spencerr-quinn · 5 years
“I have both intelligence and culture, you just don’t know me well enough to discern it, goat man.” Spencer protested, gesturing with his hands. “And how do I know you don’t eat trees, after all, you are a fae, don’t y’all eat wild mushrooms and the like?”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
Spencer had to give a laugh, it was really amusing to him for some reason. Goat man eating an apple. How ironic. "Glad to see you literally fit into the herbivore status. See, when you eat plants, other people shouldn't bother you about expectations and health."  
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
“So you don’t like, die?” Spencer said, shrugging. It took almost 5 seconds before he realized that self-control was not one of his strong suits. Not at all. “Okay, fine whatever.”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
Spencer gave a shrug. Well, his mother was a bad nephilim, if hell was real Spencer had a small spark of hope that that is where she would end up.  This was getting really deep, maybe too deep for his own good.  Time to change the subject.
“Do all demons do the stepping...thing?”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
Spencer lifted his head, and damn. A nephilim. Just what he needed, great. Although it had been about 400 years since he had last seen another nephilim. The other guy obviously had more angel blood than Spencer did, as it looked like his wings were larger. At least it wasn’t a werewolf.  Based off of personal experience (a mother who was convinced he was unholy and a father who left Spencer with said mother) nephilim were not to be trusted and therefore avoided at all costs.
He sat up but made no move to get the mud off of his wings. Spencer did, however, skitter backward so he wasn’t in the way of the other nephilim. He didn’t need a fight on his hands or something equally stupid this early in the morning. Spencer knew that this guy would beat the shit out of him if they fought, it looked like the other worked out 12 hours a day, every day or some shit.
Following along with the thought of how did this random nephilim somehow end up on the same path on a very early morning in the rain as me, Spencer stared at him. “Mud ‘ll wash off my wings sure enough. Why are you out so early? And here? It’s not exactly easy to get to.”
melancholy flights
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
He didn’t know how to respond to that, despite all his musings that there has to be somewhere where the demons had come from. Then again, he couldn’t really say heaven existed either. Spencer had spent time thinking about this, but had come to no conclusions. So the nephilim just dropped the subject from his mind and did not ponder it again. 
“Well maybe. I don’t know. Really don’t.”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
“Uh, what?” That action of sticking your legs behind your head seemed to him not to be a normal action. Was that even possible?  “Have you ever heard of self-control?”
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“If you had been here ten minutes ago, you could have saved me from myself,” she spoke when she heard the presence of another, “I had my fucking legs stuck behind my head.”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
“Pfft. Anyone worth their salt knows yew is poisonous. These is just pine needles, nothing wrong with them. I even washed these.” Spencer said, scoffing at the fae. He shrugged. The fae looked like some sort of herbivore creature. Goat or sheep. Whatever, some sort of prey animal. “Hey, aren't you some sort of goat, you should like eating plants.”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
“Put the water in a pot and let it get hot, put the ramen in and start to grin...” Spencer sang softly, changing the words of a melody to fit the situation. Better get off the time talk before Thomas actually caught onto something Spencer didn’t want known. “True, not nearly as much.”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
“Some do, some don’t. It really be like that sometimes.” Spencer’s parents left him with nothing but the clothes on his back, so Spencer’s money was carefully hoarded over the years. At least the other doctor vet guy didn’t get all emotional. People were unpredictable when it came to emotions. “Done. You can be ignored indefinitely.” 
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
Spencer was at a loss for words. It was essentially true that they would exist, considering his new housemates were witches, werewolves and fae, but everyone else Spencer had spoken to had told him demons were gone, which meant they were lying. Either that or they were ignorant of the truth, as he had once been. 
“I always was told that they were all banished to hell or something....”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
Spencer nodded. It was kind of like that all the time for him, days just blended into weeks which blended into months that blended into years. It really be like that sometimes. “Exactly. This place feels kinda the same but different, if you know what I mean.” How the conversation went from food to time and space was beyond him.
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
“I guess I’ll see you around?” Pun not intended and also the fact that Nico couldn’t see....how insensitive. 
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
Spencer nodded. "Gotcha." To be honest, he probably wasn’t going to fix anything anytime soon, or get anyone to fix the wall. Lazy nephilim.  He exhaled slightly. “That’s good, I think. Not many people would have woken up because of me. I’m fine, I don’t really get hurt easily.”
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spencerr-quinn · 5 years
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Angelic things.
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