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spiritualwoman-blog · 6 years
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My Self-Care Tarot Cheat Sheet
The use of Tarot and various divination systems has been such a monumental part in my self-care toolkit. Being someone who deals with chronic illnesses, there are days when I don’t have the time nor the energy to lay down a full spread and interpret it for myself. Because of this, I created my Self-Care Tarot Cheat Sheet to use whenever I needed some advice or a starting point in my self-care regimen.  I encourage you to use mine or create your very own self-care guide. If this post has helped you, or you know a friend who may gain help from this post, feel free to share the link to this post, reblog it, or tag them. It would mean a lot to me.
The Major Arcana
0. The Fool: Start a new project.
I. Magician: Improve a skill you already have.
II. High Priestess: Pay attention to your inner voice.
III. Empress: Pamper yourself.
IV. Emperor: Start taking control of the chaos in your life.
V. Hierophant: Read your favorite book. 
VI. Lovers: Watch a romantic comedy. 
VII. Chariot: Travel someplace new in town.
VIII. Strength: Face your fears.
IX. Hermit: Spend some time alone.
X. Wheel of Fortune: Take a risk.
XI. Justice: Speak your inner truth.
XII. Hanged Man: Change your perspective on an unresolved issue.
XIII.Death: Declutter. Clear out the old, make room for the new.
XIV.Temperance: Find a balance in your life. Also drink some water. 
XV.Devil: Do some shadow work. 
XVI.Tower: Rebuild from the rubble.
XVII.Star: Make a wish for the future.
XVIII.Moon: Write a letter to your higher self.
XIX.Sun: Be proud of who you are.
XX. Judgement: Forgive yourself and your past.
XXI. World: Celebrate your successes.
The Minor Arcana
Ace: Search for inspiration in your everyday life.
Two: Make a decision to do something small yet worthwhile.
Three: Accomplish one small goal.
Four: Make an awesome music playlist.
Five: Make up or reconnect with an old friend. 
Six: Recognize your achievements.
Seven: Let go of negative people in your life.
Eight: Focus your energy on feeding yourself.
Nine: Make room for recovery.
Ten: Deal with your stresses through writing.
Page: Heed the signs and messages provided.
Knight: Go on an adventure.
Queen: Accept support from your loved ones.
King: Remain motivated by hyping yourself up in the mirror.
Ace: Find what makes you happy.
Two: Make sure you are communicating your feelings.
Three: Celebrate your friendships.
Four: Change up your daily routine.
Five: Write down then rip up your past pains and regrets.
Six: Reminisce the good memories.   
Seven: Consider your options before choosing.
Eight: Leave behind your troubles by watching tv even if only for an hour.
Nine: Embrace and send out positive vibes.
Ten: Appreciate the good in your life.
Page: Ground and center yourself.
Knight: Create some art.
Queen: Take a luxurious bubble bath or long shower.
King: Honor your feelings.
Ace: Write down hopes.
Two: Meditate.
Three: Allow yourself to mourn.
Four: Take some time to rest.
Five: Walk away from conflicts.
Six: Retreat to a safe place like a blanket fort. 
Seven: Confront your hidden feelings.
Eight: Get out of your comfort zone.
Nine: Cry and let it all out.
Ten: Go to the doctor or support group.
Page: Speak aloud your feelings.
Knight: Move forward without fear.
Queen: Stop judging yourself harshly.
King: Seek unbiased advice from someone you trust.
Ace: Create a vision board.
Two: Balance your work and personal life.
Three: Go to a support group.
Four: Make someone else smile.
Five: Ask for help.
Six: Help someone else in need.
Seven: Assess how far you have come this week.
Eight: Take a much needed break from social media.
Nine: Take a nice walk.
Ten: Spend time with your family.
Page: Learn something new.
Knight: Make plans for the future.
Queen: Decorate your room.
King: Treat yourself to something nice.
Post Notes: Please do not remove the captions. Title: My Self-Care Tarot Cheat Sheet Copyright: © Ivan Ambrose 2017 Disclaimer: This is my own personal self-care regimen. I am not a medical professional, nor claim to be, nor do I suggest this post to be used in replace of medical treatment. This is just what helps me and I wanted to share it with others. As with all of my posts and content, this post in no way, shape, or form is intended to tell you how you must go about this topic. The intention of this post is to share my experiences. This isn’t the only way, the absolute right way or the way that you “should” approach this topic. I encourage you to use what you find useful and tweak or dismiss what you do not find useful. I am sure there are various other people in the world who choose to do things differently regarding this topic and that is perfectly okay. I can only speak from personal experience and what has worked for me for countless years. I encourage you to do your own research, to do what you are comfortable with and to tailor any advice provided henceforth to your specific needs and individual situation. Safe Space Tags: Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Illness, Mental Illness, Long Post Navigation: Table Of Contents | FAQ | Contact   
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spiritualwoman-blog · 6 years
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Doy inicio a esta cuenta que es la continuación de medita tu vida! yeiii
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