spelekai · 10 years
Don't worry, its only a coffee mug
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I really, really, really didn’t mean to drop that…. was it important?
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spelekai · 10 years
"It took long enough for it to get here"
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Spring Adventures || Open
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"Its spring!" Ariel laughed throwing random petals into the air, "Who knows what kind of things i’ll find this season."
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spelekai · 10 years
3. Scars
Sam has two scars, one on each side of his waist.  He's not really positive where he got them, he's had them there for as long as he could remember.  He assumes it was somthing from before the pelekais took him in.
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spelekai · 10 years
2. Prominent Physical Features
Sam has large  blue eyes.  They are always open very wide.  People often comment on them and say that him being wide eyed shows he's truly curious about the world around him.
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spelekai · 10 years
1.Parent Relations
Sam never knew is real parents. However, Sam was always very close to his adopted parents and loved them very much.  He was a troubled kid but the Pelekai's still loved him like their own.  Sam misses them terribly, they were the only parents he ever knew.
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spelekai · 11 years
He gave a smile to the girl. "Sounds like a gameplan to me. I'll meet you out there in a few" He strolled to the bathroom, finally finding it.  He came back out and scanned the tables for her"
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Willkommen? || Sam & Piper
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spelekai · 11 years
Well it was nice to meet you Kara, hope to see you around more
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Ah. Well I have to go but thanks for a nice chat. 
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spelekai · 11 years
Mr. Gold's just fun to prank, Zyra's an ass, and Naomi just needs to lighten up.
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And why’d you choose them?
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spelekai · 11 years
Mr. Gold, that Zyra lady, Naomi
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Can I ask who are the usual victims to your pranks?
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spelekai · 11 years
Well, In a small town like this you have to find somway to have fun
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Oh ok. And how did you get into pranking people?
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spelekai · 11 years
No, thats a classic, My friend Lil showed me that
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Ah. And did you come up with that one yourself?
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spelekai · 11 years
Anything really, my personal favorite prank is flaming paper bag dog poop
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What kind of pranks do you mean?
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spelekai · 11 years
Well, theres the cafe, the park, the pier, we can pull pranks
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Ah… so what does one do for fun around here?
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spelekai · 11 years
Well, I've been here as long as I can remember, but its alright, It's homey
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You too. I’m about to graduate high school. So… do you like it here?
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spelekai · 11 years
Its nice to meet you Kara.  Yea, I'm a freshman at the college
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Kara… but I already said that. You look oddly familiar do you go to school around here?
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spelekai · 11 years
I miss the sun.  I'm Sam
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I hope so! I can’t wait for the sun to come out again. I’m Kara by the way.
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spelekai · 11 years
"You're on of the dancers right? You had some prety good moves" he said still standing in the door way awkwardl
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Willkommen? || Sam & Piper
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