sparkofambition · 5 years
Aprox. 9 A.M., 20th of Last Seed
Name: Xogaza
Title: Attrition Incarnate
Race: Xivkyn
This chronicle starts a handful of days after my landing on Nirn, and I will update it every few days henceforth. 
Though it is Molag Bal who created me and my kind, it was through Pereyite that I found my way here. The Lord of Domination finds my ambitions quaint, and permitted me to follow them, but he offered no assistance in the matter. He did, however offer to me a reward: an old castle on Nirn he knows the location of the lost keys to, should I manage to garner a certain amount of mortal wealth in my journey.
It’s an oddly trivial task from him. I’m not sure what he could possibly want it for. But, alas. I was pressed to find a way onto Nirn on my own. My kind are not summoned often, and it’s difficult to overcome the bindings to slay the summoner even for us. I found, as I have said, assistance in Pereyite, though. A cult of his keeps a shrine in Skyrim with which to commune with him. It’s a small task indeed to send an envoy to a place consecrated in your name, and he does have much to gain if I open the doors to Nirn for the Princes. I’d imagine it will be far easier to spread his gift.
The plan is to take a country, to begin with, on my own. First, I will gather the boon and favours of each Prince. Then, I shall draw power from these standing stones of the constellations that dot the land, as they do not interfere actively with affairs on Nirn. After that, I shall slay every holy person and desecrate every holy site in this land, to stop the Aedra from interfering. Lastly, I shall take their leaders and use the combined powers I’ve gathered to construct a grand gate to Oblivion that the Princes may send their armies through to subjugate this land and take the rest.
My first few days were spent trying to find a suitable location from which to base my operation. Pereyite’s worshipers built his shrine remotely, in the mountains, likely to avoid drawing unwanted attention from others due to the stench of his incense. I moved further from the border, hoping to take a location central to the many cities of this land. I slaughtered the outcast inhabitants of several ramshackle settlements, but it took me days to find a place that suited my needs. 
They call my new (temporary) home Halted Stream Camp. It’s a mine rich with copper settled at the end of a small stream from which I can pull water. It’s near the center of the province, and very close to a large settlement I can take from. There’s an established fire pit, a place to chop wood, and wood to chop near by. The previous inhabitants didn’t put up much of a fight, though the place now stinks of burning flesh AND dead mammoth. I tanned the hide of the one they’d dragged into their cave (though how they got it through the entrance, I will never know) and made myself a tent to keep the cold out when I need to work outside, though there’s a pitiful excuse for a bed in the mine. I’ll likely use the tent while the remaining meat rots off the mammoth. I may not write for longer than average, as these next few days will likely just be scavenging what I need for a suitable place to live.
Loathe though I am to admit it, I am not yet strong enough to take on the task I’ve set for myself. I had hoped my proposal would be met with backing, not a pat on the head and an odd task for a reward that would help most upfront. I will have to do a great deal of practicing to get to where I need to be to take this on alone.
I may make it a minor goal to gain the favour of as many mortals as I can. It may soften them to the coming takeover and allow things to move more smoothly when the time is right.
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sparkofambition · 5 years
{{Alright. We’re going to try this again, this time with just one character at a time, each with their own mod list and install and everything. I’m going to try to just write this and not burn myself out on other things. We’ll be starting, this time, with a Daedra bent on subjugating Nirn, so... fun!}}
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sparkofambition · 6 years
It’ll probably be a while before I do any posts for the Hero/Villain. I’m a moron and managed to delete all the mod scripts out of the SKSE folder while updating it.
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sparkofambition · 6 years
10 P.M., 18th of Last Seed
It seems I have a journaling habit now. Just the same. So much is happening so damn quickly, I don’t think I’d be able to remember it all if I don’t write it down.
I’ve set up a camp a ways outside of Whiterun. It’s basic. Just a tent, camp fire, and a place to tan hides at the moment. I’ll pick up a chest to tuck into the tent tomorrow, or maybe build one. I also found an old board that’ll work well enough for preparing food on. The plains are ripe with game, though I’ve already had a few run ins with the predators that hunt here, and I’m not stupid enough to go after the larger herbivores. Hunting dawn horses is a game I am most certainly not ready for.
