spearingskies · 2 years
Hi besties <3 Just a quick update post to announce that I will be switching Hinoka’s characterization back to being unmarried and without children. I will update her pages and info shortly to reflect that.
Have a lovely day!
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spearingskies · 2 years
Activity Check: September 2022
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Status: passed
Skill points gained: - Activity (Bow: D → D+)
Total: 1; 12 → 13
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spearingskies · 2 years
Sun’s Eclipse Before the First Dawn of Spring ❁
   The commotion in the castle corridors is unusual, to the point where even Hinoka pauses to listen, hand holding a new kimono for her favorite doll suspended in the air to listen to the quick footsteps of the guards and words and orders thrown around that she cannot make out. Last time there was this much movement was when Father was preparing to leave for that Peace Something or Other - she does not remember the whole term, but who cares - together with little Kamui. Did they come back? The doll and the clothes fall to the floor instantly forgotten, the young princess eagerly picking herself up to get ready to leave the room. If Father has returned, she has to go greet him!
   Pushing the door open, she steps outside - and immediately almost gets knocked over by one of the rushing soldiers. The man stops on the spot, turning towards her; their eyes meet as he stares at her, almost through her, as though he saw a ghost, and full three seconds pass before he remembers himself and offers a quick bow.
   “M-My apologies, milady…”
   With that, he is off again; Hinoka’s eyes escort him for a moment, before she makes her way in the same direction, keeping to the wall to avoid any more people crashing into her.
   Why does she feel like he was apologizing for something else?
   It does not take long for Hinoka to understand what happened. Young, sheltered and innocent however she may be - still - she knows already what death is, after all.
   Messengers come and go, bringing news upon news. Ninjas in the palace’s employ exchange and deliver reports. The guards whisper anxiously between one another. That woman, Kamui’s mother, kneels in front of the throne, sobbing uncontrollably; big brother Ryoma stands next to her, his face pale, unmoving as though frozen, or made of stone.
   It feels as though no one wants to trouble Hinoka with the new harsh truth, but unbeknownst to them, Hinoka knows. Understands.
   Father has not returned. He will not return, because an evil man from Nohr sent him to where Mother is. And he took Kamui, too, but not to Father. He took Kamui to darkness, to Nohr.
   To her, the sun that rises above Hoshido every day has always felt like a gentle god, a caring parent; unflinching, unfailing, always there for them to count on. Enveloping them in light, warmth and joy and bestowing upon them unending blessings. Now that their world has collapsed and shattered into pieces, its constant insistence to keep appearing every day without pause, shining, inviting to play and be joyful, acting as though nothing at all has changed —
it feels nothing short of ignorant, uncaring and almost downright cruel.
   The castle is quiet now; Kamui’s mother confining herself to her chambers to mourn, big brother spending most of his time training or handling current affairs, even soldiers passing through the hallways as carefully as they can, as though not to disturb the lingering souls.
   In the meantime, behind closed doors, Hinoka weeps. She weeps for weeks, weeps for Father and for Kamui, weeps so much that one could expect her to have run out of tears by now. Food and drinks are refused more often than they are accepted, and even when she does eventually give in to hunger, everything passes through her body roughly and not without a fight, as though she had tried to swallow a bowl of rocks. Pale face, messy hair and rings around her eyes stand as proof of sleepless nights, spent instead in an unfair struggle of a little, naive, innocent girl chasing dreams and demons. The doll and her new kimono rest abandoned, having been kicked in anger into the corner of the room, like the trash of yesterday that will never return and thus is meaningless;
— but as days pass, a new chapter opens, and Hinoka slowly begins to do more than just cry.
   The castle is quiet, but not silent, and between the sobs and the throbs of a headache torturing the exhausted mind, her sharp ears can still hear. The footsteps of soldiers pass by as they and the ninjas bring new reports, having more important matters to attend to than ensuring that the little princess, whom they assume too young to have a head for such topics, remains oblivious. And so, sometimes in bits and pieces, but enough for her to put together nevertheless - it reaches her. News of Kamui’s whereabouts. Another failed rescue attempt. A skirmish near the border. A recent Nohrian provocation successfully repelled. That woman - Mikoto - Kamui’s mother - whom she never cared for and thus subconsciously expected the same in return, gathering her strength and resolve to cast a magic barrier over Hoshido to protect it from the invaders. The loving, caring big brother whom she always admired, making a name for himself already as a commander and warrior in spite of his young age, and earning the right to the sacred Raijinto blade.
   She hears, and as her tears begin to run dry, she starts to think.
   The great feast to celebrate her seventh birthday that they had been planning for weeks, naturally, had to be canceled; instead the day goes by calmly, almost like any other. She is fine with that, which almost feels a little funny - she used to think that she would be snapping mad if anything stood in the way of her birthday’s celebration, but as it stands, she would refuse any party right now if it is not a party to celebrate Kamui’s return home. How quickly a turn of fate can teach you something new about yourself. But she spares no thought to that idea.
   Brother is busy commanding the army in another clash, Mikoto spends the day praying to keep up her spiritual power and continue maintaining the barrier; Takumi has classes today, Sakura is taken care of by the nurses. Hinoka is largely left to her own devices, and spends her day doing what would otherwise come as a shock to everyone - cleaning her room. Studybooks and writing supplies are arranged and organized, toys stored away on shelves, in drawers or otherwise out of her sight. Finally, she stops before the long abandoned doll - once a favorite, now a herald of tragedy - still waiting in the corner, and pouting, as though it was all its fault, she picks it up together with its new kimono and carelessly throws it into a box of unimportant trinkets that she then pushes into the same corner.
