spidermac · 1 year
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's.
adam is sat at her dining room table with jane across from him with a first aid-kit. jane’s exhausted but she refuses to rest until she can get him properly bandaged.
she wants to be mad at him.. risking himself to save her was so, so stupid but at the same time she’s grateful he did. the moment it happened she wanted to lift up both their masks and kiss him but all the debris made it impossible. police came and did the rest while they both swung off into the night back to her city apartment.
jane scoots in real close to inspect the injury on his chest when adam goes further, their foreheads pressing together. she doesn’t pull away but instead lets her eyes close and she recalls the scary moment the perpetrator took adam instead of her. jane feels guilty, she should have seen it coming toward her. and now he’s hurt. but he’s strong, they both are. they’re spider people for crying out loud! her hands come up to his face and she holds him for a second as she looks into his eyes. she’ll save the kiss for when he’s not in pain.
“let’s get you cleaned up.”
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spidermac · 1 year
actions speak louder than words non - verbal / action prompts from yours truly. (add a "swap" to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
back, sender gives receiver a back hug.
beckon, sender beckons receiver closer with a finger.
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
book, sender helps receiver get a book from a higher part of the shelf.
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick.
catch, sender catches receiver by the waist after they bump into each other.
choke, sender saves receiver from choking by giving them the heimlich.
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
cry, sender wipes tears off receiver's face with their thumbs.
dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
dip, sender skinny dips in front of receiver and invites them to join.
dog, sender's dog pulls them in receiver's direction.
drive, sender drives receiver somewhere in their car.
drag, sender drags receiver into a room and closes the door behind them.
draw, sender draws receiver like one of their french girls.
face, sender turns receiver's face towards them.
flower, sender gives receiver a flower.
footsie, sender initiates footsie with receiver under the table.
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's.
grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving.
jump, sender jumps into receiver's back.
kiss, sender kisses receiver.
link, sender links arms with receiver while walking.
massage, sender offers receiver a massage.
patch, sender patches up receiver's wounds.
piano, sender teaches receiver how to play the piano.
pin, sender pins receiver's hands behind their back.
pluck, sender plucks something out of receiver's hair.
press, sender presses receiver against a wall.
propose, sender proposes to receiver.
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet.
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
serenade, sender serenades receiver with a song.
sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees.
size, sender measures the size of their hand against receiver's.
shoes, sender removes receiver's shoes for them.
sun, sender rubs sunblock onto receiver's back.
tattoo, sender gives receiver a tattoo.
tie, sender helps tie receiver's tie.
tuck, sender tucks receiver's hair behind their ear.
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella.
warning, sender presses a knife against receiver's neck as a warning.
zip, sender needs receiver's help to zip up the back of their dress.
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spidermac · 1 year
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚     redone + updated from my (now deleted) old rp meme blog. as always, some triggering content may be present! change any pronouns to better suit your muse(s) needs!     ˚ ◦ ○ ˚   ୧   . ˚ ₓ
that’s it, come on. we’re done. let’s go.
one day, when you’re older, they’re going to need you to do anything for them.
we ain’t them. we’re not them.
that doesn’t mean that everything that follows is going to break your heart.
what the hell, man?
you gonna help us figure this out?
it ain’t just about getting by here, it’s about getting it all.
that fire would have destroyed your land.
hey, i ain’t starting now.
it was you first.
they would’ve wanted me to look after you.
why don’t you say what’s really on your mind?
shut up, she’s leading the mission.
you gonna tell me where this is coming from?
you were thinking about someone else.
ya’ll don’t think you’re being stupid right now?
they didn’t owe us nothing.
what would your mom do if she crossed some of our people? would she kill them?
if anyone deserves to be happy it’s you.
never found a body. ever.
you lost your hand ‘cause you’re a simple-minded piece of shit!
thing is, you changed them.
smells good.
how’d it go?
i’ll get her to talk.
i’m trying.
let him go.
do what you fսcking gotta do.
he pulls a gun—sticks it right here. he says, “i’m gonna kill you, bitch.”
i know what killing him means for her.
i’d die for you.
i went back for you. you weren’t there.
you need to stay away from my camp.