I guess I’m just going to do what I’ve always wanted to. Everything else I’ve ever cared about is gone, so why not? I’ll live off the land and dip into town to sell what’ll go bad before I can use it. There seems to be no shortage of things people need done, so earning enough money to buy any extras I might need shouldn’t be too hard, even if I keep everything I hunt.
Though that may not all work out quite as I’d like it to. I went up to warn the Jarl about the dragon, and now everyone’s deemed me an expert on them. I tried to tell them Hadvar would probably be a better bet, but just having glimpsed one is still more experience than anyone in Dragonsreach has. Whats more troubling is that they all seem certain that the one that sacked Helgen isn’t the only one. Jarl Balgruuf’s already had his court wizard researching them. There’s something larger than me going on here, but it seems I’m going to be a part of it whether I’d like to or not. The court wizard’s asked me to go get something from a tomb in a barrow by Riverwood. I think it’s the same one a bunch of thieves are holed up in, if the shop keeper down there’s right about where the people who burgled him have ran off to.
I don’t really know why I agreed to go. Probably because it was the Jarl asking. I guess I’ll go tomorrow and take care of that. The steward there also gave me a bounty letter to take care of. I have no idea what they see in me. I’m a skinny wood elf with a bow. 
So I suppose tomorrow comes down to whether I dread killing other people or facing draugers more. I guess both will probably kill people some day anyways, so it’s... a net good to kill either of them? Right?
Assuming I survive the fights, that is. Gods help me.
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sparkofambition · 6 years
Midnight, 17th of Last Seed
It wasn’t the bread. Helgen is gone. Most of it’s burnt to cinders or caved in. I don’t know if anyone got out at all, save for Hadvar. This journal here somehow survived the flames and mentioned the cave he was bleeding out in. Maybe that’s a bit of fate at work. He was able to explain what had happened to me, and I suppose it’s nice to have the full picture.
The Imperials had captured Ulfric and were about to cut his head off when the beast appeared. Hadvar was a part of the party that had been out looking for him. Dunno what Ulfric was doing at the Cyrodil border, but I don’t suppose it really matters.
I stood in the wreckage of the inn. All that survived were a few barrels, some pots, and somehow a couple of bottles of Vilod’s mead. The keep held up better, and I managed to scrounge up a few supplies. There were bodies there, but it looks more like they’d been killed fighting, either each other or the zombies that had come up out of the cave down there.
I’m in Riverwood now, at their inn. I don’t really know what I’m going to do. My home is gone. It was a pile of smoldering rubble. I don’t know if anyone I know is still alive or not. Alvor, Riverwood’s blacksmith, asked me to warn the Jarl, so I suppose I’ll start there.
Gods save us all.
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sparkofambition · 6 years
Intro: Nirurin Oakmoss
The inn thrummed with the strums of the bard’s lute and the talk and laughter of the patrons. Vilod was tending the fire, stoking it with logs where it was withering out along the open fire pit. The smell of wood smoke and grilling meat filled the space as much as the radiating warmth. Nirurin sat with his back facing the table so he could absently watch the flames flicker as he sipped on his juniper mead.
“You’ve gone all listless again,” said Agata as she plopped down on the seat beside him. He blinked a few times, trying to moisten his eyes again. He hadn’t noticed them drying. Agata heaved a sigh and took a bite of her butterscotch treat.
“Go. I’ll fill in for you while your gone, just try to come back before the week’s up this time,” she said through a mouthful of whipped cream.
“No. It’s fine. We got two full deer carcasses today alone. I can’t be running off into the woods right now,” Nirurin said firmly.
“You think I don’t know how to properly cure venison?” Agata said, rolling her eyes. “You’re useless when you get like this, you know. You spend more time staring out the windows than doing actual work. Go camping. We could use some more elves ear anyways, and it’s always cheaper to gather it yourself.”
Nirurin grimaced at her, but he knew better than to start an argument with the woman. He didn’t really want her impersonations of him at the moment. Mostly because she was right. He always got antsy when he stayed behind the walls too long. Agata had always said it was because he was a Bosmer, like the forest was in his blood or something, but he figured it was just how he was. He’d spend days dreaming about joining the hunters out living in the woods, living off what they catch and find, but he honestly had a good life in Helgen, and he’d miss his home sooner than later.
Agata stood and grabbed a waterskin that was hanging on the wall, then dropped it on his lap.
