spencerlouis · 1 year
So cute
Hi, so excited to see more Chubby Louis fans. Could you do one where Harry says something about Louis' recent weight gain (enough that he's chubby) that accidentally makes Louis insecure.
"I mean obviously he has a tummy," Louis heard Harry say. He'd been on his way into the kitchen where Harry was cooking dinner, but stopped in his tracks when he heard that. He stood near the kitchen, listening in on Harry's conversation, he was clearly on the phone.
"I know.... fuck I know okay?" Harry was saying. "It's just hard going clothes shopping with him. Sometimes things don't fit and he-"
Louis had heard enough, he was already so insecure about his weight, especially recently because he'd gained quite a bit and was a little more than just chubby now.
Looking down at his stomach, he sighed. His tummy was pressing against his shirt, and he knew he really did need to go shopping for more clothes. But it was always a hard experience for him because he was so insecure of his ever growing body.
He didn't even notice the tears that had started to slip down his cheeks until Harry rounded the corner and saw him. "Baby... hey why the tears? What's wrong?" He cupped Louis' plush cheeks, kissing his forehead.
"You already know." Louis replied quietly, looking down. "I heard you on the phone. If I'm that difficult because of my weight, you don't have to pretend-"
Harry cut him off with a gentle kiss. "You heard that?"
Louis nodded, "it's okay though, I get it."
"No Louis, no you don't get it" harry replied "honey, baby, listen. I was talking to Niall about our upcoming vacation and telling him how stunning you are, and how we need to get a few new pieces before we go. I know how hard shopping is for you, and I just wish that you could see yourself through my eyes."
Louis stayed quiet, but looked up at him.
"I know I sounded frustrated on the phone, but Louis, I'm not frustrated about you or your body. I'm just frustrated that I'm not able to show you how beautiful you are to me." Harry said quietly, still holding Louis' face gently, but then moving his hands down to Louis' waist, rubbing up and down with his thumbs lightly.
"Really?" Louis whispered.
"Really," Harry kissed him again. He loved his perfect boy so much.
Heyyyy idk if this was any good but it was my first try!! <3
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spencerlouis · 1 year
and if anyone sees this and has a request for a short chubby Louis story I'll take prompts :)
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spencerlouis · 1 year
Could u write a Louis one where he and Harry go on vacation and the seatbelt on the plane doesn't fit Louis? So he's just really embarrassed and gets an extender? But Harry is all sweet and reassuring and stuff ?
Sorry for any inaccuracies, I've never been on a plane.
Louis followed Harry onto the plane exhausted, it had been a little while since they had flown somewhere and Louis had forgotten how much of a hassle it was. He sat down in the seat, blushing at the feeling of the arm rest digging into his side. That was another thing he had forgotten, how small the plane seats could be. 
Louis sighed and shut his eyes for what felt like a moment, but before he knew it Harry was nudging him. 
“Hey, it’s time to put on our seatbelts,” he whispered to him. 
“Okay,” Louis nodded, pulling the seatbelt across him when he felt it stop. 
What? Why wasn’t it reaching? Was it jammed? Louis looked down at the gap where the belt didn’t reach across his belly when it hit him. 
It was him. He was too big for the seat belt. Louis flushed, frozen in horror as he just stared at his belly. He was kind of chubby before, but he hadn’t even realized he’d been gaining weight. 
Harry glanced over at his boyfriend who seemed frozen, “Louis? Are you okay?” he asked, concerned by Louis’ expression. 
Louis swallowed hard, “it doesn’t fit,” he whispered. 
“What?” Harry questioned, completely lost, “what doesn’t fit?” 
Louis avoided looking at him as he muttered, “the seatbelt, it won’t fit.” 
Realization crossed Harry’s face, “that’s fine, we can just ask for a seat belt extender,” He said like it was no big deal. 
“I uh…” Louis stammered, trying to hide how ashamed he was. 
It was no use though, Harry knew him too well and picked up on his embarrassment immediately. 
“I’ll go ask for you.” Harry leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek before going to ask for one. 
That night, while Harry slept in their hotel room, Louis laid awake beside him. He couldn't stop thinking about how he needed a seatbelt extender. 
