spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023 has come to an end!
Thank you all for participating! We can’t wait to see you next October!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 31
Hiya folks! It's day 31!
Art prompt: Shindig
Writing prompt: PJ doesn’t remember his birthday, so Max throws a Deathday party for him instead and it winds up being crashed by everyone.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 30
Hiya folks! It's day 30!
Art prompt: Eye
Writing prompt: Ed’s glasses get stolen, prompting a chase that quickly and hilariously escalates.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 29
Hiya folks! It's day 29!
Art prompt: Poison
Writing prompt: Lisa is framed for poison ending up in people's drinks, and she's going to make the real poisoner have a taste of their own medicine.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 28
Hiya folks! It's day 28!
Art prompt: Zombie
Writing prompt: Jean finds an unnatural being in the woods, the living dead, and has to take it out before it reaches town.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 27
Hiya folks! It's day 27!
Art prompt: Skull
Writing prompt: During their usual romp around the woods, the Jang finds a weirdly large skull.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 26
Hiya folks! It's day 26!
Art prompt: Demon
Writing prompt: When Jeff starts getting bullied by a new Academy student calling himself “The Demon”, an unlikely group of kids rally together to take him out.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 25
Hiya folks! It's day 25!
Art prompt: Death Cult
Writing prompt: Death cult and creepy go hand in hand, but Ms. Baxter is just trying to use it to find love.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 24
Hiya folks! It's day 24!
Art prompt: Corpse
Writing prompt: Shenanigans ensue when Penny returns to the shop with her newest find, a Tool….that’s a corpse.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 23
Hiya folks! It's day 23!
Art prompt: Nothingness
Writing prompt: Usually Isaac was excited for Halloween, but this year he just felt a nothingness in his heart.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 22
Hiya folks! It's day 22!
Art prompt: Hex
Writing prompt: Ollie tends not to believe in the supernatural, but as he encounters more and more things he can't explain, he ponders an earlier hypothesis from the group that they've been hexed.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 21
Hiya folks! It's day 21!
Art prompt: Guardian
Writing prompt: Spender wouldn't consider himself an ideal guardian, but he's pretty sure that allowing Isabel's Halloween plans to proceed would count as child endangerment.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 20
Hiya folks! It's day 20!
Art prompt: Rotten
Writing prompt: It’s a race against time to move the rotted pumpkin Tool out into a safe area before the spirit within is able to break out of it entirely.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 19
Hiya folks! It's day 19!
Art prompt: Hay ride
Writing prompt: Sergei and the Student Council are DETERMINED to let absolutely nothing get out of hand with the fundraising hay ride this year. (Everything gets out of hand.)
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 11 months
Spectober 2023: Day 18
Hiya folks! It's day 18!
Art prompt: Lantern
Writing prompt: Zarei’s search for the Ghost Train’s Lantern takes unexpected twists and turns during a fall festival.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 1 year
Spectober 2023: Day 17
Hiya folks! It's day 17!
Art prompt: Princess
Writing prompt: Suzy’s newest “exaggerated” news piece about the Princess of Mayview causes odd visitors to show up at her doorstep.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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spectober · 1 year
Spectober 2023: Day 16
Hiya folks! It's day 16!
Art prompt: Trapped
Writing prompt: Alex is convinced that she's been trapped in a glowing cage of energy by aliens. The activity club knows that the culprit is a particularly mischievous poltergeist.
Don’t forget to tag your Spectober creations with #Spectober2023! Have fun!
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