“Respect your elders and get out. Go have some fun. Get it out of your system,” she said, giving his hair a quick ruffle before sauntering off to catch Vilod before he went downstairs. Nirurin could hear her telling him she would be filling in as cook for a while as he slung the skin over his shoulder and headed out with a sigh and a smile.
After all, she was right. And he’d be much more focused after a few days outside. He’d gather some fresh herbs and see what he could scrounge up in way of mushrooms. Last Seed wasn’t the best month for them, but Hamming was crazy for Mora Tapinella fried up in butter.
It didn’t take him more than half an hour to get his things packed up. He didn’t stray far from the village. He always wanted to, but instead he’d opted to have a set campsite,  near by, in case anyone needed him back home. By nightfall, his tent was pitched and he had a healthy fire going. He watched the sky change colours and took in a deep breath of the wet air. Once the sun had set, he threw another log on the fire, ate some bread, and crawled into his bedroll.
He felt a great deal better by the time he woke up. His fire was dying under the morning mists, so he set about gathering up branches and dead wood coax it back to life. He was cooking some carrots into a stew when he heard a… sound, a sort of roar or maybe a scream. It wasn’t like anything he’d ever heard before, but it was distant. Then, it was much closer, and… up? Nirurin whipped his head up to search the skies, his heart pounding in his throat, and he saw a dragon flying away from his home.
He didn’t even blink until it disappeared over the mountains. He suddenly felt very, very ill. Maybe the bread he’d had had gone mouldy. He knew that could make you see things that couldn’t be real. Because a dragon couldn’t be real. They were just monsters in stories Vilod told to the kids.
But it had LOOKED very real. If it was, someone in Helgen certainly would have seen it. And if it wasn’t, he’d made himself sick with bad bread, so he should probably go back anyways. He dumped the contents of his waterskin on the fire and stamped out the remaining embers before hastily packing up his things and hurriedly retracing the path he took yesterday.
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sparkofambition · 6 years
Monster Hunter Goals
Survival Mode Campfire, Frostfall, Hunterborn, iNeed
Superstitious no magic
Laryngitis no shouting
Lonely no followers
Leisurely no fast travel
There is in every being a desire that not even generations of civilization can fully repress. Most are content to delude themselves that city life, with its conveniences and comforts, is the proper way for men and mer to live. Yet, there are still those who hear the call of the wilds, who yearn to dwell among the crags and trees, who seek to test their skill and cunning against the other creatures that inhabit the land. These individuals are not bound by society, they find in plants and animals all that they need to survive.
Become Skilled in the Ways of the Hunt
Can you brave the fiercest cold like the snow bear? Can you move as quietly as the saber cat, or bring silent death as swiftly as the owl? It is true that a strong killer instinct provides a great advantage in matters of survival, but men and mer have been hunting for eons, and there are many techniques for you to learn.
☐ Level Archery to 100
☐ Level Foraging to 10
☐ Level Sneak to 100
☐ Spend 7 points in the Endurance skill tree
☐ Level Skinning to 10
☐ Spend 7 points in the Camping skill tree
☐ Level Harvesting to 10
☐ Purchase a House Using Profits from Pelts, Meat, and Other Things You Have Harvested
The home of the true hunter is ever the wilderness. However, there are times when even the hardiest require respite and civilization. Ply your trade and acquire for yourself a haven behind strong stone walls.
Clear out Following Animal Dens
Though it is true, that the main task of the hunter has always been to provide food for kin and community, sometimes they are called upon for protection. There are times when an ill wind blows and even the noonday sun feels cold, times when nature itself seeks revenge on the civilized for their wrongs and causes the wilds to reach out, and the beasts to turn their attention to those who stand on two legs. In such times, the hunter must strike at the heart of this peril, and take the fight to the creatures' own lairs.
☐ Bleakcoast Cave
☐ Crystaldrift Cave
☐ Honeystrand Cave
☐ Bonechill Passage
☐ Darkshade
☐ Pinefrost Tower
☐ Bronze Water Cave
☐ Fallowstone Cave
☐ Pinepeak Cavern
☐ Brood Cavern
☐ Graywinter Watch
☐ Reeking Tower
☐ Clearspring Cave
☐ Greenspring Hollow
☐ Refugee's Rest
☐ Cold Rock Pass
☐ Greywater Grotto
☐ Steepfall Burrow
☐ Cronvangr Cave
Build a fully functional camp in each hold
A hunter must move with their prey, so it’s best to have many camps. Set up homes in each of the holds, and make sure that you have all the facilities you might need to prepare your wares for sale and keep your gear in top condition.