i was playing out with the kids in the neighborhood.
you haven’t heard all the stories.
they’ve got a point.
go home. tell the others we found the horde.
you asked for it.
i got nothing to prove.
why are you here?
i may be the one walking away, but you’re the one that’s leaving.
i know who it was, didn’t matter. not one bit.
i met a lot of bad people out here doing a lot of bad shit, they weren’t afraid of nothing.
she liked to smoke in bed. virginia slims.
could be anything: a raccoon, a possum…
it’s over, all right?
i hope that hurts.
i ain’t nobody’s bitch.
they’ve done all right by me.
i’m gonna keep trying.
we’re gonna leave at dawn if we can get out.
some days, i don’t know what the hell to think.
who left who then?
i’m never gonna hate you.
i don’t like not seeing you, though.
like i said, you earned it.
we ain’t ashes.
just made it seem like it wasn’t real, you know?
they were scared, man.
you don’t have to ever say sorry. not to me.
why’d your people kill my people?
they’ll never go for it.
some people ain’t meant to be parents.
got bit. fever hit. world gone to shit. might as well quit.
you take that stupid hat and go back to “on golden pond.”
i believe this one bloomed for your little girl.
they got out before us, there’s got to be another way in.
i thought i was dead.
dumbass didn’t know enough to shoot himself in the head.
for what it’s worth, you see mistakes.
i’m gonna take a group out—best not waste any more time.
look at him, hanging up there like a big piñata.
what do you want?
you must want us to be like you.
what is it?
we ain’t scared of that prick.
that small group we had back in the beginning, could do anything.
one day we were over at his house watching tv—wasn’t even noon yet and we were all wasted.
it’s a cherokee rose.
i radioed your mom.
i was just going to say good luck.
hey kid, what’d you do before all this?
you get what you wanted?
you’re a tough son of a bitch.
your bitch went window shopping. you want him? go fetch him yourself.
my mom, she liked her wine.
look, i know you still think i’m looking for him.
good. we’ll kill him first.
that was the hard part.
i already checked there.
what? no pictures?
they had bikes, i didn’t.
you got that guy sitting in a cell like a damn symbol!
it didn’t happen.
and people in hell want slurpees.
you got some balls.
i didn’t do anything they wouldn’t have done.
you still got me.
she was just gone. erased. nothing left of her.
you’re chasing something that ain’t meant to be.
where you going?
you used to be somebody’s, huh? now you’re just yours.
i ain’t so worried about some dumb dead bastard.
all this time you’ve taken off: you earned it.
we wouldn’t be here without you.
you got a whole lot of family.
what did she say?
you’re either with us or you ain’t.
i’m counting on it.
the other geeks came and ate all the flesh off his legs.
he did the same to you, that’s why you left first.
i’m gonna get shit-faced drunk.
waste of an arrow…
no, that’s a baby.
people said it was better that way.
you want company?
you hear that?
you okay?
back where i belong.
your mom, where is she?
that way she can find us.
i don’t know what’s gonna happen. there ain’t no one that can tell you they do.
i can’t lie to you.
shoot me again? you best pray i’m dead.
what, like when we were kids, huh?
is that supposed to make me like you?
there’s a whole bunch of people back there that would do anything for you.
after a while, it just got easier to stay out.
you look ridiculous.
i ran after them, but i couldn’t keep up.
what’s it gonna take?
those douchebags in the vines took themselves out, holding hands, kumbaya-style.
i’m just tired of losing people.
you take one sip before those meds get in our people, i will beat your ass into the ground, you hear me?
call that payback for laughing about my itchy ass.
i’m sorry about yours.
we brought dinner.
you choosing this piece of shit?
you’re sitting over there, talking outside both sides of your mouth.
nothing can take the place of someone you love being gone.
peanut butter and jelly, diet soda, and pig’s feet. that’s a white trash brunch right there.
the longer they’re out there, the more they become what they really are.
i get why you did it, why you took it.
there ain’t no us.
it’s a waste of time all this hoping and praying.
sorry, brother.
