speed-monke · 3 years
What  To Do To Drive A Man Crazy In Bed?
Do you feel that sex has become insipid, and the man is in no hurry to change something? If right now you do not take the initiative into your own hands, then soon the passion will finally come to naught. But how to give a man pleasure in bed, without embarrassing, and not frightened off by his courage. Come here for more details about sex.
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What needs to be done before intimacy?
It is believed that a relaxing environment, sensual music and scented candles in the bedroom are needed only by women. But men are also incredibly receptive to their surroundings! Let, once in the bedroom, he instantly rebuilds on thoughts of sex. To do this, remove soft toys and photographs of your beloved parents from the shelves, make the bed with beautiful linen, hide your favorite flannel pajamas away.
To please a man, put sex toys and seductive underwear in a dresser drawer, fill the air with the aromas of sandalwood, oud, musk, vanilla and other aphrodisiacs. Blackout curtains can be hung on the windows, creating a sexy twilight effect, and a slow, languid musical composition can be put in the background, setting up intimacy. 
How to please a man in bed correctly?
All guys are different and aroused by some of their sexual triggers, but there are moments that are common to all men. If you are embarrassed to ask your loved one directly what he likes in bed, then use my advice. 
Take the initiative
By all the rules, the initiative in a pair should come from a man. But in sex, this axiom can be neglected! Invite him to make love not in the evening, as usual, but in the morning. Or send frank text messages all day so that when he comes home from work he could not think about anything other than sex.
Diversify the foreplay
How is foreplay usually going in your couple? A few quick kisses and five minutes of stroking erogenous zones? And if you devote a little more time to the prelude, adding new elements to it? For example, take advantage of the secrets of Japanese geisha and master sensual massage techniques. 
Speak not only before, but also during sex.
It is believed that conversations are appropriate only during foreplay, and sex itself does not tolerate conversations. This is an outdated opinion! Comment on your man's actions in bed to drive him crazy! Tell him how to proceed next, what you like, what you are going to do the next minute. 
Fulfill His Sexual Fantasy
There is no guy who would not dream of making his innermost sexual desires come true. So let him do it! Does a man hint at anal sex from time to time ? Why not give it a try? Or maybe he dreams of role-playing games, where you play the role of a vicious teacher, and he is a C grade student who came after school to correct grades?
Hot Tips for Those Who Want More
Is your boyfriend a true sexy foodie and the tips above won't surprise him? Then here are a few more ways that can satisfy the most insatiable man in bed. If you are bold enough and open to experimentation, then read and practice tonight!
Make love in an unusual place
How about quick sex in an elevator? Or maybe both of you are excited by the thought of being close in the fitting room of a shopping center or the entrance of your own house? It's time to make your bold fantasy come true! Usually, this kind of sex requires speed, which spurs guys on. And the risk of being caught "red-handed" adds excitement and promotes the production of adrenaline. 
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speed-monke · 3 years
Sexual Health
Sexual health is fundamental to the overall health and well-being of individuals, couples and families, and to the social and economic development of communities and countries. Sexual health, when viewed affirmatively, requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. The ability of men and women to achieve sexual health and well-being depends on their: Visit here for more details about sex.
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access to comprehensive, good-quality information about sex and sexuality, knowledge about the risks they may face and their vulnerability to adverse consequences of unprotected sexual activity, ability to access sexual health care,living in an environment that affirms and promotes sexual health.
Sexual health-related issues are wide-ranging, and encompass sexual orientation and gender identity, sexual expression, relationships, and pleasure. They also include negative consequences or conditions such as:
infections with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and reproductive tract infections (RTIs) and their adverse outcomes (such as cancer and infertility);
In humans, abundant erogenous zones are observed, and they have rich nerve endings, such as: the lips, the earlobes, the mammary nipples, the breasts, and the genital organs. It has been observed that in other primates there is no such abundance of erogenous zones. Even the earlobe and also the nasal appendage have muscles that react like the spongy bodies of the penis to sexual stimuli.
 In fact, today it is accepted that the mouth is a part of our body that behaves as a sexual organ. In the physiological descriptions of the erogenous zones in humans, it is the presence of lips, which have an outward connotation, in a prominent, pronounced, and permanent way, with abundant nerve endings, and an epithelium very different from that found in other primates. . In these, the lips are thinner, and have the characteristics of being inward. On the other hand, if we compare it to other primates, the human male is one of those with the largest proportional penis.
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In the meaning of transcending. It has 5 meanings: (a) Smell that spreads at a distance (b) Knowledge of something hidden (c) Effects of some things on others with consequences. (d) To apply to everything a notion that is not gender, as happens with those of unity and being, and also in the Kantian system, to go beyond the limits of possible experience. (e) Penetrate, understand, find out something that is hidden. 
The meaning that we will use here is to go beyond the limits of possible experience. Thus, for example, exceptional actions of some people are described, such as walking on water (Christ in the Lake) or levitation that eliminates the force of gravity. This is described for exceptional individuals but does not occur in ordinary human beings. However, for the everyday, an example is he or the lover who does not care about his / her I, only the Other or Other matters. In this state, human beings can take on acts and actions that sometimes do not have a rational explanation, that is, they “detach” from their own I. This occurs in the field of affectivity as a component of sexuality. In the biological component of sexuality, it is transcended during the orgasmic phase of the human sexual coital response.