   Just then, a messenger announces the arrival of a delivery to her, and Hinoka looks up towards the door. A delivery? The package is brought into her quarters, and for the briefest of moments, the young princess remembers what excitement had felt like; amidst all the crying, mourning and silence, she has all but forgotten what it was like to look forward to a birthday gift…
   Slowly, silently, as though in ceremony, Hinoka opens the package and rubs her hands against the soft fabric of the contents: a brand new, beautiful yukatabira, meant to replace the one she has almost grown out of. Picking it up by the shoulders, she stands up to marvel at the colors and design. In whites, yellows and reds, just as she has always liked… There is a small letter attached, and she takes it next.
    To our most beloved Hinoka-hime,
    please accept this gift along with all of our wishes for a good, happy birthday.
    We cannot apologize to you enough for the cancellation of your long awaited celebration, but you are aware of the cause. We know that these times have been difficult for you, as well. In spite of everything that is currently happening, please never forget that you are our beloved, cherished princess. May the Dawn Dragon and the sun’s warm rays shine upon you always.
    Love,     Mikoto, Ryoma, Takumi and Sakura, with all of Hoshido
   Tears well up in her eyes anew with each and every word, finally forcing their way from behind the eyelids and onto her cheeks as she reaches her siblings’ names.
   Is that it? Amidst the disaster and tragedy, Father murdered, Kamui kidnapped, a conflict brewing anew and a world torn to pieces, her family and her people still want her to lead a normal life, in her stupid room, with her stupid doll, while their lives are at stake? To sit back, do nothing and what - wait for the news of her brother’s death next?!
   Her little fists slowly clench around the cloth, and the yukatabira is then thrown at her bed as Hinoka slowly gets back on her feet, swelling eyes rising to look at the door. She appreciates the gift and all, but it will have to wait its turn, as the life she had up until now.
   She is nearly surprised that she remembers the way to the training grounds. This was not a place she was ever supposed to be seen. Little wonder that the lancers, busy with practice, take a brief pause to cast confused glances at her, before her hardy glare and the commander’s harsh voice both bring them back in line.
   Though even he seems astounded, for Hinoka clearly did not simply lose her way around the place, or come here merely to watch; she is dressed in a light, simple outfit, a breastplate as solid as a seven year old can wear, bracers and greaves prepared to protect her arms and legs.
  “Milady?...” She hears a man’s voice next to her as she walks over to storage to pick up a training spear. Eagerly, she grabs the first one, at least twice as long as she is tall, but its weight an size nearly cause her to fall over; gritting her teeth, she puts it away, resorting to a shorter one, but it too is too much to handle… Hand clenches into a fist as she lets out a frustrated groan.
   The man, an older general by the name of Jubei, watches her for a moment before she looks up and their eyes meet. The frown on her face causes him to take a step back in surprise. This is not the gentle, shy princess he has known up until now; though in reality her eye color has not changed, one could almost feel as though a hint of steel now lines her pupils. No words are exchanged, the order clear in her gaze; slowly nodding, Jubei goes deeper into the storage, returning soon with a lightweight spear, perfect for such a young beginner.
   Hinoka accepts it, running her fingers along its edge to get used to the feel. It is a bit small for her taste, she wanted to start with something more impressive; she needs to get strong fast, after all, to support big brother and bring Kamui home. But for now, this will do. She does a thrust, then another; it takes more effort than she had anticipated, but it feels satisfying to imagine a dirty bad Nohrian on the receiving end, and that thought seems to almost replenish whatever strength she just used up.
   Finally, for the first time since that fateful day, a small smile appears on her lips, before she points the spear towards Jubei.
   “Now. You will train me.”
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spearingskies · 2 years
Quality Family Time feat. a Robbery ❁ Hinoka & Siegbert
Now here was a mission for Siegbert! Nohr’s crown heir was not known for his stealth abilities: he was too tall, too broad, too bright amid a dark-haired crowd. But attending a ball? Trying to find dirt on some ne’er-do-well? Doing all this in-between dances and flutes of champagne? Why, that was just good-old-fashioned Nohrian networking.
With an outward flick of his hand, Siegbert’s cuffs settle into place at his wrists, golden cuff links a fond accent to his suit’s meticulous embroidery. He meets his own gaze in the mirror, carmine staring back with a pleased shine; Siegbert enjoyed dressing up and his ensemble did not disappoint. The reds and whites of his mother’s country were a welcome change to the normal shadows he wore; tonight, he was Hoshidan, no matter how his pale skin and light hair might betray him.
It was what was hidden that truly pleased him: his and his mother’s outfits had both been chosen specially to contain enough weapons to stay undercover but more than enough to complete their mission. A hidden blade strapped under his sleeve; a dagger at his belt, concealed by his vest; his rings, sharp enough to tear flesh; and deep in his pocket, a small packet of poison, enough to knock a full-grown man sick but not enough to kill. (He was, after all, Nohrian to the bone.)
Knuckles wrap three times against the suite door. Although their rooms were connected, Siegbert knew to give his mother time alone to deal with her costume change. Hinoka had never been fond of the extravagant and he didn’t want to pressure her wardrobe in any way.
And then the door opens and Siegbert understands immediately why his father insisted on a proper wedding after the war.
“Oh, mother!” son coos, gentle hands coming to rest upon her cheeks. “Look at you! You look wonderful, mother, truly—we need to find more excuses to get you to dress up.”
Hands fall to her sides, where he spins her around and ushers her to the nearest mirror. Finally, they can gaze upon their ensembles together—as they had been designed to be seen. His smile is contagious.
“Don’t we make quite the pair! Father should be a very jealous man tonight, mother. No one will be able to keep their eyes off of you, and I know he can’t resist a good chance to sniff out a rat.”
"Please no,” Hinoka laughs, shaking her head in response to Siegbert’s declaration; she does not recall when she last felt this embarrassed. “I am not going to look half as wonderful once I start tripping against my own feet... I don’t recall when I last wore something this - ugh - long...”