☐  Falkreath
☐  The Pale
☐  The Rift
☐  Whiterun
☐ Winterhold
☐  The Reach
☐ Hjaalmarch
☐ Haafinger
☐ Eastmarch
Accept the blessing of Hircine and thrive with it
The Daedric Lord of the Hunt long ago bestowed onto mortals the gift of lycantropy. For most, it would be a curse, but for you, it will be an unparalleled boon.
☐  Obtain the Ring of Hircine
☐  Become a Werewolf/Werebear
☐  Max out the perk tree
Obtain all perks in the archery trees
Your bows are your livelihood. The better you are with them, the more you will prosper. You must practice until your arrows can pierce the sun.
☐ Longbows
☐ Crossbows
☐ Bows
☐ Complete the Dawnguard quest line
The guards warily murmur about the rise in vampire attacks. The towns people don’t like to be out at night. There’s word of a group of vampire hunters cleaning up and old fort in the Rift to organize against this problem. Join their ranks and make their goals yours.
☐ Get all market related perks in the Speech tree
There’s more gold to be made for the same pelts if you know how to barter. Learn the art of bartering, and you’ll retire well.
☐ Defeat the scourge of monsters plaguing the sea of ghosts
Sailors have been landing ashore mad, raving about giant beasts haunting the sea of ghosts. At first, no one believed them, but the stories from different crews are matching up. Investigate the threat, and if you find one, remove it.
☐ Build a fully upgraded dragonslayer bow
Dragons are crawling from their ancient graves and growing flesh anew. You’ve found them susceptible to arrows, but perhaps something stronger would be better.
☐ Save the last of the Unicorns
You heard a drunk mage rambling in the inn about his freshly dead partner who’d managed to summon a unicorn of old. The story was likely hogwash, but if such a thing has been brought to life, it’d certainly be worth protecting. Perhaps someday you could find it a mate. After all, if one can be brought back, another might be as well.
☐ Collect all the unique bows
You’ve found a journal detailing the supposed location of several impressive bows. It seems most of them are rotting in dungeons. They would certainly be worth retrieving.
☐ Obtain a full set of Aesir armour
☐ Walk the path of the druid and become the champion of Kynareth
☐ Build a homestead, settle down, and adopt some children
The wild will always call to you, but eventually, your body will be old and weary. Build a home for yourself before that happens, somewhere in the wilderness. Find a partner, maybe adopt some children, and tame the beast within you.
Based heavily on NalusaCheto1′s Goals for Role Playing
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sparkofambition · 6 years
I should probably start this blog off with an introduction to what it actually is. This is a place for me to write down the stories of my characters in Skyrim. I’ll have both Oldrim and SSE set ups, with full mod lists available per character. I was originally going to do a catch all set up for the full array of characters I wanted to have in Oldrim, but that proved to be too much for my poor laptop to handle, so I’m instead going to do full set ups for each character, complete their entire arc, then move onto the next one with a new install.
What will be logged here are the stories. I’ll probably have different formats per character. Some might keep diaries, some might tell their stories in the inn or around the camp fire, some might just have stories written about them. I’m going to try and incorporate screen shots when I can remember to take them.
The SSE characters are canonically existing in the same universe at the same time, working towards the same ultimate goal but taking the opposite routes to get there. It’s a Legacy of the Dragonborn playthrough, and they’re both working together to fill every display. The Hero makes the choices that will best help others, and the Villain makes the choices that will earn them the most power (or just the other choice, as there’s really usually only just the two paths.)
The Oldrim characters are independent of each other. Each one has a set of goals they’re trying to complete, many of which are based off  NalusaChito1‘s Goals for Roleplaying. I’ve modified almost all of them to include more mod content or otherwise raise the difficulty, and some of the paths I’m making myself, but they are absolutely my whole inspiration for this... whole thing, actually.
Ultimately, this is a ploy to get myself to write frequently while also indulging my current obsession. If you wanna follow along, you’re more than welcome to! Either way, have a great day!
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