splitskull3000 5 months
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splitskull3000 5 months
Dragon ball canon: Vegeta and Goku wear the Potara to fuse! This method is supposed to be permanent, but they do it anyway becasue they care that much! In two movies and in DBGT, they fuse using the metamoran-style of fusion. But this method of fusion is popularized not by Vegeta and Goku, but by their sons, who are already like two peas in one pod! What sort of dire straights will necessitate fusion in battle? Find out next time on dragon ball z...!
DRAGON BALL FANS: I'm so mad at Vegito for the way he neglects his son and doesnt let Gogeta have full custody even though Vegito is never around and is always out at clubs or whatever anyway. Gotenks is there home alone 98% of the time becasue Vegito is either not there OR the house is just huge enough that Gotenks is functionally alone. The only time that Vegito seeks out Gotenks's attention is to talk about hinself and in return he seems to do everything he can to rebuff Gotenks's attempts at getting his attention. He keeps coming up with more and more ways to ignore Gotenks. He'll be cooking dinner chopping a carrot singing loudly ETC and Gotenks will be yanking on his sleeve and eventually vegitto will say sing-songy "Ye-es?" as if he's listening but he stops listening as soon as he says it. And Gotenks doesnt know that giving up is an option so he KEEPS trying to get this attention thinking that there's a way that he just hasnt figured out yet. And it makes him so mad and frustrated and feel cosmically small. But he's not allowed to kamikaze ghost blow up the kitchen about it becasue last time he did that vegitto yelled at him for three hours and STILL didnt listen to anything gotenks said. And Gotenks just walks around this sensory overload distraction chamber of a house playing three ipads at once WHILE on a skateboiard. And when he was a baby vegitto was a terrible parent becasue he was always in and out of the house and bringing weird people home and he would let just about anyone hold his baby. So in his earliest years Gotenks was just passed around like novelty at house parties and when he wasnt he was put in his crib for hours and hours while everyone else partied. And as a baby he heard the loud sounds and the way that no one was responding to him as a sign of horrible environmental danger. And Vegito would let anyone say or do anything in front of the baby and he didnt care what they did to him and they would pass him around and take his diaper off and laugh at his stupid little baby butt. And they would set him down and ignore him. And nowadays Vegito keeps the activity Outside of the house becasue he got sick of having to hire cleaners, but nowadays Gotenks knows what a party looks like and he loves partying (perhaps he may even feel a frightening, but compelling, attraction toward them). But as a bambino it was just an experience of terror and confusion and he had no context for anything that anybody was doing or saying. And now when he goes to bed without two fans and one radio playing he feels like he's being watched and he can hear ghosts. And he's really funny about having to go to the doctor or general discussions about his private business. And he can spend all day at the skatepark but he can't use a public restroom becasue he Can Not have anyone know about his private buisness like that. All becasue Vegito let strangers laugh at his stupid baby butt when he was a baby. Gogeta may have been absent for a long time due to being on a soul-searching journey about turning shame into humility and digesting the vision of the self, but now he has a modest apartment in the city and he's ready to be in his son's life. And I think that he should at least have weekends. But Vegitto won't call his lawyer back
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splitskull3000 6 months
i forgtot about this blog immediatley i need to use it to make posts abt goku i have to talk abt him i have alot to say (<- no he does not) (<- L + extreemly visual thinker)
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#1: GOKU ALEXITHYMIA it doesnt bother him he doesnt gaf more on this later
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splitskull3000 7 months
SSJ3 Goku meets Saiyan Saga Vegeta
For #kakavegeweek12 Day 2: Alt Timeline
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splitskull3000 7 months
It's just that well simply put Gohan didnt have any time to himself ever. There was always bullshit happening. Then Goku died and Goten was born and Gohan had to keep his mother from falling apart and his baby brother healthy and happy. And it's rewarding work. But yknow
When he wasn't tending to the baby or helping with other domestic chores, he was in his room studying. It's nice to learn about the world he fought so hard to save. It's also nice to not have to have a relationship with his body (as with fighting) so that it's easier to dissociate from all the bullshit. Academia was a lifeline out. It was also a definitive "good" thing to be doing. It was also an escape. And also a source of the stress that he's so accustomed to. And yknow. Maybe the letters started to dance on the page after a while. A life unlived will find life in other places. Maybe the historical figures were his friends. Maybe he memorized chemicals like one would memorize constellations. Maybe different mathematical functions began to represent and facilitate different experiences of emotion. You know how it is
I mean maybe not. Maybe he got out enough and was present enough to not dip into that. If his time alone was really that needed, then I imagine that he would get angry if interrupted; but I don't imagine that he snapped often when his mother called him to attention or when his brother needed something from him. I think that he finds fulfillment and peace in his family and he wants to be there with them. But I think that he also finds habits of repression or self-denial.