But her expression softens quickly once they stand before the mirror together. To find a mother more proud of her child than she is would be a challenge worthy of the best contestants; her son stands true and tall (very tall, by the Dragons) beside her, pride and joy to Hinoka, Xander and both their nations whose blood runs combined through his veins in perfect harmony.
To think that a year or two ago, when presented with the prospect, she would have found it the most ridiculous idea in the world, thinking of the Nohrian heir as no more than a target for her spear. How times have changed; how far they have come since.
“Any rat would have to make it past me before he could face your father,” she chuckles, shooting Siegbert a wink filled with hardy determination. “And few would be capable of that feat to begin with.”
Running her hand through her hair one last time, slightly adjusting the white lily adorning her head, she sighs, before turning back to her son. However unusual a situation this is to her, no situation that she gets to face with him by her side will be that harrowing an ordeal. The world cannot throw them a hurdle they will not conquer, and a single thief especially will fall before with ease.
“Now then. I believe we’re ready, in all ways?” She asks one last time, snapping her fingers by his side to poke at the spot where she knew he had planned to conceal a weapon. Hinoka’s own arsenal of a dagger, a set of throwing knives, and a poison needle tucked neatly right underneath her flower hairpin is all present and accounted for, even if, looking at her, no one would be able to tell.
She is, after all, a daughter of the ninja nation. 
“If yes, then it’s time to get out there. You remember the signal to give if you spot the thief, I hope?”
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spearingskies · 2 years
But I NEED That Knife ❁ Hinoka & Python
The sharp sound of bowstrings cut through the air of the practice ring—a tuneless chorus ringing out a melody that sings ‘welcome home’. Python isn’t sure if he finds the familiar song warm, or threatening, or both. He’s never really bothered to unpack it. There’s a challenge to overcome if he’d like to eat well tonight, after all. There’s a small shout of frustration over to his left, and he turns just in time to see an arrow shoot wide right past the target entirely. Aw, hell. Was that one of his students? “Relax the shoulders, kiddo!” He cups his hands around his mouth and shouts, before turning back to tend to his own bow. At least, he was, until he’s approached by a redhead he swears is more often seen in the skies above the monastery than anywhere else. Hinoka, was it? “Oh, hey. You’re one of them sky knights, right?” He twirls one of his allotted practice arrows between his fingers, catching it so its narrow head points at her face. “Looking to know thy enemy? Pretty bold.” There’s a touch of admiration in his teasing tone. Everyone on this field knows that arrows and flying creatures don’t mix well—some pegasus knights practically flinch at the sight of a bow. Hinoka seems unfazed, though, as he nocks an arrow on his string. “Yeah, I’m pretty much required to participate. Archery instructor and all.” He gives a small shrug as he eyes up the target. Going for a bullseye right away feels like a waste, so he intentionally points toward the outer ring. Leave some space on the target by leaving the spoon for later. Not even a second after he fires he realizes his grave mistake—his shoulder was misaligned after that shrug, sending the arrow right past the target in an arc all too similar to the student he’d just corrected. He coughs into his elbow. “Just uh, warming up there. Not used to this training bow and all. You wanna have a go?”
Python’s tease doesn’t phase Hinoka, who smirks, before snapping her fingers at the arrow pointed at her, causing it to do a small jump.
“Everyone says that, huh. Oh, you’re a Pegasus Knight, shouldn’t you hate bows and archers?” She says, her voice briefly taking on a mocking tone, before laughing; she wouldn’t want Python to think she’s offended or something. “But no. We’ve got traditions with flying in my family, but just as much if not more for archery. I might not look it right now, but I’m not actually a slouch with a bow.” She shoots him a wink, before taking a step back to watch his attempt. “I’ll give you a run for your money, just you wait.”
... Though if Python’s first shot is any indication, she might not need all this family inheritance she just mentioned to do that. Respectfully, the princess holds back a giggle - though a slightly amused “oops!” does make it through her lips.
Well, part of an instructor’s job is also showing their students what not to do. She would be the last person to claim to have never done that before.
“Of course,” she says, her tone perfectly flat and neutral, as though his explanation is taken 100% seriously. Yep, just warming up. Nothing more. Who needs a knife to eat dinner, anyway.
At his invitation, she nods and steps forward, whatever teasing thoughts her head had previously harbored gone and dissipated, replaced by full focus as she takes the proper stance to aim. Legs and back straight and locked, arms in the correct position, but they and head both free nevertheless; her movement perhaps almost a bit too perfect for what should be a not quite so serious an occasion, betraying the upbringing and the way in which she had been trained.
She aims for the inner ring, and then shoots; a whistling song passes through the air, and the arrow pierces the target just where she wanted. Only then does she relax and allow herself to smile again.
“Not bad.” Hinoka steps aside again, to make space for Python’s second attempt. “Glad I came here. I needed to get some practice in again.”
Meeting his eyes, she gives him a thumbs-up. “Alright! Come on, you got this.”
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spearingskies · 2 years
How to Train Your (Baby) Dragon ❁ Hinoka & Shez
In his short time at The Officer’s Academy, Shez had heard many a tale. Some he dismissed immediately recognising the absurdity of their claims. But others were grounded in more facts, like the one he was currently engaging in. 
Wyverns. More specifically baby wyverns. 
His experience with such creatures thus far was limited to a couple of mentions but his fellow students or in textbooks so he was curious to learn more. It was sad to imagine a mother rejecting her young but past experiences unfortunately left him unsurprised by the prospect. Hopefully there was something they could do to aid the situation. 
Shez had been surprised when Professor Hinoka had offered to take him with her to visit the dragons. He’d seen her outside of classes a few times and she had struck him as a no nonsense sort of person. Through no fault of his own, Shez had gain a slight reputation in his time here so far and would have assumed she wouldn’t want to associate with him due to that. Regardless, he was grateful to her for the chance. 
“Hello professor” Giving a wave of his hand, grin lighting up his face. “You’ve had a look already? Is there just one wyvern?” 
