spartzmedical · 2 years
If you’re considering a gastric balloon, such as the Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon, you might be confused about the differences between gastric banding and the gastric balloon option, since they sound so similar. Let’s take a closer look at them.
Both are designed to help people lose weight in conjunction with healthy modifications in diet and lifestyle. Both are able to be adjusted during the lifetime of the device.
Adjustable gastric banding is a surgical option. It’s a type of bariatric surgery. With gastric banding, also called a lap band, an inflatable band is surgically placed around the stomach. This creates a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach which limits the amount of food a person can eat at one time. Gastric banding is generally performed as laparoscopic surgery, and is considered the least invasive form of bariatric surgery. However, it is still surgery and comes with all the risks of major surgery as well as the recovery time. In addition, some patients are not eligible for the laparoscopic procedure and need to undergo an incision in order to have the adjustable gastric band put in place.
The Spatz3 Adjustable Balloon is a medical grade, saline-filled balloon that rests in the stomach cavity and decreases appetite by occupying approximately a third of the stomach volume. In addition, with the gastric balloon in place, the stomach empties more slowly, keeping you feeling full longer. The adjustable gastric balloon does not require surgery. It is inserted during a routine, out-patient procedure known as an endoscopy.
To be eligible for an adjustable gastric band, you either need a BMI of 40 or above or a BMI of 30 and above with at least one serious health issue that can improve with weight loss, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, gastric reflux or metabolic syndrome.
The requirements for an adjustable gastric balloon are lower. You need a BMI of 27 or above and you don’t necessarily have to suffer from any related conditions. As an example, a woman who is 162 cm (5’4″) tall and weighs 73 Kg (160 pounds) would be eligible for the adjustable gastric balloon. The same woman would have to weigh at least 105 Kg to be eligible for an adjustable gastric band.
Adjustable gastric balloons may also used for people who are not suitable candidates for weight loss surgery. The use of the gastric balloon may be used to reduce weight prior to any surgery, therefore reducing the risks associated with surgical procedures. The Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon is an ideal, noninvasive alternative to gastric bypass surgery, lap band surgery and other bariatric surgeries.
For more information about adjustable gastric balloons and to see whether you might be a good candidate, take a look at the Spatz Medical website.
Rebeca Espinoza 100×65 Author: Rebeca Espinoza
Rebeca Espinoza writes about health, fitness and weight loss for Spatz Medical, makers of the Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon. You can find her on at [email protected]. Like the Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon page on Facebook or follow us on Pinterest for healthy eating tips, inspiring quotes, videos and photos and more.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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As the only adjustable gastric balloon available on the market today, we pride ourselves on helping Spatz’s patients achieve their weight loss goals. While doing so, our patients learn how to read and react to their body’s signals, allowing them to develop healthier eating habits and maintain their weight loss long after completion of the treatment.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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It is important for you to understand that the gastric balloon is a tool to help reach weight loss and must be used in conjunction with a planned diet, exercise and a behavior modification program. The amount of weight you lose (and maintain) will depend on how closely you follow your diet and adopt long-term lifestyle changes. Average weight losses of approximately 16 kg (35 lbs) to 25 kg (55 lbs) have been reported with the Spatz balloon. There is a possibility that you will lose only a small amount of weight or lose no weight at all while using the balloon. Of course, your commitment to dietary and behavioral changes will determine your success.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
The 4 Advantages To The Spatz3 Weight Loss Balloon
How Does The Spatz3 Gastric Balloon Work?
Once introduced into the body, the saline-filled Spatz gastric balloon will occupy about one-third of the stomach cavity. This decreases the quantity of food that the stomach can hold. The presence of the balloon also interferes with stomach emptying so that food stays in the stomach longer. Together, these effects promote eating smaller quantities of food, helping you develop healthier eating habits while losing weight!
What Is Different About The Spatz3 Compared To Other Balloons?
The Spatz3 Gastric Balloon has several advantages:
1) It is the ONLY adjustable balloon on the market, which means it is dynamic and its volume can be changed as your needs change. As a result, the Spatz3 is able to easily navigate the two most common problems with gastric balloon procedures, the weight loss plateau and the possibility for early balloon removal.
2) It is approved for longer implantation time in comparison to other products in the market, giving you the opportunity to make a more lasting effect on your overall health levels.
Spatz3 is the first balloon to have both of these advantages. Leaving a balloon in the stomach longer without changing the volume of the balloon is not likely to produce greater weight loss. The longer implantation time also gives you longer behavior modification time which yields longer-lasting behavioral changes.
