This customer asks.
You. I think with teeth gritted .
I hate people.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Only a few Reasons.
There are three reasons I'm still alive right now. Number one, my puppy, Milo, needs me.
Number 2, I have friends online that wouldn't know what had happened to me. And I know they be unhappy, for whatever reason, that I'm not around.
Number three, I'm too big a fucking coward to do it. It'd be easier if a bus just hit me. But my existence seems to be the biggest fucking joke in all the universe, so why end the joke? I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I'm losing hair, my anxiety and anger have spiked beyond what I thought I could handle.
The kicker? It's never ending. It's never gonna get better. I've held on for so long thinking, HOPING, it would get better, but it has only ever gotten worse.
My friends are the only bright spots in this pit of pure black. For some reason, they care about me.
I had to get this out, sorry. My family calls this "playing the victim". So I had to put this where they wouldn't see it.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Handsome boy gave me a great pose. You'll notice my left knee making a rare appearance. Oh, and my dog is there too. 😛💙
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Here is my dog and his bum when he lays flat out.
He's a long but short fellow. Here's a funny picture of him no one asked for.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Feeling shitty.
I woke up with the intent to clean the house, but I feel so weak and tired and angry and just all around not okay... And I don't know what to do. Just holding this phone feels so heavy. I'm hoping I don't have the flu. I don't even have the wherewithal to finish just it my thoughts... Idk.
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Funny story
I was on my way home today from training at my new job, and the road I take back is a two laned road that no one knows how to drive on. (Except me, apparently.) Now, I'm very passive-agressive, especially on the road, and today, this woman decided she was in a hurry, and entitled to the full road. She squeezes herself between me and the car next to, and slightly ahead of, me. I bop my horn and flip her one good bird because she was CLOSE to owing me my life back. She gets ahead of me, slows down, and attempts to follow me into the turn lane to get to my street. I mess with her, as she's still in front of me, and act like I try to get back over. She nearly collides with three different cars, but gives me room to go past her. She's irate and I can't help but give her the biggest smile I can, flip her off again and head off down my neighborhood. She followed me, but didn't realize my neighbor is a sheriff... I pull into his driveway, and she stops behind me, calling me names and cussing up a storm. I stick my head out the window, and go: "You done, honey? Cause guess who lives here?" I point at the sheriff's car, she goes quiet and pale. The sheriff is sitting on his front porch, and waves at me. She peels out and me and the cop are laughing too hard at this stupid girl. That's my Sunday morning. Anyone else's going a little insane?
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sparklywolfcandyart · 5 years
Goodnight all!
I'm going to bed after three hours of training videos and several more hours of angry text drafts to my previous employer. Type delete, type delete, type delete.... I'm not sure what to say to her but I'm still pissed about how I was treated. Anyway, goodnight.
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