spidcrmenace · 1 year
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" Has anything strange happened recently? Did you check the batteries?"
Sentienttm, Multi-muse, Fet. Charles Lee Ray / Chucky & Slappy Mutuals only, 18+, Triggering content, Penned by André
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
General PSA because I've been talking to a lot of people who just don't have energy right now.
Listen. This is your reminder.
It's okay if you take days, or weeks, or even months to answer something.
It's okay if you simply do not have motivation to answer something and delete it.
It's okay if you want to pause everything and start from scratch if that's what will help you.
This is a hobby, not a job. There will be no rush to answer things. There is no rush to have your blog fully set up. There is no need to make your blog what you think people want to see. Your blog is your safe area. Your blog is your space to create things. Will you like everything you create? No. But, someone out there will, and you'll never get better without practice.
Need to go MIA for personal reasons? Do it.
Need to stay ooc for a bit while your brain rewires itself? Go for it.
Write your muses how you feel they fit. Write the muses that make you happy. Write what makes you happy and write with who you enjoy.
Don't burn yourself out with pressure of what your blog is or isn't. Don't burn yourself out with your muse not being good enough or what people will think of your portrayal. There is a block button. There is an unfollow button. They can use those if they don't like it on your blog.
Please. Each one of you is important. Please take care of yourself, and take time to yourself. Stay hydrated, eat (even if just a snack like a handful of crackers or something), and please treat yourself as a priority.
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
                                                        you’re at my mercy.
                               but you’ve always been at the mercy of bad people,                                                             haven’t you?
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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By JoeyVazquez at deviantart
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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#James ‘most relatable character ever’ Holden
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR CHANGES AND GROWTH *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
you were never like this before.
you're not the person i once knew.
i don't want to think about it anymore. i've moved on.
people change. get over it.
are those gray hairs i see?
did you expect me to stay the same forever?
i got older. that's what happened.
yeah, well, things are different now.
i don't remember it ever looking like this.
did you move the furniture around in here?
i remember that used to be bigger.
when did that happen? did i miss it?
i wish we could just go back to the way it was before.
are you telling me it's over?
maybe i loved you once, but not anymore.
you look shorter than i remember.
what happended to your favorite chair?
you still look the same as you did the day i left.
did you do something with your hair?
is that a new scar i see?
the more things change, the more they stay the same.
everything's just the way i left it.
i made the mistake of trusting you once.
can't you see i've moved on?
stop trying to turn me into the person i once was.
what we had was special.
you've changed, and not in a good way.
you never would have done that years ago.
i don't remember you doing things like that.
when did this start happening?
is that new? when did that get here?
i barely recognize the place.
where did all the trees go that were here before?
i don't remember this being here at all.
when was the last time you visited this place?
your hair got longer.
still remember me, old friend?
this is just like old times.
do you ever reminisce about the good old days?
that might have worked once, but not anymore.
you really don't remember me?
you promised we'd be together forever.
you left. i had to move on.
i didn't have a choice in the matter.
things are different now.
they put me in charge of this place.
i never thought i'd see the day.
when you left, we had no one else to turn to.
there's nothing that can be done about it.
you can't turn back time, you know.
i miss coming here with you.
you don't look at me the same way.
i never should have left this place.
had you stayed, it might've been a different story.
change is inevitable. you can't fight it.
we were kids back then.
i'm sorry, but i don't feel the same way anymore.
nothing's been the same since you went away.
i wish you'd taken me with you.
that's not how it works anymore.
that's in the past for a reason.
there's no use digging up the past.
you didn't need to remind me.
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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“Urgent depends on the person,” he says sharply. “I consider this matter of the utmost importance. They can wait another fifteen minutes. This can’t.” Actually, Peter could wait, but he wasn’t about to admit to that anytime soon. No, the time restraint he was on was due to the fact of how long it would take someone to call the police and then them get there - fifteen was a fair number. It might have been sooner, but Peter was attempting some decency. At least he didn’t kidnap her outright.
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“I have patients to see, so if this isn’t urgent –?”
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
wishlist: a thread where each reply is a letter, signed and dated and everything. it could either be really long ones written over a long period or short telegrams. it would work so well with historical muses
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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Nothing like... more bad news. I'm gonna be on discord or Grant, but probably hiding on a video game. Plus I feel terrible.
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
Okay, but…someone investigating into Peter and ( or ) finding a connection to Spider-Man shortly after the Devi’s Breath situation because Peter ( who worked for Otto for years ) was directly responsible for the arms. So, by default, he would need to be at least questioned - the only problem is he’s gone off the radar shortly after the situation. Vanishing as if he didn’t even exist in the first place and right after that fact there are signs of a Black-Suited Spider-Man. Coincidence? Maybe. 
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
This is your free and open opportunity to…. beat Peter into a bloody pulp.
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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nooo don’t kill me your so sexy aha
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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MIGUEL O’HARA aka SPIDER-MAN 2099 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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spidcrmenace · 1 year
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   ❝   I’ve   been   called   many   titles   in   my   lifetime.   In   one   system,   they   call   me   The   Destroyer   of   Worlds.    Either   way,   my   name   is   Lieutenant   Grant   Lancaster   and   if   I   were   you   .   .   .   I    would   start   running.      ❞  
     Grant   Lancaster     |        Runs      off    Queue    |       Penned    by    André    
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