spider-hyphen-man · 2 years
bros, why did this flop so hard 😭please don’t make me repost it AGAIN. 
You’re Different (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader)
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WARNINGS: Major Character Death (Tony Stark), heavy angst, violence, canon-divergent (minor details only), not proof-read, no spoiler warnings for Spider-Man: No Way Home
Word Count: 3.5k+
Notes: This work is somewhat connected to “If Only,” but you do not need to read it to understand what is happening in this work. This takes place before the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home, during Avengers: Endgame. See more notes at the end. This is also a repost because I posted this originally at around 5am today, and I don’t think it reached the algorithm. There are NO SPOILERS FOR NO WAY HOME IN THIS WORK. 
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spider-hyphen-man · 2 years
You’re Different (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader)
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WARNINGS: Major Character Death (Tony Stark), heavy angst, violence, canon-divergent (minor details only), not proof-read, no spoiler warnings for Spider-Man: No Way Home
Word Count: 3.5k+
Notes: This work is somewhat connected to “If Only,” but you do not need to read it to understand what is happening in this work. This takes place before the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home, during Avengers: Endgame. See more notes at the end. This is also a repost because I posted this originally at around 5am today, and I don’t think it reached the algorithm. There are NO SPOILERS FOR NO WAY HOME IN THIS WORK. 
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PETER AND Y/N had snuck off the bus together when the aliens had attacked. She could remember showing up to fight them as her father, Tony Stark, had chastised the two of them, but what else should he expect? The man had raised his daughter to be as noble and chivalrous as he was, and he had only himself to blame for dragging Peter into the world of the Avengers.
Y/n thought that they had everything under control until she had somehow lost sight of both her father and Peter. She had attempted to call both of them but the signal dropped after two rings. That day, she flew haphazardly flew into Stark Tower, almost tripping over her own two feet when she landed.
“Pepper,” she shouted. “Pepp! Pepper!” Her voice was shaky and panicked. When you have Iron Man as your father, you will always have the fear of him never returning. For Y/n, this was the moment when that fear became very real, and not only did she have to worry about Tony, but she had to worry about Peter as well.
Pepper stood up from her office chair and made her way over to Y/n. “Woah, hey, sweetie, what’s going on?” She asked.
“Dad-” She said. “He and Peter - we were fighting the aliens, and then I lost sight of them, and then I saw them going up into space, and I, I don’t know what to do or if they’re coming back,” she rambled on, not being able to find the right words.
Pepper held the teenager by her shoulders. “Sweetie, I need you to breathe,” she said. Once she was able to get Y/n to calm down, she asked her carefully, “Where did your dad go?”
And that’s how Y/n ended up in Wakanda, fighting against Thanos. Eventually, she would watch bits and pieces of her family turn into dust along with half of the planet. As she did so, she couldn’t help but wonder if her father and Peter had dusted away too...
Tony returned months later, weak and malnourished. The first thing that he said to his daughter was, “I lost the kid... I’m sorry, sweetheart; I’ve lost the kid.”
Things never got easier like everyone told Y/n it would. Y/n and Peter had known each other since the first day of their freshman year at Midtown Tech. Originally, Tony had only sent her there to keep an eye on Peter, to find a way to recruit him, but she had made a life for herself there. Peter was her best friend, and along the way, she met Ned and MJ, and she had lost them to Thanos too. She had lost the only people who saw Y/n for Y/n. To them, she wasn’t Iron Maiden or Y/n Stark; she was just Y/n.
Tony and Pepper had gotten married, and together, they had Morgan, and as much as Y/n loved her baby sister, it wasn’t enough to make the world feel like it would be okay again.
Y/n had to go through her milestones alone: her 16th birthday, Junior Prom, Senior Prom, 18th birthday, high school graduation, college admissions, first day at MIT, college graduation - everything she had planned to do with Peter, she had to do it alone.
Y/n had double majored in engineering and business at MIT, knowing that she was in line to take over Stark Industries when her father was ready to give it up. Miraculously, Harley hadn’t been dusted away, and he had spent his time studying at Yale. The two had grown closer, seeing as they had no other companions anymore.
One day, when visiting Tony, Pepper, and Morgan at the cottage, she had stayed up all night. She was looking through the different projects and hologram files. When she found one listed under “time travel,” it piqued her interest. She played around with it for a while, and eventually, she plugged in a few new variables, causing the hologram to flash a green “SUCCESS” in front of her face.
“Holy shit,” she mumbled. “I figured it out.” She rushed to her father’s room, being careful to not wake Pepper. “Dad,” she whispered, shaking him awake. “Dad, I got it. I figured out your time travel plan.”
This made Tony shoot right up. “What?” He exclaimed. “What were you doing looking through my stuff?”
“I do all the time; this isn’t anything new,” She chuckled. “But that’s besides the point; come look!”
