✿: What is your muses favourite scent?
☼: What is your muses favourite kind of weather?
☤: Is your muse allergic to anything?
♫: Does your muse like music? What kind?
✉: What is something your muse would write about?
✈: How far has your muse travelled away from their home?
💕: Does your muse have any crushes?
★: What is your muse’s zodiac?
✞: Does your muse have an religious beliefs? What are they?
∞: Is there something about your muse that has been constant throughout their life?
✘: What are your muses pet peeves?
💲: What is your muse like with their money? What’s their financial situation?
⚽: What’s your muse’s favourite sport?
✔: What is your muse’s sexuality?
✋: Is your muse left or right handed?
👓: Does your muse need reading aids? Contacts or glasses?
🎒: What does your muse normally keep in their bag?
🚑: Does your muse have any disabilities/impairments?
👕: What is your muse’s fashion sense like?
🎲: Does your muse like to gamble?
🍕: What’s your muses favourite food?
🍸: Does your muse like to consume alcohol? What’s their favourite kind?
💉: Does your muse have a substance addiction? To what?
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’ i’m sorry, but i have no intention of leaving. ’ ’ now, we’re here for a good time, aren’t we boys ? ’ ’ look, we’ll… do what they want, go home, and try to forget this ever happened ! ’ ’ ha ! he squealed like a little pig when he died. let’s see if you do, too. ’ ’ now i’ll just gut your ignorant carcasses, instead ! ’ ’ don’t play ignorant with me, _______. you will not prevent justice from being done. ’ ’ his son lies dead in a river of blood that runs through the enire palace ! ’ ’ i need names and i need them now. ’ ’ get this ____ out of the city. today. ’ ’ and i was beginning to think _____ were all stodgy priests. ’ ’ your majesty, i would have not put it so bluntly. ’ ’  there are events in ______ you should be aware of. ’ ’ to defeat them, we have to work together. it’s not an idea everyone seems able to grasp. ’ ’ it may be allegroy, meant to teach us that our own evil causes human suffering. ’ ’ he’s inside, but… i don’t think it’s my place to discuss his activities. ’ ’ his majesty could not contain his excitement after your meeting.  ’ ’ it takes more than legends to win a battle. that’s not an argument i’ll repeat here. ’ ’ pray that our king proves amenable to wisdom, if you’re the praying sort. ’ ’ cannibals, beasts, witches and now _____ ? what isn’t to be scared of ? ’ ’ yes, i was harassing you by delivering a message. ’ ’ here i thought we were getting along so well. i was even going to name one of my children after you… the grumpy one. ’ ’ the way she wields guilt they should stick her in the army. ’ ’ whatever their cunning, i guarantee they won’t take us by surprise. ’ ’ you fear barbarians will swoop down upon you ? ’ ’ yes, swooping is bad. ’ ’ you’re… some kind of… sneaky… witch-thief ! ’ ’ she’ll put us all int he pot, she will. just you watch. ’ ’ you are required to do nothing, least of all believe. ’ ’ your fascination with glory and legends will be your undoing. ’ ’ the suspicious, dim-witted one who was with you before, yes. ’ ’ age and power are relative — it depends on who is asking. ’ ’ last time i looked, you had ears. ’ ’ pardon me, but i had the impression that you needed assistance, whatever the form. ’ ’ not to… look a gift horse in the mouth, but won’t this add to our problems ? ’ ’ there are those who would take advantage of your weakened state if we let them. ’ ’ i have not shirked my duty to the throne, and neither will any of you ! ’ ’ i will brook no threat to this nation… from you or anyone ! ’ ’ falling on your blade in grief seemed like too much trouble, i take it ? ’ ’ have you never lost someone important to you ? ’ ’ i can be friendly when i desire to. alas, desiring to be more intelligent does not make it so. ’ ’ couldn’t you crawl into a bush somewhere and die ? ’ ’ perhaps we have different ideas of freedom. ’ ’ i doubt he would listen. he blindly follows his master’s commands. ’ ’ i — i appreciate your enthusiasm, but it would be inappropriate for me to be in your quarters unescorted. ’ ’ oh, encourage the hound, why don’t you ? ’ ’ if the mind is not exercised, it withers just as the body does. ’ ’ i’m sure i’ll freeze in the southern rain and be jealous of you up here, warm and safe. ’ ’ what’s a wench ? is that what you put on to get the bucket out of the well ? ’ ’ a wench is a woman that pours ale in a tavern. or a woman who drinks a lot of ale. ’ ’ that bastard ! i’ll cut his lying throat myself ! ’ ’ ah, my darling girl… if only will could make it so. ’ ’ warn your brother. and know that we love you both. you do us proud. ’ ’ he is a very young man. i try to keep that in mind, as should you. ’
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Send me ⊗ + a word for my muse’s thoughts on that subject.
