spellithowitsounds · 5 months
love ur profile pic. such a shame he never got the help he needed :(
First of all, thank you for the compliment. And second of all, I completely agree. As is the case with most shooters/murderers, if they had only got the help they needed they would be living life as regular people who haven’t been rejected by society. It’s really a shame how neglectful the world can be towards people it doesn’t like.
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spellithowitsounds · 6 months
you guys think Eric and Dylan would’ve liked three days grace? Because i can’t find a single thing anywhere to say if they listened to them or not
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spellithowitsounds · 6 months
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spellithowitsounds · 7 months
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Decided to go for a nice little evening stroll on the beach. It was cool.
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
3 and 23
3. I have a few but the main one I’d say would be either pizza or strawberries.
23. when I was about 10 years old I witnessed my dog get hit by a car. I was out walking it and then the collar somehow slipped off and it ran onto the road and the driver couldn’t stop in time.
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
can someone please explain to me what exactly is going on in the tcc right now? I have a rough idea but I’m not entirely sure.
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
The theory that Eric cared for Dylan more than Dylan cared for Eric is...wrong.
I have heard, every now and again, a theory that Dylan was Eric's best friend but Eric was not Dylan's best friend. Sue Klebold mentions this in her book by bringing up Dylan's closeness to friends like Nate Dykeman or Zack Heckler, but here's my take:
I think Dylan really wanted to be accepted; Eric wanted to be accepted too. Dylan's desperation for friendship allowed him to accept Eric and vice versa.
Truly, I don't think anybody saw the depth of their relationship because they didn't want anyone to. This is the same concept we can apply to the entire, what, year? That they spent plotting their attack.
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When Eric and Dylan were arrested in January 1998, it was like the nail in their coffins. Eric would go on to write in his journal: "Isn’t America supposed to be the land of the free? How come, If I’m free, I can’t deprive a stupid fucking dumbshit from his possessions if he leaves them sitting in the front seat of his fucking van out in plain sight and in the middle of fucking nowhere on a Frifuckingday night. NATURAL SELECTION. Fucker should be shot."
Dylan fashioned his messages to Eric in the style of Doom books, going so far as to write multiple notes to him throughout the entire yearbook and drawing a Doom POV shotgun as an indicator to “continue [reading] where you see this.”
Upon the numerous pages he wrote, he drew pictures of fictional characters that Eric liked and quoted Eric’s own website posts back to him (Specifically writing: You know what I hate??? PEOPLE!! YEAA!!). He recounts his favorite memories over the last year: working together at Blackjack, smoking cigarettes together at Blackjack, lighting fires, and the last two 4th of July celebrations.
In the end of March 1998, Eric wrote in his planner that he still had movie plans with Dylan. This was at the same time that Dylan told Brooks about Eric’s website and threats. In April 1998, Eric writes, "…sometime in April [1999] me and V will get revenge and kick natural selection up a few notches." This indicates their continued contact and their early planning of their attack on Columbine.
Dylan would write in Eric’s 1997-1998 yearbook: "We, the gods, will have so much fun w NBK!! Killing enemies, blowing up stuff, killing cops!! My wrath for January’s incident will be godlike."
As early as April 1998 Eric mentions “going NBK.”
Dylan was deeply connected to Zack especially, and took it really hard when Zack and Devon started dating. However, Dylan also laments over the fear of losing Eric too once Eric started casually seeing someone. He had the same fears of abandonment that he did for Zack as he did for Eric...but perhaps, to a lesser degree.
Eric and Dylan had achieved homophily. While both of them maintained their own separate peer groups, their relationship remained constant. The amount of time they spent together continued to mount, despite their closeness having a tendency to go unnoticed or be dismissed. In Sue’s book, the claim is made that Nate was Dylan’s closest friend. With this in mind, who did Dylan choose to sign up for every single class with? Who did he sit with in every class? Who did he wake up at 3:30AM with to get the best parking spots at school? Who did he routinely sneak out with every week? And lastly, who did he choose to die with?
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
I think we should bring back the guillotine
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
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In this iconic Columbine photo, note the hat this survivor is holding. Very ironic.
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
4 and 12!
Thank you very much for asking!
4. Well of course water is one of my favourites. But I also have quite a liking for Vanilla Coke.
12. my favourite music genres consist of industrial metal, rock music and also a little bit of rap music.
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
Let your followers get to know you asks <3
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
I know I don’t post much but I do appreciate my moots. It’s nice to know there’s people out there into the same shit as me.
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
Reblog to put one of these in your mutuals’ pocket when they’re not looking
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
TCC is for shitheads
rb if ur a proud shithead
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spellithowitsounds · 8 months
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