Tony grumbled as he stood up from the bed and rubbed his eyes. “Kid, come on, what are you doing up anyways? You should seriously be catching some-” He cut himself short when he looked at the hologram in front of him. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “You figured it out.” A tired, yet wide smile took over his face as he walked over to his daughter, holding her face in his hands with pride. Tony had made a lot of mistakes, but every day, he is reminded that Y/n Stark is not one of them, nor will she ever be.
Y/n let out a quiet chuckle as her father pressed a kiss to her forehead. Before Thanos, she would whine that she was too old for them, but now, she wouldn’t ever complain again.
“We can fix things,” she whispered to him, tears forming in her eyes. “We can go back and get the stones, and we can use them to defeat Thanos and bring everyone back...” She sighed. “We can bring Peter back.” Her voice cracked with the last statement. In all of her years alone, Y/n had never stopped thinking about Peter. She didn’t know how she had managed to keep living on without him.
Tony and Y/n had taken the plan back to the rest of the team, and they had gotten everyone on board. Tony, Steve, Scott, and Bruce would be on one team, going back to 2012. Nebula, Natasha, Rhodey, and Clint had gone back in time to space. Y/n was going to tag along with them, but Tony had refused to let her do so. He couldn’t let her go up into space after what had happened to Peter. Instead, she had ended up going with Thor and Rocket.
“Thor,” Tony said to the Asgardian. “You better make sure that my daughter gets back, or so help me God.”
“Dad, I’ll be fine,” Y/n reassured him. “Don’t worry about me...”
The plan had worked but not without a hitch. Thor had run into his mother and dealt with a lot of high-strung emotions, but it was what he needed to get his motivation back... Tony and Steve had to go even further back in time to retrieve another stone after their first plan had failed, and Natasha... Natasha had given her life for the sake of the other half of the universe.
They did what they needed to be done though, and they couldn’t let Natasha’s death mean nothing, and so, with the stones and a gauntlet made of nanotech, they brought the other half of the universe back home, but of course, that couldn’t be the end of it. Instead, they were attacked by Thanos and his army, but that didn’t mean that they were completely unprepared.
Y/n was fighting alongside her father, but things weren’t looking good for them. That was until she and the rest of the team had heard odd noises and watched as golden portals began to open. They were all taken aback to see their companions that had turned into dust walk through, along with T’Challa, leading the Wakandan army in a chant.
Once the chanting had stopped, Steve shouted. “Avengers.” There was a pause before he spoke through angry, determined, clenched teeth. “Assemble.”
They all began running towards Thanos and his army, fighting all of them off. Tony and Y/n were about to get crushed by the foot of a giant alien when it was suddenly pulled down by some web, and a giant Ant Man had crushed him beneath his boot.
“Mr. Stark!” They heard Peter shout. “Y/n!” Once he was near them, he pulled them both up from the ground. “Holy cow!” He exclaimed. Tony had retracted his helmet at Peter began to ramble to him. “Do you remember when we went up into space, and I got all dusty? I must have passed out because I woke up, and you were gone, but Dr. Strange was there, right? And he was like, ‘Come on, they need us. The Avengers need us!’” He stepped back a bit and began to make circular motions with his arms and hands. “And then he started doing the yellow, sparkly thing that he does all the time.”
The Starks felt like the entire world had stopped. The child that they had both been mourning and feeling guilty over the loss of was finally right in front of them again. He was still the same - the geeky, nerdy, nervous yet brave and strong and determined kid.
“Mhm,” Tony mumbled as he and his daughter went in to hug the boy.
“What are you guys doing?” Peter asked as he felt their arms wrap around him.
Y/n could feel herself crying behind her helmet. She let out a watery chuckle as she felt Peter slowly wrap his arms around her and her father.
“This is nice,” he breathed out.
They had gotten back to fighting with Y/n trying to avoid Peter as much as she could. She was happy that he was back, no doubt about it, but how exactly was she supposed to reveal that she was five years older now? Her efforts proved to be futile, as Peter worked his best when he was with his best friend. The two jumped back into action together, being partners in crime fighting like they were before - before space, before Thanos, before half of the world vanished.
Peter eventually ended up crashing on his back as he hugged the gauntlet close to him. Captain Marvel, aka, Carol Danvers had appeared in front of him, politely asking to take the gauntlet off of his hands, and Peter obliged. He then looked at the large group of aliens heading toward them. “I don’t know how you’re gonna get through all that.”
Just then, Y/n had landed next to him. “Don’t worry, kiddo,” she told him. “She’s got help.”
The rest of the women had landed near the small group, ready to take on the aliens - ready to end this once and for all...
And they did.
“But was it really worth it?” Y/n would later ask herself.
When she saw her father with the stones in the hand of his own armor, she tuned everything else out. She could feel her heart racing and tears pricking her eyes, and her throat burned as she screeched out a long, drawn out, “NO!” Her feet tried to carry her over to her father, and she ran as fast as she could until her calves felt like they were on fire, and eventually, she had kicked the boosters on her feet into gear.
But alas, she was too late. By the time Y/n was anywhere near her father, he had already snapped his fingers, the words, “And I am Iron Man,” leaving his lips.
