spooky-switch · 9 months
This is SO CUTE! Thank you so much!
Turn Around
Scream (1996)
Platonic Sidney & Randy
Happy Holidays @spooky-switch !! Thanks for giving me an excuse to have a Scream marathon! Thanks to @squealing-santa for organising such a wonderful event yet again <3.
After what was now known as the “Woodsboro Murders” thanks to a certain Gale Weathers, Randy and Sidney often found themselves at each other’s homes. Whether talking about college plans, or watching whatever movie Randy brought from work, the two were never far from each other. Over the Christmas break, Sidney had spent a few days at the Meeks’ home, binging film after film.
Black Christmas was his choice this time, alongside his classic commentary. Sidney had once found it a bit annoying, but now it was a source of comfort. Sidney had also questioned his choice of a slasher film but was met with something she couldn’t fight with.
“The movies are nothing once you’ve been through the real thing.”
“Plus,” Randy had said, “Its arguably the first slasher, and perfect for the holiday!”
Sidney was in the kitchen, finishing up some JiffyPop, when she heard something that piqued her interest.
“Come on, what’s wrong with you?”
Taking the popcorn off the stove, she quietly poked her head into the living room. Randy sat on the couch, back to her, nearly yelling at the TV screen.
“Why would you go into the attic? And for fucks sake turn around!”
An idea blossomed in Sidney’s head. With a smile blooming on her face, she quietly crept towards the couch.
“Come on! Turn around! He’s behind you, just turn around!”
Quickly, after rolling her eyes, Sidney reached over the back of the couch, and jammed her fingers into his armpits.
Over the screech and subsequent laughter that exploded out of Randy, Sidney teasingly parroted,
“Look out! She’s right behind you Randy! Just turn around!”
From behind him, Sidney could see a blush begin to take over his ears. She clambered over the back of the couch and pushed the giggling teen onto his stomach. Straddling Randy, pinning him to the couch, her fingers gently traced over his reddening ears.
“SID WHAT-” he tried to get words out, but his laughter stopping him from being able to form any kind of sentence.
Instead he simply flailed as much as he could, twisting his head side to side, trying to shake of Sidney’s tickly nails.
            “What? Can’t follow your own rules?” Sidney retorted, leaning down to blow a loud raspberry on his neck, laughing herself at Randy nearly bucking her off.
Despite his thrashing, Randy didn’t really mind what was happening, and Sidney knew. Tickling had been a frequent part of their friendship, especially after Randy’s drunken admission a few years go. He liked the feeling, the closeness to his friends, and the laughter. Finding a reason to laugh was harder to come by.
Sidney also needed this. She loved Randy’s laugh, from giggly, to loud cackles, and if lucky, an occasional snort. She liked to see her friend smile.
Her fingers left his ears, and Randy took the second to breathe. It truly was only a second before Sidney gently spidered her fingers across his back, smiling brightly and the high-pitched giggles that flowed freely from her friend’s mouth. Gentle touches over his spine gave him time to breathe between gentle giggles, moving up closer to his neck elicited more squirming, and scribbling quickly over his ribs caused his laughter to get louder.
With a few final pinches at his sides, each followed by a screech from the boy, Sidney shuffled of Randy’s back and further down the couch.
“I hate you,” Randy finally let out, as he flipped himself slowly onto his back, no malice in his words.
“No you don’t,” Sidney followed, looking over at her friend’s bright red face.
Quick as lightning, Randy managed to get a few solid jabs to Sidney’s side, eliciting a few shocked giggles, but backed off when his hands were gently slapped away.
The two turned their attention back to the movie.
“Come on! How did she not see that coming!”
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spooky-switch · 9 months
Mama Bird || Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 Tickle Fic (Squealing Santa 2023)
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Summary: The new baby raccoons have imprinted on Rocket and will not leave him alone; Quill couldn't be more amused.
Author's Notes: This is my Squealing Santa gift for @fanficsandfluff! I hope you enjoy it! It's such an honor to have been chosen to write for one of my biggest inspirations in this community!
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"Oh, come on!" Rocket groaned, watching as the fluffy little creatures stumbled after him, letting out little cries for attention. "I know you guys wanna play, but I've got work to do! I can't hold ya' all the time!"
The smaller raccoons gave no indication of understanding (or caring about) what Rocket was saying, mewls growing louder at the sound of his rocket.
"I am Groot." Groot chuckled, grinning down his friend. Rocket gave a small scoff, shaking his head.
"I got LUCKY raisin' you so good with how you acted out. This is WAY different; look how many of them there are! And they're so...small!" Rocket retorted, letting out a soft sigh as the little creatures began to crawl up his legs, seeking the comforting warmth of his torso.
"You're the one who wanted to take them so badly." Quill chimed in, a gigantic grin of his own plastered to his face. "Besides, you're their mama bird, of course they'd wanna stick with you 24/7."
Rocket shot his captain a glare. "I ain't no mama bird! Besides, it's not like I could just leave them behind on that ship, could I?"
Quill shrugged. "True, but I DID offer to drop them off on earth once I had recovered, and you were the one who turned down the suggestion."
"You can't just drop them off on some strange planet they've never been to! They wouldn't have made it there, either!"
"Rocket, they CAME from earth, they would've been fine. Besides, it's not like I would have just dumped them in the woods somewhere. Earth has people specifically trained to take care of creatures like them until they are old enough to survive on their own." Quill replied, a teasing glimmer entering his eyes. "I think you just got attached to them and knew you'd miss them."
The older raccoon huffed. "Oh, shut up!" He looked down, watching as two or three of the little ones made it to his torso, immediately attempting to burrow under his clothing to gain better access to the soft, warm fur of his stomach. "Hey, watch it, will ya?" He grunted, half-heartedly attempting to nudge the little creatures away.
