spectrumos · 17 minutes
you DARE to call me out for something I JUST DID!?
That's reasonable.
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spectrumos · 37 minutes
Writing really goes one of two ways:
1. Write 3k words in 30 minutes
2. Takes 3 hours to write 3 sentences
There is no in between
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spectrumos · 2 hours
the distribution of power between the demigods in elden ring is pretty darn funny ngl (mainline and partial SOTE spoilers ahead)
Malenia: Literal Goddess of Rot and Decay that spawned its own zone and PEOPLE
Miquella: Has the power to seamlessly mind control charm literally anyone including other demigods
Ranni: is literally the reason why the events of the game happen
radahn. really big. and sure he's rlly damn good at gravity magic and stuff but we as 'lowly tarnished' can kill those easily anyway so uh. sorry my man
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spectrumos · 3 hours
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young empyreans in the modern au 💙💛
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spectrumos · 3 hours
i’d care if the person i reblogged this from vanished
idc if you reblog this from me but reblog it every time you see one of your friends or mutuals have reblogged it
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spectrumos · 3 hours
People are so stupid about snakes. If there's a little black racer chilling outside just leave it alone, you don't have to kill it, it's probably dealing with all your pests for you, jesus christ
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spectrumos · 3 hours
And after a while you just stop. You stop watering your plants. You stop watching netflix. You stop reading. You stop replying to your friends as fast as you used to. You stop buying yourself nice things. You stop putting an effort into how you look. You stop taking care of yourself like you used to. You stop sleeping. You stop eating healthy foods. You stop petting your dog. You stop socializing.
You stop with everything. You find yourself sitting in your room for hours on end, without doing a single thing. Days feel like years. And you think you can’t do it for much longer.
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spectrumos · 4 hours
If you have bodily autonomy, then there is always a chance that you will do something to your body that you will regret. This is not an argument for taking that autonomy away.
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spectrumos · 4 hours
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sympathy for cain
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spectrumos · 6 hours
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spectrumos · 8 hours
Maybe it's because I'm a Yuji fan, but damn, Kusakabe... have you said anything nice once to the 15-year-old kid?
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spectrumos · 9 hours
what do you think about posts that argue zuko shouldn’t have become fire lord because he’s sixteen? that the adults in the story should’ve been more responsible, and not let a child on the throne?
I think those people are fundamentally not understanding what genre of story ATLA is.
I mean, on one hand, I get the impulse to explore the angst of Zuko having to take the throne too young, but people who seriously try to argue that the adults are irresponsible for letting him are fundamentally forgetting that this is a fantasy story made for children, which is the reason why all the main characters are also children. The children in the story have power and agency that real children do not and should not have. Because they are not real children.
Zuko being young is also a key part of the story. Not just in the tradition of the bildungsroman, which his narrative follows, but also in him being the one to lead his nation back to the light, the "idealist with a pure heart." The innocence and wisdom of youth is a theme we see throughout the story. And in a way, Zuko becoming firelord is a return to his youth, because he regains that innocence and belief in the goodness of the world that was taken from him as a child.
To look at that kind of story and say the adults were irresponsible to let a kid do all that is like...such a boring way to engage in fiction, tbh.
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spectrumos · 11 hours
That fic you wrote?
The one about the ship no one else cares about, or the deeply unpopular character, or the extremely unusual AU?
The fic that got no comments or kudos when you posted it?
Months or years from now, that fic might be exactly what someone is looking for in the sea of fics about all the popular characters, ships, and AUs.
Your fic might be the only fic out there that has what someone is looking for. The only fic that scratches the itch that it turns out you and that reader share.
And that's awesome.
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spectrumos · 12 hours
I’m noticing an increase in new fic writers on AO3 who…uh…mayy not know how to format their fics correctly..so here is a quick and VERY important tip
Using a random fic of mine as example..
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The left example: ✅✅✅
The right example: ❌❌❌
Idk how many times I’ve read a good fic summary and been so excited to read before clicking on it and being met with an ugly wall of text. When I see a huge text brick with zero full line breaks my eyes blur and I just siiiigh bc either I click out immediately or I grin and bear it…it’s insufferable!
If a new character speaks, you need a line break. If you notice a paragraph is becoming too large, go ahead and make a line break and/or maybe reconfigure the paragraph to flow better. I’m not a pro writer or even a huge fic writer but…please…ty…
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spectrumos · 23 hours
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spectrumos · 24 hours
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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spectrumos · 1 day
it is absolutely BONKERS to me, the number of people in the united states i have talked to who have never even heard of the battle of blair mountain. how the largest labor uprising in our history manages to skirt by so many leftists unknown is just downright astonishing. the largest labor uprising, and the largest armed uprising, period, since the civil war.
did yall even hear me?
THE LARGEST ARMED UPRISING!! besides the civil!!! fucking!! war!!! was fought in 1921 in the name of LABOR RIGHTS AND UNIONS by TEN THOUSAND RIGHTEOUSLY PISSED, STRIKING COAL MINERS
these absolute fucking LEGENDS marching out the hollers of west virginia, wearing their red bandanas and wielding their papaw's shotguns pointed at the lawmen. waging war against the fucking UNITED. STATES. MILITARY!!! for their right to work safely and be paid fairly!!!
and people just like. don't know about that? put some fucking respect on west virginia!!! and fellow appalachians, yall best just own it when ignorant people call you a fucking redneck cause our ancestors did that shit and they did it for us
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