For the first time during the entire battle, Y/n had retracted her mask. She looked a mess. Her face was bloody and covered with bruises, one of her eyes beginning to swell as tears made their way down her face, cleaning away the dirt and debris in their trail.
“Dad,” she choked out. “Daddy, come on, please.” She was whimpering as she took Tony’s face into her hands. He seemed to be staring off, only having the energy to look into her eyes for a second. “Dad, come on... You’re okay. You’re gonna be fine. We’re gonna go home, and then you, me, and Morgan are gonna go get some burgers, right?” Her breath became erratic as she struggled to keep her composure. “Dad!” She yelled at him.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter had rushed out as he landed next to them. “Mr. Stark, we won,” he said, a weary smile on his face. “Mr. Stark... I’m sorry, Tony.” Peter didn’t know what he was apologizing for... Maybe he was apologizing for not being a good enough hero. Maybe he was sorry that he couldn’t have just stopped Thanos himself.
“Dad, come on, get up!” Y/n shouted again. Then she got quiet, looking down helplessly. “Please,” she whimpered. “Dad, please don’t go. I need you here. Please...”
Pepper had put her hand on Peter’s shoulder, handing him over to Rhodey as she put a loving hand on Y/n’s back. Then, she rested her hand on Tony’s chest, right on the arc reactor. “FRIDAY,” she called quietly.
“Life functions: critical,” the A.I. responded. This only made Y/n let out another sob, resting her head against Tony’s shoulder.
Pepper gave her husband a sad smile. “Tony,” she spoke softly. “Look at me.” Once Tony had turned his head, she spoke again. “We’re gonna be okay.” Though she smiled at him, everyone knew that she was only trying to be strong, wanting his last moments to be filled with her happy, sweet face. “You can rest now.”
Y/n took Tony’s hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. She felt a light squeeze back before his hand had gone completely limp. He had taken his last breath, and the light in his chest had gone out.
Pepper pressed a kiss to his cheek before finally letting the tears fall, the sound of her step-daughter’s sobs filling the silence.
Things didn’t get better for a while. Y/n had shut everyone out completely up until the funeral. Even then, as she walked with Pepper and Morgan to send off the memorabilia, the “proof that Tony Stark has a heart,” she was silent, with no emotion but resentment on her face. It was resentment for Thanos, for aliens, for HYDRA, for herself. None of this would have happened if this wasn’t for them. Maybe if she had been a better hero and a better daughter, Tony would be standing with them right now.
After the ceremony, everyone had headed into the house for lunch. She hadn’t spoken to anyone in so long. What was she supposed to say? What was she supposed to do each time someone walked up to her and gave her looks of pity.
Peter was hurting too. Tony had been his mentor, and he had started to see Tony as a father figure. Now, Tony was gone, and he didn’t even have his best friend to comfort him.
He found her on the couch in the living room. Her eyes were closed as she rested her head on some young man’s shoulder, her face twitching every so often. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. One of his large hands was resting on top of Y/n’s head, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her down.
Peter nervously shuffled over to them, taking a seat on the couch adjacent to them. He cleared his throat. “Uh, hey,” he whispered. “I’m Peter.”
“Harley,” the other young man introduced himself. “Uh, Y/n’s told me a lot about you. We’ve known each other since we were real young tikes,” he explained. “I helped Tony track down the Mandarin when I was... like, ten.”
Peter nodded before motioning to Y/n. “Is she okay?”
Harley sighed. “No,” he answered truthfully. “And she won’t be for a while. She lost a lot outside of Tony. She’s gonna have a lot of nightmares, more than she already has now, and she’s gonna have a hard time navigating through everything.”
“What do you mean she’s lost a lot outside of Tony?”
Harley raised an eyebrow at the teenager. “Peter, do you notice anything different about Y/n?”
Peter looked at his best friend, taking her in. There were dark circles beneath her eyes, and her hair was longer than he had remembered. Her skin looked dull, not glowing and radiant like it was the last time that he had seen her. “She looks different?”
Harley sighed. “Peter, it’s been five years since you’ve disappeared from the face of the earth,” he explained. “She’s 21 years old now...”
Peter was shocked to say the least. His mouth was gaped open as he could only blink at Harley. “So she’s...” He huffed. “Holy shit.”
“I think it’s best if she explains it to you later when she wakes up, but for now, we should let her rest.”
“Too late,” Y/n grumbled. She lifted her head off of Harley’s shoulder. “You guys aren’t as quiet as you think.” The woman let out a yawn and stretched out her limbs. She gave Peter a tight-lipped smile. “Hey, Pete. Let’s go talk in my room; it’ll give us some privacy so that I can explain everything.”
And she did. The two friends sat next to each other on Y/n’s bed, and through hard swallows and tears, Y/n told Peter everything that had happened from the very moment she went up into space. She talked about high school, Morgan being born, both Proms that Pepper had forced her into because “you can’t hide away forever,” being accepted into MIT, and high school graduation. She told Peter about her first day at MIT and the misery that came along with it. “It would have been fun with you and the rest of the gang,” she said. Then she told Peter about graduating MIT and how she had planned to take over Stark Industries with Harley once Tony was ready to retire.
