splinteredthorn · 4 years
“What?” was all Ryuji could really say in response. He was quick to put his phone away though after getting some good pictures, he made sure to quickly tuck it into his pocket before Bara potentially tried to break his phone. “Normal? I am bein’ normal.” except he really wasn’t. Of course Ryuji was going to do what Bara asked of him, he stood there doing his best not to stare at her anymore so she could focus on getting some more prizes.
She seemed to be doing a lot better now that he wasn’t distracting her as much, but of course Ryuji knew she could do it!
“Awright.” he gathered up the prizes for her and was ready to follow her wherever they needed to go. “I’m followin’ right behind ya. Lead the way.” at this point Ryuji would basically do anything that Bara asked of him. 
Squirming as they headed back downstairs, there was nevertheless a bit of a spring in Bara’s step as she led the way to the nerd shop around the corner. They gave a slightly better rate here than they did in one of the more mainstream stores, and that was partly why she’d brought them both out here today. The young man behind the counter quailed when he saw her marching up to the desk - and then again when he spotted Ryuji carrying her prizes for her.
“How much for all of these? And no skimping out on me, kid, I know what they’re worth and you’d better gimme a good price or I’ll take my business elsewhere.” The cashier hastily rung up the boxed figures and offered a price - one which increased slightly with Bara’s sharply raised eyebrow. Once they had agreed on a suitable number, she collected her notes up and counted them, finally turning back to Ryuji with a triumphant smirk.
“Right. There’s a pair of shoes in Parco with my name on ‘em. You coming?”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
Oh no, it seemed as though Akiyama had really ended up inviting himself after all. It was fine though, he figured Bara deserved to have a good time after this dramatic event with the fatty tuna.
“Heh, well, it isn’t too late for you to tell me no but I also don’t want you to try picking fights with someone else.” he had been joking of course. Well, mostly. “I’ve never been someone’s butler before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.”
There really wasn’t any need for Akiyama to protest , he really didn’t have anything planned afterwards. He supposed he could spend some more time with Bara even if Harajuku wasn’t entirely his scene. “Alright. Harajuku it is.” 
“Hey, if you’re gunna carry my stuff, you can come with me anywhere.” Bara smirked. There were a lot of people who would have been met with her refusal to such an offer, but although she would have a hard time admitting it out loud, she quite liked Akiyama, and at the very least his company didn’t annoy her like so many others did.
Stacking her plates, the blonde crossed one leg over the other, much more content now that she had eaten and they had a plan.
“Ready to go now?” She checked her decorated nails absently, “I usually take the train, how do you wanna go?” Harajuku station was hell on earth - actually, most of Harajuku was hell on earth, but it also had the highest concentration of thrift stores and odd shops that Bara might actually be interested in, unlike a lot of the out of town places which confused the word beige with vintage.
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
Ryuji had been relieved to see that Bara had been alright, well, except she too had a cut on her forehead but at least she had been conscious.
“Yer ok…” it was more of a statement although he was trying to be reassuring, to convince her ( or maybe himself) that she had been just fine despite the obvious cut that had been bleeding down the side of her nose. “Yea, I’m fine. Are you ok?” he just wanted to make sure, he had still been in a state of shock. Although his mind wanted his body to move, it seemed he had remained in place, hands still reaching for Bara but not quite actually reaching her.
They needed to get out of here, but, at the same time he couldn’t really move. His body had been frozen, but they needed to get out.
“Driver?” Ryuji’s mind flashed to the ominous figure that seemed to be watching them through the rear-view mirror. It had to be… that thing. There was no way that was a normal person. “Bara… We gotta get outta here…Can ya move?”
Groaning, Bara checked her teeth with a whimper. All still present and correct, good. When she tried to move, everything hurt, bracing herself against the front seat as she tried to wriggle out from behind it. Staying in the car wasn’t going to do either of them any good, but convincing her legs to move was half the battle. Finally managing to roll herself to one side, she wrestled with the door handle and eventually managed to kick it open, rolling out onto the asphalt below with a grunt.
“Learn to drive, you moron,” she muttered at the absent driver, using the side of the car to clamber to her feet and look around, a thin stream of steam spiralling up out of the taxi’s hood. She hadn’t yet put two and two together, dizzily looking to Ryuji for guidance.