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spidermac · 1 year
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EXTENDED STAY (2019) dir. Paul Dae Kim
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spidermac · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM SCOTT PILGRIM vs. THE WORLD *  assorted dialogue from the 2010 film, adjust as necessary
when i'm around you, i kind of feel like i'm on drugs. not that i do drugs. unless you do drugs, in which case i do them all the time. all of them.
does that mean we can make out?
i skimmed it.
is there anywhere you don't work?
we are here to sell out and make money and stuff.
hey, so can this not be a one night stand?
there's more than one kind?
you've got mail.
i know i can be hard to be around sometimes. i totally understand if you don't want to hang anymore.
you will pay for your insolence.
break out the l-word.
that was a joke.
what the hell...
it's amazing what we can do with computers these days.
we have an unfinished business.
what did you have in mind?
i think garlic bread would have to be my favorite all-time food.
what do you play?
it's not a race, guys!
go ahead. i'm too cool for you anyway.
i'm so happy for you.
that's kind of a big question.
this is good garlic bread.
guess who's drunk!
you'll pay for your crimes against humanity!
you have a band?
i love this song!
what's the website for that?
we're terrible. please come.
don't you talk to me about grammar!
i know you have reasons for not wanting to talk about your past.
did you make some of those up?
i could eat it for every meal.
this is impossible! how can this be?
this is only my first offense. don't i get three strikes?
did you really see a future with this girl?
step up your game.
how are you doing that with your mouth?
it's milk and eggs, bitch.
bread makes you fat?
wait, can i get your number?
they have not started playing yet.
i want you to know that i don't care about any of that stuff.
we are here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff.
what kind of tea do you want?
you are incorrigible.
you used to be so nice.
what's that? you're outside?
oh, well, that's not that bad.
you know what really sucks? everything.
didn't you get my email explaning the situation?
i know you play mysterious and aloof just to avoid getting hurt.
i have to go pee due to boredom.
call us when you're done.
i've never even kissed a guy before.
he just left.
that was a test, and you passed.
i don't know the meaning of the word.
if you want something bad, you have to fight for it.
if i peed my pants, would you pretend that i just got wet from the rain?
do you have any embarrassing stories?
you made me swallow my gum! that's going to be in my digestive tract for seven years!
everything does suck.
why can't we have our own secret shows?
sounds like someone wants to get funky.
so what you're saying is we're dating?
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spidermac · 1 year
just take my hand.
jane scrunches her face and gives in, taking his hand that's been reached out to her. she's hoisted up onto the upper part of the roof of this huge building. the breeze of the night feels so nice against her face, her hands are already shoved back into the pockets of her sweater. a tiny part of her wanted to keep holding his hand but she buries the thought before she allows it to give her butterflies.
distant cars honking and life can be heard way down below. jane has gotten over the fear of falling months ago since now she can thwip around. but adam doesn't know yet. maybe she should up the caution in her movements. god. she'll never get over the city view. jane glances over at adam while he's not looking, breathing in. how could he look so good for no reason? kinda bull. "so.. why are we up here?"
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spidermac · 1 year
reunion   rp   meme.
it’s been a while.
long time, no see.
do you have any idea how long you were gone?
you’ve been gone for so long and the only thing you have to say is “hi”?
i’ve missed you.
did you miss me?
why are you here?
did you miss me like i’ve missed you?
why did you come back?
why did you leave?
you’re the reason why i came back.
where have you been?
where have you been all this time?
i thought you were dead.
you’re here and that’s all that matters.
i’m so glad that you’re here.
you owe me an explanation.
so… what’s new?
things have changed since the last time we saw each other.
you’re not leaving again, are you?
don’t do this again.
i’ll never leave you again.
you shouldn’t have come back.
you shouldn’t have left.
i’m sorry for leaving so suddenly.
i told you i would come back.
[NAME]? is that you?
it’s been so long since we’ve talked like this.
things were better before you left.
you’ve changed.
nothing has changed since i’ve been gone.
i thought i would never see you again.
you didn’t even try to look for me.
you left me to die.
i couldn’t tell you before.
you could’ve at least said goodbye.
take me with you next time.
how could you just show up after all this time?