“Looks like it came a lot earlier than expected though, huh?” Y/n said with a dry chuckle. As she explained everything to Peter, she went through a scrapbook that she put together to distract herself. It held photos of every big moment she had gone through from the moment she met Peter. The majority from the first two years of the photos were taken by him; he had a knack for photography.
Peter noticed that from Y/n’s sophomore year of high school and forward, there were very few times that her smile reached her eyes, and all he could do was stare at them, hating himself for not being there.
“Don’t blame yourself,” Y/n told him. “Even if you hadn’t gone up into space, you probably would have turned to dust anyways... It’s not your fault,” she said. “It sucks that you weren’t there, but hey, what can we do, right?” It was silent for a few seconds before she could hear sniffling. She looked over to Peter to see him crying. She got up and kneeled in front of him, holding onto his shoulders. “Hey,” she said. “Hey, no, don’t cry!” She took him into his arms, letting him cry into her shoulders. At that moment, Y/n was made painfully aware that Peter was still a kid while she had to grow up and move on.
“I just hate all of this,” Peter cried. “Your dad should be alive, and you should be sixteen, like me!”
“Pete, calm down, kid.”
“No!” Peter yelled. He took a few deep breaths before his voice was small and quiet again. “You shouldn’t be calling me kid; that’s what your dad called me. We should be the same age, and we should be going back to school together and navigating prom and graduation and college together! I should have been there with you.”
Y/n felt her lip quivering as Peter ranted to her. She pulled him away from her and looked at him. “Peter,” she said carefully, knowing she would begin crying any second. “This isn’t your fault. You can’t control what some stupid, fugly-ass purple alien did to us, so stop blaming yourself.”
“I just don’t wanna lose my best friend,” Peter whispered.
“And you won’t,” Y/n reassured him. “You’re still gonna be my best friend, Pete; nothing will ever change that. You’ve practically been part of my family for years now.”
Peter nodded, wiping his tears away. “Things are just so different now; you’re different.”
Y/n laughed. “Yeah, no shit,” she said. “I’m 21... Been through a lot,” she added on. “But hey, on the bright side, you’ll be able to come to me when you’re dealing with your own shit; I got all that ‘life experience’ now.”
Peter laughed too. “Yeah,” he said.  He then hugged her. “Thanks, Y/n,” he whispered. “We’ll get through this, right?”
“Yeah, kid,” she reassured him. “We get through everything together from now on, just like we used to...”
They held each other for a few moments, happy to be in each other presence again.
“It’s gonna be so hard to get used to you calling me ‘kid,’“ said Peter, and they both laughed.
Things were different; Y/n was different, but that didn’t mean that their friendship had to change. Peter Parker and Y/n would always be crime-fighting partners, best friends, and most important of all: family.
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NOTES: I sobbed like a little bitch while writing this. I’ve seen so many people write scenarios where both the reader and Peter were blipped, but I haven’t seen any where the reader had to grow up without him, and hmmmm heartbreak <3
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spider-hyphen-man · 2 years
so glad you guys loved "if only..." send me some requests!!
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spider-hyphen-man · 2 years
If Only... (Andrew Garfield!Spider-Man x Reader)...
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WARNINGS: Major Character Death (Tony Stark), heavy angst, violence, canon-divergent (reader is female Iron Man but does not go by Ironheart), not proof-read
Word Count: 4.1k
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MOST PEOPLE WOULD CONSIDER (Y/N) STARK LUCKY FOR SURVIVING THE BLIP, but she never did. Surviving meant that she had to go five years without her loved ones. It meant living five years without her best friends. By the time that everyone had come back, she was 21 years old, getting ready to graduate from MIT. All of her friends - Peter, Ned, MJ, Betty, Flash - had still been 16.
Peter could recall being filled with shock when he was reunited with her as they fought Thanos together. He could tell that her face had matured quite a bit. The bags under her eyes were undoubtedly from the stress caused by both trying to bring the universe back and attending MIT simultaneously.
After losing Tony, however, he saw that she really hadn’t changed that much. He watched her cling to her father for dear life, begging him to come back. At the funeral, he watched as she cried to another young man, one who looked to be around her age. He held her with a frown, patting her back. Peter later learned the name of the man, Harley Keener; he was to help (Y/n) carry on the legacy of Stark Industries as soon as they both graduated from school. Peter admitted that he felt a little jealous, but he knew that he had no right to. He knew that (Y/n) would still be one of his best friends, even with the amount of time that was now put between them, but he wanted to be more.
Eventually, he would express these feelings to (Y/n) as they patrolled together for the first time since the Blip. It was summer, and Peter was trying to get used to life again before school started up in the fall, and (Y/n) was preparing to take full control over Stark Industries with Harley by her side while balancing the role of being a superhero - Iron Maiden. Carrying out the great legacy of her father was proving to be a lot harder than she thought it would be.
“This is so weird,” Peter said as he perched himself on top of one of the buildings in Queens. “It’s like you’re you, but you’re also not you.”