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
“‘Cause ya just like to irritate me.” at least Ryuji thought that was reason enough to justify his rudeness towards her. Truthfully though he had a bad attitude towards most people he met so it wasn’t as though she should take it personally. In comparison to most people, Ryuji was actually considered nice to Bara. 
“Shit that’s what’s buggin’ ya? Ain’t my fault ya can’t handle the truth. Just bein’ honest with ya.” Ryuji shook his head. It’s not his fault that she barely had any tits at all, she should blame genetics for that one. Maybe she consider wearing a push up bra or something… Actually, nevermind. Ryuji doesn’t want to think about shit like that.
“Yea, once. Not for long though. With connections it’s easier to get out. Only happened one time but never again.” 
Well, that was sort of true, and she couldn’t exactly claim otherwise. Bara looked away. It was just too easy to get on Ryuji’s nerves - much easier than making any effort to get on his good side. In fact, she wasn’t convinced that he had a good side. “You’re a prick. You just say this shit to piss me off.”
Running a hand through her hair, she flipped it back over her shoulder with a hmph.
“What’d they bang you up for? Crimes against fashion? How long were you in for?”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
“In, out… Same shit. I could break down the door, but I don’t feel like having to get it fixed but it might be our only option.” Ryuji sighed, what a damn drag.  He was already frustrated by this whole thing, just his luck. Of course he could try to kick down the door but that seemed like too much trouble, then the door would be fixed.
“Shit, we might have to call someone.” that sounded so uncool of him to say, but it seemed like their best option at this point. 
“A real man would break the damn door down.” Bara shook her head in disbelief. For somebody who was supposed to be the meanest bastard in town, Ryuji was as safe as Kaneda -- and Kaneda had a tool in his kitchen specifically for opening jars so that he didn’t strain his hands. Rolling her eyes, she huffed a lock of blonde hair out of her face irritably.
“I’d do it myself, but I reckon I’m not heavy enough. Or I guess you could just call somebody up and beg.” Where was the excitement in that? “But whichever one you choose, hurry up and and do it because this is your fault.”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
Although he could feel the pressure of Bara’s tugging he didn’t actually feel anything that was bugging him which was strange. His knees buckled just a little when Bara had braced her foot against the back of his thigh only causing him to lose balance just a little bit. 
“The hell?” why the hell would something that looked like a hamaya be on his back, he didn’t feel anything though. He turned back taking a look at it, it looked disgustingly pink. He took off his coat, “Do ya see anythin’? I don’t feel any pain or nothin’…” 
The hole ran straight through Ryuji’s shirt, and much to Bara’s surprise and disgust, the broken skin beneath his clothing knitted itself before her eyes. Covering her mouth to conceal a gag, she looked away and shuddered. Gross. Passing the strange arrow to him, she sniffed, the smell of burning teasing at her senses.
“Oh shit, food!” Jumping out from behind Ryuji, the blonde swiftly scooped the okonomiyaki onto a plate with a grunt, the bottom burnt to a crisp. “Ugh. Where in the hell did you find something like that anyway? And how did you seriously not notice an arrow through your back?! What even are you?”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
“Haw? Is that so?” Majima tried to get a look behind her to see if she really did come alone, maybe someone else had been watching but so far it seemed clear. Once Bara pointed upwards, Majima looked up too… “Aw, shit.” truthfully he hadn’t noticed that part before, but then again these creatures didn’t exactly scare Majima either. It got boring as shit when he didn’t have anything to shoot at actually so this wasn’t really as troubling to him as it should have been. “I never even noticed that before…Huh. Ya got some good observation skills.”
“Hm.” his eye narrowed a bit as he eyed Bara up and down. She sure seemed like a tough cookie. “Haw? Ain’t your food, don’t see no labels on it! When everythin’ goes to shit like this anythin’ goes! It’s all about survivin’!” he almost sounded like he was about to throw a tantrum. 
“It ain’t your food!” Majima was practically growling right back. To think this girl wanted to come and try to claim some food without bringing anyone to back her up. “Unlike you, I’ve got some friends to help me out so unless  ya want me to call ‘em  I suggest ya just turn around and walk away.” 
Again with the labelling thing - he was sounding like a broken record. Maybe he was touched in the head. Did he think that was how the world worked? Order had gone out the back door very quickly once people forgot what society used to look like. Bara had half a mind to mash his face in with one of those cans he seemed so keen on - she’d even put his name on it first if he begged sweetly.
