spiral-lily · 2 years
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Sun Flower ヒマワリ
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spiral-lily · 6 years
Yeah pretty much. You’re supposed to “get help” which usually means go to a therapist that specializes in your mental illness. It starts the process of personal responsibility and you do eventually do have to swallow the pill that mental illness remission is a process and you don’t fully “get better” 
400% of mental illness is thinking this is probably just how hard life is for everyone and you just can’t handle it because you’re a whiny baby who isn’t trying hard enough.
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spiral-lily · 7 years
Don’t you get it? You’re a loser. Your life is going nowhere. Your girlfriends life is also going nowhere. I honestly can’t believe how you expected to live with your girlfriend and still fuck me. You hate women. HATE them. You’re selfish and a stain on my life.  
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spiral-lily · 7 years
He’s correct in saying that Evolution is a theory. A theory isn’t a fact. A theory is an explanation based on observations. It’s an extremely rigorous process when used scientifically. However, evolution is considered both fact AND theory. Fact when you take note of observable changes. Theory when talking about the mechanisms behind how it works. 
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Why do arguments with christians always end like this?
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spiral-lily · 7 years
I changed my url cuz I was sick of this one person (who doesn’t have a Tumblr) looking at my nikiissues tag and starting shit. Dropped him and dropped the url. I liked that url, too 🙄
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spiral-lily · 8 years
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spiral-lily · 8 years
Go back to your shitty aesthetic blogging.
I knowww. It’s so bad. Tainted with AFPE and her broken self. Maybe I’ll add some of the pictures she sent me and give it a nice filter. It’ll add to my blog. But, it gets so repetitive. She wears the same black and white hoodie and oversized white-t all the time. Can’t you spare two dollars to do laundry? 
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spiral-lily · 8 years
Just pay for two sets of 6 and get 12 pictures for $30 instead of 10 pictures. Pay for three sets of 10 and get 30 pictures for $90 instead of $100. C’mon Alicia. At least pretend like you know how to multiply. I can’t wait for the next price gouging to happen for your “work.” Also, most call and cam girls charge by the minute. Learn how the business works. 
Price Update (doesn't affect customers on backorder unless you prefer these prices)
All pics are of what you request.
Singular pics: $5 Set of 6: $15 Set of 10: $30 One pic every day for a month (or set of 30): $100
Skype Calls
One on One Skype Calls: $20 (last until you “finish”) Skype calls where my husband is involved: $40 (lasts until you finish or we are done, whichever you prefer)
Phone Calls: $10 I’m willing to make phone calls, but i will not be providing you with my phone number. You will need to provide me with the one you wish for me to call and i will not share your number with anyone at all and will delete it from my history as soon as you are done (unless you instruct me to keep it for future calls). Lasts until you finish.
Videos: Message me.
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spiral-lily · 8 years
I’m not insulted. I too am an atheist. Against a strawman? What don’t you get? You wrote something wrong. “boohoo I meant this other thing someone else had to explain. so i’m not wrong. what i said was okay and right, and perfect, I’m perfect and everyone else who who disagrees with me is a theist (ps, what you’re doing to me right now)
"This is why youre stupid, because you wont consider, even for a second, that you actually did misunderstand me. :)" HELLO KETTLE. MY NAME IS POT. YOU'RE BLACK.
How did I misunderstand others, magister? is the reason youre sending anons is because you know you’re wrong? :)
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spiral-lily · 8 years
“twisting my words” or reading what you wrote at face value because you’re an uneducated piece of shit who can’t even represent their own ideas correctly? 
What's going on?
People are deliberately twisting my words around.
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spiral-lily · 8 years
@afpe You can agree with how @gatman30 interpreted your insult and say that’s what you “mean” but, that doesn’t change what you said was inherently an insult. You can’t even admit that your lack of tact is whats causing this mess or bring yourself to realize that you should apologize for being a terrible with your words. Also, there are plenty of Christian scientists that believe in evolution and the big bang. Once again. You don’t have to believe entirely in scripture to be religious. You just have to believe in a God. In whatever form you chose.  PS. Still haven’t forgotten about that skype debate you never posted. I wonder why you didn’t. 
"This is why youre stupid, because you wont consider, even for a second, that you actually did misunderstand me. :)" HELLO KETTLE. MY NAME IS POT. YOU'RE BLACK.
How did I misunderstand others, magister? is the reason youre sending anons is because you know you’re wrong? :)
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spiral-lily · 8 years
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spiral-lily · 8 years
He's obviously exposing you. However, you and every single follower you have are too scared and lazy to even read.
White cishet males are a minority
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spiral-lily · 8 years
If you reblog another one of my posts with your unrelated bullshit, I'm going to fucking block you. wanna debate so bad, debate something I'm actually talking about fucking hell
Is that a threat? I’m shaking in my little booties XD 
I want you to hold up your end of the debate you fucking moron. A debate you challenged me too, that you’re now shitting yourself every time you even think about it. 
We both know why you want to block me sweetheart, because I challenge your delicate world view and you have absolutely no ability to fight back. 
I’m guessing this is your admission that you’ve forfeited the debate? If so please announce that you are to your followers, as you agreed to here:
You are pathetic. can’t even keep your word and you’re absolutely terrified to even respond to me. I’m guessing it’s because you don’t want your followers to see cowardice personified. 
You’re a fucking idiot, I hope that’s what you’ve drawn from this ;)
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spiral-lily · 8 years
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@afpe Remember this? :D 
So are you continuing the debate or are you backing out as your ask implies? :)
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spiral-lily · 8 years
https://youtu.be/lqoJhOKnzko?t=179 “I would provide you with source but, we’re speaking right now. So, I can’t” 
@afpe has dropped out of a debate with me for the fifth time! Still thinks she’s a decent debater.
In other news, water is wet.
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spiral-lily · 8 years
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It’s better to be cultured.
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