spoilerbooks · 2 months
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#BeachRead #EmilyHenry
January, romance novelist. Augustus, literary author. Both at a beach house, both having a writer’s block, both challenging each other. Forming a pact one night to help each other out.
January was such a relatable character. I connected on so many levels with her and loved to see her growth throughout the book. She is knows for her happy endings in her romance novels but when she experiences a writers block, she starts to doubt herself. In addition to that, she has to deal with the loss of her father & discovers a secret of his that has left her devastated. Throughout beach read she grows so much as a person & writer, faces her past & is able to move on.
Gus college-crush-turned-nemesis. Had me giggling, blushing and kicking my feet. He is known for his literary fiction novels. But he also is unable to find inspiration, preventing him from writing his next book. Gus is very much preserved, he doesn’t really believe in love or happy endings. His skepticism towards love has January in shock but through their friendship, he actually starts to see become more positive towards romance.
Their relationship includes so much more than just the romance aspect. It also focuses on friendship, grief and healing. they’re basically strangers in the beginning of the book but start to develop an unlikely friendship in form of “helping each other overcome the writers block”. They get close pretty fast, talk about serious topics and take each other on dates. This book made me so anxious at some points but like in the best way possible, the tension was there, the attraction was there, the i-know-we-shouldn’t-do-this-but-i-can’t-stop was there. I don’t know how she did it.. but this book only has 350 pages and had the perfect pacing. Didn’t feel rushed, didn’t feel slow, it was just right.
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spoilerbooks · 2 months
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#WellAlwaysHaveSummer #JennyHan
I have immensely enjoyed the first two books in Jenny Han's Summer Series. I found them utterly compelling and deliciously addictive curl-up-in-the-sun summer goodness.
I was absolutely hanging out for the third and final instalment. Especially thrilled with the characters having aged. I was not prepared for the train wreck experience of reading it.
I can handle characters behaving badly, however, this story was completely biased. One character was continually showed as flawed, the other either had his flaws romanticised into strengths or, in most cases, shown to be continually superior with no flaws.
The plot itself didn't have a lot of heart. For a novel that deals with a character becoming engaged and approaching their own wedding, it was decidedly unromantic with no tingles of wedding-bell anticipation.
As for the final ending of the trilogy: it ended how I wanted it to end (I had been hoping for that outcome since book #1). However, by the time it did end I found I had somehow become so disengaged that it was all rather anti-climatic for me.
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spoilerbooks · 3 months
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#ItsNotSummerWithoutYou #JennyHan
Somehow I found this book even better than the first one.
It's very apparent in this book that the relationship between Belly and Conrad is not a healthy one. Add the fact that Susannah's passed away and it adds another layer of sadness and darkness. They're both heartbroken over her death and over the fact that they can't quite seem to be in a good relationship. Although super heartbreaking, I loved the theme of being supportive of people through trying times.
Finally Belly and Jer got the spotlight and I am living for it!!!!
The kissing scene at the end had me holding my breath. I had to read it twice!
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spoilerbooks · 3 months
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#TheSummerITurnedPretty #JennyHan
I can confidently say this book was one of the cutest, most comforting reads EVER. It’s cliche and i hate the love triangle, but i am obsessed with the summer i turned pretty. This book made me laugh, tear up, and made me really frustrated at times. I am about to read the next two books in the series, because i have to know what happens next, especially after that final chapter like what????? I’m team Jeremiah, but i also love Conrad, so idk, i’m conflicted, which is why i hate love triangles lol. Anyways, please read this book. filled me with joy.
Tbh this time the show was better than the book, but it was still amazing!
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#ItStartsWithUs #ColleenHoover
Love love love love lovvveee! This book was like a warm hug. It was everything I needed after ‘’It ends with us’’. Atlas is PERFECT and I’m so happy for Lily and Emmy.
Fuck you, Ryle. For those who don’t know what it’s like to have people close to you who are toxic and harmful, I don’t know about you but this book means a lot and at least tells what it’s like to have someone looming around to hurt you according to their whims whenever they feel like it. It’s a cycle and they are never going to change. ‘’Sometimes people think if they love a broken person enough, they can be what finally repairs them, but the problem with that is the other person just ends up broken, too.’’
PS don’t go expecting a normal CoHo book. It’s an extended epilogue without her normal angst, twists, and heartbreak. I definitely would’ve rated this lower if my expectations were a dark and twisty CoHo book, and this was not it.
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#SeeYouYesterday #RachelLynnSolomon
‘I could wake up on the same day a thousand times, and every single one would be different because of you. Every single one would be life-changing. because of you.’
This quote so sweetly describes exactly what makes this story work.