(Y/n) let out a breathy chuckle. “Yeah,” she agreed. “You’re exactly how I remembered you, but I’m so much older now.”
“Yeah, it sucks,” Peter grumbled.
“Yeah... I was really looking forward to graduating and attending MIT with the rest of the gang, but I had to do it without you guys,” (Y/n) added. “I really wish I could have lived that part of my life with you guys.”
“I loved you,” Peter suddenly blurted. “Sorry... I just... You were my best friend, you know? And since we both do the superhero thing, you always understood all of my insecurities and frustrations that came along with it, and before I went up into space, I tried to call you to tell you... and then I was gone.”
(Y/n) retracted her helmet to let Peter take a look at her face. She wore a deep frown with sad eyes. She walked over to him and took his mask off before ruffling his hair and holding his face in her hands, almost like an older sister or mother would. “You’re sweet, Pete, but things could never work now,” she whispered. “I’ll admit... I think that I loved you back then too, but things are so different now. I’ve gone through so much without you, and I’m so much older than you...”
“I know,” Peter almost whimpered. “It’s okay. I get it.” It was quiet for a moment as he leaned into her touch. “You’ll always be one of my best friends, though, right? And my partner in crime... fighting?”
(Y/n) laughed. “Always, Peter. Wherever Spider-Man goes, I go.” She pulled back and pulled Peter’s mask back onto his face. “Last one to the compound buys lunch from Mr. Delmar’s for a week?”
Peter shot out a web and began swinging. “You’re on!”
Wherever Spider-Man goes, I go. And she never broke that promise. She was there when she saw reports of Spider-Man fighting against the elementals. She was there when he had to take down Mysterio, and she was there when Peter’s identity as Spider-Man was revealed, but the one time that she wasn’t there, she was consumed with guilt.
(Y/n) had fully intended to help Peter cure the villains of the other universe, but he had begged her to stay with MJ and Ned.
“Someone has to be there to protect them,” he exclaimed. “We dragged them into this. If something happens to them, then it’s on us.”
(Y/n) knew how important they were to him. They were his best friends, and now he and MJ were together, which made him even more protective over her. Peter was stubborn, and so was she, but she cared about Peter more than she had ever cared for everyone else, and she felt like she had a duty to make sure that Peter would succeed, so she went.
“I’m gonna press it,” MJ said suddenly.
“What?” Ned asked.
“I know that he told me to wait, but I’m gonna do it,” MJ argued.
“No,” (Y/n) told her. “We just need to trust Peter.”
“I just wish we could see him!” Ned chimed in. As he spoke, he moved his hands and sparks began to fly from his hands.
(Y/n) gasped. “Oh my god.”
“Ned...” MJ said. “Ned, do that again!”
Ned proceeded to swirl his hands around, chanting “I just wish we could see him,” until a portal opened up. On the other side was Peter. The three shouted his name and waved him over, but once he got closer, (Y/n) realized that there was something off. His suit was different. It was that neither Peter nor (Y/n) and her father had created it. The colors were different, the spider logo was more pronounced - this was not the Spider-Man that they were looking for.
(Y/n)’s suit quickly covered her body as she slightly pushed the two teenagers behind her, putting herself into a defense position. “That’s not Peter.”
Once he was through the portal, he stopped running. The portal closed as Ned’s Lola shrieked and threw a pillow at him before running away. He then took off his mask, making the three friends gasp.
“That’s definitely not Peter,” she stated, charging up one of her blasters.
This startled the stranger and he put his hands up. “No, no, no!” He exclaimed. “I’m a nice guy!”
“You’re...” MJ muttered.
“I am Peter Parker,” the stranger claimed. “I am Spider-Man.” He gestured to himself. “In my world, but yesterday, I was just... here.” He took in his surroundings, suddenly getting excited. “String theory, multidimensional reality, and matter displacement - all real?”
“Yeah,” the three said.
“I knew it!” he said as his fist pumped in the air.
“I guess this makes sense,” (Y/n) said. “With the whole spell letting those villains loose, I guess the heroes would follow.”
“Spell?” The stranger Peter said. “Like magic spell?”
“Spell? What? There’s no spell!” Ned stuttered.
“Ned, stop talking,” MJ told her friend.
“Well, I mean there’s magicians and stuff,” Ned continued, clearly getting nervous.
“Ned,” (Y/n) warned.
“But there’s no like -”
“Stop it!” MJ hissed. She then looked at the man. “Prove it.”
“Prove what?” He said.
“Prove that you’re Peter Parker,” MJ elaborated.
“I don’t carry ID with me, you know?” He chuckled. “Kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing.”
The two kept going back and forth with MJ eventually beginning to throw bread at him as (Y/n) kept her two friends behind her, wanting to protect him. Eventually, it was proven when he had crawled across the ceiling to clear a cobweb that Lola had pointed out. This made (Y/n) let her guard down a bit more, letting her friends walk freely. She kept her suit on but had the helmet retract. This made the new Peter gasp.