Learn more about Spatz3 >>> Adjustability
How Much Weight Can I Lose With The Spatz3?
It is important for you to understand that the gastric balloon is a tool to help reach weight loss and must be used in conjunction with a planned diet, exercise and a behavior modification program. The amount of weight you lose (and maintain) will depend on how closely you follow your diet and adopt long-term lifestyle changes. Average weight losses of approximately 16 kg (35 lbs) to 25 kg (55 lbs) have been reported with the Spatz balloon. There is a possibility that you will lose only a small amount of weight or lose no weight at all while using the balloon. Of course, your commitment to dietary and behavioral changes will determine your success.
Therefore, it is important for you to remain committed to your weight loss goal throughout the entire treatment process. The balloon is a tool that will help you lose weight, but the real work starts with your commitment to the goal.
Discover more Spatz3 Success Stories >>> Patient Success
Does The Spatz3 Have High Risks?
The Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon is one of the safest weight loss options on the market! As a non-surgical procedure, the Spatz3 takes about 15 minutes to implant, allowing you to be walking home within the hour. There are no incisions and no hospitalization is required.
Additionally, the Spatz balloon is non-permanent, meaning you can remove the balloon at any time. As an adjustable balloon, we can even reduce the volume of your balloon in the case of any uncomfort.
Gastric Balloon procedures prove to be the safest option for your weight loss success. Of the various weight loss balloons, the Spatz3 has proven to be the best option for long term weight loss.
The Spatz Adjustable Weight Loss Balloon:
As you can see, the Spatz3 is the most effective gastric balloon. With our unique adjustability feature, Spatz patients lose more weight, maintain their weight loss for longer, and feel more comfortable with our ability to alleviate balloon intolerance. The decision is simple – choose Spatz3!
Discover the incredible benefits of the Spatz3 >>> Learn More
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spartzmedical · 3 years
The 4 Advantages To The Spatz3 Weight Loss Balloon
The 4 Advantages To The Spatz3 Weight Loss Balloon
How Does The Spatz3 Gastric Balloon Work?
Once introduced into the body, the saline-filled Spatz gastric balloon will occupy about one-third of the stomach cavity. This decreases the quantity of food that the stomach can hold. The presence of the balloon also interferes with stomach emptying so that food stays in the stomach longer. Together, these effects promote eating smaller quantities of food, helping you develop healthier eating habits while losing weight!
What Is Different About The Spatz3 Compared To Other Balloons?
The Spatz3 Gastric Balloon has several advantages:
1) It is the ONLY adjustable balloon on the market, which means it is dynamic and its volume can be changed as your needs change. As a result, the Spatz3 is able to easily navigate the two most common problems with gastric balloon procedures, the weight loss plateau and the possibility for early balloon removal.
2) It is approved for longer implantation time in comparison to other products in the market, giving you the opportunity to make a more lasting effect on your overall health levels.
Spatz3 is the first balloon to have both of these advantages. Leaving a balloon in the stomach longer without changing the volume of the balloon is not likely to produce greater weight loss. The longer implantation time also gives you longer behavior modification time which yields longer-lasting behavioral changes.
Learn more about Spatz3 >>> Adjustability
How Much Weight Can I Lose With The Spatz3?
It is important for you to understand that the gastric balloon is a tool to help reach weight loss and must be used in conjunction with a planned diet, exercise and a behavior modification program. The amount of weight you lose (and maintain) will depend on how closely you follow your diet and adopt long-term lifestyle changes. Average weight losses of approximately 16 kg (35 lbs) to 25 kg (55 lbs) have been reported with the Spatz balloon. There is a possibility that you will lose only a small amount of weight or lose no weight at all while using the balloon. Of course, your commitment to dietary and behavioral changes will determine your success.
Therefore, it is important for you to remain committed to your weight loss goal throughout the entire treatment process. The balloon is a tool that will help you lose weight, but the real work starts with your commitment to the goal.
Discover more Spatz3 Success Stories >>> Patient Success
Does The Spatz3 Have High Risks?
The Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon is one of the safest weight loss options on the market! As a non-surgical procedure, the Spatz3 takes about 15 minutes to implant, allowing you to be walking home within the hour. There are no incisions and no hospitalization is required.
Additionally, the Spatz balloon is non-permanent, meaning you can remove the balloon at any time. As an adjustable balloon, we can even reduce the volume of your balloon in the case of any uncomfort.
