spookics-a-blog · 6 years
"retelling greek myths” sentence starters
I figured some of the stuff I ended up saying while retelling myths was… intresting enough.
“I don’t think I can trust someone who thinks that a rock looks like their son.”
“They got hit by a rock, but that’s okay. It had to be someone”
“I assume fighting a snake isn’t as hard as you make it out to be. It’s not like they have the hands to throw punches.”
“Damn, that was some poetic shit.”
“No boy will try to date you with a face like that.”
“I’ll pull out your ear hair if you keep talking to me like that.”
“This god… is a baby.”
“Look, I’m all here for self-expression, but you can’t just walk in here with your tiddies hanging out.”
“The problem is this: He punched some rocks, but when he was done with that he started to kill things.”
“He killed a bunch of stuff and decided he was ready to kill a god.”
“Yeah, Poseidon would hang out in the ocean a lot. Probably because he was the god of the ocean.”
“Shut up. I watched The Little Mermaid. I know all about Poseidon.”
“She looks like a horse.”
“I’m pretty sure that twelve year old is on fire.”
“You probably shouldn’t insult a god’s dick, even if it is very small.”
“Yes, I am the ugly bitch.”
“Bitch, not my twink ass.”
“Furries and twinks have a very similar but shallow dating pool.”
“I can infer from your wide variety of plant ex-lovers that you go to the forest a lot to masturbate and cry.”
“And now on to my favorite Greek myth: Percy Jackson.”
“Like all great heroes, he came from a pussy.”
“I think this calls for a story. It goes like this: Since the beginning of time, the gods liked messing everything up.”
“They threw a temper tantrum, so I sent my kid away to live alone in the mountains.”
“When your husbands cheats on you that much, you should consider marriage counseling. Killing the mistress isn’t proper therapy.”
“I’m coming to learn that only hanging out with ghosts has it’s side effects.”
“Whenever there are Zodiacs, Ted Cruz is sure to follow.”
“If Percy Jackson has taught me anything, it’s that the gods kind of suck.”
“Does Olympus have an Olive Garden?”
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spookics-a-blog · 6 years
spooky lyric starters.
because october is just around the corner.
feel free to change pronouns as necessary!
wuthering heights- kate bush
❝ i hated you, i loved you too. ❞ ❝ bad dreams in the night. ❞ ❝ they told me i was going to lose the fight. ❞ ❝ you had a temper like my jealousy: too hot, too greedy. ❞ ❝ ___, it’s me, __, i’ve come home and i’m so cold. ❞ ❝ let me in your window. ❞ ❝ it gets dark, it gets lonely. ❞ ❝ i pine a lot. ❞ ❝ i find a lot falls through without you. ❞ ❝ too long i’ve roamed in the night. ❞ ❝ i’m coming back to his side to put it right. ❞ ❝ let me have your soul. ❞ ❝ you know it’s me: __! ❞
haunted- poe
❝ pretty please, can you tell me where i am? ❞ ❝ you, won’t you say something? ❞ ❝ i need to get my bearings. ❞ ❝ i’m lost and the shadows keep on changing. ❞ ❝ and i’m haunted by the lives that i have loved. ❞ ❝ i’m haunted by the lies that wove the web. ❞ ❝ don’t cry, there’s always a way. ❞ ❝ please, i know it’s hard to believe. ❞ ❝ you and me, and these shadows keep on changing. ❞ ❝ hallways always. ❞ ❝ i’m haunted by the promises i’ve made and others i have broken. ❞ ❝ come here, i’ve got the pieces here. ❞ ❝ build a casket for my tears. ❞ ❝ you think i’ll cry? i won’t cry! ❞ ❝ my heart will break before i cry! ❞
fair folk - heather dale
❝ oh, tread not here till the light of day. ❞ ❝ the fair folk dance, the fair folk sing. ❝ ❝ gold and silver shine all around. ❞ ❝ oh, come not here at the fall of night. ❞ ❝ hold high the iron that they fear. ❞ ❝ when the fair folk call, don’t let them near. ❞ ❝ the banshee wails in the dark night. ❞ ❝ seven years spent out of time. ❞ ❝ all was lost that once was mine. ❞ ❝ i tarried once and listened long to the echoes of the fair folk’s song. ❞