(Y/n) raised an eyebrow at him. “What?” she asked.
He started walking towards her, slowly so that he wouldn’t alarm her. Suddenly, he grabbed her face in his hands, looking deeply into her eyes. “(Y/n),” he whispered, his lip quivering as his eyes filled with tears. “You’re alive here... And you’re... so different yet the same.”
(Y/n) just looked up at him with a confused and almost disturbed expression. “What?” She deadpanned.
Peter suddenly shook his head, taking himself out of his lovesick mind. “I’m sorry,” he stuttered. “It’s just... In my universe, you’re... You were my girlfriend, and she looks just like you, but you weren’t a superhero,” he explained. “Just normal, sweet (Y/n) Potts.”
(Y/n) took a step back. “Well, in this universe, I’m (Y/n) Stark, daughter of Tony Stark. Potts is my step-mom’s last name.”
“Tony Stark?” He asked. “Who is that? He doesn't exist in my...”
“Listen, I hate to break up this moment, but we need to find out Peter,” MJ spoke up.
(Y/n) nodded. “Right, we do...”
Eventually, the three had met another, much older version of Peter. It turned out he had his own version of MJ in his universe, one he was in love with.
“Okay, Peter 2 and Peter 3,” MJ said. “Any idea where Peter 1 might be?”
“Wait, why am I Peter 3?” Peter 3 whined.
(Y/n) was about to tell him to focus, but the news report on the TV caught her eyes. She suddenly left the room and to grab the remote and turn up the volume. “Guys!” She called.
“There has been one confirmed death,” The reporter spoke. “May Parker, aunt and legal guardian of Peter Parker, the man behind the Spider-Man mask, is dead. We will now take a short commercial break. More news in 10.”
(Y/n) could feel herself shaking. May had been part of her family. May was there to drive her and Peter to their first homecoming before the Vulture had attacked. May was the one who encouraged her to get back up when Peter couldn’t after losing her father. Somewhere along the line, May had become Aunt May to (Y/n) too. “No, no, no,” she cried out as she fell to her knees. “Not May,” she whimpered. “Anyone but May, please! He needs her; I need her...”
MJ and Ned rushed over to her to wrap their arms around her.
“(Y/n),” Ned whispered.
But that was it. Nobody knew what to say.
After a couple of minutes of crying, (Y/n) wiped her tears away and got her breathing under control. “Okay,” she said. “I’m okay now...We need to find Peter.”
Peter 2 spoke up. “Is there a place where he would go? Somewhere that has meaning to him? Like a place that he can-”
“-That he can get away from everything?” Peter 3 interrupted.
Peter 2 nodded. “Yeah... For me, it was the top of the Chrysler building.”
“Empire State for me,” Peter 3 said. “It’s a better view.”
Peter 2 smirked. “That is a sweet view.”
“I think we know where it is,” MJ spoke up. “His spot, I mean.”
“Alright, let’s go,” (Y/n) said, getting ready to walk the door.
MJ and Ned had piled themselves into her car to drive there, but the two Peters decided that they would swing over while (Y/n) flew. They said their “see you there’s” before taking off.
However, before (Y/n) could, Peter 3 stopped her. “Hey, are you alright?” He asked.
(Y/n) looked up at him. He was taller than the Peter from her universe. “Yeah,” she stammered. “I’ll be fine.”
His hands found hers and he squeezed them gently. “Good,” he whispered. “I hate to see you in pain...” He sniffled before pulling away. “Sorry,” he apologized. “I just... You look so much like my (Y/n),” he said. “Exactly like her, actually.”
“I’m sorry...”
“It’s okay,” he said. “Alright, let’s go find your friend...”
When the group had arrived, (Y/n) had told the two Peters to hold off for now, not wanting to spook her friend.
“Peter,” they all exclaimed when they found him. He was bruised, face covered in blood and tears streaming down his face. (Y/n) felt her heartbreak. She knew that what Peter 1 was feeling now was exactly what she felt when she had lost her father, but this was worse. Now, Peter 1 felt like he had no one. At the very least, (Y/n) still had Pepper and Morgan. Peter 1 had lost both of his parents along with his Uncle Ben, his mentor, and now Aunt May was gone too...
The two friends sobbed into each other’s shoulders while MJ and Ned did their best to comfort them. They wanted to cry along with him, but they knew that had to remain strong for the two heroes.
MJ and Ned pulled away from the pair.
“Peter,” MJ said softly. “There’s some people who want to talk to you.”
(Y/n) then pulled away and helped Peter 1 stand, wiping away her tears once more.
When Peter saw the two figures, the two other Spider-Mans atop the building, he grew worried. “Wait, wait, wait!” He said frantically. “Woah.” He put his hands up, ready to defend himself and his friends. However, once he got a closer look at their suits, just stared at them in disbelief.
“Pete, it’s okay,” (Y/n) whispered, putting his hands down.
Peter 2 and 3 approached him carefully.
“I’m sorry about May,” Peter 2 said.