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spidermac · 1 year
who wants jane
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spidermac · 1 year
yearning   rp   meme.
when   you’re   in   love   and   can’t   admit   it.
i want you to be happy.
you can’t get rid of me that easy.
i care about you. a lot.
you’re my best friend. you always have been.
we can share the bed. if that’s not weird.
what are we?
what am i to you?
have you ever been in love?
it reminded me of you.
i think about you all the time.
you matter to me. more than anyone else.
can you believe they thought we were a couple?
imagine if we really did like each other that way, huh.
are you… jealous?
i didn’t mean it like that.
i’ll always be here for you.
you always know how to make me smile.
you’ll always be safe with me.
i sleep better when you’re around.
you awake?
i trust you.
i feel calmer when i’m with you.
don’t go.
it’s okay. i’ve got you.
it wouldn’t be the same without you.
wait, let me fix it for you.
i’m glad you’re here.
sorry for calling you so late.
i couldn’t sleep.
i didn’t think you’d pick up.
can we be alone for a bit?
stay with me tonight?
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spidermac · 1 year
aim   and   ignite   -   fun.   sentence   starters.
starters   based   on   the   album   aim   and   ignite   by   fun.
for better or for worse.
i always knew you’d be the one to understand me.
i guess that’s why it took so long to get things right.
why haven’t you been there for me?
i’m losing my mind.
be calm.
i know you feel like you are breaking down.
i know that it gets so hard sometimes.
i’m scared that everyone is out to get me.
these days before you speak to me you pause.
i always see you looking out your window.
you hate your pulse because it thinks you’re still alive.
everything’s wrong.
i don’t remember much that night.
the worst is yet to come.
i don’t care to be forgiven.
i want to be forgotten.
i’ll stay until the weekend.
i’ve never heard the tune.
i just hate the band.
they remind me of you.
every single night ends up the same.
all the pretty girls can’t measure to you.
i don’t understand your reasons.
you’re all that i need.
you’re my human holiday.
can you count all the notches in your belt?
i don’t want no savior.
i just wanna have a good time.
at least i’m not as sad as i used to be.
it’s been a while.
are you gonna stay?
can you count all the loves that didn’t last?
it’s such a gas when you bring up the past.
i just want to get it out.
so i left.
that’s my life.
nothing is sacred.
i don’t keep friends. i keep acquainted.
i don’t fall in love. i just fake it.
i don’t fall in love.
you haven’t seen my best.
just spend an evening with me.
we could stay and talk.
we owe it to ourselves to try.
give me a chance.
i’m looking for common ground.
hold up.
don’t go.
i will not let you go.
i think i really only cried just once.
i’ll miss what we made.
i feel alive.
i had too much.
i’m just getting started.
we never got it right.
i really wanna take a swing.
i’m gonna live forever.
slow down.
we’ve got time left to be lazy.
we’ve got fifty good years left.
we should live until we die.
i knew nothing of romance.
it was love at second sight.
i will not leave.
i will not leave ‘til it’s our time.
just take my hand.
i will never leave your side.
i nearly lost you.
you’re the love of my life.
take your time.
it’s a beautiful thing when you love somebody.
what the fuck have i been doing the last six years?
how did i end up here?
i made it out.
the truth is that i feel better.
i’m not scared.
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spidermac · 1 year
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COURTNEY EATON in Line of Duty (2019)
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spidermac · 1 year
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚     as always, some triggering content may be present! change any pronouns to better suit your muse(s) needs!     ˚ ◦ ○ ˚   ୧   . ˚ ₓ
don’t want to make things too easy for you.
you of all people should know, there’s nothing so cruel as memory.
sometimes you need to brace yourself for disappointment.
your presence creates these animals.
you know there’s only one way to stop me.
you’re right, i think i chipped a nail back there.
do they even have manners where he comes from?
i know you don’t feel like answering me, it’s the only way to catch who did this.
that doesn’t sound good.
this is not a time for negotiation.
oh you’re getting too predictable.
that loser didn’t stand a chance.
i thought you were dead.
you know, you almost had me scared back there!
today is not a good day to push me.
it’s sad, really. makes me feel like you don’t care to see the good side of me.
i am sorry i doubted you.
it’s what you taught me, do the right thing, that’s all that matters.
