spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
check out cicadas’ new single “relentless fuck screaming” if you get the chance. sound of the summer
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
Actually I hope everyone exploits the welfare system. I hope you’re making thousands of dollars on unemployment and I hope you feel great about it. I hope every penny that you steal from the government gives you immense joy and I hope you can shoplift to your heart’s content. This is my wish for you and everyone of us. Amen.
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
So it was a white woman who killed Botham Jean, and a white woman who killed Dante Wright, and it’s been white women at the center of almost every video of someone unjustly calling the police on black people, and it’s white women who have been directly or indirectly responsible for many horrific massacres of black peoples across the US like the one in Wilmington and the famous Tulsa massacre, and it’s white women who have a deep history of weaponizing their white womanhood by falsely accusing black men of rape even so much as to accuse black children like emmet till which resulted in the entire civil rights movement, and white women who constructed the idea of preserving the confederacy, and it’s white women who have gained freedom by steeping on the backs of black women, and white women who have fought to preserve the racist ideals of the 50s Nuclear family, and the list goes on and on and on and on.
So are we ready to talk about how white women are not incidental participants in white supremacy but rather the architectures and safe-guards of it?
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
I spent ten years building up a following on Tumblr. I had 30k+ followers, great engagement, it helped my career thrive like nothing else. I could quit my day job and live off the fan base I’d accrued.
Then, their policies changed. Half my work was no longer allowed. People left the site in droves. I left too, for awhile. I came back to a ghost town. I still have 25k followers, but I don’t think more than 10% are active anymore. I’m followed by ghosts. Same with DeviantArt, although I was never quite as big there, and I’ve been gone so much longer.
This disallowed half of my work was never allowed on Facebook in the first place, or Instagram, but their algorithms are such that my stuff rarely makes it to anyone’s feeds, and if I post a link to where people could actually pay me for my content, it’s hidden unless I pay for it. Patreon swept my work away to a dark corner where no one could see it unless I personally guided them there. Twitch is so strict you can’t even show bare feet. The death of Google Reader means nobody follows RSS feeds anymore, so I can’t direct people to my own site.
So there’s Twitter I guess, where I can post whatever I want, but again, algorithms. But more than that, I don’t have the energy to build up a following once again on a site I don’t own that can delete my career on a whim. The thought of spending time jumping around through hoops for attention just to have it taken away again has stripped any motivation I had to try.
The internet has been gentrified. All the small cute houses and mom & pop shops have been shut down and replaced by big corporations that control everything. I’ve been making webcomics for twenty years, and at the start, the internet was a beautiful wild place. Everyone had a home page. It was like having a house and people came to visit you and you would visit other people in their houses. Now, we don’t visit each other in personal spaces anymore. It’s like we have to visit each other in the aisles of a megamart. Everything is clean and sanitized and the weirdos who made the internet what it was are no longer welcome. No space for freaks anymore.
People still ask me for advice on how to break into comics, and I don’t have any wisdom because I don’t recognize the internet anymore. I don’t feel comfortable working within its boundaries which seems to be getting smaller and smaller and smaller. None of the tools I used when I started exist anymore. They’ve been replaced by things I don’t know how to use. I don’t think I could break into comics today. 2002 had so few barriers compared to now. You might have started on Keenspace, but you could reach a point where you could break away to your own site and people would go to it. Now, you start on Webtoon or Patreon and I guess you just stay there? It feels so much like owning a hardware store for years and then having to go work as a cashier at the Home Depot that put you out of business. I’m looking at my career trajectory and it all points to being a Wal-Mart greeter with uncontrolled arthritis.
I don’t want to make “content,” I want to make comics, I want to make art, and I want to do it in a space that is mine. I’m not sure there’s a place for that anymore.
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
Hey all, today is Trans Day Of Visibility so I wanted to make another one of these posts just in case:
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I’m a transgender butch lesbian and communist organizer who’s been unemployed for almost three months straight now, and unfortunately I’m being hit with a lot of costs on a pretty constant basis. Even though I feel hopeful about my chances of getting another job right now, I’m still consistently worried about medication (that’s what I get for being on so many I guess) or food.
If folks are feeling generous today and want to make this TDOV a little easier for a struggling tran, I would deeply appreciate spreading this around or shooting me a couple dollars.
Venmo: @ riotdyke
Cashapp: $riotdyke
DM for PayPal 💕
Thank you again, and solidarity 💪
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
Stuff like guerilla gardening, stickering, wheatpasting, lifting, graffiti, pothole-filling and other minor illegal acts aren’t only important for their primary effects, but because disobeying your capitalist programming helps break down the internalized worldview that comes with it
You start seeing society as it is: a collection of flawed, limited, man-made institutions that can be ignored, reshaped, or abolished. You see your environment as something that you’re free to improve and beautify. You see items on shelves as common property which is unjustly hoarded and guarded. You see cops as violent oppressors upholding the unfair demands of the ruling class - but you also see them as human, able to be avoided, fooled, and fought
Practice illegalism daily to see past the smoke and mirrors that make it look like the way things are is the way they must be. A better world is possible
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
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Have some extra clothes lying around? Bored of that band T? Ever wish you could share your pre-transition clothes with trans people in need? Now you can! GayCare is excited to host a one-of-a-kind clothing donation system, Trans Clothing Swap. This unique project allows individuals anywhere in the U.S. to donate and receive gender-affirming clothing for free. Check it out at GayCare.nyc/transclothingswap!
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
if anyone would like to help me out my birthday is next week and I'm not gonna make rent much less my other bills. if you wanna hear about my situation you can dm me.
paypal: @nataliesaylors
contact for other ways to donate
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
A step by step guide to Direct Action: What It Is, What It’s Good for, How It Works -- Audible Anarchist
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
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She also does some counseling work for Black folk
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If want you to live in a world without police (abolition) you can start here; start utilizing local resources more and start investing in them.
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
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so absolutely stoked to finally finish this zine that i have been sitting on for awhile. exploring the inevitability of longing, of those sometimes painful necessary rest periods, how to access heartspace in those moments.
please grab the whole thing on my gumroad, here. much love!
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
"cavity searches"/"strip searches" are institutionalized sexual assault (in hospital AND prison contexts) and it blows my mind that i (and most others who have been institutionalized) was gaslit into believing that this is a dramatic take.
if you can't "keep people safe" without sexually assaulting them, you fix the resources and structures available, you don't accept the inevitability of assault.
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
the utter hypocrisy of governor walz implementing a curfew then sending out the largest police force in minnesota history to shoot tear gas into brooklyn center apartment complexes filled with families who are not allowed to leave their homes
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spiralsofnonsense · 3 years
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links within this thread:
in addition to this great thread, i recommend reading “how the irish became white” by noel ignatiev.  i do expect a lot of fighting against these facts because these lies and myth are so ingrained and now have become a part of the community and the sense of self and pride of irish people. 
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