Peter 3 nodded. “I got some understanding of-”
Peter 1 was quick to interrupt him. “No,” he said. “No, you don’t understand what I’m going through. She’s gone and it’s all my fault. She died for nothing!” Tears began to fill his eyes again as he ranted. “You don’t belong here... Those guys - they’re from your worlds, right?” He asked. “You deal with them; either they die or you help them. I don’t care anymore; I’m done.”
(Y/n) looked at Peter 1, shocked. This was the first and only time that she had ever seen him give up. She had always looked up to Peter for his tenacity, and even now at almost 24 years old, she still did. His morals, his good heart and goofy personality, and his ability to fight through everything without ever even thinking about giving up - that is what made Peter Parker. “Don’t say that,” she tried to tell him.
“No, (Y/n)!” He shouted. “I can’t do this anymore. I’m done.”
“Peter!” MJ shouted back. Ned could only watch helplessly.
Peter 1 turned to his friends, whimpering. “You can go home now.”
“I lost my (Y/n),” Peter 3 suddenly interrupted. This caught everyone’s attention. He watched with heartbroken eyes as (Y/n) peered up at him, her head tilting to the side. She was so much like the (Y/n) in his universe.  His lip started quivering as the tears poured from his eyes. “I... I couldn’t save her, and I won’t ever forgive myself for that... I carry on and try to continue being that friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man because I know that’s what she would have wanted.” He then let out a sob.
(Y/n) felt her heartbreak for the man. She couldn’t imagine what he was going through. Not only was he able to save the person that he loved, but now, he had to see the spitting image of her right in front of him.
“But I stopped pulling my punches,” Peter 3 continued. “I got rageful, and I got bitter. I can’t let that happen to you here, Peter. We can change things.”
“The night that Ben died, I got my revenge,” Peter 2 added. “I got the guy who I thought did it... It didn’t make it better; it didn’t bring him back... It took me a long time to get through that darkness...”
“Aunt May,” Peter 1 choked out. “She told me that with great power-”
“Comes great responsibility.”
Peter 1 looked taken back. “How did you know?’
“Uncle Ben said it,” Peter 3 answered.
“Maybe she didn't die for nothing, Peter.”
The three Peters worked in the lab, and it was surreal to (Y/n), MJ, and Ned. Seeing the three versions of Peter that we so different yet the same was something that neither of them would have ever thought would happen.
Ned spent his time running around, helping all three Peters and trying to find out if there was a version of him in the other universes. MJ sat close with Peter 1, trying to keep his head up. (Y/n) and Peter 3, however, were tiptoeing around each other. He couldn’t help but to look at her with a lovesick gaze, and (Y/n) didn’t know what to feel. He was handsome, that’s for sure, but he wasn’t going to be around for much longer anyway...
“Hey, need any help?” She asked him.
Peter 3 dropped whatever he was holding. “Uh, n-no,” he stammered. “I think I’ll be alright. Thanks though.”
(Y/n) smiled as she saw a blush cover his face, but it quickly fell into a frown. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I know this must be hard for you...”
Peter stopped working and just looked at her with a soft gaze. He then reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. He blew some air through his mouth in disbelief as he took her in. Her face was the same, and her hair was only just a bit shorter than the (Y/n) that he got to call hers. The biggest difference was the nanotech suit that covered her body. “So you’re a superhero, huh?”
“I wouldn’t say super,” (Y/n) chuckled. “I just have a super-genius father and managed to get his genius genes.”
Peter 3 chuckled with her. He then looked over to where MJ and Peter 1 sat together, close. “So what’s your association with Peter? He’s got MJ, and I know that Peter 2 had MJ in his universe, but where does that leave you? You have anyone?”
(Y/n) shook her head. “No,” she answered. “Peter used to be it for me... I wanted that, but then things happened, and now I’m technically five years older than him,” she explained. “We were partners in crime-fighting, and we still are, but our dynamic was different when we were the same age. Now, he’s more like my younger brother.”
“Wow, that’s so weird,” Peter 3 commented. “How did you get so much older anyways?”
(Y/n) spent the next few minutes explaining everything from the start of the Avengers up to her father dying in order to defeat Thanos and save the world. It left Peter 3 in shock and awe.
“You know, even if you are a superhero in this universe, I think that my (Y/n) would have done the same if I had been able to save her,” he said. “And maybe she would have brought the Avengers together... She always wanted to help people. She was noble... Just... Such an amazing leader.”
This made (Y/n) smile. “And I think she would be proud of you, Peter.” She then paused. “I’m proud of you, Peter.”
The battle between the villains and the Peters was intense. (Y/n) fought alongside them, being given the task of protecting MJ and Ned. Eventually, Ned wasn’t able to close the portal, and (Y/n) had to drive Dr. Connors away from them. Before anyone realized it, MJ and (Y/n) were falling off of the scaffolding. (Y/n) saw Peter 1 reaching for MJ, and he was about to grab her hand when he was knocked out of the way by the Green Goblin.
Panicking, (Y/n) commanded her suit to detach itself from and attach itself to MJ instead. She watched as the suit took off and flew away after connecting itself to MJ, carrying her to safety.
