spiccceeyyy-blog · 5 years
Happy father's day to all the daddy long legs out there!! Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed, so here's hoping for a blessed and peaceful day for all of you spindly guys ❤❤❤ uwu
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
Self harm isn't always razors and wrists
Sometimes, it's picking at the skin around your fingernails until your fingers bleed. Sometimes it's turning the shower up just a little too hot, to where you're covered in red splotches when you get out. Sometimes it's running your thumb over the tip of a pencil until it's sore. Sometimes it's driving a little too fast, or not looking both ways before crossing the street. Self harm can be picking at scabs, refusing to let them heal. Self harm can be not wearing a jacket in the snow, or leaving the heat off in the car so your fingers and toes go numb. Sometimes it's walking bare foot on gravel, or turning your music up too loud. It can be not eating, or sleeping, or drinking enough water. Self harm isn't always as obvious as stripes on wrists, and sometimes the scars that you leave are hidden in memory.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
To the guy who just walked in on me shaving my legs in an empty classroom's sink
You've seen much weirder shit in this school and you know it.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
Movie idea:
It's the same premise as toy story, but instead of toys it's this shirt that was one of the main 5-6 a college kid would wear every week. He stopped getting worn when the guy got a new shirt, and the shirt realised it was, in fact, the least favorite of the regular shirt rotation. This is a story of learning to find worth in who you are, and not in how useful you are to other people.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
I spent several hours yesterday with my oldest friend, trying to see if we could still fit into tight spaces on a park that we used to play on. We can squeeze between the fence and wall of the tennis courts, but not between some very close poles by the slide. We can both vote.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
Standing around a space heater, staring into the middle distance,
Me: after I'm gone, tell everyone I died a glorious death, even if I trip on an ice cube
Sister: fuck you
Sister: that's the MOST glorious death.
Neither of us can feel our toes.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
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For the past few years, every time I go to Florida to see family for Christmas, I'll draw my cousin as a superhero oc. Improvement exists guys! Keep drawing, keep practising. And I plan on being better the next time.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
Yeah, all my days are numbered, that's how *calendars* work.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
Dont be ashamed of your scars.
When we get hurt, we learn. Scars serve as a reminder for our harshest lessons; they keep us from making the same choices and getting hurt again. Like the scar on my knuckle that reminds me NOT to pet the baby ducks that wander around Dollywood, because the mom duck is RIGHT THERE and she won't hesitate to fuck me up.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
Ohmygodd, I love this
I imagine that Peter Parker is probably pretty similar to the way Tony Stark was at his age, and so like Tony works out some of his habits and stuff pretty early on. And because they spend so much time in the workshop together it’s easy to fall into a rhythm and stuff. Tony learns that Peter knows Spanish and Italian, and so they sometimes wander off into either of those languages so they can keep eachother on their toes. When they’re both Deep in The Zone™ and talking takes up too much brain space that they need to focus on their work, they sort of learn to communicate through knocking against the table a certain amount of times to signal when they need a tool or a helping hand or something. Occasionally one of them just throws out huge strings of numbers or equations and the other replies with an equally mind-boggling formula before they drift off into focused silence again.
Anyway now imagine someone like Steve or Rhodey walking in and like. Trying to understand how the FUCK these two are communicating with eachother. Tony knocked three times and Peter gave him a screwdriver and made them both coffee? They just??? Fucking slip into Colloquial Spanish sometimes without any forewarning? Last night Tony literally just stared at Peter for twenty seconds straight and then Peter said ‘four’ and it was apparently what Tony had been looking for because he gave a thumbs up and then turned back to his project???????
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
Okay, I'm down for trans!Peter,
But imagine the reason Flash calls Peter "penis Parker" is because everyone thinks he's trans. This is due to the incident early in his crime fighting career, when Peter asked to go to the bathroom so he could sneak out to stop a mugging or some shit, and Flash asked why he was taking his bag (with the spidey suit in it) And our boi Peter blurted out that he was on his period and ran out of the room.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
I have no idea where I'm headed now, because I know that I peaked in the middle of my graduation when I wiped my tears away with my valedictorian speech that I wrote the night before on a waffle house napkin. Can I top that? I dont think so, and that's super disheartening.
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
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in which peter parker is me
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
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Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310 - “Finale” (2018)
written by Chip Zdarsky art by Chip Zdarsky
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
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Okay, we all know the zodiac killer theory, but I wanna know why Ted Cruz looks just like sir Isaac Newton
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spiccceeyyy-blog · 6 years
While mowing the lawn, doing my Gordan Ramsey impression for all to hear: “Take this you fucking salad”
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