I'm going by Mikey, now, actually and I moved my blog to @mikey-hates-frankie bc this account had some complications. Go check that out!
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this is advanced stupid
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I'm leaving to go on a two week trip to Vancouver in TWO DAYS and I have a very feminine head shape. Most masc-ish haircuts that I get look stereotypically "lesbian" on me and I HATE. IT. SO. MUCH. It gives me awful dysphoria. I MAY OR MAY NOT be able to get a little more cut off before I leave to make it look and feel better, but if I don't, I need some help. I probably wouldn't have these problems if I didn't have wavy, bleached-on-the end hair. It's about jawline-length but it's cut in a SERIOUS A-LINE that makes people call me "Karen". Snapbacks don't help, forward or backward because of my awful head shape and a round face. I'm pre-everything and not ready to officially present as male. Can anyone help??????? Please???????
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he/him lesbians are not valid. pronouns=gender. You cannot be a woman and use he/him pronouns
Saying you’re trans without dysphoria is like saying you’re gay but don’t like men
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See what your followers think!
BLACK = I would date you. GREEN = I think you’re cute. BLUE = You are my tumblr crush. GREY = I wish you would notice me. PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog. TEAL = We have a lot in common. YELLOW = I don’t know you at all. ORANGE = I don’t like your blog. BROWN = I don’t like you. PINK = I think you are unattractive. RED = I hate you with a burning passion. WHITE = You scare me. RAINBOW = BED PLZ. SCARLET = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something. MAROON = You taught me something new. CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar. PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh MAUVE = You are really talented BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. CYAN = We have very little in common THISTLE = I only just started following you INDIGO = I’ve been following you for a long time FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold COPPER = Your blog content is trash (and I love it) VERMILION = You make me feel passionate HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname LAVENDER = You inspire me CORAL = You’re a meme UMBER = I want to know more about you FORGET-ME-NOT = You remind me of somebody RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you ARSENIC = I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you WINE = You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class SAFFRON = I love your ideas TIMBERWOLF = I trust you FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you PLUM = I’d like to chat with you TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic SAGE = You make me cry CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something! VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out on your blog CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
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Why is it always ‘queer people are projecting their identities onto characters’ and never ‘straight people are presuming that their identity is the default’?
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Hey last post me, it's new post me! My name is Spencer, and I just figured it out yesterday! Apparently it means "Butler" so idk... Let the validation come my way!
Hey, trans and nb peeps!
Have you changed your name? Legally or just to yourself? Let’s make this a ✨positivity chain✨
Reblog with your name, why you like it, what it means to you, and how long you’ve known that’s your name! Then, someone (probably me) will reply to you giving you validation and positivity! Let’s see if we can make this work. I’ll start it off myself.
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Hey, trans and nb peeps! Have you changed your name? Legally or just to yourself? Let's make this a ✨positivity chain✨ Reblog with your name, why you like it, what it means to you, and how long you've known that's your name! Then, someone (probably me) will reply to you giving you validation and positivity! Let's see if we can make this work. I'll start it off myself.
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If you haven’t heard there is a literal massacre going on in Sudan.
People are getting kidnapped, arrested, raped and killed. This has been going on for a few days now but naturally there’s hardly any media coverage.
There are a few ways to help:
 - Emergency Medical Aid Donation
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- Facebook campaign raising funds for food and other necessities
- International Rescue Committee
- Save The Children
Even if you can’t donate please help spread the news!!
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lmao same
🗡 this is my Protecting Ace & Aro mlm knife
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I mean my name, Spencer, means "Butler", so... no.
Do y’all identify with the meaning of your name?
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Me, listening to Nirvana, My Chemical Romance, etc: 😎😈 hell yeah 🤘getting my edgelord on
Also me: good grades in school, never done drugs, never even touched a can of beer, mostly supportive parents, good family, supportive friend group
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Can we make this a thread of nonsensical unnecessary headcanons? I just wanna see what people have in mind
diary of a wimpy kid woudve been 2000x better if they said rodrick was gay. i mean i know hes gay but they needed to spell it out so everyone else knows too
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Good point. I made a mistake. I should let the gays rise.
diary of a wimpy kid woudve been 2000x better if they said rodrick was gay. i mean i know hes gay but they needed to spell it out so everyone else knows too
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Honestly being disabled affects so many LGBT+ people.
In my town there is only 1 bar that has wheelchair access and guess what?! It’s not the gay bar!
Gay bars are also not accessible (the vast majority of the time) to those who are sensitive to bright lights and loud sounds. Example; some people with epilepsy, autism, PTSD, Tourettes, social anxiety, ect.
The pride march I went to last year would not be accessible (reasonably) for someone in a wheelchair or let’s be real, anyone who can’t walk for an hour +. 
The local LGBT+ group I meet up at tries to be accessible but often forgets that if a location has to be changed then the same level of access will almost certainly not apply to the new location.
The LGBT+ friendly bookshop I visited while overseas had a tiny door which barely fit my small wheelchair. There was also a step halfway through the store which meant I only got to view half of the books that were aimed at me. 
A lot of LGBT+ resources online are not set out in a way that people with visual or learning disabilities can easily read, or read at all. 
The LGBT+ community as a whole (not just the disabled members)  need to make a conscious effort to include disabled people where-ever and whenever possible. 
We are just as much a part of the community as abled body/minded people. 
This is 100% okay for able body/minded people to reblog too. 
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as a pansexual demiboy, can I just say we need stop making unnecessary, nonsensical headcanons just cause we feel like it? It's getting annoying.
diary of a wimpy kid woudve been 2000x better if they said rodrick was gay. i mean i know hes gay but they needed to spell it out so everyone else knows too
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