spikespiegxl · 9 years
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
He was as dangerous as the dark                                                   on the deepest night of winter
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
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Chocolate Peanut Butter and Jam Ice Cream Cups Source: The Artful Desperado
Where food lovers unite.
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
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“What do you mean –––o h. Sorry. Fancy name for money, know what I mean? It’s alright though, I’ll survive. We’ll catch him eventually. I bet one of my other teammates is still out there trying to find this guy too. I just hope I find him before she does. A beast of a woman like her keeps all the bounty to herself. ” 
“….What the hell is a woolong…?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at that, that was  an odd as balls name for currency “Well sorry you can’t turn me in for a lot of…woolongs…?” Sounded like a noodle,  I’ll have  the woolong noodles with a side of rice.
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
nightmarexking replied to your post:nightmarexking replied to your post:nightmarexking...
Omg I know that feelings. I had to traverse across a whole room full of Legos once, BAREFOOT. ;;v;; I believe Yahoo is pushing more for these annoying updates and Tumblr is trying to make it more artist friendly but it excludes the RPers. XD
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
nightmarexking replied to your post:nightmarexking replied to your post:nightmarexking...
#RPromblems #hatingTumblrupdates2K15 Ahahaha XD idfk. It’s certainly make writing replies on mobile easier. It’s become tedious to reply with formats and what not. It’s like Tumblr hates RPers, especially if you have a format.
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Oh my gosh I so agree, tumblr hates role players hahaha. I swear, like I said, an updates soul purpose is to piss US off. Like, what is the point of the update anyway? How is it helpful? I don’t know who’s bright idea it was to do make this update happen, but I swear, I hope they step on an endless supply of legos. 
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
nightmarexking replied to your post:nightmarexking replied to your postThat applies to...
*huggles* I know the feeling. I may remove icons and dividers entirely from my threads to make it easier for people to copy and paste my responses. Still a huge pain. Like, wtf Tumblr. What are you doing.
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Awe. I say if you enjoy your icons & such, keep them! Worst case scenario they’ll just copy and paste your reply with or without your icons, saying if they don’t have the add on thing of course. Agreed though, SUCH a pain. 
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
Keep reading
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
nightmarexking replied to your post
That applies to every update that happens lol
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True. And I’m not a fan of using addons because they just don’t work for me 100% of the time anyway, so I’m just stuck with this one. It’s depressing. 
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
yung-asuka replied to your post:
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Right? I see what this is all about now though and omfg this update suuuUCKS. Sometimes I think the soul purpose of tumblr updates are to just piss us off. 
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
It wasn’t supposed to be this way” is one of the most heartbreaking thoughts I’ve had.
(via understudier)
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
• ???
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The fresh air that touched the park was better in comparison to the city. The area here was pleasantly cold, and the scent on each inhale smelt crisp and earthy, with a hint of pine. Something about it reminded the man of the old days, and he tried hard to shake the memories from his mind. The reason for being out, was for the chance of peace, considering the noise back on the Bebop was so utterly intolerable. 
When the opportunity to slink away presented itself, the bounty hunter didn’t hesitate to sneak out as fast as a person could say the word, woolong. So, this was a time for relaxation, not heartache. And for a solid hour, Spike could have sworn he was alone, or at least until an acute awareness crept up on him, that told him a set of unfamiliar eyes were watching him, or had been for some time. He hoped it wasn’t trouble, it would certainly spoil the mood he was in. With a sigh, Spike figured it was probably better to deal with whomever it was though now though, and be on guard to teach them a lesson if need be.  
“Alright, you can come on out now. There’s no point in hiding, I know you’re there.” 
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
Still caught in a slightly sleepy stage of fraught, Spike took a moment to gather some composure, taking deep breaths, while letting reality completely settle in around him before running a hand swiftly through his disheveled hair. On an open sigh, laced with a whisper of suffering, he shook his head in disappointment. 
Of course what he had inwardly hoped, ended up being the exact opposite. Knowing he’d called out in his sleep wasn’t exactly comforting, but he wasn’t altogether embarrassed, and it wasn’t like he generally cared what people thought. Still, he wished he hadn’t, considering how personal the dream truly was. 
Dropping his hand down against the wooden bench, he looked up into the face of the stranger who was addressing him with such genuine concern. It was just a kid, and the bounty hunter offered a smile, replacing his doleful expression. 
“It’s fine, I’m fine.” Spike told the figure, hoping he sounded convincing enough to deter the punk from asking any questions about the nightmare.“Just a dream. Although, I can honestly say it’s been a while since I’ve had one like that.” 
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“Your concern’s endearing honestly. To think you’d check up on little old me. I don’t think there are many people in this world who would stop to check on a complete stranger after waking the way I did.”  Reaching into his pocket, Spike grabbed his pack of coffin nails, and lighter. A little puff of repose from a cigarette was exactly what the doctor ordered right now.
“You must be a little knight in shining armor, hmm?” Lighting one up, he inhaled, letting the smoke glide down before exhaling it out through his nostrils. “I can see it, you must help old women cross the street and stuff.” 
The bounty hunter laughed breathlessly, it wasn’t that he was trying to pick on the the other in a negative manner, just provide some raillery. Hell knew he needed some amusement to distract his mind right now. 
Though time away from work was usually spent with friends, even tacticians like Quatre couldn’t account for days when they would be tending to their own obligations. Which was fine, he understood they had lives. It just opened opportunities to relax and try his own things. 
Like today, he’d intended to take a walk through the park, and maybe pick up some coffee and stop by a bookstore or something.
Of course, this plan also didn’t work out.
Quatre double takes when he finds the grown man on the bench, having what appears to be a fit of sorts. While finding drunken hobos snoozing in the park wasn’t entirely uncommon, Quatre didn’t turn a blind eye like others would. Though this person didn’t look all that homeless… maybe drunk? He wouldn’t know, truthfully. All he knew was he wanted to ensure their safety.
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The boy strays from his path to approach the older male with apprehension, not wanting to be a bother but also not wanting to walk away while they struggled. He held his hand out, intending to give his shoulder a careful shake– but was stopped by them jerking themselves up and calling for… Julia? Who– 
The pilot glanced around for any woman that may be accompanying him but found that the park was mostly vacant, save for a few supervised children running about. A few even stopped in their game to stare at the man on the bench who‘d just called out. Quatre returned his attention to the stranger, holding his hands up to show meant no harm. “I’m sorry!” He was quick to blurt. “You seemed… like you were having trouble… Are… are you okay, Mister?”
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
studio killers // eros and apollo
girls, with a boy like that it’s serious señoritas, don’t follow him soon, he will eat your hearts like cereals sweet lolitas, don’t go you’re still young
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spikespiegxl · 9 years
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