sparta369 · 3 hours
slasher horror: you better not have premarital sex or gerald "the stabber" douglas is gonna getcha
creepypasta: once there was a teen named alex and he was bullied so hard that he and the acid disfigured him so and he started killing everyone so they call him george the attacker
/x/: there was the skinwalker who stole my best friend's voice and then man door hand hook car door
r/nosleep: my wife was hungry for raw meat and then she gave birth to The Satan. he looked me in the eyes and said "don't go outside past midnight or else the eyeless ones might notice." but it turns out i never had a wife or son and the world ended 5 years ago on this very night.
r/twosentencehorror: i ran out of bloodmilk for my cereal. luckily, the creature provides.
mascot horror: this is silly wiggles, the candy giraffe! explore the silly wiggles candy emporium after dark! the secret ingredient is Love™! also the hidden video tapes will reveal that "Love™" is actually the copyright name for the consciousness of tortured children, mixed with the ground organs of factory workers.
indie horror: i can't describe this, there are only 7 pixels so idk what's going on
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sparta369 · 3 hours
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sparta369 · 3 hours
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sparta369 · 3 hours
one thing that media will NEVER fail to bait me with is when there's a weird little guy. and. IMPORTANTLY. he's a piece of shit
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sparta369 · 3 hours
you guys want to know a secret?
of course you do
For context, I’m actually a Reddit refugee. I’m actually still on there because I love making bait posts and fake stories (things along the lines of “I think cereal is better with water instead of milk” or “AITA for crashing my (M24) friend’s (F25) car after she told me I could?”). I have five Reddit accounts (to keep it believable). I’ve been on the front page of the site three times. I’ve basically cracked engagement.
I have extraordinary Reddit karma. And I say this with deep shame. I would not have told you this humiliating fact about myself if it wasn’t necessary to pass on this information.
Once you get enough Reddit karma, you start getting invited to secret Reddit societies for elite high-karma Redditors.
This is not a joke.
They all have rules along the lines of “do not make outsiders aware of The Secret Reddit Society or you’ll be excommunicated”
They just hang around and talk about how much Reddit karma they have
Again, I am NOT making this up
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sparta369 · 3 hours
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sparta369 · 3 hours
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sparta369 · 4 hours
AITA for breaking out of an eternal cycle of death and rebirth?
My (28M) inner Atman (155trillionNB) recently escaped the cycle of Samsara by quenching all earthly desires and achieving Nirvana. But I kinda feel bad for abandoning all of the trillions of souls still suffering on Earth.
Should I become a bodhisattva and guide others on the path to enlightenment or is it okay if I rejoin the Brahman right now?
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sparta369 · 4 hours
Meme news: The Brazilian actress Renata Sorrah came out as bisexual at the age of 76
That's her, btw
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She's an icon and also very talented. We Stan.
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sparta369 · 4 hours
Oh shit I just realized I can post the "Gaussian Blur Wizard That Gaussian Blurs You" here
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sparta369 · 4 hours
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sparta369 · 4 hours
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sparta369 · 4 hours
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*bleeding to death because the paramedics can’t break the windows to get me out of my stupid fucking truck* heha well at least i dont have to worry about the friggin Zombie Apocalypse… awesomesauce 😎
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sparta369 · 4 hours
Apropos of (almost) nothing: I'm the kind of pedant who dislikes calling tentacle porn "tentacle porn" not because I think it's aberrant but because, 98% of the time, what's being depicted are octoform arms or tendrils, not tentacles. Tentacles are defined by the clubbed ends, which are the only part that have suckers. If it's tapered and has suckers all the way down, it's an octoform arm; if it has no suckers at all, it's a tendril.
You're welcome.
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sparta369 · 5 hours
Lesbian flag Seychellized.
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sparta369 · 5 hours
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sparta369 · 5 hours
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