Shez eagerly tried to look round Hinoka to catch a glance of the wyvern. He was keen to finally meet one. Before coming to the Monastery, the mercenary had not even ridden a horse let alone a flying mount. 
“Umm… none” He admitted to her. “But hey, they say learning on the job is the quickest way to learn”
“Yep, just one. They said that the mom had three, but only rejected this guy.” She pauses, recalling whatever she knows of the creatures. It’s a precarious situation, a mission, and a learning opportunity for her as well - but she is also a teacher in this situation, and should try and live up to the position. “Sometimes, if a mother wyvern thinks she cannot handle raising all her young, she’ll reject the weakest one. Might be what’s happened here.”
Little guy’s lucky it happened here, at the monastery. Out in the wild, he would have ended up in the jaws of some predator or other by now.
“He’s in the stable here if you wanna take a look,” she says, shifting over to the side a bit to make space for Shez. “We’re supposed to, well... Keep him comfy and warm, feed him, make sure he’s healthy, and keep all our fingers in the process.” She smiles, giving the student a meaningful eyebrow wiggle to accompany the last part of the sentence. “Make sure you watch yourself. Lil fella already has a full set of teeth to work with.”
Well, no time like the present. Once Shez has had a look at the baby, Hinoka unlocks the stable door in order to allow them to come in and meet their new charge. Approaching slowly, she ducks down in front of the little wyvern, before offering him her hand to sniff, much like how one would do with a dog.
The gesture appears to be accepted, met with a curious bump of the snoot against the back of her hand, and the princess can’t help but smile. Pegasus foals are still cuter, but she might just find herself getting a bit attached to this guy. She looks up at Shez.
“There, like that. Why don’t you say hello, as well? And afterwards, you need to go to the wyvern stablehands to get some meat for him. He needs his breakfast.”
“... Oh, and by the way, I almost forgot.” She shoots him a wink. “They said that if he likes us, we can give him a name.”
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spearingskies · 2 years
Lost family returns from between pages and ink in the midst of the night. The whispers spread even through the darkness of the monastery, from door to door and ear to ear until Siegbert shoots up in his bed, staring wide-eyed at his younger classmate peeking their head into his doorway with a grin. 
“Your mom’s back from the mission.”
Prince jumps to his feet before the sentence is finished. 
No time for proper dress, he races down the hall in an undershirt and lounge pants. Siegbert pushes past students and faculty alike, night owls looking for their friends—he had his own to find. 
Feet find their way to the infirmary, bursting through the door just as the redheaded warriors begins to rouse. She wakes with her son at her side, clutching her hand, unshed tears wet in his eyes. 
“Welcome home, mother.”
One would think that between Hoshido, Nohr, Valla and the various Deeprealms that both she and her allies used to shelter their children and later plucked them from, Hinoka would have been used to world-hopping by now.
But perhaps some things are not meant for anyone to get used to.
Neither is the constant, cruel need to make choices, each and every one of them laden with tragic consequences, no matter how hard she tries. Is this what Kamui had once felt? The requirement to give up one life in favor of another, under the condition that the one not chosen will be destroyed. That is what would have happened otherwise, isn't it? Assuming that Melanthios was going to stay true to his word. Perhaps none of the fighting, the pain and... whatever that was that followed afterwards would have happened. But General Raoul would have paid the price.
The thoughts spiral in a crescendo of a hurricane greater and louder than even the worst Wind spell she can imagine; and then fade, dissipate, chased away as though they are scared of the warmth that envelops her hand.
Amber eyes flutter open, and as they meet the soft gaze of her son, Hinoka's mind and body alike seem to forget everything they had gone through; the bizarre experiences, the working, the fighting, the sudden burst of years gained in a matter of second that threatened to take her life -
it's all gone, just like that, melted like winter's last snow.
"Siegbert... Good morning." Her voice is still a little unsure, as though not yet convinced and certain that she isn't dreaming, or deluding herself. "Did we... all come back? How long has it been?"
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spearingskies · 2 years
TFW Your Mom’s Your Teacher ❁ Hinoka & Siegbert
“I promise, mother, I am the exact height I was when I left.” He can’t keep the smile off his face; if anything, his cheeks are starting to hurt from how hard he’s simply grinning.
Finally, Siegbert sets his mother down and steps back to allow her into his room. It’s modesty access; the Nohrian crest hangs on a tapestry over his bed, while a Hoshidan flag adorns the wall over his desk. Fresh white roses sit in a vase at his windowsill. Aside from the small blanket fort and myriad of cat beds, all meant to coddle his beloved Majesty as well as Almond, whenever the litter guy decided to visit, there was little else that decorated his room.
He gestures to the seat at his desk—significantly more comfortable, in his opinion, than the ones that sat at a small table near the window. “Please, mother. Sit. I’m afraid I don’t have any refreshments at the moment.” Had he enough notice, he would have prepared tea before her arrival, maybe even nabbed a few snacks from the kitchens.
Siegbert sits at the edge of his bed, facing Hinoka, with his hands elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped between his legs. Despite his relaxed posture, it’s entirely clear that he is very much interested in every word his mother has to say.
“I’m guessing you’re here to be a teacher, considering you aren’t dressed like the rest of the Knights of Seiros,” he chuckles. “That, or you’ve come to eternally antagonize your son, no?”
"Seriously? Maybe I’m getting shorter then.” Though her giggle makes it clear she is simply teasing and joking. “One feels taller when on horseback. But regardless.”
With that, Hinoka eagerly follows Siegbert into the room, taking a look around, the happy grin not leaving her face. Her son, no doubt, has a keen eye for aesthetics. How much credit she can take for that, she isn’t sure; she is more likely to attribute that to Xander, and perhaps her family in general. It’s not like she doesn’t like it when things are pretty, she just... wouldn’t exactly know how to make them so, she feels. Siegbert however, certainly does; there is little decoration, and yet at the same time, it feels comfortable, neat and clean - though the number of cat beds does elicit a chuckle from her as she casts an eye at them - and the royal crests of the two nations united within her son cause an almost homely feeling to wash over her.
