spideyscourse · 3 years
The point is - it is, and it’s not a bad thing. But I probably shouldn’t of responded, I know I can’t change your opinion :/
if u think lesbians are nonmen attracted 2 nonmen……..die ❤️ lesbians are female people exclusively attracted 2 other female people (“afabs” only attracted 2 other “afabs”, to put it in terms u idiots can understand). additionally, saying “nonmen” posits men as the default, which is misogynistic
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spideyscourse · 3 years
So what happens when it’s “non women who are only attracted to other non women”...but like what do people expect from op when they write crap like this
if u think lesbians are nonmen attracted 2 nonmen……..die ❤️ lesbians are female people exclusively attracted 2 other female people (“afabs” only attracted 2 other “afabs”, to put it in terms u idiots can understand). additionally, saying “nonmen” posits men as the default, which is misogynistic
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spideyscourse · 3 years
Op at first you were going good but then you fucked it up by comparing misgendering to the n word. You don’t compare the two
CW: Transphobia
So everyone’s talking about misgendering trans people they don’t respect. And yes we all know why we’re talking about it but deflecting and derailing with “Wah, I’m not respecting [you know who]!” every time this comes up isn’t fucking acceptable, because this isn’t even about them and you know it.
Just to keep anyone from bringing them up, I’m going to use a completely unrelated example. Youtuber Lily Orchard is a cartoon reviewer that gained a reputation for her controversial opinions. In one video made by another cartoon reviewer about her they said they would be “nice” by “using her preferred pronouns”.
When you consider correctly gendering a trans person the nice thing to do, and when you hinge it on your respect for them, you’re telling everyone that you see it as a privilege as opposed to correctly gendering a cis person which we all see as a given.
Let me unpack that for you: you’re saying that - in a world where trans people are oppressed - that not oppressing them… is a privilege.
To put in into perspective, imagine if I claimed that me not saying the N-word was me being nice? Would you not think that I sounded like someone who wants to say the N-word? Someone who still thinks the N-word but just refrains from saying it? Someone who thinks that the N-word is perfectly acceptable, but I’m even nicer to not say it? Would you not think that I was a racist and pompous asshole?
And that’s what you sound like to trans people because if not being oppressed is what you consider a privilege, what you call a kindness, then being oppressed is the given, the normal, the neutral state. You are telling every trans person that you don’t see transphobia as the cruel thing, but what you think they deserve by default.
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spideyscourse · 3 years
It’s less that they’re being created and people are giving names to what they’re experiencing, something that people who don’t experience it will never truely understand. Nonbinary is not just tht definition btw. There’s a long history to new pronouns, stemming from back when modern english pronouns where created and new singular gender neutral pronouns are still being created in different languages.
So because cis people will find anyway possible to be transphobic, we should blame and harass young nd trans people who are using pronouns and genders that make them feel seen and comfortable.
Idk but as someone who’s identity does fall into “historically lgbt”, and used to have this same mindset before I actually interacted with trans people irl and the transphobic medical system irl - people with “made up” genders or “made up” pronouns are not the issue. They aren’t causing our issues. It’s the non-lgbt people who insist that any type of non-comformity is bad and must be stopped, and that everyone fits into small specific boxes that people created hundreds of years ago.
Instead of fighting people who are already getting hate from the same homophobes and transphobes that “historically lgbt” people do, maybe fight against the homophobes and transphobes and the structures that allow their ideas to become law and further oppress us? Idk just an idea from someone another “historically lgbt” person who doesn’t spend all day on online discourse, bc infighting doesn’t make transphobes stop being transphobes.
LGBT stops at the T :) “super-straight” and all of your made up genders aren’t welcome in our community. You are quite literally the reason why our name is being tarnished and real trans people aren’t taken seriously.
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spideyscourse · 3 years
Honestly can’t tell if this is a troll or not by including a literal transphobic troll sexuality next to genders created by actual lgbtq+ people
LGBT stops at the T :) “super-straight” and all of your made up genders aren’t welcome in our community. You are quite literally the reason why our name is being tarnished and real trans people aren’t taken seriously.
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spideyscourse · 3 years
Societal exlcusion and transphobia are still big contributing factors, especially after transitioning - stop blaming everything you don’t like on ���tucutes’.