Gastric Balloon procedures prove to be the safest option for your weight loss success. Of the various weight loss balloons, the Spatz3 has proven to be the best option for long term weight loss.
The Spatz Adjustable Weight Loss Balloon:
As you can see, the Spatz3 is the most effective gastric balloon. With our unique adjustability feature, Spatz patients lose more weight, maintain their weight loss for longer, and feel more comfortable with our ability to alleviate balloon intolerance. The decision is simple – choose Spatz3!
Discover the incredible benefits of the Spatz3 >>> Learn More
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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All gastric balloons lose effect by the 4th month after implantation. However, with the Spatz3 Adjustable Balloon, the volume can be increased, extending the treatment and weight loss effect.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
As gastric balloons become a more popular alternative for weight loss procedures, we wanted to keep you informed on the recent developments in the market.
How Do Weight Loss Balloons Work?
Gastric balloons are inserted into the stomach to take up space and cause the stomach to empty much slower than usual. In doing so, your stomach retains food for much longer by sending signals that your stomach is full, helping you to lose weight! Weight loss balloons, like the Spatz3, can be inserted during a short 15-minute procedure with no incisions or hospitalization. Within an hour you’ll be discharged and on your way home, making the procedure one of the safest bariatric surgery options.  
There are two different types of gastric balloons:
Adjustable balloons and Non-adjustable balloons.
Adjustable Balloons, like the Spatz3, allow for either an increase or decrease to their volume size, while non-adjustable balloons are a one-size-fits-all system. As an adjustable system, the Spatz3 is proud to hold both the highest overall success rate and the highest weight loss of any gastric balloon.
Gastric Balloon Volume Increase
By increasing the volume of the balloon, you can extend the treatment effectiveness throughout the entire treatment process. By the 4th month, the body adjusts to the balloon and begins the weight loss plateau, with many patients starting to regain weight. With the Spatz3 volume adjustment, patients can continue losing weight throughout the entire process. As the only adjustable balloon on the market, the Spatz3 is the only balloon to offer the unique feature of a volume increase.
Gastric Balloon Volume Decrease
1 out of 10 patients are intolerant to the balloon treatment, and require a balloon removal. With the Spatz3, patients can avoid early removal of the balloon by decreasing its volume size, making the treatment possible for 10% of patients who otherwise would not be able to receive a gastric balloon.
With an adjustable gastric balloon, like the Spatz3, patients have a higher chance of reaching their weight loss goals without having to worry about the possibility of early removal.
The Spatz3 Holistic Weight Loss Program
As the only adjustable balloon on the market, oftentimes people will assume the balloon does all the work. However, that is not the case. To receive optimal results from the Spatz3, one must take the necessary strides to transition towards a healthy and more active lifestyle. For example, starting to diet and exercise is an excellent compliment to your balloon and will help you drop excess body weight faster than ever before! With over 70,000 successful balloon placements throughout the world, the Spatz3 is the most effective balloon procedure to meet your weight loss goals and build healthy long term habits along the way.
If you’re overweight and you’re ready for a change, the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon is the solution for you. Check out our website for more information on the benefits of an adjustable balloon, and feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
The Most Effective Weight Loss Solution
As gastric balloons become a more popular alternative for weight loss procedures, we wanted to keep you informed on the recent developments in the market.
How Do Weight Loss Balloons Work?
Gastric balloons are inserted into the stomach to take up space and cause the stomach to empty much slower than usual. In doing so, your stomach retains food for much longer by sending signals that your stomach is full, helping you to lose weight! Weight loss balloons, like the Spatz3, can be inserted during a short 15-minute procedure with no incisions or hospitalization. Within an hour you’ll be discharged and on your way home, making the procedure one of the safest bariatric surgery options.  
There are two different types of gastric balloons:
Adjustable balloons and Non-adjustable balloons.
Adjustable Balloons, like the Spatz3, allow for either an increase or decrease to their volume size, while non-adjustable balloons are a one-size-fits-all system. As an adjustable system, the Spatz3 is proud to hold both the highest overall success rate and the highest weight loss of any gastric balloon.
Gastric Balloon Volume Increase
By increasing the volume of the balloon, you can extend the treatment effectiveness throughout the entire treatment process. By the 4th month, the body adjusts to the balloon and begins the weight loss plateau, with many patients starting to regain weight. With the Spatz3 volume adjustment, patients can continue losing weight throughout the entire process. As the only adjustable balloon on the market, the Spatz3 is the only balloon to offer the unique feature of a volume increase.