“Yeah, well I don’t see your name on it either. Are you fucking stupid?? What fucking fairy tale are you living in? Did you mummy sew your name into all your shit so you knew what to wear in the morning?? Get out of my storeroom you half-blind moron.” She went for the hilt of the knife tucked into her belt, make or break. “I’m not playing around. Fuck with me again and I’ll carve my name in your goddamn face. This is not a game. This is my turf. I’m not leaving.”
On the one hand, a few tins of beans were a pretty pathetic hill to die on, but without food she wouldn’t last long either. Besides anything else - how in the hell had this dickhead found so many Cursed to travel with? She eyed his men, checking for respirators. There were very few like she and he who could breathe the poisoned air left behind, and if they were just lucky survivors, a single gasp of the toxic air would be enough to leave this lunatic very lonely.
She sort of hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but this was a dog eat dog world, and she’d tasted worse than dog meat to live this long.
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
“’Cause. Talkin’s exhaustin’.” so Ryuji claimed, although he seemed to have an awful lot to say to Bara. Even when Ryuji had been surrounded by the men from the Go-Ryu clan he didn’t really like to talk to them as much as he liked having them be around for protection and intimidation really. It should make him wonder if he had any real friends, but he didn’t think about anything like that. “‘Ya dragged me out.” at least that’s what he always liked to say. He was convinced that it had been easier to go spend time with Bara than have her keep nagging him about it.
His permanent frown seemed to become more apparent somehow.
“If I didn’t care, would’ve beaten ya to a pulp already.” he laughed when Bara said she does whatever the fuck she wants too. “Fer someone who claims they don’t give a shit about who gets in their way and all that, ya sure waste a lot of yer time with me. Shouldn’t ya be doin’ somethin’ else then?” Ryuji shook his head. “I gotta keep people in their place that’s all but I don’t wanna be seen as a woman beater either. Ain’t a good title to have, just need the men to fear me. That’s it.” 
“You were out before I found you, what were you doing?” Perhaps her edges were all the wrong ones but nobody could deny that Bara was as sharp as the thorns on her namesake. “Pretend all you like but if you really didn’t care, you wouldn’t be buying me dinner rather than risk me spread around the fact that I pinched your wallet. That’s a simple exchange.”
Bara gestured to their surroundings with a piteous chuckle when he suggested that she should be somewhere other than here.
“Um, you’re buying me dinner, genius. Duh, of course I’m gunna stick around. I like free food as much as the next guy. But it’s not free, is it. I earned it.” She plucked a toothpick from a stand on the edge of the table and shrugged as she poked it between her lips. “What, so women aren’t worth it, is that it? Boy, are you in for a surprise.”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
“I’m guessing the guys that following him around must be trying to weak and trying to convince themselves that they aren’t.” At least that’s a pattern Akiyama has observed quite often when it came to those hanging around any kind of yakuza or thug types. The weak usually follow the strong, or at least someone who looks like they could be strong anyway. “Do you think he knows that though? He could be completely clueless about that part…” by the way Bara described this guy he probably was.
“I’m sure you can, but unfortunately society doesn’t think so. It’s a real shame too, I think you’re a lot tougher than those guys out there.” Akiyama chuckled at the thought of Bara putting these guys in their place. He didn’t doubt her strength or ability to lead or do anything that she wanted to really. “Have you ever thought that maybe your dad did that because he wanted to keep you safe? I know you’re capable of protecting yourself… but…Maybe he wanted better for you.” at least Akiyama thought so.  He looked over at Bara and could tell clearly just how much this had bothered her. Akiyama frowned, using this time to turn his attention back to his drink and to take a sip from it to gather his thoughts. “…I’m sorry.” was about all Akiyama could say, even if he had tried to understand he couldn’t completely understand how that must’ve made her feel but it sure sounded frustrating.
Akiyama wanted to help Bara somehow, but he wasn’t sure how he’d be able to when this was an issue of society rather than from an actual person. To think they went from talking about relationship issues to something like this. 
“Hey…If he can’t accept you for who you are, then maybe he’s not worth it. There are guys out there that will appreciate a strong, young woman like you… I think you just need to find him. Even if you pretended to roll over and be weak, that isn’t you. You and I both know that. So maybe it’s time for you to move on…” Akiyama offered her a reassuring smile. “Of course, whatever you want.” at least he hoped that could at least provide her some temporary relief. 