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I see we're doing that thing where we pretend dysphoria isn't a huge factor in this shit because tucutes exist.
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spideyscourse · 3 years
How long will it take for you to realize that no one cares what you think of their identity?
I'm slowly seeing more and more mogai labels and I'm just tired. How long will it take for these people to realize they're not actually a they/zem/bunself panromantic grey-ace demiboy
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spideyscourse · 3 years
Okay jeez I literally use this blog like once every 3 months. I was told that the terms were lesbian only and I wasn’t sure if you knew or not (or in this case - if that information I was told was even right). I didn’t read the post properly, I thought you had just been listing out points that exclusionists had used, rather than in conjunction with your own personal experience with them, and I am sorry for that
A non-exhaustive list of "Ace Discourse" (Aphobic) topics I've had to deal with:
You can't use #actuallyasexual because the #actually tag style belongs to neurodivergent communities (it doesn't).
The "split attraction model" is bad because it could cause (hypothetical) people to identify as heterosexual homoromantic.
The ace community was invented by David Jay in the early 2000s and asexual people have had no historic involvement in queer spaces.
People who deny their partner sex in a relationship are abusive. People who deny their partner romance are also abusive.
Asexual and aromantic can't be identities (aka nouns) on their own because the words are used as "modifiers" (aka adjectives).
Minors identifying as asexual automatically sexualizes minors who don't identify as such, which encourages pedophilia.
Talking about sex at all with minors is actually pedophilia.
Asexuals are the same as "incels", or involuntary celibates who feel that they are owed sex. Yeah, that makes sense.
Aspec people can't experience compulsive heterosexuality, because that only happens to lesbians.
Aspec people can't experience corrective rape, because that only happens to lesbians.
All oppression all aspec people experience is actually misogyny, racism, ableism, etc. There is nothing unique about oppressing aspecs.
The term "aspec" belongs to the autistic community! Everyone knows autistic people call themselves aspec!
The upside down triangle used by AVEN is stolen from queer people who were targeted by Nazis. (That's not what it means).
Asexual people are inherently serophobic because we all must think sex is gross and people with STDs are bad.
Aspec people are only aspec because of trauma, and they need to heal from that trauma by no longer being aspec.
Aspec people force minors to identify as aspec.
"Allosexual" is stolen from queer communities in Quebec (it isn't). Or, the term assumes gay and lesbian people hold privilege over aspecs.
[Insert a completely made up narrative of an aspec person ruining someone's experience at their school's GSA]
Finally, 'aphobia is a bad word because it assumes me bullying aspecs on the internet is just as bad as being homophobic. :((('
(Also, assuming that all negative and/or violent phobic experiences aspec people have is only ever on the internet)
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spideyscourse · 3 years
Uh just a bit of a note though, the terms “comphet” and “corrective rape” are just for the lesbian community - but that doesn’t mean that aspecs don’t suffer under allohetereonormativity or don’t get raped to try ‘fix’ them
A non-exhaustive list of "Ace Discourse" (Aphobic) topics I've had to deal with:
You can't use #actuallyasexual because the #actually tag style belongs to neurodivergent communities (it doesn't).
The "split attraction model" is bad because it could cause (hypothetical) people to identify as heterosexual homoromantic.
The ace community was invented by David Jay in the early 2000s and asexual people have had no historic involvement in queer spaces.
People who deny their partner sex in a relationship are abusive. People who deny their partner romance are also abusive.
Asexual and aromantic can't be identities (aka nouns) on their own because the words are used as "modifiers" (aka adjectives).
Minors identifying as asexual automatically sexualizes minors who don't identify as such, which encourages pedophilia.
Talking about sex at all with minors is actually pedophilia.
Asexuals are the same as "incels", or involuntary celibates who feel that they are owed sex. Yeah, that makes sense.
Aspec people can't experience compulsive heterosexuality, because that only happens to lesbians.
Aspec people can't experience corrective rape, because that only happens to lesbians.
All oppression all aspec people experience is actually misogyny, racism, ableism, etc. There is nothing unique about oppressing aspecs.
The term "aspec" belongs to the autistic community! Everyone knows autistic people call themselves aspec!
The upside down triangle used by AVEN is stolen from queer people who were targeted by Nazis. (That's not what it means).