Louis had always been insecure about his body, especially when he had met Harry during the x-factor. He had immediately developed a huge crush on him, but he was sure his feelings would never be reciprocated. Harry was the curly haired charming one, the one everyone loved. And he was the one that stood in the back and had a bit too much pudge around his middle.
He was shocked when Harry had made the first move, asking him out on a simple date to go see a movie. And their relationship had grown from there, despite Harry’s constant love and reassurance Louis had never outgrown the insecurity about his body. There were too many people that commented on it for him too. Not to mention management, who had always been on Louis about his weight and pushing him on diets that never worked out. Even when he had managed to lose weight on one, it didn’t stay off for long. The pudge quickly returned to his tummy, side, and thighs. Louis had been upset, but Harry was secretly happy he gained it back, and more. He preferred his Louis to be nice and cuddly. 
Louis eventually fell into a restless sleep, nightmares of Harry leaving him or shaming him over his weight played in his head.
The next morning Louis sleepily made his way to the kitchen of the hotel (being celebrities they of course got the best rooms) where Harry was cooking something.
Harry turned to his boyfriend, his heart swelling with love as Louis adorably rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. 
“I’m making pancakes, how many do you want?” Harry asked. 
Louis’ stomach dropped, he didn’t feel like eating. Not when he could feel his tummy hanging over his pajama pants and pressing against his shirt. 
“I um, I’m not that hungry,” Louis lied, trying to sound believable. But right on cue his stomach growled giving him away. 
Harry put down the spatula and walked over to him. He took Louis’ plump cheeks in his hands and looked in his eyes. 
“What’s really going on?” he asked. 
Louis sighed and pulled away, looking down at his feet that were covered in fuzzy socks. “I just think I should cut back a bit, you know? Try to lose some of this,” Louis stated as he took his belly into his hands and gave it a jiggle. 
“Louis,” Harry sadly watched his boyfriend, “there is nothing wrong with your body.”
“Yes there is Harry!” Louis protested, “I’ve struggled with my weight all my life, and I’ve heard enough comments to know there is something wrong with it. And to make matters worse this is the heaviest I’ve ever been!” 
“Louis, there is not a thing wrong with your body,” Harry sternly said, “People are just judgemental, you’re beautiful just the way you are, and I love you and your body.” 
Harry approached him and placed his hands on Louis’ plush hips, “I love the feeling of this, the softness of your body and I don’t care how big you are.” 
Louis blushed, “you don’t?”
“Not one bit,” Harry confirmed, rubbing Louis’ chubby sides. “I love everything about you, even if something changes.” 
Louis considered this, “I guess I am kind of hungry,” he finally admitted. 
“Good,” Harry smiled, “because I made lots.” 
Harry knew Louis’ body image issues wouldn’t just disappear, but for today, it was a win.
Considering doing a prequel to this one, during the one direction days. With Louis dealing with managements and other peoples comments. Let me know if you guys would like that. :)
If anyone wants to send me chubby Louis or chubby Spencer concepts or ideas you can :) The only thing I don’t want is anything with full on s3x and outright feederism. Any ship is fine as well.
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spencerlouis · 1 year
louis one coming soon? 😬😬😬
Yes it's almost done :)
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spencerlouis · 1 year
When will you write the next fic?
I'm working on a Spencer and a Louis one right now :) so it will be soon 💕
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spencerlouis · 1 year
are you planning on releasing another louis fic anytime soon? your writing is so good :')
-anon ❤️
Yes I am. I've just been sick for a few weeks, getting back to writing soon 😊
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spencerlouis · 1 year
Morgan has a crush on chubby Spencer, but when he starts calling him pretty boy, Spencer thinks he's making fun of him.
Spencer scribbled away in his files, his hand having trouble keeping up with his brain. He adjusted his glasses and tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear when he heard Morgan’s voice. 
“You want a ride home?” 
Spencer internally sighed, before looking up at Morgan standing in front of him with an almost hopeful grin on his face. 
“No thanks, I wanted to get ahead on these files,” Spencer turned him down. Truthfully he just wanted a distraction from everything that was going on in his life that he couldn’t control.