Gastric Balloon Volume Decrease
1 out of 10 patients are intolerant to the balloon treatment, and require a balloon removal. With the Spatz3, patients can avoid early removal of the balloon by decreasing its volume size, making the treatment possible for 10% of patients who otherwise would not be able to receive a gastric balloon.
With an adjustable gastric balloon, like the Spatz3, patients have a higher chance of reaching their weight loss goals without having to worry about the possibility of early removal.
The Spatz3 Holistic Weight Loss Program
As the only adjustable balloon on the market, oftentimes people will assume the balloon does all the work. However, that is not the case. To receive optimal results from the Spatz3, one must take the necessary strides to transition towards a healthy and more active lifestyle. For example, starting to diet and exercise is an excellent compliment to your balloon and will help you drop excess body weight faster than ever before! With over 70,000 successful balloon placements throughout the world, the Spatz3 is the most effective balloon procedure to meet your weight loss goals and build healthy long term habits along the way.
If you’re overweight and you’re ready for a change, the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon is the solution for you. Check out our website for more information on the benefits of an adjustable balloon, and feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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As the only adjustable gastric balloon available on the market today, we pride ourselves on helping Spatz’s patients achieve their weight loss goals. While doing so, our patients learn how to read and react to their body’s signals, allowing them to develop healthier eating habits and maintain their weight loss long after completion of the treatment.
Due to Spatz3’s unique adjustability feature, our patients have achieved almost double the weight loss and overall success rates compared to all other balloons.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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As the only adjustable gastric balloon available on the market today, we pride ourselves on helping Spatz’s patients achieve their weight loss goals. While doing so, our patients learn how to read and react to their body’s signals, allowing them to develop healthier eating habits and maintain their weight loss long after completion of the treatment.
Due to Spatz3’s unique adjustability feature, our patients have achieved almost double the weight loss and overall success rates compared to all other balloons.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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spartzmedical · 3 years
Sugar, Processed Foods, And Your Spatz3 Gastric Balloon
Sugar, Processed Foods, And Your Spatz3 Gastric Balloon
While sugar can be the greatest guilty pleasure, its effects on your health can be drastic. It’s estimated that adults can intake 15% of their calories from added sugar alone! By reducing the amount of sugar and processed foods you eat, you can lower your risk of obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Transitioning to a healthier diet will lead to your body receiving more vitamins and minerals and can even help you lose weight by cutting out added calories!
Here are some tips to help you during your journey with your weight loss balloon:
Take It One Step At A Time
Your weight loss journey can be tough, and cutting sugar out completely can seriously add to your struggles. By slowly eliminating sugary products from your diet, like cakes and cookies or sugary drinks, you can transition to a sugar-free diet in no-time. Remember, your weight loss results will be sweeter than the sugar!
Check Product Labels
Once you eliminate the apparent sugars from your diet, you can begin searching for the “hidden sugars” that are negatively affecting your health. Ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, glucose, and fructose are all different sugars you can try and avoid. Quick tip – any ingredient that ends in “-ose” is sugar – always check the labels!
Avoid Artificial Sugars
While artificial sugars are a debate in the diet industry, they can actually trick your body into thinking you’re eating sugar, which will only make your journey to being sugar-free more difficult. By avoiding artificial sugars, you can drastically change the difficulty of transitioning to a sugar-free diet!
Plan Meals
Without a meal plan, sticking to a diet can be difficult. When you’re hungry, you’re much more likely to reach for a sugary snack that will just add to your calorie count. An easy way to avoid this habit is to meal prep once a week so that you always have a healthy meal prepared for when you’re hungry. Remember, a nutritious meal is the greatest snack!
Add A Little Spice
When you transition to a sugar-free diet, your palate can begin to miss the flavor of sugar. By adding some spices to your foods and drinks, like cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla, you can give your body the flavor it wants. Quick tip – you can never remove spices from your food or drink; add your spices slowly, taste as you go, and give your palate the taste it deserves!
The Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon
Here at Spatz, we believe taking the first step towards your battle with being overweight is super important, and cutting out sugar is a great place to start. While transitioning to a sugar-free diet can help in your weight loss journey, you can truly start seeing incredible results by maintaining a more holistic approach.