hold still, you wanker!
ooh, aren’t you scary.
you married because you were scared of dying alone.
figured you could use my help.
you’re afraid of being forgotten—and you will be forgotten.
no hostages. no surrender.
well, as you can see, no one is untouchable.
listen to me carefully, when they open the door, do not panic. stay close to me.
i’d like to thank my fans for their undying support.
i was determined to prove him wrong.
i learn from my mistakes, do you?
you ever wonder if you’re the reason this city’s so messed up?
you’re not going anywhere, old man.
i think you’re so busy playing hero you’ve forgotten what it’s like for the rest of us.
you’re old, you’re predictable, and you never stood a chance.
now look at what you’ve done!
i’m coming for you.
can i get you anything?
tell me, what are you really scared of?
please don’t hurt me.
answers don’t give you everlasting satisfaction
does that outfit help bury your feelings, hiding your true self?
i’m done taking orders from you.
i’ll let you help me find my socks if you keep this up.
by my count, there are still nine more ribs i can break.
we need to talk.
no one’s who you think they are.
as you can see, i’m looking much better.
i have a question for you.
what a blabbermouth! spoiling the surprise!
me? it was your plan, ya goofy clown!
oh, isn’t that cute?
who do you see when you look at me?
what happened? you used to put up a fight.
it’s this city, there’s something wrong with it.
how can you even joke about that?
you’ve never let me capture you this easily.
be quiet.
am i getting to you?
i’ve seen worse.
you will bring death to all who follow you.
what a pretty name.
there’s nothing wrong with you.
who do you think you’re talking to?
even after everything you’ve done, i would have saved you.
i don’t want to work with you.
how many lives will you destroy in pursuit of what you call justice?
i’m sorry about that.
he’s no better than the creep who killed your parents.
you are the product of everything you fear.
if you’re caught in that blast, you will die!
by the end of tonight, i will be a hero. just like you.
that’s much nicer.
like my new uniform? it’s hot right?
you can’t beat me this time.
ooh, that’s gotta hurt!
i still have a trick or two up my sleeve.
that’s what i like about you.
you need to learn to shut up.
nicely done! you deserve a prize!
why fight it?
i want you dead.
you’ve been a good friend.
i have nothing left to live for.
i’ve got your scent.
do not lie to me.
what are you talking about?
stop me once and for all!
wee! great night for a party.
you need us just as much as we need you.
oh, this is beautiful!
there’s plenty wrong with me.
you’re better than this.
you won’t get away with this!
can’t wait to return the favor.
you might learn that we’re not so different.
i’ll always be here to stop you.
you want to know what i want now?
now you want to talk?
you are in my world now.
if you try to stop me, i guarantee everyone will know your secret.
i will not in good conscience allow you to go.
we’re going to have some fun now!
i’m surprised he didn’t kill you.
every decision you’ve ever made ends with death and misery.
i may never get the chance to tell you this.
you’re ruining my big night!
it’s been a long rivalry, but this is the only way it could end.
i was wondering what would break first—your spirit, or your body.
i eat punks like these for breakfast.
you are beginning to impress me.
i want answers, damn it!
is that it then? we’re not as good as you?
that reminds me, i really need to get some new shoes.
what have i got to be afraid of?!
my father hated me, he always called me a moron.
that’s not fair!
you really should learn to keep that fat mouth of yours shut.
do you want to know something funny?
you seem distressed, anything you could use my help with?
why spoil the fun?
you took longer than i expected.
don’t ever try to get in my head again.
i just need to ask you some questions.
you don’t have anything to offer.
this old man looks like he’s gonna pee himself!
let’s see if you can keep up with me!
you just can’t get through your thick skull!
take a seat in my office.
having a little trouble up there?
gotta say, i thought you’d last longer.
i guess learning is a lot to ask from you, meat-for-brains.
i feel i should thank you.
you are in over your head and i don’t want this to be your end.
i think i’m looking better than ever.
i’m fine.
gotta go! i’ve got a party to arrange.
sorry to disappoint you, it’s just little ol’ me.
do you think i’m taking advice from some guy who’s never even been in a fight?
i thought i told you to stay quiet!