“NO!” She heard someone shout, but she had already closed her eyes, accepting that this is where it would end for her, but part of her was content with it. What more did she have to live for anyway? Her life was turned upside-down when Thanos came along. She lost all of her friends to time; her father sacrificed himself to save the world, and the Avengers has basically disbanded. Harley was smart enough to take after Stark Industries, and she had set things up for Peter to be part of it once he had graduated from college. The world didn’t need her anyway. She wasn’t meant to win at life... It would be okay.
(Y/n) waited for the impact of the fall, but it never came. When she opened her eyes, she found herself looking up at Peter 3.
“Are... Are you okay?” He choked out through his tears.
“Yeah,” she whispered. “Are you?” Her hands reached up to wipe away the tears.
“Yeah,” he said, his breath shaking. He then pulled her impossibly close to her, letting himself cry a bit more. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“(Y/n),” they could hear MJ shout. The suit flew her over to the pair. “Are you okay? How do I get this thing off of me?”
(Y/n) jumped out of Peter 3′s arms and went to run over to MJ, but she turned around. “Thank you,” she said, pressing a kiss on his cheek. “Now go get back to saving the day, Spider-Man.” She then ran over to MJ, getting her suit back. The two girls then hugged each other tightly as MJ cried. “It’s okay, MJ. Just as long as you’re safe.”
(Y/n) soon found herself on top of the statue with Peter 1 and Dr. Stephen Strange, trying to figure out how they could fix the universe ripping itself apart.
“What if the world forgot who Peter Parker was - everybody?” Peter proposed.
(Y/n)’s head whipped around to look at him. “What? No, Peter.”
“(Y/n), this is the only way we can fix it.”
“No,” she protested. “There’s gotta be another way! Strange!”
Stephen looked over at the woman and shook his head. “I’m sorry, but he’s right... This is the only way.”
(Y/n) could feel her bottom lip wobbling. “Peter, no... I can’t forget you. I already lost my best friend for five years. I can’t lose him completely. I can’t lose you, kid,” she pleaded.
Peter looked at her. “It’ll be okay,” he promised her. “Thank you for everything. You and your father have given me and Spider-Man so much more than I could have ever asked for.” He walked over to her and hugged her. “Thank you for being my best friend and partner in crime-fighting.”
(Y/n) hugged him back. “I’ll come find you,” she declared. “Keep being Spider-Man, and I’ll come find you like my dad did, yeah? I’ll recruit you again, and then I’ll remember you.”
Peter sniffled and nodded. “I will; I promise I’ll keep being Spider-Man.”
She pulled away and held him at arms-length. “And promise me you’ll find MJ and Ned too. They need you. We need Peter Parker.”
“I promise.”
“Good,” (Y/n) whispered.
“You should probably go say your other goodbyes too,” Stephen commented.
Peter first talked to Peter 2 and 3 before he went over to MJ and Ned to explain everything. While he did so, (Y/n) decided she should say goodbye to Peter 3.
“Hey,” she said. “This is goodbye, I guess.”
Peter 3 blushed. “Yeah... Yeah, I guess it is.”
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” Peter 2 muttered before webbing away.
“You’re a hero,” (Y/n) said once they were alone. “You saved me.”
“You saved MJ. You’re a hero too,” Peter 3 said.
“It’s just what we do, right?”
Peter nodded with a tight-lipped smile.
Slowly, without realizing, the two made their way closer to each other, and eventually, (Y/n) guided Peter 3′s hands to her waist as she tossed her hands around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. The kiss was full of passion, and it seemed like this was the closure that both of them needed. When they pulled away, Peter 3 chased her lips for another kiss, pressing a short peck to them. They rested their foreheads against each other.
“Don’t beat yourself up over it anymore,” she whispered. “It’s not your fault. It was never your fault... I’m so proud of you, Peter...”
Peter 3 nodded and began to cry again. “I love you,” he whimpered. “I love you so much.”
(Y/n) smiled, pressing a kiss to her nose. “If only,” she chuckled. “I love you too, Peter. Maybe we can cross dimensions again one day.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “If only...”
Peter then faded away, leaving (Y/n) disoriented and confused on how she had even gotten to the statue in the first place.
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spider-hyphen-man · 2 years
I'm a new blog. I've written for Marvel before, but ultimately stopped. However, I'd like to pick it up again. Send me some NWH requests!!
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spider-hyphen-man · 2 years
spider-hyphen-man’s masterlist
Peter Parker 1 (Tom Holland)
You’re Different (Stark!Fem!Reader)
Peter Parker 2 (Tobey Maguire)
Peter Parker 3 (Andrew Garfield)
If Only (Stark!Fem!Reader)
Harley Keener
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spider-hyphen-man · 2 years
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If Only (Peter Parker 3/Andrew Garfield x Stark!Fem!Reader)
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If Only (Peter Parker 3/Andrew Garfield x Stark!Fem!Reader)
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spider-hyphen-man · 2 years
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