murder ballad - murder ballad
❝ we light the match, it starts from a spark. ❞ ❝ we let the fire catch, eliminate the dark. ❞ ❝ we hear them sing: ‘someone’s gonna die’ ❞ ❝ there but for the grace of god, go i. ❞ ❝ from ___ to ___ come stories of true love gone awry. ❞ ❝ we all want to touch the flames but not get burned. ❞ ❝ there’s always a killer, so logically someone has to die. ❞ ❝ we sing the murder ballad’s warning. ❞ ❝ listen and i’ll tell a tale, a tale where good does not prevail. ❞ ❝ you know the ones that break your heart? well, they set themselves apart. ❞ ❝ free will and fate both play their part. ❞ ❝ all have history, all are scarred. trust no one. stay on guard. ❞ ❝ in life’s game, we all take part. time shuffles and you play your cards. ❞
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spookics-a-blog · 6 years
✰ * º ❛ even more popular text posts ask meme. ❜
‘  my kink is getting some fuckin sleep.  ’ ‘  omg here goes your lil crybaby ass.  ’ ‘  the beatles wouldn’t even fucking exist if big time rush hadn’t paved the path for them so shut the fuck up.  ’ ‘  don’t start buddy. don’t you dare.  ’ ‘  gay rights? true, as a gay, i am always right.  ’ ‘  not to vent, but: fuck.  ’ ‘  the worst pain is to make small talk with someone you once told everything to.  ’ ‘  i think i accidentally break my own heart a lot.  ’ ‘  sometimes ‘brb’ stands for ‘be ready bitch’ so you have to be careful.  ’ ‘  i want to kiss you in a way that makes you not want to kiss anyone else ever again.  ’ ‘  shout out to the people who are still friends with me even though i’m a fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  it’s safe to assume that at any given moment i want to go back to bed.  ’ ‘  i’m a big fan of anything that will help me chill the fuck out.  ’ ‘  i don’t go through people’s pictures on their phone cause i wasn’t raised in the jungle.  ’ ‘  i think we, as a people, just need to have a glass of water.  ’ ‘  i don’t have enough black clothes.  ’ ‘  sweetie, i could sleep for ten years and i’d still be tired.  ’ ‘  i would sleep so much better with your arms wrapped around me.  ’ ‘  me??? tired??? sleepy??? yes, constantly.  ’ ‘  i’m pb&j – petty, bitter, and jealous.  ’ ‘  the fact that sloths aren’t extinct somehow proves that if you go at your own pace and mind your own fucking business you too can succeed.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be the person i want to be, but i’m too tired.  ’ ‘  i always look sleep deprived. is that hot?  ’ ‘  just because there’s always room for improvement doesn’t mean you’ll never be good enough.  ’ ‘  my heart is a soft and sensitive mess.  ’ ‘  all i want is a big garden and no responsibilities.  ’ ‘  honestly someone not liking beyonce is a deal breaker and not for any political reasons, but just like you’re probably, definitely really boring.  ’ ‘  hey guys, i’m a huge fan of genuine love and affection.  ’ ‘  now i’m falling asleep and she’s calling a crab and he’s having a smoke and she’s kissing the crab.  ’ ‘  i’ve been ever since i heard ‘lonely’ by akon at 9 years-old.  ’ ‘  my new years resolution is to stop.  ’ ‘  i’m irritated cause i’m not lovable in a romantic soulmate way.  ’ ‘  i hate knowing that people that ruined parts of me still live and function like nothing ever happened.  ’ ‘  i know i’m cute, but you can remind me.  ’ ‘  hey, just wondering, but are you fucking kidding me????  ’ ‘  i can’t wait to be in love with someone who is also deepfuck in love with me and we love each other forever n’ ever.  ’ ‘  me? clingy? yes. please don’t leave me.  ’ ‘  girlfriend application compatibility question: do you keep your depression pile on the bed or on the floor?  ’ ‘  anything heart shaped is automatically 200% better. this is a fact.  ’ ‘  today’s agenda: screaming into the abyss.  ’ ‘  going from ‘today is a good day’ to ‘i hate my life’ takes me approximately 2.6 seconds.  ’ ‘  everyone needs to wash their face and go to bed.  ’ ‘  i’m worth so much more than the ways i’ve been treated.  ’ ‘  hey, can i claim you guys as dependents on my taxes?  ’ ‘  i really just ignore phone calls. like leave a message. i don’t check those either but like  ’ ‘  i honestly just want to pack my bags and go travel the world and see and explore everything possible.  ’ ‘  remember being little and thinking dandelions were fun or a pretty color or something and every adult in an 80 mile radius wouldn’t let you say that without screaming IT’S A WEED.  ’ ‘  why did we just accept catdog?  ’ ‘  my ‘stay in bed all day’ game’s too strong.  ’ ‘  you deserve to be loved without having to hide the parts of yourself that you think are unlovable.  ’ ‘  i always forget that i literally don’t owe anyone anything!  ’ ‘  i wonder what it feels like to know what the fuck is going on.  ’ ‘  honestly… us girls? us women? we always out here, knowin.  ’ ‘  would an alien think i’m pretty?  ’ ‘  i love boys, but only as a concept.  ’ ‘  why do parents get mad when you sleep in all day? like i’m staying out of trouble and i’m not spending your money like what’s the issue here????  ’ ‘  i identify as an inconvenience to the world.  ’ ‘  i seriously regret telling anyone, anything, ever lmao  ’ ‘  dating me is like dating a five year-old. i need all of your attention and i’m cranky if i haven’t had a nap.  ’ ‘  i’m literally tired of myself.  ’ ‘  don’t introduce me to ur parents unless you plan on marrying me because they’re going to love me and ask about me for the rest of your life lol  ’ ‘  what the hell is a straight person? only straight thing i know about is the edge of my beloved sword.  ’ ‘  i highly recommend never having feelings.  ’ ‘  self care is going into a cornfield at night to get abducted by aliens.  ’ ‘  staying up late with another human is such a weird thing like you get this special bond and a what-is-this feeling  ’ ‘  do u ever feel like ur not even friends with ur friends?  ’ ‘  um no offense but whom’st’ve going to loveth me?  ’ ‘  date a girl who fucks everything up.  ’ ‘  not all who mcfreakin wander are mcfreakin lost.  ’ ‘  i may legally be an adult but don’t be fooled. i have no idea what i’m doing.  ’ ‘  a fun and interesting fact about me is that i’m a fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  you can start again anytime!  ’ ‘  all you can do is learn your lesson. there’s no point in wishing you had did differently. the past is the past.  ’ ‘  i can’t believe an angel like me has to suffer so much.  ’ ‘  you’re all so obsessed with love and being loved. what about just going to sleep?  ’ ‘  i’m smart, but i do dumb shit anyway.  ’ ‘  tbh i never deal with my emotions. i just let them ravage my body and then go to bed and then i wake up and do it all over again.  ’ ‘  first of all: i don’t know shit, so jot that down.  ’ ‘  i’ll just ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ my way through life.  ’ ‘  i’m tired of things costing money.  ’ ‘  don’t you hate it when you’re dead inside and run out of apps to refresh?  ’ ‘  who cares? do better, move on.  ’ ‘  i don’t need a significant other. just a significant income.  ’ ‘  appreciation for everyone who’s ever talked to me bc i’m annoying and dumb.  ’ ‘  thnks fr th mntl llnss.  ’ ‘  what  hasn’t killed me has just made me overly sensitive and defensive.  ’ ‘  i don’t know shit ya’ll!!!!! i’m just out here.  ’ ‘  binge-watching is great until you run out of the show and have to start watching it weekly like some sort of medieval peasant.  ’ ‘  i’m in the wrong realm and i think everyone can tell.  ’ ‘  this might come as a shock but I’m Not Feelin too good my dudes.  ’ ‘  i’m alive, but only ironically.  ’ ‘  there she goes again being over dramatic and by she, i mean me.  ’ ‘  do you ever feel like have tried Too Hard to a friend and now you have become That Obnoxious Weirdo?  ’ ‘  lgbt: lasagna! garfield’s beloved treat.  ’ ‘  my favorite phrase in the english language is ‘i shit you not.’  ’ ‘  i’m a real boring bitch! a snoozer!  ’ ‘  i honestly look so good lounging in an oversized t-shirt and no pants. when will someone experience the blessing of domestic living w/ me?  ’ ‘  you don’t understand how hard it is to take a selfie when you’re ugly.  ’ ‘  you son of a mumford!  ’ ‘  hi, i’m here to ruin everything.  ’ ‘  you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their hands. for example, if it’s a skeleton hand then they’re dead.  ’ ‘  the year is 2020 and i am found guilty of treason against the united states for vague blogging that i hate someone and donald trump thought it was about him.  ’ ‘  everybody calm down, we’re going to be fine! :))) we’ve weathered worse than this! :) :) :) :) really all this panic just seems like a huge overreaction imho   ’ ‘  no beta readers. we publish our crap writing like men.  ’ ‘  i need $$$$$ not feelings.  ’ ‘  ‘idk imma see’ = i ain’t coming, never was coming, never considered it, never gave it a single thought, only remembered cause you asked again.  ’ ‘  oops, i don’t care lol  ’ ‘  why girls always crop the halo out of their selfies? stop being so modest. we know the truth.  ’ ‘  maurice, you’re not gonna fucking believe this,  ’ ‘  i always get told i look like a bitch bc i’m always glaring while i walk, but i’m not glaring, i’m squinting. i have sensitive eyes. they’re watering.  ’ ‘  concept: it’s 3 am. candle lit room. a record is spinning. you’re kissing me. we have no worries in the world. we’re warm and content.  ’ ‘  i need to go into the forest and scream for an hour and a half.  ’ ‘  pls kill all men who yell at girls from cars.  ’ ‘  life really isn’t what i expected it to be. less quicksand. almost no quicksand to be honest. lots of metaphorical quicksand tho.  ’ ‘  i have a question for u: like are u done… like is it over?  ’ ‘  we all have that one person who ruins your day by being alive.  ’ ‘  we all have that one person who ruins your day by being alive. for me, it’s myself.  ’ ‘  whenever i see police i always try not to act suspicious and fail internally even though i never did anything wrong.  ’ ‘  new years resolution: less bitter, more glitter.  ’
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spookics-a-blog · 6 years
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i’m gonna start my following spree, so to any eventual mutuals: hit that mf ❤ button for a starter!
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spookics-a-blog · 6 years
‘  do you think we’re gonna die here tonight?  ’ ‘  it’s horrifying, chilling… just over all not good.  ’ ‘  should we just get this over with?  ’ ‘  he’s a fucking criminal.  ’ ‘  sharing is caring? meh, go fuck yourself.  ’ ‘  oh god, um… oh my god, i fucking hate this.  ’ ‘  stop banging on the door, you dick.  ’ ‘  what. the fuck. is wrong with you.  ’ ‘  i gotta be honest, this doesn’t really compel me very much.  ’ ‘  that was a joke that i made and then it formed your opinion on it.  ’ ‘  flip that switch. do you think that’s the murder switch?  ’ ‘  this is embarrassing. this is embarrassing for you, i think.  ’ ‘  no one’s ghost-proof.  ’ ‘  i’m ghost-proof.  ’ ‘  you’re not ghost-proof. you’re just an idiot who refuses to see proof.  ’ ‘  i’m ghost-proof, baby!  ’ ‘  that sounded like will smith!  ’ ‘  is will smith dead? has anyone checked the news?!  ’ ‘  the problem is if there’s something that attacks us down here, i’m going to hit my head on the ceiling and my skull will smash.  ’ ‘  alright, buddy. keep your wits about ya.  ’ ‘  let’s get the fuck out of here.  ’ ‘  i kind of just looked into places that would make me wanna die and i think this checks that box.  ’ ‘  did i just blind you? good, good, good. it’ll give you the vision.  ’ ‘  take a drink!  ’ ‘  i’m gonna get you all tanked.  ’ ‘  what do you expect? what insight are you trying to gather from here?  ’ ‘  maybe the noise is a little snake. can you imagine a little snake wrapped around a little pickaxe with a little hat on?  ’ ‘  i’m not trying to do that whole dismissive thing, but… i’m dismissing it.  ’ ‘  alright. alright, man. you just gotta chill.  ’ ‘  i thought ‘glory hole’ used to mean something very innocuous, though.  ’ ‘  it’s where the men fucked the earth hoping to impregnate it with gold.  ’ ‘  a bug flew up my nose.  ’ ‘  i think i’ve swallowed about six tablespoons of bugs at this point.  ’ ‘  it’s so silent aside from the bugs in my ears.  ’ ‘  a bat flew right behind you just now.  ’ ‘  that bat was straight-up going for your ass… it was an ass bat.  ’ ‘  dude, i’m so nervous.  ’ ‘  how can you be nervous with a beautiful sunset like that?  ’ ‘  there’s some pretty shitty things that have happened to people around here.  ’ ‘  can you even look at least a little bit worried?  ’ ‘  yeah, i’m fucking nervous, man. i feel like i’m gonna vomit.  ’ ‘  we’re all assholes here.  ’ ‘  i don’t know why i phrased it ‘lucky for us.’ i think i was feeling brave when i wrote this.  ’ ‘  yeah, this isn’t lucky for you at all.  ’ ‘  i’m gonna try and avoid saying ‘demon’ as much as i can.  ’ ‘  i’m not gonna let you goad me into this, i know what you’re trying to do.  ’ ‘  shut up. we’re moving on.  ’ ‘  you know what? i’m not trying to scare you, but… i got a bad feeling about this one.  ’ ‘  why are you unbuttoning your pants? we’re in public right now.  ’ ‘  oh… you’ve out-dumbed yourself.  ’ ‘  you know, i thought this was gonna be funny, but now i’m actually happy that i have it.  ’ ‘  i’m a whole other coin. just like a chill ass wheat-back penny.  ’ ‘  i’m doing it for the betterment of the science.  ’ ‘  any demons here? you got any demons out tonight? any horn-y boys or whatever they are.  ’ ‘  you may not like this… i’m gonna try to agitate it.  ’ ‘  you do what you gotta do and i’ll do what i gotta do.  ’ ‘  i’m just gonna be as crude as possible here.  ’ ‘  no, no, no. just right out of the gate. why build up?  ’ ‘  if you don’t believe then there’s nothing for you to be afraid of, right?  ’ ‘  you can be is big of a prick as you want, but i’m staying over here.  ’ ‘  if you want me off this bridge, you’re gonna have to kill me.  ’ ‘  nope! don’t loop me into your shit!  ’ ‘  stop looping me. i hate when you do this to me in demon places.  ’ ‘  i’m not part of his little charade.  ’ ‘  children will come here and tell tales about me.  ’ ‘  shut the fuck up – i’m gonna murder you.  ’ ‘  oh what a load of horse shit.  ’ ‘  oh, skip the theatrics and just go into it.  ’ ‘  if you want me off this bridge, you’re gonna have to throw me off.  ’ ‘  you gotta admit, that is an effective technique.  ’ ‘  no, it’s not an effective technique. it’s a way to get killed.  ’ ‘  that’s not how you get them, shut up.  ’ ‘  when’s the last time you ever walked into the dark woods?  ’ ‘  this is so much scarier than hunting fucking sasquatch.  ’ ‘  people usually feel overcome with emotion in here, like a violent emotion.  ’ ‘  give me a heads up if you start to feel murderous. i would appreciate that.  ’ ‘  by the way, these woods are also scary because of the people that might be in there.  ’ ‘  i mean, people are greater threats than demons or ghouls.  ’ ‘  i can’t fight, you can’t fight.  ’ ‘  you’re like one of those carwash floaty things that are out front just wiggling around.  ’ ‘  anyone doing up to no good out here?  ’ ‘  one of these times we’re gonna die.  ’ ‘  oh shit! there’s something over there. i don’t know what it is, but the bushes are moving.   ’ ‘  i just heard a scream.  ’ ‘  well, if we just make it seem like we’re in on it, like… we’re here for the cult stuff.  ’ ‘  we’re here for the cult stuff. we saw the ad on craigslist.  ’ ‘  it feels weird to even joke. i’m so fucking scared right now.  ’ ‘  oh sure they’d be hiding in the bushes. they’re cultists.  ’ ‘  i keep collecting spiderwebs on my face and now i’m just sort of immune to them. i’m just letting them accumulate.  ’ ‘  well, you are just a giant stick walking around.  ’ ‘  oh, this looks fun… an odd collection of branches. looks like a witch lair or something.  ’ ‘  hello? you can’t be doing occult stuff like this. it’s a weeknight.  ’ ‘  dude, wait. you’re fucking crazy.  ’ ‘  you need to chill. you need to chill out.  ’ ‘  hey man, it’s just a plant.  ’ ‘  we kicked goatman off the bridge, it’s ours now.  ’ ‘  goatman, are you out here in the woo– well, he’s out here in the woods ‘cause he’s not tending to his bridge.  ’ ‘  clearly. that’s why finders keepers and all that.  ’ ‘  hey, if there’s cultists out there… i gotta let you know, my pal has a water gun.  ’ ‘  i don’t like this, i don’t like this one bit.  ’ ‘  we are hearing noise from all sides at this point. it’s very blair witch.  ’ ‘  yeah, let’s leave.  ’ ‘  the name ‘steve’ doesn’t really strike fear into the heart.  ’ ‘  i’ll go along with this. fun gimmick.  ’ ‘  well demons, it’s been fun.  ’ ‘  as we snuff these candles so too do we snuff you from this mortal world, you fucking wimp.  ’ ‘  this bridge is officially mine. they’ll tell legends of me here.  ’ ‘  oh god, i feel like i’ve gone to the dark side.  ’ ‘  just gloat a little bit. this is a win for you.  ’
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spookics-a-blog · 6 years
✧    SUPERNATURAL   PROMPTS   !     (   PART   I  .   )
‘ Come on, it wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t that bad. ‘
‘ I swear, man, you gotta update your cassette tape collection. ‘
‘ Don’t be afraid of the dark? What, are you kidding me? ‘
‘ Of course you should be afraid of the dark! You know what’s out there! ‘
‘ I’m not sure you realize just how much trouble you’re in here. ‘
‘ You wanna tell me what’s goin’ on in that freaky head of yours? ‘
‘ I’m supposed to be the belligerent one, remember? ‘
‘ Kids are strong. You’d be surprised what they can deal with. ‘
‘ Look, man, I get you’re nervous, alright, but you gotta stay focused. ‘
‘ I just think, whatever’s going to happen is going to happen. ‘
‘ You can either roll over and die or you can keep fighting, no matter what. ‘
‘ Stop askin’ if I need anything, stop askin’ if I’m okay. ‘
‘ You two have never worked a show in your lives before, have you? ‘
‘ There’s no maybe. Find the bad thing, kill it. ‘
‘ You’re telling me there’s no lore on how to smoke ‘em? ‘
‘ No one in their right mind chooses this life. ‘
‘ So, we’re eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we? ‘
‘ I don’t want you doing… anything! I want you to sit right here, and don’t move! ‘
‘ So you’re only out for yourself, huh? It’s all about number one? ‘
‘ What the hell is wrong with you?! You don’t just go around shooting people like that!  ‘
‘ Now, do you want me to help you out with that gun, or not, hm? ‘
‘ Did I just see you strike out with a prostitute? How’s that work? ‘
‘ You want to know what I did – what I really did? I had lunch. ‘
‘ So, you think the murders are what, a reenactment? That’s a little crazy. ‘
‘ Okay, how about you tell me where they are, or I kill you right now? ‘
‘ Well I’m just saying, he’s not leaving us a whole lot of options. ‘