it will be my legacy.
we have much to discuss.
you okay?
seeing as how i’m feeling generous, i’ll give you this one for free!
do you know what i’m thinking right now?
have you ever considered that all this is your fault?
you are all experiencing fear in anticipation of some specific pain or danger.
are you cheating?
you had to spoil everything, didn’t you?
i’m here to help you.
this place is dangerous… i like it!
what the hell is happening down there?
you’ll never beat me.
we’re not all as strong as you.
do you hear that? sounds like eight tiny reindeer.
all your sacrifices and yet you are the one to blame!
is your mind playing tricks on you… or am i?
why should i care?
so we both die. i’m fine with that.
without fear, life is meaningless!
you are a truly extraordinary specimen.
i’ve trained my mind to feel no pain.
you ever wonder how things got to be so bad here?
was that the answer you wanted?
i want what i paid for.
you’re dead and buried, darling.
lighten up. i’m just messing with ya.
i’m gonna enjoy teaching you some manners!
i didn’t need your help.
you’re not a hero. you’re a despot.
come on, kid, this way.
see, you can be nice.
i can take anything you throw at me.
what the hell are you supposed to be?
oh, i don’t have a lot of friends.
you’re not safe here.
are you happy now?
since when have you been all about reading, anyway?
you’ve become what you’ve always fought against.
i look forward to breaking you.
you’ve gotten so used to the power, you think you’re better than everyone.
let’s start the party with a bang!
you’re as crazy as the rest of us.
378 notes · View notes
spidermac · 1 year
they have us surrounded!
"no shit!" the end of her words are nearly cut off by debris flying between them, which is something she flinches out of the way for. hands keep her stuck to the side of the building with her feet in position to leap off at any split second notice.
masked eyes widen and scan for a way out amongst the assailants and she spots two different ways for each of them to escape. she looks to adam and nods over to the spot that is closest to him. "you go that i go this way and we swing back around --GO!"
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spidermac · 1 year
jane def wears airpods when she’s just swinging around and listen ls to phonk
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spidermac · 1 year
hurt  /  injury  &  comfort  rp  meme.
holy shit, that’s a lot of blood…
that looks infected.
are you okay? does anything hurt?
try to stay awake. talk to me.
you have to stay awake.
keep your eyes open.
stay with me. please.
i need you.
you need to lay down.
what happened to you?
just keep talking to me.
just take it easy.
you’re safe. 
you’re safe. just squeeze my hand, okay?
you’re not gonna die.
i’m not gonna let you die.
you’re not gonna die. i’m not gonna let you die.
i’ve got you. you’re safe now.
i know it hurts. just hang in there, okay?
it’s okay. it’s alright. let it out.
it’s okay to cry. i know it hurts.
you don’t look so good.
you need to sit down.
you’re bleeding.
i’m worried about you.
can you walk?
i thought you were dead.
don’t move, you’ll make it worse.
i told you not to go in alone.
you’re such an idiot.
how long have you been hiding this?
hey… here, take my jacket. and wait here, okay? i’ll be right back.
i said i’d find you, right?
i’m getting you out of here. i promise.
from the hurt:
it’s not that much blood.
i feel like i’m gonna throw up.
i’m awake, i’m awake…
i’m so tired…
i just - i just need to rest.
i’m trying…
i’m sorry…
i can’t breathe.
i think i’m about to pass out.
it hurts, oh my god, it hurts-
it hurts. fuck, it hurts.
it’s not as bad as it looks, i swear.
i didn’t want to worry you.
please help me. please.
how long was i out for?
i don’t feel so good.
i’m bleeding.
it really hurts to breathe.
don’t leave me, please.
it’s nothing big.
i promise i’m fine.
i’m scared.
go on without me.
at least i have you here to look after me, right?
hey! look at me! i’m fine… see?
look, it’s not that bad, really… i promise you, i’m fine.
don’t worry. it’s not my blood.
i’m not a damsel in distress. i don’t need you fussing over me.
i don’t care what happens to me.
why do you care so much about me?
you came back for me…
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spidermac · 1 year
i’m mobile until after work, then i’ll be around for stuff :)
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spidermac · 1 year
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