“What, does he know they just hang around him like those puny little suckers who cling onto sharks cus they’re a whole lot bigger? Yeah, pretty sure he’s well aware of that.” Bara rolled her eyes. She was quite confident that was even why he encouraged them. The more big bastards he had on his side, the less hard work he had to do - it didn’t seem to matter how good they were at whatever he had them do.
“And fuck society! This is my generation and they’re still acting like this, it’s bullshit.” She cracked her knuckles reflexively, a grunt sounding in the back of her throat at Akiyama’s suggestion. “If he knew half of me, he’d know he couldn’t keep me out. And look who went off and got himself blown up, huh? Maybe if he’d relied on me a bit more, none of that would’ve happened.”
Falling quiet for a moment, the blonde plucked up a menu sulkily, choosing a dessert from the laminated pages.
“I want that one.” She pointed to a stacked strawberry cake drizzled in golden syrup and sprinkled with little pink sugar crystals. “And maybe you’re right. But maybe I should set fire to his house first. Teach him a lesson in who to keep an eye on. He doesn’t play around, so why should I? I’m gunna die alone and I don’t deserve it.”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
There was a pout at her remark. He didn’t understand why Bara had to be mean to him when he just wanted to spend some time with her, but it seemed as though that was too much to ask.
“Course I’m serious. Why wouldn’t I be?” clearly Ryuji had been unaware of how he would normally act in this situation. A date between the two seemed unheard of, yet here he was trying to ask her out. “Flowers? Awright, guess ya do like some of the stereotypical things that girls like…” he would have to do this properly. Whatever that meant. Ryuji Goda clearly wasn’t a romantic type, but he had seen how these dates usually go in the movies.
Ryuji did as he had been asked to do. It was strange because yes earlier Ryuji did feel a sudden pain in his shoulder, but after that there had been nothing. “I don’t feel anythin’.” he really didn’t. Ryuji used a nearby wall to help steady himself in place hoping this would help Bara get out whatever it was that had been sticking out from his back. “…Did ya get it?”
Grabbing and heaving didn’t work the first time, but Bara was nothing if not persistent.  She braced a foot against the back of Ryuji’s thigh, and with an almighty tug, the lance came free from his back, leaving behind no blood but a single pink-tinged hole in his coat.
“I... yeah...” Bara held out the decorated arrow for him to see, baffled. “It looks like a hamaya.” Painted red and white, the fletching was hung with a little wooden board - but rather than display a zodiac animal, the block was painted with an image of a human heart. “Where the hell did you get this? Take off your coat, lemme see what happened.”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
What kind of cruel joke was this that he had to end up getting locked in with Bara of all people? He tried to remain calm, although he felt that he was internally beginning to panic. Just a little bit. He didn’t like the idea of being caged in a spot that he might not be able to get out of but it had been far too early to freak out about it.
He watched as Bara tried to pick the lock, hopefully she’d be able to get out of this mess. It didn’t take long though for his hopes to be crushed when Bara had declared the lock as being busted - so much for a quick escape. He wondered if they’d be able to kick the door in but it looked like it had been pretty sturdy. “The hell?”
Now hearing the click was a good sign… Good, they would be out of here soon! That was until he heard Bara speaking up again and it seemed like something else had actually snapped not the lock itself. “… The hell are we supposed to do now? Don’t wanna be stuck in here.”
Flicking the broken pin away with a grunt, Bara folded her arms sulkily and gave the door a sharp kick before moving away to lean against the wall opposite. It always worked in the movies. Stupid hairpin. Stupid idea. Stupid Ryuji for letting the door swing shut in the first place.
“In here? Out here. Don’t look at me like it’s my fault, you’re the one who got us locked out!! If you’re so big and strong whyntcha break the door down, huh? Or is Goda Ryuji too soft to bust a door open these days??” There was more than one way to open a door, after all - relentlessly jabbing at Ryuji’s ego might just about do it.
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
“Look, I’m tryin’ to be nice to ya. Ain’t a coward.” If Ryuji hadn’t been trying to be so considerate he would’ve knocked her teeth in. He knew better though, there was no point in knocking someone so tiny out, especially when she didn’t have a chance up against someone like him. Sure, she had been spunky and she could talk a good one but physically he could crush her if he wanted to. It wouldn’t be such a good look for Ryuji Goda to knock out a tiny girl like her, especially when she could turn the story around and say that he had just attacked her. Wasn’t going to fall for it.