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Symbol Meme - Affectionate/Nice Edition
Send a symbol for my muse to respond to your muse….
♥ - Stroking/brushing their hair
♡ - Rubbing their shoulders
❥ - Holding their hand
❤ - Hugging/cuddling them
❄ - Staying close to them to keep warm
☆ - Reading to them
★ - Sitting at their bedside
☾ - Taking a nighttime walk with them
✚ - Bandaging their wound
✕ - Clasping their shoulder
❀ - Giving them a flower/flowers
♞ - Playing a game with them
◆ - Standing up for them
✪ - Defending them in a court/before an authority
♬ - Singing to them
◯ - Rescuing them
❇ - Stargazing with them
♛ - Comforting them
☁ - Washing their face
☼ - Camping with them
✔ - Hiking with them
☄ - Listening to them
✏ - Telling stories with them
⊿ - Coming to visit them
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“...Blue.” Frown. “No - no, not - like...” He sighs.
Irritation sets in - is that what Wisdom feels and why he gets so tired of humans? “No, green. Like me. And not sometimes, all the time. Like me.”
He holds his hand out so the human can see, as if he couldn’t already. “Y’do know colours, don’t you?”
Humans were so different, yet so similar. They all had varieties of the same skintones, but nothing like Life’s green, Wisdom’s yellow, or Death’s bone-white - all pinks, or browns, like Love.
Which, honestly, these are his children, not hers! Why don’t they look like him?
“Hello - ah! Hello. I was wondering - I can’t remember having ever seen a green human. Do they exist?”
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“Frighten!” Life sounds completely disbelieving - what could one human do that would manage to frighten another, just by opening his eyes? Surely they couldn’t be as awful as the Lord Destroyer, which was the only thing that could get Life to feel anything even vaguely approaching fear.
“I’m Life.” He lets his feet tap onto the ground, bracing himself before the full weight of gravity hits him again, as he’s trying to conserve his time as much as possible.
Hmm. This one had his eyes closed? What did that mean? Didn’t they need to see? Humans were so very, very fragile, and Life hasn’t seen Death here, which means it’ll be awkward if he hurts himself and Death isn’t here to help him be reborn.
He floats, honestly, near him, watching curiously and watching his face. If Light reaches out to try to find him, he’ll reach nothing but air.
“Why are your eyes closed? Isn’t it hard to get around like that?”
Wisdom, where are you. Please hit this ancient child.
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"Madness!" Life finally acts befitting his station. "You're here."
The other god is probably suffering - he knows, especially if he hasn't seen Wisdom. He's floating, for a moment, head tilted backwards as he studies the wrapped face.
"How are you doing? Have you seen Medic?" She's, after all, probably the most likely to be able to help him.
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Hmm. This one had his eyes closed? What did that mean? Didn't they need to see? Humans were so very, very fragile, and Life hasn't seen Death here, which means it'll be awkward if he hurts himself and Death isn't here to help him be reborn.
He floats, honestly, near him, watching curiously and watching his face. If Light reaches out to try to find him, he’ll reach nothing but air.
"Why are your eyes closed? Isn't it hard to get around like that?"
Wisdom, where are you. Please hit this ancient child.
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Humans were so different, yet so similar. They all had varieties of the same skintones, but nothing like Life's green, Wisdom's yellow, or Death's bone-white - all pinks, or browns, like Love.
Which, honestly, these are his children, not hers! Why don't they look like him?
"Hello - ah! Hello. I was wondering - I can't remember having ever seen a green human. Do they exist?"
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Life gasps, glowing green eyes flashing. "Your eyes! They're like mine!"
Eloquent, considering the man is at least half a billion years old and the actual god of life.
"I've never seen that colour on a human before. Is it common? You would think I would know, but I don't."
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oh. hello. here’s life, your local celery stick (*note, his skin tone is green and his eyes glow).
he’s very eager to interact with other humans, so let’s have a big cap! capped at ten human characters. non human characters are free to like this, but i’ll likely come to you to plot something first. castmates and godly characters exempt!
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test question?
test answer!
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test test
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