Disappointment flashed over Morgan’s features, but he covered it up so fast, Spencer questioned if he imagined it. 
“Alright but don’t work yourself too hard. Besides there's no need for you to get ahead on files, you're faster than anyone, pretty boy.”
Spencer’s hand slowed to a pause for a second as his face flushed. He took a deep breath and forced a smile, “yeah, I know. Have a goodnight.”
“You too,” Morgan waved to him, before exiting the bullpen.
Spencer took a deep breath, there was that nickname again. ‘Pretty boy.’ Morgan had recently taken to calling him that, and although Spencer wasn’t any good at detecting these things, he was certain Morgan was making fun of him. He was in no way pretty. 
Spencer sadly glanced down at his stomach that was pressed happily against his sweater vest, rounded and plump. His large thighs spread out on his chair. His longish curls framed his chubby face, where his glasses sat perched on his nose. Nothing about him was pretty.   
Spencer had been picked on for his weight since university, when working on his second doctorate, the stress of everything with his mother, school, and the future in general became too much and he ended up gaining a lot of weight in that period of his life. He had become accustomed to the taunts and teasing. 
The only thing was Morgan was never mean to him outright, it was just that stupid nickname that felt like a taunt. For now all Spencer did was ignore it. 
That changed one day when he was in the car with Morgan driving to their hotel after a long and stressful case. He was already feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and self-conscious of his weight because he had accidentally packed some clothes that were tight on him.  
“That was a long one, wasn’t it?” Morgan stated, trying to make conversation. 
“Mhmm,” Spencer responded, hoping the ride would just hurry up. 
Morgan glanced over at him and took in the young man’s exhausted appearance, “you tired, pretty boy?”
Spencer tensed at the nickname. If it were another day when he wasn’t so overwhelmed, then he would have been able to keep pretending it didn’t bother him. But he was so tired and uncomfortable. 
“Would you stop that,” he tried to snap, but it only came out sounding sad and hurt.
Morgan furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what he had done to upset Spencer. “Stop what?” he finally asked after coming up with nothing. 
Spencer rolled his eyes, “calling me pretty boy. I know you might think it’s funny but I don’t.” 
Morgan pulled over and turned to Spencer, “what are you talking about, why would I find it funny?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what you’re doing,” Spencer took an exasperated breath, “I’ve had enough people mock me over the years.” 
“Mock you?”
“Pretty boy,” Spencer spit the name out, “I know I’m not pretty, so the only logical explanation is that you’re making fun of me.” 
“Who said you’re not pretty?” Morgan questioned, a defensive tone in his voice.   
“No one needs to say it,” Spencer’s eyes dropped down to his thighs as he traced patterns on it, “I know I’m not. I’m fat.” 
“Spencer,” Morgan tilted Spencer’s head to face him, “I called you pretty boy because I truly believe you are pretty, not to mock you.”
Spencer studied Morgan’s face in shock, “but… I’m heavy,” he mumbled.
“So?” Morgan placed his hand on Spencer’s side, causing Spencer to squirm slightly. “I love your body, Spencer, there is nothing wrong with it.”
Spencer thought for a moment. Morgan liked how he looked? “So you weren’t making fun of me?” 
Morgan shook his head, “No I wasn’t,” Morgan let out a quiet chuckle, “truthfully, I called you pretty boy because the moment I saw you I had a huge crush on you. I was trying to drop hints.” 
Spencer’s jaw dropped, “but… I thought… you liked skinny girls?” 
Morgan laughed, “I like you, Spencer.” 
“Oh,” Spencer said, his heart beating fast.
“Well?” Morgan asked, “what about you?”
Spencer stared blankly at Morgan confused, until what he was asking clicked, “Oh! Of course I like you too.” Spencer blushed. 
Morgan smirked and reached his hand up to Spencer’s pudgy cheek to guide his face towards him, “good,” he whispered before kissing him.
If anyone wants to send me chubby Louis Tomlinson or chubby Spencer Reid concepts, ideas, or requests you can. The only thing I don’t want is anything with full on s3x and outright f33derism. Any ship is fine as well.