“How did I start it when ya always seem like yer tryin’ to pick a fight with me?” seriously, it seemed to be almost a daily thing these days. “I don’t believe shit like that. Ain’t ever come across a girl like that. I’d love to see a girl try and stab me to see what happens but that ain’t worth me goin’ to jail over.”
“Why? Why bother?” She planted a fist in his side - with no force behind it, the punch was just for show. “Not like you’re nice to me any other day of the week.” This wasn’t entirely true, on inspection, but neither Ryuji’s idea of nice nor Bara’s idea of nice were in any way comparable to the view taken by the rest of the world. If nice was as simple as not dropping each other in the river, who knew what kind would have the audacity to look like.
“You told me I had no tits! You just don’t take women seriously. That’s what your problem is.” Neither did anybody else in this damn town, for that matter. She was determined to prove them wrong, but it wasn’t like she had a roadmap for what that looked like either. “I’ll be laughing when it happens.”
A thought occurred, creasing her brow.
“Hey - you ever been to jail before for real??”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
Akiyama could understand that, after all there were plenty of family secrets that remained hidden for that exact reason. He wasn’t going to press any further if she didn’t want him to, but he had been more than willing to hear her out. “I can understand that. If it’s not something you want to look more into, Bara, then I understand. There are some things that maybe you’re better off not knowing, especially if it could put you in danger.” Of course if she did want to try to solve this mystery, then he didn’t mind helping her out either.
“I do…” his voice trailed off, not seeming to want to elaborate on that any further. While his parents were still living he didn’t have any kind of real contact with them. After losing his job at Toto Bank his parents didn’t really want anything to do with him although they didn’t even give Akiyama a chance to explain his side of the story. The fact that they would chose to believe anyone else over their son and completely disown him over it was sad, but somehow Akiyama could unerstand it. His parents were always prideful people and they didn’t want anyone to sully the Akiyama family name. In a way he supposed then that he didn’t really have parents anymore, but he still hoped they were taking care of themselves and doing well.
“Just to satisfy some curiosity maybe. A lot of people just like to know what’s out there.” Akiyama shrugged. “I would probably find out for sure just to know, but I wouldn’t let my identity be known. I’d probably just observe them from afar…and get whatever information I could. Then again, I just have a lot of time on my hands.”
“See, if you’re not gunna tell me,” Bara’s spoon clunked as she dropped it back in her tall glass. “Then why would I wanna tell you?” Never mind the fact that she’d brought this up, that seemed a basic courtesy - share and share alike. In fact, now that she thought about it, Bara knew very little about Akiyama and it hadn’t escaped her notice that he was keen to keep it that way. She frowned at him.
Still, his answer to her question made her think, decorated nails picking at the arm of her chair while she listened, pursing her lips.
“I found some letters from my mum and dad,” she volunteered thoughtfully after a moment. “I guess it’s kinda cute. He used to deliver newspapers and she was working in a restaurant on his round - I get the impression her auntie didn’t like him much.” That was a bit of an understatement if some of her mother’s neatly-scripted hyperbole were to be believed.
“Hey, um. D’you speak anything other than Japanese?” She was increasingly concerned that there was no afar to watch from, if he gut feeling turned out to be correct.
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
Coming up with a good backstory should be easy for Shinada since he was a writer, but creative writing wasn’t really his specialty. He really just wrote informative, flashy pieces about the adult entertainment businesses around town. He figured maybe he could get an idea from a movie he’s watched, although he couldn’t make it sound too unbelievable either.
“Ok, how about we met on a dating app? That’s not really uncommon these days… Ok, but I guess that’s kind of boring. Maybe I was watching you all night at a club and we were flirting with our eyes and I bought you a drink! But in that classy way, where I asked the bar tender to give it to you. Sounds smooth!” Shinada grinned, clearly praising himself at the borrowed thought. “I’m a writer, I write articles for an adult entertainment magazine. What about you? Wait, what?” Well, they did need pictures together if they wanted this to be believable.
“Right. Ok.” he ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to make it look a bit more presentable for their pictures.
“If a guy like you was making googly eyes across the bar at me and then sent me a drink, I’d probably assume you’d put something in it first.” Bara poked her tongue out at him. “... but I might drink it anyway.”