I absolutely adored barrett and felt for her as we got to know her backstory and what happened to her her senior year. And miles ugh my heart couldn’t take it! I liked how we saw him come out of his shell and release some of that uptightness he was holding. As the story progresses we get more and more of what makes these characters who they are and it was done seamlessly! The plot and the story flowed really well and I thoroughly enjoyed this book! From the little quirks and everything in between, it was well worth it.
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#PeopleWeMeetOnVacation #EmilyHenry
The fact that I loved this isn't surprising at all. It's second chance romance, opposites attract, and friends to lovers, three of my favourite tropes! It definitely didn't disappoint. The chemistry between Alex and Poppy was amazing. Poppy as a character was so much fun to read about. I loved the then and now, how you got to follow all the summer vacations they had taken over the years while following the present day too. It made for a well rounded story and look at the characters and their relationship. It's definitely a slow burn but the pay off is worth it. The characters are really what drives the story. But the settings provided a nice back drop for everything to play out. I felt like I was vacationing alongside them and with Poppy's whimsical way of living, it was refreshing to just roll with the punches. This was a perfect summer read.
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#Yearbook #SethRogen
This isn’t my usual genre for books but I decided to give it a chance. I am so glad i did!
I listened to the audiobook and followed along with the book and it was utterly spectacular. First of all, Rogen's stories about growing up and his stories about Hollywood and his stories about weed and mushrooms are howling funny. But there are also moments in the book that are touching and wistful. Finally, there are so many great voices in the audio. I usually dont listen to the audio book as i read but I figured i had to because well its Seth Rogen.
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#FindingPerfect #ColleenHoover
This book can only be described as perfect! It has characters from Hopeless, Finding Hope, Finding Cinderella and All your perfects and is best read after reading those four. It is the ending/closure we needed for characters in both those books. As always Colleen made my cry and smile while reading her book.
This felt like a closure and a beginning. It was heartwarming and heartbreaking. It felt like everything my heart needed!
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#AllYourPerfects #ColleenHoover
Well this book broke my damn heart!!!! But i LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!
All your perfects is realistic story about not so perfect couple who are estranged and when they build walls between them, ruining every beautiful memory they’ve created in years, only a small box of letters help them go on!
Their story takes the piece of your heart and after reading that you’ll never be the same person again.
The most important thing I like about it, everything was so real, natural , it’s about the marriage, it’s about struggle, it’s about unconditional love and it’s about learning to forgive each other but mostly learning to forgive yourself.
Well, I’m speechless because Colleen took out my words and used hers to stab my heart and gave me an incredible emotional roller coaster, and finally made me heal with the epilogue.
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#FindingCinderella #ColleenHoover
Finding Cinderella was a beautifully written, deeply heart warming novella that made me laugh, cry, and fall in love. In less than 100 pages. Daniel and Six captured my heart and I hope that one day we get more of their story because I’m not ready to let go yet!
We meet Daniel (Holder’s best friend) and Six (Sky’s best friend) in Hopeless. Six and Daniel meet in a closet, although it’s dark and they don’t know one another, they connect. The time they spend together is over too soon. Daniel spends weeks looking for his Cinderella. Six goes off to Italy. They meet again about a year later, and hit it off. Neither one of them know that the person they are spending so much time with is the same person from the closet. The more time the two spend together, the more they start to feel for one another.
It was short enough to read in one sitting but long enough to never feel rushed and give you that feeling of reading a complete story. I finished it with a huge smile on my face and the happiest feeling in my heart.
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#LosingHope #ColleenHoover
can't stop living, breathing and feeling this story. Losing Hope was just absolute, beautiful perfection. I thought I already loved Dean with all my heart, but now I love him more. So. Much. More. I now understand every part of him. Everything he experienced, I went through it with him. The bracelet... finding the letter... needing space... needing her. Finding her. Wow. I felt this book with every single part of my heart and soul. I swear, it owns a piece of me now. It. Was. Perfect.
Losing Hope took me through all the same emotions of Hopeless but they were magnified because every single thing that happened now carried the weight of the emotion you already knew from Hopeless PLUS the new emotions created by all the new things we learned in Losing Hope about Holder.
Pain. Devastation. Love. Loss. Hope. Losing Hope. Finding Hope. Closure. This book has it all. When I was finished reading I just sat there hugging my book, letting the emotions sink it, letting the tears flow, and letting myself just FEEL.This is a must-read for every fan of Hopeless. It truly completes the story.
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spoilerbooks · 2 years
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#Hopeless #ColleenHoover
Before I started reading Hopeless, I thought I was ready for everything. It turns out, I was not ready. I was not ready for a book I hated as much as I loved it.