"I am Groot!" The tree-like alien snickered, shoulders shaking with barely contained mirth.
"S-Shut up! I ain't ticklish, I just don't want them crawlin' all over me like a bunch of little bugs!" Rocket snapped, though there was no malice behind his words, and a smile was already tugging at his lips as he continued trying to pry the little raccoons off of him.
"Aw, come on! We all know THAT'S a lie!" Quill smirked, uncrossing his arms and wiggling a few teasing fingers Rocket's direction. "You're ticklish as shit, dude!"
"I said shut up!"
Rocket squirmed, hopping from foot to foot as soft titters began to build up in his throat. He could feel the little creatures' paws scratching gently (yet infuriatingly ticklishly) at his torso, quickly driving the older raccoon up the wall.
"Shihihihihihihit! Knohohohohock it ohohohohohohoff!" The raccoon giggled; he ACTUALLY giggled! Quill let out a snort of laughter, shoulders shaking as he tried to contain his mirth.
"Oho my god, this is the cutest shit I've ever seen!"
"I am Groot!" Groot replied, nodding in head in agreement, causing Rocket's cheeks to heat up beneath his fur. The raccoon lurched forward, a wheezy cackle tumbling out as one of the little balls of fur found a particularly comfortable (and ticklish) spot on his stomach and nuzzled up to it.
Quill raised a brow. "Now, why would I do that after you LITERALLY just threatened me? Nah, I think I'll just let the runts have their fun with you for a bit. You need to laugh more anyways." He retorted with a smirk, his sass only increasing Rocket's desire to wipe that smug grin off of his face the instant he managed to pull himself together. The raccoon was already plotting how to get his claws and tail on his leader's sensitive stomach and underarms; how to reduce the man to a shrieking mess.
Oho, yeah, Quill was a dead man.
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spooky-switch · 10 months
This may sound random but good luck on your finals! May the odds be in our favor!
Thank you! Honestly, things aren’t going super great in the academic department, which I may touch on in greater detail later.
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spooky-switch · 10 months
Hey, I’m not dead! I’ve just been super slammed with work for my fall classes (final assignment submissions are Sunday, classes end the 8th). I hope to be getting my Squealing Santa fic up really soon!
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spooky-switch · 10 months
Currently working on my Squealing Santa fic!
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spooky-switch · 10 months
Taking a small break from writing until Squealing Santa starts up!
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spooky-switch · 11 months
If anyone wants to follow my main, just let me know!
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spooky-switch · 11 months
I saw you got engaged!!!! Congrats!!!! As a small present, a hc for Mike from the Fnaf movie;
Abby and him get into tickle fights all the time!!! As much as he hates to admit it, he always loses. This poor baby is a walking tickle spot that Abby can just create a laughing mess out of.
Wishing you guys so much love and happiness!!!
Thank you so much! I’m so excited! ☺️
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spooky-switch · 11 months
Guess who got engaged? 💍
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spooky-switch · 11 months
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Whatever is learned with satisfaction and enjoyment stays with you forever.
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spooky-switch · 11 months
Mike Schmidt from the Fnaf movie gives off such ticklish vibes, I swear; I bet Abby and Vanessa both team up to tickle him daily
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spooky-switch · 11 months
I saw your thing about what if the springlock suit was repurposed into a tickling suit and wow-almost died it’s so amazing. I was wondering if you would consider writing a fic about this? If not that’s totally ok! -:3
I'm so happy you asked! I've been thinking about it for a bit and just waiting for an excuse to actually write it!
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spooky-switch · 11 months
Randy Meeks // Scream (1996) Tickle Headcanons
Requested by the lovely @ticklybing, here's some headcanons for our favorite horror nerd, Randy!
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↬ To be completely honest with you, I don't see Randy as much of a ler. Sure, he is a decent tickler when the mood strikes him, but in most cases he tends to lean more towards the lee side of things. ↬ If he is feeling gutsy, he will poke or prod at Stu or shoot Billy a snarky tease about how sensitive he is. He tries not to push his luck, though, knowing how bad the revenge will be when they get their hands on him. ↬ The only person he will all-out tickle is Sidney. Even then, he will only do so on rare occasions, knowing Sidney prefers being the ler ninety percent of the time. ↬ Randy leans more towards more casual, subtle teasing, as using baby talk usually ends up leaving HIM feeling flustered rather than his lee. ↬ "I'd say this is a pretty good spot. What do you think, Sid? This a bad spot? I'll take that squeal as a yes."
↬ Randy's ticklishness has been public knowledge for years, along with the fact that he absolutely LOVES it, despite his best efforts to hide it. ↬ The poor guy gets so flustered by teasing. It doesn't matter how you do it, you're bound to get at least a blush and some nervous little giggles out of him. That technique where you just wiggle your fingers over a ticklish spot? Absolutely killer for him. ↬ Billy and Stu tickle him the most, taking every chance they have to drive Randy up the wall. Attacks by Sidney or Tatum happen less frequently and tend to be a bit more gentle, though they are just as effective at driving the film buff mad. ↬ He responds to all kinds of tickling. However, if you're looking to absolutely destroy him, raspberries and tickle bites are the way to go (as Stu knows quite well). ↬ Randy's worst spots are his ears, ribs, and knees. He's also got a super sensitive back and his hands are major giggle spots!
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spooky-switch · 11 months
Those Randy Meeks headcanons are coming soon; keep an eye out over the next few days!
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spooky-switch · 11 months
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spooky-switch · 11 months
oh you know i need to hear your headcanons for randy <3
You've got it! I'll get to work on them right away!
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spooky-switch · 11 months
I'm looking to do some writing; does anyone have any headcanon requests? I've had two meltdowns over my grad classes this week and need a fun distraction for a bit.
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