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spencerlouis · 1 year
I'm doing okay, thanks for asking :) Sorry for not posting in a bit, I just started a new job and things have been stressful. There will be a Spencer one up soon and a Louis one too.
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spencerlouis · 1 year
I check your acc sm to see if there’s new Spencer fics 🥰
Thank you :) There should be a new Spencer fic by the end of the week. I'm glad you enjoy them. :)
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spencerlouis · 1 year
Are you chubby or do you just like chubby people? Sorry if that' sounded rude I am just curios
I'm a bit chubby. But yes, I prefer chubby men in dating :)
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spencerlouis · 1 year
What’s the next spencer fic?
This is the request for the next Spencer fic
Morgan has a crush on chubby Spencer, but when he starts calling him pretty boy, Spencer thinks he's making fun of him.
and then I have a couple Hotchreid ones after :)
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spencerlouis · 1 year
can you write one where louis normally really looks after what he eats and works out and stuff bc he wants to be as fit as possible for harry but then harry is abroad (idk, for like tour or something whatever) and louis kinda takes a rest and gets pudgier?
Louis guiltily chewed into the last bite of his pizza, glancing into the box, where nothing but crumbs remained. I have to stop eating like this, he thought to himself. Harry had only been on a work trip for a week so far and Louis had spent the entire time pigging out and indulging in the kind of foods he didn’t normally allow himself, as he has a tendency to be on the heavier side. 
Harry was to be away for two months, and Louis knew if he kept eating like this he would balloon over that time. But, once he had allowed himself to taste the sweet delicacies he usually denied himself he was finding it quite difficult to stop eating them. 
And, so the plentiful meals and over abundance of sweets and treats went on. Louis enjoyed trying things he had never had before. Different sweets from different countries. Recently he was quite fond of butter tarts, a wonderful pastry from Canada. 
The only problem was his new favourite snack contained lots of butter and sugar which quickly began to make themselves known on his waistline. Louis, of course, remained somewhat oblivious to this change in his body. He figured he would have gained some weight, but as he didn’t often use the scale or make a habit of examining himself in the mirror he had greatly underestimated the effect his overindulgence was having on his body.   
That was until his pair of track pants that had been large on him began to dig into the soft flesh of his tummy, leaving red marks. The material also stretched to cover his growing thighs and bum. 
But, still he managed to convince himself he hadn’t gained that much. That was until one morning when he went to slip on a pair of the previously oversized track pants, only to find he couldn’t manage to pull them over his bum. 
Louis’ cheeks flushed red as he stared down at his rounded belly that clung tightly to his shirt, another garment that had once been oversized. Louis wiggled out of the pants and tore off his shirt, rushing over to the mirror in his boxers to study himself.  
When his eyes landed on his reflection he felt a pit of shame and embarrassment deep inside him. How could he have been so foolish to believe with all the sweets and large meals he had eaten, he wouldn’t gain tons of weight? 
Louis ran his hands over his newly soft sides, down to his hips. They were so much wider, and to his horror stretch marks covered his tummy, hips, and thighs. 
Louis stood in front of the mirror for some time. He studied his body and jiggled the excess flesh, feeling a deep sense of disgust at himself. But, then he remembered a horrible thing. Harry was to return home in only a week's time. What would he think of Louis’s pudgy body? 
Louis turned around, walked over to the bed and let himself fall face first onto its soft mattress. Would Harry still want him like this? His looks were what had attracted Harry to him in the first place. Harry being a CEO of a successful company. Louis had only been a waiter at the time they had met. But, now Harry provided a glamorous lifestyle for the two of them. Allowing Louis to pursue his hobbies and explore various pastimes. 
Most of all though, Louis loved Harry. His eyes began to water as he pictured the look of disgust on his love’s face when he set eyes on Louis’ fat body. He didn’t think he could take the disappointment and criticism that would follow. 
Louis wrapped himself in blankets, trying to feel as small as possible and cried himself to sleep. 
The day of Harry’s expected arrival quickly came. Louis finished buttoning up his shirt, taking a deep breath as he looked in the mirror. Louis had ordered some new outfits, even if he was now fat he didn’t want Harry to come home to him spilling out of his clothes. He had hoped having clothes that fit would help him appear smaller, but no fabric could disguise the love handles and belly he had gained when they had been apart. 
