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Things I did that helped me become "That IT Girl" and could help you too! | IT GIRL DIARIES 🎀🩷
Physical Health + Skincare🎀 🩷
- cleared my gut ( very crucial )
- worked my lazy ass off ( walking, cycling skipping just for 15 min everyday does more than you can imagine )
- became besties with green juices and smoothies ( it doesn't have to be nasty, just healthy )
- included leafy greens in every meal
- LEMON WATER ( hot water with lemon in every morning on an empty stomach and you can add honey if you don't enjoy sour things, trust me on this one !!! )
- limit processed artificial sugar ( honey and sugar in fruits are natural aka glucose and actually a good energy source )
- stopped eating junk food ( occasionally is fine but constantly, will cause your body to have issues digesting = bad gut health )
- lost 25 kg ( it's not necessary to lose weight because we're all perfect as we are, but I was at an unhealthy weight for my age + height which affected me physically and mentally )
- ate more protein and fats over carbs ( this works for me but may not for many. ps. fats = healthy fats meaning avocado, nuts, egg yolks ect. )
- BONE BROTH !!!! ( it's packed with all the minerals your body needs and has mega benefits for your skin, it helped clear my acne so well )
- prioritized zinc supplements in my everyday life for hairgrowth and to promote healthy skin ( it has tons of other benefits too, these were just my main focus points )
- remained consistent with my skincare routine ( advice : less = more )
- started doing coconut oil pulling ( 5 min is all you need )
Mental Health + Lifestyle🎀 🩷
- began journaling negative thoughts that lingered in my mind ( leave it on paper instead of projecting it into your reality )
- i drew up a vision board and lived my life according to it ( this is very beneficial if you're a procrastinator like me and can't find direction. it's similar to having a to do list )
- very important! cut off toxic friends ( you don't need an indepth of what toxic is, you'll know! )
- i began to read more often ( choose your favorite genre but I chose spirituality as it helped me gain mental stability )
- be selfish ( don't actually be rude for no reason ) be selfish with your time, your space, your energy. reciprocation is key, if you are not receiving what you're giving, you're wasting yourself.
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this is your daily talk with @colebabey888 🎀 🩷
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Everything you want wants you more.
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versace f/w 2003 x versace barbie
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⋆˚。⋆୨୧ Zendaya for Challengers Promo (2024)
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I love seeing all the graduates this year online in pics and videos flexing their degrees and diplomas. It makes me so happy and proud. 💕🎓
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Here are some quotes by Kimora that I keep in my phone that keeps me motivated!!
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What are some general dating tips that I should be aware of as someone who’s not experienced?
- Getting to know someone means getting to know someone. Asking uncomfortable questions about religion, politics, previous relationship trauma, behavioral questions, etc., and really taking note of his responses are key. People spend too much time during the getting-to-know-you stage focusing on fluff questions and then later down the line, the red flags begin pouring in. Don’t get caught up.
- You should not be texting this person 24/7. A lot of men like the idea of having easy access to women and essentially having a texting buddy. Unless this man has proven that you should text him throughout the day and he’s taking the initiative to ask you out on dates, then constant texting and making him a priority in your life in the beginning stages isn’t warranted.
- You need to understand that men have a lot of options. Meaning just because a guy is supposedly treating your special does not mean he’s not talking to other women, you’re probably just at the top of his roster at the moment. It’s very silly to just talk to one guy at a time. Because you’re inexperienced with dating, you need to start grasping the fact that when one guy does you wrong your feelings aren’t 100% invested because you have other men perusing you.
- Avoid lazy dates. If you accept a Starbucks date, he’s going to associate you as the girl who’s okay with a $5 cup of coffee. If you start accepting low effort, expect bare minimum treatment moving forward. You can differentiate a man who puts effort towards each and every date he takes you on versus someone who is just winging it. Stick with the men who give you effort, not the opposite.
- Have FUN! Dating really doesn't suck and all men aren't bad, these are just opinions from women who are taking dating way too seriously. If you date a guy who you end up not being attracted to but still find him to be a cool person - keep him as a friend! If you date someone who you catch feelings for and he ends up being a jerk, WELP on to the next! Make dating light-hearted and as a chance to get to know someone all while having fun experiences. When you bring the seriousness of wanting a boyfriend and to settle down, that's how you suck away all the fun.
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2024 collection
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i’m just a girl.☁️🩷🎀
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