Our goal is to keep you happy with your body long after your balloon is removed. By working together to develop habits that will help you continuously drop excess body weight, we believe you will become a success story of the Spatz3 weight loss program. Remember to eat healthy, stay active, and keep up an overall healthy lifestyle!
website: https://spatzballoonme.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy96xHV1-6Mnk51xxBWcvJQ
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpatzAdjustableBalloon/?ref=page_internal
Take the first step towards a more active and healthy lifestyle >>> Learn More
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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As the only adjustable gastric balloon available on the market today, we pride ourselves on helping Spatz’s patients achieve their weight loss goals. While doing so, our patients learn how to read and react to their body’s signals, allowing them to develop healthier eating habits and maintain their weight loss long after completion of the treatment.
Due to Spatz3’s unique adjustability feature, our patients have achieved almost double the weight loss and overall success rates compared to all other balloons.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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Ultimately, meal prepping can be an excellent way to transition to a healthier diet. Here at Spatz, we believe reaching an active and healthy lifestyle must be accomplished on all fronts; by preparing your meals for the week and avoiding fast food and takeout, you’re one step closer to reaching your weight loss goals!
As part of the Spatz weight loss program, you will be on your way to looking better than ever while building long term habits to keep you that way. By taking the small steps towards a healthier lifestyle, like meal planning or dieting and exercising, you will be on your way to losing weight like you’ve never imagined.
Good luck with your meal prep, and feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
Today, with our crazy hectic schedules, it’s a blessing to find just a bit of time for yourself. Now, imagine you’re finally walking in the door after a long day of work, needing to be up early for another full day tomorrow, so you take a look at the takeout menu on your fridge and order the first thing you see.
Oftentimes, it’s due to our lack of time to prepare proper meals that lead us to eat takeout or fast food which is incredibly high in calories and fat. But, what if Spatz told you that you could have fresh and tasty meals waiting for you each night when you get home? Introducing meal prep, a fantastic way to keep you eating healthy and make your gastric balloon happy!
Now, meal prep can take form in certain ways. For example, if you currently don’t even have a set framework for grocery shopping, picking a specific day to go load up on healthy foods is a perfect place to start. On the other hand, if you already cook a few times a week, a nice start to your meal prep journey may be specifying one day to prepare food for the entire week. However skilled you may be, there’s always a place to start.
To get started with meal prep, you must first choose a specific time of the week to do the preparation. Once you’ve chosen your time to chef up, plan to grab your groceries accordingly. As you begin your journey, try and plan out your meals by the week or by the month to keep things interesting. Also, as you grow more experienced with your meal prep, you can begin to keep an eye out for deals on ingredients you use often.
When it’s your meal prep day, remember to focus on preparing the foods that take the longest to cook to best manage your time. A few things that can take longer to cook are proteins (like chicken, meat, or fish), whole grains, beans, and roasted vegetables.
Try to prepare food options that can be used as snacks as well as meals! When you aren’t hungry for a full meal, it’s always great to have healthy snacks around to avoid grabbing for the sugary and processed foods.
When meal prepping, remember to multitask, meaning to use the time that one thing is in the oven to prepare the next. Time is essential!
Meal Prep is an excellent way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but storing the food properly is super important to keep up your meal prep success. Try labeling your meals with dates so you are exactly sure how long everything will stay fresh. Another tip is to store easily perishable ingredients in the areas of the fridge you see most often so that you use them before they expire.
Ultimately, meal prepping can be an excellent way to transition to a healthier diet. Here at Spatz, we believe reaching an active and healthy lifestyle must be accomplished on all fronts; by preparing your meals for the week and avoiding fast food and takeout, you’re one step closer to reaching your weight loss goals!
As part of the Spatz weight loss program, you will be on your way to looking better than ever while building long term habits to keep you that way. By taking the small steps towards a healthier lifestyle, like meal planning or dieting and exercising, you will be on your way to losing weight like you’ve never imagined.
Good luck with your meal prep, and feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
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spartzmedical · 3 years
Meal Preparation And Your Weight Loss Balloon
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spartzmedical · 3 years
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As the only adjustable gastric balloon available on the market today, we pride ourselves on helping Spatz’s patients achieve their weight loss goals. While doing so, our patients learn how to read and react to their body’s signals, allowing them to develop healthier eating habits and maintain their weight loss long after completion of the treatment.
Due to Spatz3’s unique adjustability feature, our patients have achieved almost double the weight loss and overall success rates compared to all other balloons.
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