“Uh, rude?” She pouts, feigning offense, and probably doing a very bad job of it considering the smile that fails to leave her lips. It’s not long before she’s laughing again. “I jest, I jest. Yeah, I’ll be an instructor now. Apparently the Academy doesn’t have enough of these for spearmanship and pegasi, though I might chip in with some other seminars, like politics and stuff.” She rolls her eyes. “Sometimes it’s almost easy to forget I’m next in line to Hoshido’s throne, so there are things I have to know. May as well share.”
At his invitation, she sits - the cordial, noble manner in which Siegbert is treating her both amusing and charming - and then lets out a slightly surprised “oh!” and a chuckle as, a moment later, there is an unannounced guest on her lap. The surprise quickly turns into a softer smile as she pets the soft, long fur of who she assumes is the actual owner of all the cat beds in the room. “I see you didn’t last long without a pet, huh,” she comments, though there is no judgment in her tone; she knows her son’s heart for animals. “She’s a beauty. What’s her name?”
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spearingskies · 2 years
A Pawsome Greeting ❁ Hinoka & Velouria
Velouria shook her head softly at the mention of other wolfskin. She wished that her daddy was here, but she wasn’t so lucky to have that… at least not yet. Her tail drooped a little, thinking of how much she missed her daddy and playing with other wolfskin. It just wasn’t the same with humans!
“No, Daddy’s not here…” Her words sounded solemn, but hopeful at the same time. Ah, whatever! She knew that he wouldn’t be able to just let her be! Heh… he had to show up sometime soon.
Velouria perked up a little at the idea of training. While she had originally been here to roll around in the sandpit that the training grounds offered, perhaps she would be able to stretch a little and get out some energy.
“I’ll join you in training Lady Hinoka! Heh… I haven’t stretched much since I woke up so this will be a good start to the day.”
“Ah, I see.” Hinoka has learned enough about the body language of kitsune and wolfskin to frown as the instant thought of maybe you shouldn’t have said that flashes through her head, before offering an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Velouria. I didn’t mean to remind you. Still, I hope you were able to find some new friends here.”
“... Reminds me! I’ve seen in the notes I got, that there are shapeshifters of other kinds at the Academy. They turn into birds, if I remember. Have you seen them?” Her voice barely contains the curiosity bordering on excitement as she grabs one of the training lances, holding it in both hands while doing some warm-up stretches. “We don’t have those in Hoshido or Nohr, that’s for sure. I didn’t know there were other kinds. I’m excited to see them.”
A grin appears on her face as Velouria decides to join her. “Alright then! As a warning, I don’t go easy even during training. But I doubt that’s much of a problem for you.” She’s a Wolfskin, after all. Hinoka has seen these guys snap tree trunks in half. She doubts Velouria will be the one having trouble.
But that’s how Hinoka likes it. Once her muscles are warmed up and ready to go, she twirls the training spear in the air; and once she is sure that Velouria is ready, she sends a powerful thrust her way - perhaps a bit more roughly than she had intended, but she did warn the Wolfskin that she does not hold back.
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spearingskies · 2 years
Plot Holes ❁ Hinoka & Azama
Hinoka wonders about Garreg Mach’s recruitment process - and Azama, looking on his liege, wonders much the same. Her, a teacher? Pfft.
(Maybe she does know a thing or two about them winged rats and can work her way around a naginata but that attitude? Surely they don’t want the fiery redhead teaching matters of etiquette or heavens forfend personality—-)
she’s here now. With him. And there is nobody else nearby to bother. :)
“Ah!” he starts, as they pick their way about the woods, rarely one to ease off on the dramatics, “Reunited at last, milady! I did so miss you, during my sojourn over yonder in that small mountain village full of dunces. You, after all, are my most favourite to tease.”
T’is an honour no other can boaste. A privilege, in fact, if he may be so bold.
They venture further, where the world thins, pales, fades. Like a painting that’s been set in the sun overlong, edges fraying - rather, like a piece that’s been abandoned before the final strokes were committed or even ever conceived of. The world is silent, save for the monk’s cheerful, offkey humming, and the muted padding of steps.
“Of course we shall!” Azama replies, ever chipper. “What a silly question! Surely we are not here to sightsee, hmm, hmm? Oh, milady, I never knew you to be so lax with your responsibilities… Ah… And to think I pledged my undying loyalty to a sloth…”
Tsk, tsk.
Unafraid of what lurks beyond - indeed, he is much more pressed with removing himself from the range of Lady Hinoka’s lance should she feel the urge to slap it around some to make a point - the monk starts into the tall grasses. Though they are on their own still, they ply and give way before the intruders’ coming and going.
And he does get the impression they are, in fact, intruding.
He pauses, midway through the field. Are they still alone…?
“Milady,” he offers, cautiously setting forth once more. “Have you heard of the rumours surrounding these outlands? Of the Outcast?”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it.”
Hinoka’s voice is flat, eyes half-closed in annoyance and the overwhelming feeling of immediately being so done - and they only just got here, which is a positively fantastic sign of things to come. Why has she not sent him away yet, anyway? Well - he and Setsuna are reliable when the situation calls for it. They have got her back when it counts. But man, if they aren’t also an exercise in saint’s patience. Though some would joke that that is exactly what one such as her needed. Oh well, that’s a train of thought for later.
For now, they’re here, and they both have to simply deal with it.
