spewinz · 1 year
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When I watch current TV journalists, somehow the term “level-headed” doesn’t come to mind. #spewinz #GaryQuote #humor #news #media
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spewinz · 1 year
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spewinz · 1 year
In case you aren’t allowed to learn this in Florida…
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spewinz · 1 year
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Don't let your pronouns define you.
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spewinz · 2 years
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Imagine spending all day trying to impress everyone else and never being able to impress yourself.
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spewinz · 2 years
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Whenever I hear “Republicans think” or “Democrats think”…and nothing else, I think: Does anyone else think?
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spewinz · 2 years
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Ideologies are ideas, not identities.
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spewinz · 2 years
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The American Dream - CONSIDERATION for each other is MY American dream, although I'm told that owning a home is REALLY my American dream. I guess you could say that what I'm told has little bearing on my actual thoughts and actions.
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spewinz · 2 years
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Okay, Trumplicans: Enough with the “peaceful protests” against law enforcement. Your dirty hypocrisy is showing.
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spewinz · 2 years
Politics - Why do media keep referring to Democrats and Republicans as “OPPOSING parties”? Aren’t they all working TOGETHER for the American people?????
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spewinz · 2 years
Even when Congressional lawmakers themselves are threatened with gunfire, they do nothing to protect the country or even themselves from gun-fueled murders. Instead, they deny that it actually happened or that it was as serious as any rational person would perceive.
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spewinz · 2 years
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Remember the “good old days” when telling your friends where you were was NOT considered a personal safety risk? 🤣 
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spewinz · 2 years
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#Autocrats / #Dictators - If you truly value freedom, stop applauding and electing people who act like autocrats and dictators. #spewinz #GaryQuote
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spewinz · 2 years
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I finally had enough, so I just “reported” this to #AppleMusic:
Stop recommending songs to me that contain the lyrics “nigger,” “nigga,” “n*****,” etc., you ignorant, racist, capitalistic pieces of s***!!!
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spewinz · 2 years
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Whenever I hear a newscaster say, “Stop what you’re doing and look at this,” I stop what I’m doing, run to the TV, and turn it OFF.
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spewinz · 3 years
Black History Month Challenge: No N-Word Rap
A 2018 opinion article: “In recent decades, some blacks have co-opted the word that some whites still use against them as an almost term of endearment… What do [N-words] add to the song’s message anyway?”
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spewinz · 3 years
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This link is to a YouTube campaign that obviously was not successful. Ask yourself why not. https://youtu.be/Ay26WA5yVA8
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