“I’m-.” The truth caught in the puff of Bara’s cheeks. “I... freelance. I made shit and sell it, y’know.” She shrugged her shoulders. He didn’t need to know about the cafe she worked at part-time. Somehow telling him that she had lived off the Bank of Dad until very recently seemed less embarrassing that the present truth. “Adult entertainment, huh. Like strip clubs and stuff?”
Looping her arm through Shinada’s, she tugged him off toward the nearest arcade. Somebody else could clear up the mess they left behind - she had some lovey-dovey poses to direct. Shooing him through a pink glittery curtain, the blonde slung her bag down on the side and showed no shame about wrapping the man’s arms around her middle, grinning up at him darkly.
“Ready? Look cute.”
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
A click of his tongue in protest, but what could he say? Bara had been right. Ryuji had given her the power of the clippers, they definitely would’ve been gone by now if that’s what she wanted. He should at least try to give Bara a bit more credit. “Yer right.” he allowed himself to finally relax, although he wasn’t able to close his eyes completely.
“Dunno about that, but if that’s what ya wanna believe.” Ryuji gave a light shrug, the nudge to his foot though was tempting to nudge back a bit harder but he resisted that urge for now.
“Oh, right. Sorry, keep forgettin’. Hardly consider ya a girl sometimes. Still, you’re so small wouldn’t wanna hurt ya on accident.” Ryuji smirked, although he might come to regret that. Bara was the one with the clippers now and at this point he really may end up with shaved eyebrows after all. Still the thought of going to Bara to a fight club seemed… well, now that he thought of it, it wasn’t as farfetched as he might have thought. Nezumi would definitely be able to put up a fight. Now he was actually curious for her to have a match with one of the girls in the underground club.
“You got no idea how good you got it with me, big bear.” Sniffing, Bara hopped down off the counter with a swing of her legs, grabbing a tiny comb on a stick out of a makeup bag on the side. Tutting as she brushed Ryuji’s eyebrows up, she grabbed a small pair of nail scissors from the same bag and set to work shaping his bushy brows. True to her word, she didn’t do anything drastic, just tidied them up so that he didn’t look like an Old English Sheepdog like his father.
“I’m not small! You’re just freakishly huge! And speaking of freakishly huge...” She gestured to the sink with a jerk of her thumb. “Get your big head in the sink, let’s rinse this off.” She leaned in to check her work, scratching a nail through the crusted blonde of his hair with an appraising nod. Looked like it had taken well enough, time to find out for sure.
“So when are you taking me??” Oh, it was tempting to aim the spray in his face and waterboard him until he agreed to take her to the ring. Lips pressed together, she resisted the urge and instead ran her hands through his hair with a sigh as the bleach began to drain away.
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
What Tarot Card Are You?
The Hierophant
The plan is perfect in every way. Everyone where they need to be, at exactly the right moment, with exactly the right smile. You have moved and manipulated the situation, but did you remember to put yourself in the correct position? You, after all, are still a player in the game - whoever thinks they control the pieces still has to make the next move eventually. Whoever is playing the game is playing against an opponent. Ensure that they have not played better than you.
Tagged by: @bloomingempress ( thank you!)
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splinteredthorn · 4 years
Ryuji couldn’t help but frown as he was shoved aside. He really did want to be helpful for Bara, but in his current state he really was useless. All he could do was gawk at Bara and not much else. If only he had been in his right mind he probably would’ve been gagging at the way he had been thinking of her in this moment.
“I’m sorry. Can’t help it.” Ryuji was now giving her a pouty face in hopes of some sort of forgiveness. He didn’t mean for Bara to miss her shot, oh no now he would have to apologize again. “Sorry. But ya look really pretty.” now he was reaching for his phone in his pocket. Is he going to try to take a picture of this moment? You bet he is.
“What the hell are you- oh my god, seriously!? What is WRONG with you??” She swiped for the phone irritably, any snap catching the irascible moment of her annoyance. “Just... be normal, okay. For five minutes.” Shaking her head, Bara returned to the task at hand with her teeth clenched, trying to clear her mind of all the stray thoughts about what else he might be doing while her back was turned. He wasn’t usually like this. Jeez.
Two, three, four prizes won, stacked up at her feet, and then Bara knew she couldn’t focus any longer with his eyes boring into the back of her head.
“Carry these. We’re going to a store around the corner.” She would have to come back another day if she wanted the motherload -- she just couldn’t concentrate with him simpering at her like that. By then, there was bound to be a new figure that people would temporarily pay through the nose for -- at least, she hoped.
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