specszero · 5 months
I've succumb to
thoughts of you .
My curiosity longing
to be quenched.
I wonder about
Your laughter, smile and touch.
The taste of your lips intoxicating
I imagine.
It would be an untold of
Spell, exploring your curves
An aphrodisiac.
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specszero · 9 months
I have spend some much time ,slow dancing with goodbye .that i hardly notice hello, looking at me with a warm loving smile .
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specszero · 6 years
The biggest sin is knowing your gift and not doing anything about it
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specszero · 7 years
You like a beautiful camp fire on a chilly night , the star's and moon come out to be amazed by your dance and am the fire wood .in order for you to be happy , I must get hurt
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specszero · 7 years
I got tired of saying "good morning " over the phone
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specszero · 8 years
.. as I stand by the balcony awaiting the beautiful sunrise, the first sunray runs to the roses , gently kissing them and awakening them from their slumber .As the playful morning breeze plays tag with the grapevine leaves , I marvel at the wonders of nature with a smile of awe .After another sip of my coffee, my attention turns to the footsteps making their way towards me in a tiptoe slow rhythm from my back .My whole body waits in anticipation for him to put his loving arms around me and gently kiss my neck ...
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specszero · 9 years
The sweet devil between your legs, leaves me wanting more
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specszero · 9 years
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I know of a cold rock which carries warm memories of a bee , that has a golden smile . That could brighten up your day from the sight of it .
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specszero · 9 years
I wanna be your badass prince
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specszero · 9 years
I long for someone to share my emotions with..
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specszero · 9 years
Her : we will fall for each other again Him : if so , I hope It will be more beautiful, poetic and soul soothing this time around .
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specszero · 9 years
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specszero · 9 years
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specszero · 9 years
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You are my everything in short
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specszero · 9 years
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specszero · 9 years
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If only you would say that
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specszero · 9 years
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Sad story
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