Much as Azama continues to push her buttons - and gods damn it if this preaching spikehead doesn’t know exactly which ones to push - the princess, however eager to give him a solid smack across the back, stays her hand. For now. “Yeah, yeah. We’re going, Mister Eager and Dutiful. Show your lady a brilliant example of how is done.” He’s no Setsuna, he knows how to get himself out of potential danger. When he wants. Dragon’s tits, if Setsuna were here, Hinoka would probably have to give her a piggyback ride to stay safe.
At any rate, they keep going through the tall grasses, and as they do, Azama pauses - and briefly, so does she.
Hm. It’s quiet. A bit too quiet for her liking, honestly. And for once, she and her retainer seem to be on the same boat.
As he keeps going and speaks out, Hinoka frowns. “I heard about how no one from this town ever goes here. One traveler once did, long ago, and never came back.” She pauses, thinking. “The knight said she once made it to the forest and lake, but never further than that.”
“We’re in a storybook. I think we’re headed towards where the extent of the story ends. We might run into nothing, or... who knows. Best to stay on guard.”
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spearingskies · 2 years
Pegasusing Around ❁ Hinoka & Soren
Hinoka’s statement made sense. Nebula had never been skittish around Soren’s magic, even when he mainly used Excalibur. She almost seemed to sense that they were talking about her and she nosed Soren, looking for treats. Soren rubbed her shoulder, pondering what about a pegasus’s color could give a cue as to temperament.
Well, some mysteries were beyond solving.
“I see.” Hinoka’s own pegasus was a troublemaker. Soren kept a blank face as they readied themselves, ridiculous hats and all. “Very well. Let’s go.”
Soren didn’t have any reason to think he’d beat the academy’s flying instructor, but he’d still give it his best. “On three…”
One, two, three!
However, Nebula seemed to have the idea that she did have to win this for her own sense of pride. She shot up from the sky as though dodging an arrow, jerking Soren around in the saddle. He leaned forward, one hand gripping her mane and the reigns and the other on his hat to make sure it didn’t fly off as they soared through the sky.
“You’ve got a competitive streak all right.” Was it some kind of pegasus rivalry he didn’t know about? “Let’s see if our professor is worth what they pay her.”
And zoom they go! Hinoka cannot help but blink in mild surprise as Soren’s pegasus shoots upwards and forward, as though her very life depended upon victory in this race. What the heck? The student’s body language in reaction to this sudden outburst tells the princess clearly that this wasn’t necessarily his idea and command. Well then. Nebula seems to be really into it. Or she’s trying to impress someone, who knows. Pegasi have their own moods and ideas.
Not that she and Hajime have any interest in being outdone by a magician kid and a Nohrian-looking mount! A grin appears on her face as her companion follows suit; the other participants are outdone quickly and easily by both her and Soren, one already disqualified as the overly fancy had he adorned flies off his head; a sight that reminds her to hold on well to hers. No matter how well she flies, if she loses the darn thing, it’s game over.
It’s not long before she is right behind Soren, a determined smile on her lips as the two pegasi compete for the victory. “You two aren’t too shabby, huh?” She shouts towards the Deer. “But we’re no slouches, either!”
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spearingskies · 2 years
between a cliff and a hard place
               A dash of sorrow was soon to accompany their fleeting cause for happiness. No sooner were allies and associates reunited before a necessary commitment divided them anew. In order to disperse the pressure of their pursuers it was necessary to split their forces in two; one group to navigate up the black-top highways marking civilization to the northwest, another to traverse the treacherous frontiers northwest claimed by rockfalls and slippery footholds - both to converge at the agreed upon designation within a few days’ time. Kincaid. Moving separately to avoid suffering the bulk of attention, even a king that valued the unity of his assembled friends could see the greater wisdom to be had.
               Their plan was thus all but engraved in stone relief, deeming it unmistakable as to what they needed do next. As city streets surrendered progressively to rustic outskirts, smog dissipating to clean air, the familiarity of such surroundings boasted a comfort that Marth appreciated. After a night spent in the elements before a crackling fire, the morning awaited, and at his side still walked the companions whom he deemed familiar; although, this was scarcely a peace that lasted.
               Confusion was but a reasonable response at the unreasonable things sighted. Be it at a humanoid robot with peeling ‘skin’ alike a man withstood by flame, or vehicles suited for conveying cargo or surveillance that moved with the sentience of the humans who once piloted them. Preceded by a symphony of noise, this trio of enemies at odds with the natural world made themselves known. As Brigid sounded her tentative warning, the former prince-commander’s senses could only blare loudly in his head with the warning of ambush, throwing him into action after Lorenz.
Marth attacks Myrmidon O for 4 damage — Myrmidon O: 2/6 HP
               “Rest your sights upon no-one else, your opponent is me!” Shnnk! A hiss of metal disengaged the bladed weapon hidden inside the crevice of his mech’s arm - not quite the reliable blade of light but undoubtedly better than no blade at all. His substitute weapon nevertheless struck as faithfully as any legendary sword proven a hundred times over, carving a deep gash into the flank of the ‘myrmidon’. It tilted sideways as if robbed of the strength to stand upright, and his gaze - the mech’s head following - visibly flicked downwards in that moment. Distracted by the possibility of dealing collateral damage to his unarmed allies… or so it seemed.
Myrmidon O counterattacks Marth for .5 damage — Marth: 9.5/10 HP
               The corrupted AI myrmidon struck within that window of opportunity, nicking a piece off the metal carapace that surrounded its more fragile pilot. Marth feigned his weakness with a stumble, though he was coherent enough to notice the makings of a second strike. Its initiative well aligned with his plan. The Hero-King’s footing altered within the split second before contact, his bladed arm changing its trajectory to claim the myrmidon’s other side and gift an identical wound to match.
Marth attacks again for 4 damage — Myrmidon O: 0/6 HP 
              Rended nearly in two, naturally his deceived opponent could do battle no longer. Copper wiring and steaming electrical circuits exposed within its gaping hollows, the thing sparked on the floor with hiccups of static noise. Death gurgles. He spared this sight a cursory glance before wheeling his mech around to assist in the rest of the battle efforts.