Louis’ head turned when he heard the door open and the sweet voice of his boyfriend calling his name. 
Louis gulped, wishing he could just disappear, so Harry wouldn’t have to see him like this. He had told himself he would accept the consequences of what he had done, but as he heard Harry’s footsteps approach the bedroom, he grew more and more terrified. 
He jumped in their bed and covered himself with blankets and hid his head under them. 
“Louis?” Harry’s voice was filled with confusion as Louis felt the weight of the bed shift slightly as Harry sat beside him. “Are you not feeling well?”
Louis bit his lip before muttering, “I’m fine.” 
“Then what are you doing under there, silly?” Harry asked with amusement in his voice. 
“Hiding,” was all Louis responded. 
Harry rolled the blanket down to Louis’ chin and gave him a smile full of endearment, “and what would you be hiding from?”
Louis looked away, “I’m not hiding from something, I’m hiding something.” 
“And what would that be?”
Louis blinked back tears and whispered, “my body.” 
Harry gasped, “What!? You don’t have to hide your body, Lou, I love how you look.” Harry tried to reassure him, knowing how insecure Louis could be. 
Louis shook his head, “you loved how I looked, not how I currently look.” 
Harry’s brows furrowed, “what do you mean?” 
Louis took a deep breath and sighed before tearily stating, “I got fat while you were gone, Harry! I ate way too much and gained so much weight. I’m so sorry.” 
“Louis,” Harry said as he gently turned Louis’ head to face him, realizing for the first time how much chubbier his cheeks were, “I don’t care about your weight. I only care that you are happy and healthy.” 
Louis shook his head, “you say that now, but you haven’t seen me?”
“While may I see you?” Harry asked. Seeing the fear in Louis’ eyes he added, “I’ll have to see your body eventually.”
Louis thought this over, before deciding Harry was right. It would be better to get it over with. He shoved the blankets aside and restrained himself from crossing his arms over his tummy. 
“Oh, wow,” Harry breathed out. 
Louis clenched his eyes shut in shame, “I told you how gross I am.” 
Harry’s eyes widened, “no, no. Louis, You look so good, so perfect and huggable. How could you ever think I would hate your body?” Harry bit his lip as he eyed Louis, “may I?” he asked, his fingers ghosting the buttons of Louis' shirt. 
Speechless, Louis found himself nodding. Harry slowly and carefully unbuttoned each button, as if he wanted to savour every moment. But when the final button was undone, he took in a sudden breath. 
“Louis…” Harry whispered as he reached out to softly trace the stretch marks that decorated Louis’ body. “How could you ever think I would be angry about this? You're so soft, like a beautiful fluffy cloud on a warm summer’s day. How could you think I wouldn’t want this?” 
“I-I just assumed,” Louis stammered, “I thought you would think I look greedy and ugly.” 
“Never,” Harry firmly told him, staring deeply in his eyes, “You deserve to treat yourself to whatever you desire. Especially when it has such a pleasant side effect,” he gently rubbed Louis’ plush sides as he spoke, “do you understand?” 
Louis blushed at the affection Harry was showering him with, “I understand.”
If anyone wants to send me chubby Louis Tomlinson or chubby Spencer Reid concepts, ideas, or requests you can. The only thing I don’t want is anything with full on s3x and outright f33derism. Any ship is fine as well.
Also feel free to ask me questions as long as they are respectful
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spencerlouis · 1 year
Almost got that Louis one done for all of you :)
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spencerlouis · 1 year
Your Spencer fics make me so happy 🥰
Ahhh, thank you so much. 💕💕💕
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spencerlouis · 1 year
A chubby boyfriend has been achieved :)
My dream in life is to have a chubby husband who comes home from work to pastries that I baked. And he’ll give me a kiss and bring home flowers.
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spencerlouis · 1 year
Doing some writing for all of you :)
A Louis one should be out tomorrow and a Spencer one soon after.
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spencerlouis · 1 year
are you writing a chubby louis soon? there isn't enough louis content to read! :(
Yes, don't worry it's coming. I should have one out by the end of the week. I've just been super busy 💕💕💕😅
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