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Without responding, She lets out a light laugh as she settled back down next to her. Gauze, needles, stitching thread and various other medical supplies. Putting small gloves over her hands, she put some of the numbing agent onto her hand and gently applied it to the wound. Being careful and considerate.  She leaned back and gave it a few moments, admiring the landscape as time ticked by. This women was muscular and gorgeous but also injured. Priorities set from her line of work.  She got out her tweezers and filled her hand with a few rolls of cotton and lightly soaking them in disinfectant. She hums quietly in response, listening to the women talk about herself. Half paying attention, half doing math in her head.  Carefully, she took the tweezers and moved closer before responding “No, it wouldnt be the first time, but I am a sucker for artistic passion” She responded. During the response, she quickly removed the bullet to reduce the pain due to being her unaware.
@specialistfrost Liked for a AU
Yakuza x Nurse
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Karma had to lie on her back, the bullet wound wasn’t a through and through but being shirtless made everything cold. No doubt the nurse could see her rather large tattoo on her back, a giant dragon fighting an Oni. “It represents my struggles and how I use them to my advantage.” Karma spoke to distract herself from the pain “The dragon being my strength, the demon being my flaws. They both are always in conflict, but when I control them, use them, I become unstoppable…” Except for a bullet wound to the back after a drug trade had went south.
She rested her head on the pillow that was provided for her, glad that she wasn’t found with any of the drugs on her, she would have been likely to be put away after questioning, but now she would be able to go home when they got the bullet out. “You must see a lot of tattoo’s like mine in your line of work, huh?”
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Would you be willing to draw Riza flexing majestically?
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you asked for it!!
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“no, thats not what I meant. I mean, im willing to stop fighting in the military so I can spend more time with you... give me a bit more time to heal as well. It mightve not been great for my mental health”
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Enlist somewhere? Karma was a bit hurt that she would want to leave, but also…
“Hey.” She leaned in, giving her a passionate kiss on the lips before pulling back slightly to look in her eyes “Frost, I don’t want to hold you back from something you want. If that’s the career you want, then enlist. I want to be supportive of  you. Don’t hold yourself back because you want to be with me. I’ll always be here…”
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“Shes an old cat, had her since I was I fairly young- and I can do that. C’mere you!”
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“An old fart? Cute kitty though. You should kiss me.”
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“Ginger!!! My tabby cat!! An old fart”
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“I need a distraction.”
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“Have you seen my cat!?”
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“I need a distraction.”
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“I want to fight and support people since I know what its like to loose people in these stupid battles but I was married once and hes gone now. I tried throwing myself out there but its not the same, especially now that I have you. I want to fight next to you”
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Enlist somewhere? Karma was a bit hurt that she would want to leave, but also…
“Hey.” She leaned in, giving her a passionate kiss on the lips before pulling back slightly to look in her eyes “Frost, I don’t want to hold you back from something you want. If that’s the career you want, then enlist. I want to be supportive of  you. Don’t hold yourself back because you want to be with me. I’ll always be here…”
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“I’ll.... I’ll stay then too...I was thinking of trying to enlist somewhere else but I have you”
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Karma then lunges herself at Frost and gives her a lot of kisses.
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“Dont ever leave.. please” Frost hugs her tight
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Karma then lunges herself at Frost and gives her a lot of kisses.
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“I love my Karmaaa~”
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“gimme that good karma, because I love her”
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Suggestive eyes @ her
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“love youuu!”
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“gimme that good karma, because I love her”
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“gimme that good karma, because I love her”
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“thats my girl”
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“ya god damn right” She nods then adds “Hows your dad, havent seen him in a coons age. He got me out of a bad spot once or twice so I owe him a thing or two”
"What rank are you anyway, boy?"
“Technically Im a corporal, by Atlas standards, ma’am. HKs dont have equivilent ranks for the most part.”
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“Even covered in snow the gardens are beautiful.”
“It’s so cold, but I need a breath of fresh air.”
“Come on, A bit of dancing will warm you right up.”
“I think there is a couple occupying the coat closet…”
“That’s the good thing about winter, the gardens are always quiet.”
“Even the roses are frozen.”
“Think of it this way, the champagne is always chilled.”
“Did they just forget to heat the dance hall, or were they expecting us to wear our coats all night?”
“Your hands are freezing!”
“I’d imagine even with layers, skirts are highly impractical in the snow.”
“Is this a Christmas party or…?”
“This is fun and all, but We’re going to be snowed in at this rate.”
“They are giving Sleigh rides in the garden.”
“They caught me making snow angels and now they think I’m drunk…”
“The dancefloor is crowded, let’s go for a walk.”
“Why are you out in the cold?”
“Really? Are you really going to throw snowballs?”
“Don’t you dare! These are my best clothes!”
“I’m not going out there. I dressed for fashion, not practicality.”
“Merry Christmas.”
“People are giving gifts? I didn’t know we were giving gifts!”
“I didn’t know when I would see you next, so here.”
“Dancing in the snow seems romantic in theory, but treacherous in practice.”
“Look at all the couples using the cold as an excuse to cuddle. It’s gross.”
“Everything is silver and glittering.”
“From out here the lights in the windows seem so warm and inviting.”
“So you’d rather be out here getting frostbite than inside dancing and enjoying yourself?”
“Why am I here? You know I hate these things.”
“Booze and ice, what a good combination.”
“I stood under that mistletoe for 30 minutes hoping for some Christmas romance before giving up.”
“Oh sure, when I stand under the mistletoe nothing, but in the last five minutes about ten couples walked through.”
“I twisted my ankle on the icy steps, so now I can’t even dance.”
“We could always slip away, and slide in close to get warm.”
“Maybe you should warm your hands before asking anything to dance…”
“Look, it’s mistletoe.”
“You kiss them under the mistletoe, but you just laughed in my face.”
“It’s not a really a party until someone is stark naked passed out in the snow.”
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“man, is it gay in here... or wait-”
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“haha its just me”
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