‘ You know what, man? I’m sick and tired of your old stupid kamikaze trick. ‘
‘ I don’t know. I just, uh, I just woke up in a pine box… ‘
‘ I mean, we’re pretty much set to catch and kill anything I’ve ever heard of. ‘
‘ But what I do know is that I’m saving people. And stopping demons. ‘
‘ What’s the matter? You don’t think you deserve to be saved? ‘
‘ Human souls don’t just walk out of hell and back into their bodies easily! ‘
‘ I’m trying to come up with a theory, here. Okay? Work with me. ‘
‘ I mean, I’ve saved some people, okay? ‘
‘ It’s a spell to send the Witnesses back to rest. Should work… ‘
‘ Any chance you got everything we need here in this room? ‘
‘ That’s just not as appealing as a ghost-proof panic room, you know? ‘
‘ I thought you must have learned something. I thought I died for something. ’
‘ You know, I almost got my heart ripped out of my chest. ‘
‘ Read the Bible. Angels are warriors of God. I’m a soldier. ‘
‘ What, do you get your freak on by watching other people sleep? ‘
‘ Even if this sounds really weird, will you promise me that you will remember?  ‘
‘ And you don’t care that he’s tearing up the future looking for me right now? ‘
‘ All right, well, first things first; how did we end up on Soul Plane? ‘
‘ Yes, I’m a fan, but I really don’t appreciate being mocked. ‘
‘ Oh, yeah? You’re sorry you started Armageddon?! ‘
‘ Keep mouthing off, I’ll break more than his legs. ‘
‘ There is no other way, there must be a battle. ‘
‘ Don’t be afraid. This is your choice. You need to invite me in. ‘
‘ I just can’t keep pretending that everything’s all right. Because it’s not. ‘
‘ You chose a demon over your own brother…and look what happened. ‘
‘ I just don’t…I don’t think that we can ever be what we were.. ‘
‘ I lost everything, for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself. ‘
‘ I’m in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back, 'cause I’m dangerous. ‘
‘ Haven’t we been down this road before? ‘
‘ I was dead from the moment we said hello. ‘
‘ Don’t you get it? You can’t run from yourself. Why are you running now?? ‘
‘ Would you believe I’m actually trying to protect you? ‘
‘ Same song, different verse. Things are never gonna change with you. Never. ‘
‘ You were wasted by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel? ‘
‘ Riddle wrapped inside an enigma wrapped inside a taco? ‘
‘ We’re humans. And when humans want something, really, really bad…we lie. ‘
‘ Oh. Well, last night on earth, what, uh…what’re your plans? ‘
‘ This whole industry runs on absent fathers, it’s- it’s the natural order. ‘
‘ Do you remember the twentieth century? Think the twenty-first is going any better? ‘
‘ Aren’t you a surprise? You’ve come a long way to see this, haven’t you? ‘
‘ I’m sorry. It must be painful, speaking to me in this…shape. ‘
‘ Why? Why would I want to destroy this stunning thing? ‘
‘ Oh, good God, you’re not gonna tell me a bedtime story, are ya? ‘
‘ I know that “Supernatural” is just a book, okay? I know the difference between fantasy and reality. ‘
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spookics-a-blog · 6 years
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i’m gonna start my following spree, so to any eventual mutuals: hit that mf ❤ button for a starter!
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spookics-a-blog · 6 years
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tune in today as rick attempts to do the impossible: manage multiple rp blogs at once.
welcome to an entirely unexpected impulse rp blog for spooky from soul hackers! do you like spooky-themed hackers with ghost logos? selfless but badass father figures? Rebels With Causes (tm)? then you’ve come to the right place!
rules | about | verses ( now featuring persona verses! )
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