I hated it because it forced me to witness a pain so raw, so deep that felt like I was punched in the stomach. It took effort to turn the pages, to make my brain comprehend and accept that life isn't about fluffy love and happily ever afters. It can be ugly and messy. It can be Hell. This book took away my wings and my precious pink cloud, it made me sick and angry and sad, so sad that I could taste the saltiness of my tears many times. I hated it for bringing me back to the real world. But at the same time I loved it wholeheartedly. Because it also showed that you can fight your nightmares when you have someone to hold you. That human touch and understanding and unconditional love can heal the most tortured soul. Holder healed me as he healed Sky, he restored the faith I lost. The hopeless boy made me hope.
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spoilerbooks · 3 years
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#WeatherGirl #RachelLynnSolomon
Ari Abrams is a meteorologist for a hit news program in Seattle. She’s always dreamed of working with famed weatherwoman Torrance Hale. However, Torrance is not the easiest to work for. It doesn’t help that her ex-husband, Seth, works at the station as well. Russell Barringer is a news reporter for the station, and his boss, Seth, can be dickish and extremely disruptive when he’s in the vicinity of his ex-wife, Torrance. One drunken night, Ari and Russell hatch a plan to get their bosses back together. Not only would it raise morale in the office if Torrance and Seth weren’t constantly bickering, but maybe it would help Ari and Russell in the career department if their bosses took the time to mentor them to be the best they can be.
However I had to ask myself whether it mattered that I didn’t feel the chemistry in a rom-com. Turns out, it mattered to me. I felt ZERO chemistry between Ari and Russell. Their characters were fine...nothing wrong with them. They just seemed a bit bland. I don’t mind heat in my books. In this one, the door is wide open in a handful of scenes, but reading about what goes on underneath the “umbrella”...ahem...SHEETS wasn’t that enticing when I couldn’t really get into the idea of them being together in the first place. It’s just unfortunate, because Ari and Russell’s storyline is primary.
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spoilerbooks · 3 years
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#ItEndsWithUs #ColleenHoover
I don’t think this book could have been written more perfectly. From the writing, the plot, to characters…nothing is fabricated. It is raw emotion and realistic.
You fall in love with Lily. You want the best for her and you fight with her from cover to cover. I adored her character and reading her journey.
I was so scared that this would end it a way that would have been unrealistic or just covered up in hearts and butterflies like we didn’t just witness 300+pages of trauma. But it didn’t, it quite literally ends with us. You won’t know what that means until the very end.
I cried, a lot. All for different reasons but i ended the book with the biggest smile on my face. It truly felt like i was on a journey with Lily, like i was vicariously living through her.
The Author’s Note at the end made this book so special! Alsoooooo Colleen is releasing a new book in October called “It Starts With Us” and I am so exited to hear more of this story!
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spoilerbooks · 3 years
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#RemindersOfHim #ColleenHoover
Wow, this was a super tough read. Colleen Hoover is known for having super emotional romance stories and this book is no exception. Sometime I'd feel so frustrated with these characters I'd want to scream and then the next page I'd be crying. Ledger is definitely the highlight of this story for me, I felt so much for his character and he gets put in such an awkward situation in this book.
Kenna Rowan, a 26-year-old single mother has just been released from a 5-year prison sentence for the involuntary manslaughter of her boyfriend Scotty Landry, during a car accident with Kenna in the driver's seat. After her release, she moves back to the town where it all began hoping to reunite with her 4-year-old daughter Diem, who was taken from Kenna as soon as she gave birth in prison, as Scotty's parents Grace & Patrick gained full custody. On her first day back in town, she meets a bar owner Ledger Ward, who along with his floppy hair and tattoo's intrigues her for the first time since meeting Scotty. The two share an intense night, with an instant connection until Kenna realizes that Ledger is Scotty's best friend.
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spoilerbooks · 3 years
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#NeverNever #ColleenHoover #TarrynFisher
I absolutely loved this book. This story was so clever and unexpected.
We enter this story from Charlie's viewpoint. She suddenly finds herself in a school lesson, unable to recall how she got there. Her entire memory is wiped out. As she tries to make it through the day without getting caught she meets Silas, who - apparently - is her boyfriend. Silas doesn't remember a thing either. Together, they try to figure out what exactly happened and thereby slowly uncover their past bit by bit.
It doesn't take them long to find out, that both had their horrible secrets. Learning more and more about themselves, they begin to question whether they would even like to become the person they've been again. And the even bigger question: what did they see in each other? Despite all this, their time together wakes up feelings inside them both.
First things first, Silas is adorable. His cuteness made me grin so many times. Charlie was a bit irritating sometimes but I overcame that pretty quickly, I guess. She is a really tough woman and the world sure need more of us. I found it most interesting to see them coming together within their own reality and with each other.
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