spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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🏖Card of the Day: Knight of Wands🏖
Now is the time for adventure! You may feel a large surge of energy today or in the near future, and the start of Spring is most certainly a factor in it's arrival. Use this energy to drive what brings you passion, and move to use or seek inspiration. Being bold and courageous right now is recommended, take risks and lean into your impulsiveness in this time.
🎇Deck: The Siren Tarot by Five Sirens on Etsy! 🎇
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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🌊Card of the Day: The Moon🌊 Everything is not what it seems. The moon invokes fears and illusions from your past that do not serve you anymore, and asks you to challenge them. In the light of the recent full moon, there is no better time than to open up the messy box of fear and sort through it. You are not alone as you do this, you have the divine feminine presence of the moon to support you. --Kraken 🌑Deck: A Siren's Melody Tarot by FiveSirens🌑
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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🦇Card of the day: A Rebirth is Assured 🦇
Every ending is the chance to be reborn and refreshed. A hard day is a chance to wake up anew tomorrow. Feel the transformation to a new you as the cycle reaches it’s natural end.
🎆Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle 🎆
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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💠Card of the Day: Bring your Ideas to Life.
There is no point keeping an idea just an idea. If you truly want it, if you crave it with all your heart and it keeps you up at night, you must put it into action. Nothing will be gained by letting it linger and float in your mind’s eye. You must act.
🐬Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle🐬
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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You are a guiding light in someone's life, a healing energy emanates from within you. Now is a time to play into that role, as someone who heals and guides those who are lost. Someone today may come to you with wounds that have cut them deep, emotional scars that have not truly healed. Trust in your intuition and consider your own advice that you heed in day to day life to give that person clarity.
Deck: Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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💝Card of the day: Be at Home💝
There are times in our lives where we may feel the intense need to do something. We think there may be something to be done outside, or that we simply have too much to do. This card asks that we all take a moment and relax, settle into our homes for just a little while and remember why we do all that we do. For a roof over our heads, a place to call home. But what is the point of home if we do not appreciate it? This card asks that you take time to do just that. Look around you. Be at home.
Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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⚡"Card" of the day: ᚷ Gift, ᚺ Hail, and ᛝ Fertility
Sometimes we are faced with uncontrollable forces, dangerous weather or simply change. But a destructive force often gives way and makes room for a productive one. Today you may be challenged, know that this challenge is actually a gift, and that it will bring something good.
Citrine Rune Stones.
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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Now may be a time of financial harmony, where money is flowing forth and you are free to gift to whom you choose. While this card is more so focused on finances, it may also refer to a time of being able to spend your time a bit more freely as of late. This is a very giving time for you, know that what attention and generosity you give out to others, it will come back to you in threefold.
Deck: Neo-Rider (Royal Deck) by Ivy Feng
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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✨Card of the Day: This and That are True ✨
In life there are many things that coincide and contradict each other, this does not make one of them untrue. Differing opinions are not mutually exclusive, in fact both sides being at least partially correct is the basis of almost all things. There is no righteous right choice that will be completely correct and fix every problem. Life is not black and white, and one must consider the truths of both sides even when standing firm in your own beliefs.
Know that the side you are on is not perfect, and know that the side you are against is not fully wrong.
🔆Deck: The Spirit Animal Oracle🔆
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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This recent Pisces New Moon may have very well stirred something within you. New thought patterns, new realizations are on the rise for you. Some of these thoughts though, are fears and worries. Within the dark of the new moon you have started to feel doubt.
If you have not already, now would be a good time to cleanse the space around you. Open windows and let fresh air flow in throughout your whole space. Light some candles and listen to a guided mediation. Allow yourself to come back to yourself, greet yourself with warm kindness that you wholly deserve.
Deck: Oracle of Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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“Card” of the Day: Gift ᚷ , Victory ᛏ , and Man ᛗ
You have stuck to your morals, and together with your peers you will achieve what it is you desire, and will be rewarded for it.
Today, I wanted to try and use my rune stones for the card of the day, and this is what I’ve pulled. Gift means that you are talented, and have many natural gifts, or it means that you will be receiving a gift. Victory is as it sounds, you are victorious, or will be victorious in the near future. Man means humanity, one’s sense of morals and relationships.
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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A setback of some sort has wounded your courage to continue on, disappointment is setting in. However, a reminder that this setback does not mean the end of your task, or of your journey. Three cups are spilled before you and that loss cuts deep. But there are two cups behind you, still standing tall. There is still hope, and dear close ones to turn to. Not all is loss, and this failure does not define you.
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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Card of the Day: Freedom is Yours
You having a bright, burning wild spirit. One that thrives best when you feel free. Freedom is something you can create for yourself, if you are willing. Grab life by the horns and steer it in the direction you want.
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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Card of the Day: Embrace the In-Between
Undeniably there is a stage in ones life where one may find themselves finished with something old and yet not involved in something new. This period of in-between can be taxing on the person, they may feel unsure what to do to pass the time. They may have no idea what is coming at all. That is not a flaw however, not knowing. It is a gift, for in this time betwixt two stations there is time to reset. There is a stillness in the air before the next chapter of ones life opens, a calmness.
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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Do not allow the negative emotions of other's to dampen your spirits. You have just achieved a new level of emotional stability within yourself. Accept that other's are coming from hard times, but that does not mean they should bring you down with them. Offer support, but do not offer more than you can handle.
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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Card of the Day: Seven of Pentacles.
You understand that putting time and effort into your craft is the best way to see it fruitful. Continue your hard work and undeniably you will be successful.
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spirit-spa-healing · 2 years
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A balancing act is in place as you make your way through the day. Priorities need to be juggle and the universe knows you have what it takes to get the job done.
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