♠  - To hope that their adventure would continue to go unmolested was likely too much to ask, apparently. At least, it wasn’t the army catching up. That lot wouldn’t have the guts to imagine that they’d use a route as risky as this mountain path here, much less follow. Unfortunately, it didn’t look as though those goons were the only obstacles they had to deal with.
Metallic sheens and apparent resilience to heat aside, there was something about the ‘robots’ that reminded her uncomfortably of morphs. Maybe, it was the way that they didn’t seem to have expressions, just disturbingly stare ahead like some kind of broken metal doll. Maybe it was the way that their eyes simply glowed dully and unnaturally, as if trying to stare into your soul. Or maybe it was the way that they just kept on repeating nonsensical things like fahrenheits and degrees.  Either way, Farina was well sick of them, practically on sight. This winding mountain road was already risky enough without them, what with the huge cliff-face practically right below their feet. One slip and she was pretty sure the fall wouldn’t be survivable even if they were all safely snug inside their own ‘mechs’. Not that they even had enough mechs for everyone. A flaming carriage is hurled their way as the ambush is sprung, a metal ‘man’, wielding something that the mercenary could only barely identify as an ‘axe’, marches up out of the wreckage and simply begins swinging away with its ‘axe’. Lorenz’s interception catches it solidly across its side but it still keeps marching away seemingly undeterred. 
Right, getting these things to stop looked like it was going to take something drastic. Ordering her own ‘mech’ to activate its ‘jets’ to take to the air, Farina quickly activated her own weapons, producing, in this case, a thin metal baton. Not that much of a spear in her eyes but hey, if it works, it works. Halting in mid-air right in front of the ‘fighter’, Farina quickly swung her baton sideways, aiming to simply sweep the enemy off its feet and down the cliffside to its doom. 
Farina attacks Fighter M - 20! Crit! 4 Damage Dealt! Farina attacks Fighter M again due to the effects of Brave Lance - 12! Hit! 2 Damage dealt! Fighter M HP: 0/6 HP
Her attack struck true, catching the ‘fighter’ solidly around its middle and sending it wobbling precarious along the cliff-edge. A second swing was enough to send it right over the edge, falling down and down before impacting with a loud boom on the ground far far beneath them. Look, it might not be pretty but hey, it got the job done, right? That thing won’t be a problem for them anymore. A quick glance in Marth’s direction told her that he finished off his foe much cleaner than she did. 
Whatever, now that the coast was clear, it was off back on the road to this Kinca-Wait, hold on. Her screen was screaming at her. Did she somehow miss one? “Watch yourself, guys.”, Farina muttered over the ‘radio’. “Looks like there’s just one more left.” Man, these small fry were just annoying. Whatever, let’s just get this over and done so they can get back on the road to this ‘safe’ city place yesterday!
last one? finish it! @larvesez​
“Hey, what’s going on over there?”
At the sound of another explosion and the rasping sounds of steel against steel, Hinoka frowns, exchanging looks with Brigid. “Let’s hurry. I don’t know how much we can help there with those -” she winces, giving her machete a wave through the air, the weapon feeling oddly weak and dinky in her hand in spite of being proper size and weight, likely due to the newfound comparison between those and the big bad mechas flying all over the place - “but if we can give them a hand, we should.”
With that, she breaks into a dash, glancing behind her to ensure the archer is following her. The noises get closer as she runs, and finally she makes it out of the trees and bushes -
- only for an opponent, or at least part of him (?), to zoom right past her through the air, leaving a trail of black smoke behind.
Oh. Okay, looks like their allies are completely fine.
“Oh hey! Are you guys done already?!” Damn, did she and Brigid really made this whole trip for nothing? Probably not - there is likely to be more fighting later down the line - but for the time being, it seems like this round is done. A grin appears on her face.
“Nice one, guys! Great job. Looks like you’ve got the hang of these by now!” Though she isn’t sure how well they can see her, she shoots them a thumbs-up regardless, before turning to Brigid and nodding. “Alright, let’s keep going. Stay on guard.”
thread end ❁    
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spearingskies · 2 years
Quality Family Time feat. a Robbery ❁ Hinoka & Siegbert
@perfectionist-prince ; Any Weapon +1
Under normal circumstances, Hinoka is really not the right person for a party, and even less of the right person for a fancy ball. And especially for a fancy ball that doubles as a mission - how are they expecting her to chase and capture a potential thief while wearing a whole long dress that she nearly trips on while just walking normally?
She has never been much of a... well, actual princess, she supposes would be the way to put it. Perhaps, once upon a time, she was meant to be. The memories of her earliest childhood, though few and fuzzy by now, still return to her sometimes, showing a Hinoka so drastically different from who she is now that she would not blame anyone for thinking it was someone else’s memories imprinted on her.
(Maybe, in a way, it was. One could say that Hinoka died together with father, or was taken from Hoshido together with Kamui, and it wouldn’t be wrong.)
But that is, in the end, not who she grew up to be; picking up a naginata at the age of seven, and growing up to be a warrior princess, one of Hoshido’s most feared and respected generals... All that is to say that she is not exactly comfortable in this situation. She knows, obligation, it’s a mission, but... seriously.
But there is something that makes it not so bad in spite of it all, something that puts a smile on her face nevertheless; the company of Siegbert. To play couple with her son is a peculiar situation that she, frankly, thinks little of; most importantly, it’s an opportunity to spend some time with him at long last, after months - years perhaps, as far as he is concerned - of separation. They just happen to have to be on guard for a robber while they are at it.
Having finally finished (hopefully) adjusting her hair (how can this short hair require so much attention good gods), she sighs and finally exits the suite to join Siegbert. The white dress with some red accents - at least the color scheme is familiar to her - is admittedly pretty, and maybe a bit less problematic than she had anticipated. So far, at least, and she has had it on for a matter of minutes. How she is expected to catch - or fight - a thief in this, she still has no clue, but they will figure it out as they go.