Asexual people are inherently serophobic because we all must think sex is gross and people with STDs are bad.
Aspec people are only aspec because of trauma, and they need to heal from that trauma by no longer being aspec.
Aspec people force minors to identify as aspec.
"Allosexual" is stolen from queer communities in Quebec (it isn't). Or, the term assumes gay and lesbian people hold privilege over aspecs.
[Insert a completely made up narrative of an aspec person ruining someone's experience at their school's GSA]
Finally, 'aphobia is a bad word because it assumes me bullying aspecs on the internet is just as bad as being homophobic. :((('
(Also, assuming that all negative and/or violent phobic experiences aspec people have is only ever on the internet)
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spideyscourse · 3 years
If bi/pan ‘gays’ and bi/pan ‘lesbians’ want to use our terms for themseves and erase how they’re used nowaday - they have to come up with new terms for men/masc gender ppl/non women only attracted to men/masc gender ppl/non women and women/fem gender ppl/non men only attracted to women/fem gender ppl/non men only
Because we still want a term to describe our experience of being only attracted to one
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spideyscourse · 3 years
Ya heard it here first guys, ace gays aren’t included in pride
if you’re going to include ace ppl in your pride posts/the ace flag, include the aro one too. like the AMOUNT of posts showing only the ace flag is absurd. either include both or don’t include either
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spideyscourse · 3 years
Oof they’re ‘gender critical’
Should’ve expected transphobia and enbyphobia
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spideyscourse · 3 years
People just can’t hide their transphobia and enbyphobia even during pride month/almost pride month huh
we love a community traitor <3
<3 proud community traitor here
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spideyscourse · 3 years
Can ye change how blocking works so that trans people can actually block terfs - instead of just letting the blocker not see the terf who is still able to reply and harass them and send their follows to harass the trans person?
Well, well, well, will you look at that? It’s Pride again.
You know the drill by now. It’s June 1, and suddenly everything from banks to big box stores has slapped a rainbow on their logo. Rainbow capitalism knows how to target LGBTQIA+ customers. For exactly 30 days of the year. How quaint.
Of course, it’s nice to make things bright, and colorful, and pretty. But it’s meaningless if that’s all it is.
Pride should be about uplifting and celebrating you, the community. And it should be year-round, not just 8.22% of the year. So, we’re signal-boosting your posts that celebrate, support, and honor all genders and sexualities over here. Follow to keep your dashboard lovely and gay as hell all year round.
And, yes, we’re also making a bit of a fuss right here on @celebrate (apparently, we just can’t help ourselves). So if you’re interested in talking about what Pride means to you or want to celebrate Pride but don’t know how to go about it this year, we made a fun little 30-day Share Your Pride Challenge list. Because you do, in fact, deserve to be celebrated.
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Tag your posts with #ShareYourPride if you want to make them a little easier for other people to find. And Tumblr? Happy Pride. We’re glad you’re here.
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spideyscourse · 3 years
If someone is traumatised and starts identifying as ace afterwards and it isn’t affecting their recovering or hurting themselves - there isn’t really an issue with it. At least that’s how I see it
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spideyscourse · 3 years
The only people I’ve seen make these ‘claims’ are other trans nd people.
No one is saying you have to use them for yourself or that you have to have a complicated history with gender - but there are a lot of nd people who do feel that neopronouns are the only thing that work and have a complicated relationship with gender
The idea that neurodivergent people, specifically those with ADHD or ASD, need neopronouns because their neurodivergency affects their ability to “understand the concept of gender,” is so incredibly damaging.
Transgender neurodivergent people already struggle heavily with being taken seriously for being transgender. Having our own “allies” make these claims makes our lives so much harder as trans people. Because of this dumb ass performative activism bullshit, the idea that we’re just confused and aren’t transgender because we just don’t know what we’re talking about has been reinforced. It’s so hurtful and makes our transitions so much harder.
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spideyscourse · 3 years
hi! 💕✨ don’t use neopronouns because they make me, a binary trans person, look like a clown, and my parents have explicitly told me that’s why they think being trans is a fad 🎉💖✨you’re cis, that’s okay!!!
I can’t tell if this is serious or not but agdggsgfadhgda
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