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speed-monke · 3 years
Common Questions Sexologists Answer
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Alone or as a couple in the consultation, during a workshop in front of a group or in internet forums, preserving anonymity. Questions about sexual matters presented by patients or users vary depending on the context. Although, according to some experts, there are common questions that are repeated continuously and help define the knowledge and general concern when relating to the body and sex. From matters strictly related to one's own pleasure or that of the sexual partner, to myths and beliefs around sexual practices such as masturbation. Going through issues of gender identity and sexual orientation or moral debates on issues such as porn, prostitution or surrogacy. These are the questions sexologists address the most. Check out here for more details about sex.
1. Why don't I feel like having sex?
The statistics are not optimistic: we are losing the desire to have sex. The absence of sexual desire has increased from 8% to 13% between 2005 and 2016, indicates a research published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine that analyzes different studies on the subject. A problem that women mainly accuse, as the sexologists and psychologists Laura Oliveros , from Psigo, and Carme Sánchez , co-director of the Institut de Sexologia de Barcelona have observed in their consultations . Something that, as the latter defends in her book The sex that women want : And how to enjoy it (Lectio), “should not set off alarms.The personal and professional moment have repercussions in our life, also in the sexual one. As in any other situation, it is convenient to analyze the possible causes (either the relationship with the partner, if there is one, our state of health or what is stressing me at the moment) ” . And seek professional help. “Another factor to take into account is the comparison. It is not necessarily a problem if the person is satisfied but believes that they have it because it will be bought with the amount of sex that others say they have. If it works for you and your partner… ”.
2. Anorgasmia: What prevents me from reaching orgasm?
For Laura Oliveros this is almost a direct consequence of the above. “Mainly it happens due to lack of desire. Another type of problem after this anorgasmia can be pain on penetration . We treat it with therapy, with or without a partner, ”he says. “We explain masturbation techniques or we talk about how to try things with the sexaul partner, refining where the doubt goes. There are many women who have not masturbated and do not know what happens in their body, both when they are alone and with another person ”, adds Carme Sánchez.
3. Is my penis size normal?
According to the erotic website Platanomelón, 25% of the doubts received on its platform are related to doubts about the size of the male member. Carme Sánchez corroborates this, clarifying that it is not a question that arises so much in consultations, but more through clinics in which the identity of the questioner is not generally shown. “There are also many doubts about whether size matters when it comes to satisfying women in penetrative heterosexual relationships. No, size is not everything, not even the most important thing. Surely the intensity of the erection, the mastery of certain erotic techniques and the synchrony established between the two people play a more important role in satisfaction than the dimensions ”.
4.  I am a premature ejaculator: what can I do?
Laura Oliveros. Eye! The fact of finishing sooner than I want does not always mean that it is premature ejaculation. Either because they lose their erection or because they ejaculate earlier is one of the issues that are most addressed in consultation with men.
Carme Sánchez. Many people believe that thinking negative things during sex will prevent the problem. Thinking about unpleasant or anti-erotic things will not help to solve the problem. You should try not to be aware of the moment of ejaculation, but to enjoy the situation, because the more anxiety you have, the faster you will ejaculate. If the subject is distressing and you want an accurate diagnosis, it is better to consult a sexual health professional.
5. How to combat erectile dysfunction?
" Dysfunctions can appear at any age, but it is observed that young people, between 18 and 30 years old, go to a professional earlier than people over 35, who come when they have had the problem for a long time," says Laura Oliveros. “Before starting any therapy, the first thing is to go to the doctor and rule out medical causes that may cause sexual dysfunction or any medication. Once discarded, the main cause of these types of problems turns out to be stress and / or anxiety . Many of the problems are due more to the fact that on one occasion they ejaculated earlier than they wanted or lost their erection unintentionally and from this moment on the fear of it being repeated is the cause that makes it a problem ”.
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6. Is there a multiorgasmic woman?
In her book, Carme Sánchez points out: «It exists because women do not need too long a time of rest between orgasms. But that does not mean that every sexual relationship becomes a competition with our sexual partner or with ourselves. You decide if after an orgasm you want to enjoy a pleasant relaxation or you embark again on an extra stimulation that leads to another sequential orgasm.
7. Do women ejaculate?
“Some women emit a liquid biochemically similar to semen at the moment of orgasm. In most cases the amount is so small that neither the woman nor the sexual partner are aware of the phenomenon, but sometimes the amount is quite abundant. This fluid is not urine, but is produced by the urethral and periurethral glands that are found in the urethral canal, ”says Sánchez.
8. Why do women take longer to reach orgasm?
Carme Sánchez. The supposed slowness of women is given by the comparison between the sexual response of men and women, taking as a model that of men. The time it takes to reach orgasm depends on the degree of desire, the capacity for arousal and also the adequate stimulation, and not so much on being a man or a woman. In addition, the fact of being faster or slower is not related to the intensity of orgasm or to the satisfaction of sexual intercourse.
9. How old is the ideal age to start having sex?
Another of the most recurrent. As also pointed out from the Platanomelón website, around 10% of the questions refer to fear of the first sexual encounter. For the co-director of the Institut de Sexologia de Barcelona, “it all depends on whether the person is willing to experiment because they really want to, not because their partner or group of friends impose it. If the person has too many doubts, they are surely not fully prepared and it is better that they do not give in to the emotional blackmail or the pressure that can sometimes be produced from the environment ”.
10. What exactly are preliminaries?
Wrong question , points out Carme Sánchez in her book: «That expression or that of 'foreplay' represents that everything that is not vaginal intercourse in a heterosexual sexual relationship is a 'secondary' sexual relationship, how much prejudice! Whoever thinks like this is wasting more than 60% of their erotic and sexual potential.
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