Upon seeing Siegbert outside, she cannot help but feel herself blush.
“Goodness, I look so silly...”
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spearingskies · 2 years
But I NEED That Knife ❁ Hinoka & Python
@aimlessarchery ; Bow +1
Having already made something of a name for herself as a Pegasus Knight, focused predominantly on the areas related to their craft, Hinoka seems to attract a raised eyebrow or two when she walks into the archery ring with a bow and the three arrows offered for the competition. The princess responds to the surprised looks with a smile of hardy determination. What, did they really think she wouldn’t use a bow, just because she works and fights as a flying soldier?
Someone needs a lecture on the history, inheritance and legacy of the Hoshidan royal family. But that’s not the main point of today.
The main point of today is that Hinoka isn’t going to let some silly competition get in the way of her dinner. Sure she can cheat and just bring her chopsticks, saying that those weren’t mentioned in the rules, but that wouldn’t be very honorable, and where is the fun in doing so, anyway? (Though she does have them hidden in her pockets just in case, she is NOT eating pasta with her hands. Pasta is no sushi. There’s honorable and then there’s gross.) It’s an opportunity for training, however weird and kinda random it may be, and she is not going to let that go to waste.
The princess cannot help but let a pitiful smile appear on her face as she watches some poor newbie recruit fumble his shot and deprive himself of knife rights for the afternoon, before she spots some movement nearby.
Ah, a new contestant.
“Python. Hey there.” She does not know the Deer’s archery instructor all that well, but he did well enough during the recent missions to come back alive, and that’s, obviously, always a good thing. “You’re gonna compete for your cutlery today, too?”
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spearingskies · 2 years
Sisterly Matters ❁ Hinoka & Sakura
@gentlenekomata ; Lance +1
“Not again...”
Hinoka sighs. Oh, she is so bad with things where you’re supposed to be gentle and meticulous. She feels so much more at home just stabbing stuff.
Which may not be the best and most useful quality in the time of peace that they have fought so hard to achieve. Optimally, it shouldn’t be, and she knows that. Just... come on, it’s not her fault that princess-ly things aren’t her forte! It is not as though she ever had time for them. She had other, more important matters to think about.
Still, she should probably... try to work on this issue. She might need the gentler skills more often now. Again, that’s the whole idea.
It would just really help if these strings could stop snapping so very easily. She swears she isn’t using that much force!
Overall, the idea of attaching a decorative bracelet to the weapon she will then promptly stick in the next villain, bandit or Faceless she encounters is a little odd to her - how is impaling someone with friendship better than impaling them without it? It’s not like she is trying to befriend them. But... ah, whatever, maybe it’s just an element of Fódlan culture, or something of that nature. The concept sounds cute, she’ll admit it, she just... doesn’t think it’s as pretty as certain perhaps a bit too idealistic people imagine it to be, once it’s put into practice.
Just as she is beginning to rethink this idea, her eyes catch a familiar figure, and just like that, all her worries are gone and a bright smile creases her lips at the sight of one of her favorite people in the world.
All of a sudden, making bracelets is so much more fun and makes perfect sense.
“Sakura! Hey, Sakura!” She calls, waving eagerly to her little sister in greeting. “Hey there! Would you like to make some friendship bracelets?”
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spearingskies · 2 years
How to Train Your (Baby) Dragon ❁ Hinoka & Shez
@zesevral ; Flying +1
Hinoka has, quite frankly, no clue what she’s doing here.
Up until now, her interest in wyverns began and ended on how to kill the damn things. How to successfully strike, knock off the rider, disable the beast - all while avoiding its claws and fangs that could easily pierce Hajime’s neck inside out if her carelessness fails her.
But, they’re no longer at war with Nohr. So they should probably think about an exchange of cultures and things like that. Heck, Nohr has pegasi; the black-colored version ridden by the Dark Fliers, but it has them. It would be kind of remiss of Hoshido not to try and catch up, and as it stands, she may well be the one with the best shot at that.
She just needs to not lose her hands. C’mon Hinoka, if Camilla can do it, so can you.
And honestly? When she takes a peek into the stable and her eyes meet the big, wide open, amber-colored peepers of the curious baby who may have just seen a human for the second or so time in its life, she has to admit it’s kind of cute. It’s got nothing on a pegasus foal, but she will give credit where credit is due.
“Oh, hey there!” Spotting movement in the corner of her eye, she turns and smiles, waving at Shez, the student joining her for today’s adventure - or disaster, they shall see. “Lil’ fella just woke up from his nap. Hm, I should probably ask - do you have any experience with wyverns?”
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spearingskies · 2 years
ooc; plotting call
Hello TOA! I am looking for some new threads for Hinoka from the current mission board. She is already taken for the Flying mission, but I’m also interested in the following:
Sword - thanks to her Valla adventures, Hinoka has some experience with funky places that change their shape a lot. Doesn’t change the fact that we may not wanna stay here longer than we have to, but hey, she’s got your back.
Lance - Hinoka has never been much of a person for decorating, or making decorations of any kind for that matter. So she might need some pointers. Haha get it, because we’ll be attaching these to our pointy sticks--
Bow - she feels a little bit ??? about the competition idea, but you know what, sure. Let’s have some fun. (If she loses in the cutlery department, she can always sneak in her chopsticks, right? That wasn’t in the rules lol)
Faith - having seen Corrin and Azura walk around barefoot all the time and in every place, Hinoka is stuck between “I have no idea how these two do it” and “it can’t be THAT bad, right”. Time to find out the hard way.
Any Weapon - Hinoka’s kind of taken, but fine, she does remember SOME etiquette...
DM me on Discord or ping me in TOA’s plotting channel if you’re interested! <3
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