I'm not saying that he represses all of his anger, because he doesn't. What he does repress is infinite amounts of survival rage. What he doesn't repress - and what seems like he's not even aware of when he expresses it - is sharp annoyance. A mild example would be when he snapped at Goten for bothering him during his training, which was super funny. A more poignant example is Every Time Somebody Insults his Great Saiyaman Persona somehow. First he was interjecting into his classmates' (strangers!) conversation to correct their misnaming of the new hero, and he didn't seem to notice how rude his tone was or how surprised his classmates were. Then later he stopped two reckless drivers, and they made fun of his goofy persona, and Gohan (without resistance) just threw a petulant fit - and he did not seem to notice how he was Destroying The Road by stamping his foot.
My favorite example was when Krillin told him he looked dumb. I should probably get screenshots. Gohan's Eyebrows Twitched and Reared like Rattlesnakes. And his passive aggression was enough to constituent manslaughter. Masked behind saccharine positivity. It was a vile display. What do YOU know about Fashion, Quiverin..! (<- What we sometimes call Krillin in my house becasue he's always cringing and quivering and being fearful lol.)
OK I didn't get screenshots but I have this timestamped video from the youtube.
And it makes sense that Gohan is super defensive about The Great Saiyaman. It's the first thing that he's gotten to do/be that was up to him.
I understand that Bulma designed the original get-up, but it was still collaborative; it's not like when Chichi dresses him in what she can afford to buy or make, or when Piccolo dresses him in what he himself likes to wear. And Gohan picked the name. He picked the poses. He picked the voice. He picked the personality. He picked the role.
You know that Oscar Wilde quote that goes something like "give a man a mask and he will tell you the truth"? Yeah. There's madness behind that mask.
It's also a very significant time for him because he's for the first time having the opportunity to associate with peers in a consistent way. And he wants so bad to be "normal" and that's also why the mask is so integral and alluring. And he wants to be a normal bloke and make normal friends, but at the same time, he's out of practice without really realizing it; he hasn't come to terms with how in order to make friends, you have to put yourself out there. He thinks that he can simply make friends while hiding himself and lying about everything. And when Videl starts trying to figure out who he is and pry the mask off, it's a horrifying inconvenience. And Gohan just isn't in the habit of receiving well others' companionship, having lived isolated for so long; when Videl makes him teach her how to fly, he's nice to her, but you can tell that he just wants her to leave.
Her insistence on drilling into him is why they become friends and eventually marry, though.
He seems like an optimistic fellow, and his appreciate for life must be sincere, as his history necessitates it - if life sucked, all of that would have been for nought. But remember, for a good seven years it was just him, his mother, and the new baby. No drama or adventure to bring him out into the world. No friends his age that he could connect and evolve with. Just him up there on Mt Paozu stagnating.
There was definitely a lot of goodness and happiness and stargazing and lovely dinners and hanging out with dinosaurs. But there was also a lot of boredom and avoidance and why-is-the-baby-crying and mom-please-put-the-wooden-spoon-down and mom-please-stop-crying and can-i-have-the-time-to-study-unbothered-please and an undercurrent of feeling bogged down that really isn't apparent until you get out and get moving.
Gohan never says this outloud or thinks this definitively, but it's a natural truth, like the wood that a house is made of - he is going to do everything he can to be a good brother and to protect his baby brother. And it's a given, too, that he'll do everything it takes to keep his mother sane and happy, because everybody else shies away from her, and it's SORT OF Gohan's fault that Goku had died, and he very much wants to give back for all of the nurturing that his mother has given him.
And when you want to be a force of Good that badly, it completely turns you away from the parts of you that may be Bad, and encourages you to be afraid of certain feelings or needs.
When Gohan snaps at people out of irritability or defensiveness, it really seems like he doesn't know that he's doing it, and it comes out in the way that a hurt child may just act out. Everything else that is ugly about him just gets buried deep. And that makes him a weirdo. That's what it seems like anyway
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