spookywanderer · 7 years
It’s time for… A giveaway!  (Insert excited cacophony of music here)
This time there will only be one winner, mostly because I don’t have the energy or time to do much else.  No particular reason, though I did hit a follower milestone sometime recently, so let’s go with that.  
This time I am going to give away… THE COLOSSUS. 
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That’s right, the precursor to The Juggernaut!  To go with The Colossus the winner gets 75 ectoplasm AND 25 gold. 
Now for the rules:
You do NOT have to be following me, but if you are I will throw in a full body, uncolored picture of your GW2 character. 
One like and one reblog per person, please!  I don’t want to spam dashboards with my goofy post (haha). Each counts as an entry.
You must have your ask box open and be willing to give me your in game name.  The winner has 48 hours to respond before I draw for a new winner.
Pretty simple, yeah?  I’ll do this drawing on Friday, June 9th sometime early afternoon after I get off of work (usually around 12 CST).  My schedule tends to get shifted around a lot, so I will reblog this post one hour before I do the drawing to let everyone know.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!  Good luck to you all. :D
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spookywanderer · 7 years
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impromptu late night Grove parties are the best, especially after @guildwars2 finally acknowledges the best character with a proper memorial! We got six Trahearnes out for a quick screencap. ArenaNet where is our mini. pls.
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spookywanderer · 8 years
Japanese version.
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spookywanderer · 8 years
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spookywanderer · 8 years
Sinbad no Bouken 134 RAW + a Summary!
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Here are the raws for Sinbad no Bouken 134! Looks like we were right about that research facility… Of course, I knew this deal was too good to be true…
Just a reminder, to anyone who follows me and enjoys these raws/summaries, parts of or even all of these summaries could be completely wrong, so be advised as you read them as I am by no means a professional translator!
*** Disclaimer : Sinbad no Bouken is not my work. Please be sure to vote for Sinbad no Bouken every day on the MangaOne app if you have it!
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spookywanderer · 8 years
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spookywanderer · 8 years
Complete spoilers
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spookywanderer · 8 years
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spookywanderer · 8 years
So I’m a little bit confused with new chapter spoilers.
In previous chapter Aladdin was all about “everyone being equal” and staff ( especially during his chat with Sinbad, BUT now Alibaba is” a king vessel greater then anyone else”? I mean seriously? Wasn't it said by both( Aladdin and Alibaba ) that everyone is equal? Or does it only apply while talking to Sinbad? And WTF is going on, for like, the past 20 chapters? Is it just me who lost it?
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spookywanderer · 8 years
Magi 332 Spoilers
Warning: As usual, please note that my level of Japanese is basic at most, and this is just a translation of text summaries available online, so I cannot guarantee that the following snippets are accurate. In other words, these can be just rumors or misinterpretations, and I might have left some parts out because I didn’t understand them. Feel free to share the link, but please DO NOT REPOST, and don’t forget to support the official releases!!
In which these four finally team up.
Translation is super quick and reviewed because I wasn’t expecting these and I need to go.
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spookywanderer · 8 years
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spookywanderer · 8 years
Magi 331 Spoilers
Warning: As usual, please note that my level of Japanese is basic at most, and this is just a translation of text summaries available online, so I cannot guarantee that the following snippets are accurate. In other words, these can be just rumors or misinterpretations, and I might have left some parts out because I didn’t understand them. Feel free to share the link, but please DO NOT REPOST, and don’t forget to support the official releases!!
In which Alibaba decides.
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spookywanderer · 8 years
Sinbad no Bouken 129 RAW + a Summary!
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Here are the raws for Sinbad no Bouken 129! OMG… this is the cutest chapter of SnB in a long time! Get ready to see our newest CANON COUPLE! :’D
Just a reminder, to anyone who follows me and enjoys these raws/summaries, parts of or even all of these summaries could be completely wrong, so be advised as you read them as I am by no means a professional translator!
*** Disclaimer : Sinbad no Bouken is not my work. Please be sure to vote for Sinbad no Bouken every day on the MangaOne app if you have it!
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spookywanderer · 8 years
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Note to self: Never ask Aladdin for help on delicate matters.
Translation by myself, typesetting by naoscifra, QC by eleore & extra checking by kamapon. Thanks, girls!
Neither the translator nor the typesetter are native English speakers, sorry if there’s any mistake.
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spookywanderer · 8 years
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Haven’t seen the omake being posted so here it is, they are NOT scanned by me though. Credit goes RAW-ZIP.net
Hopefully someone else might post a better quality ones with translation.
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spookywanderer · 8 years
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Ohtaka’s Backstage vol.329: 
“The image is a work in progress. 
The developments have gotten chaotic and there are more of them in this week as well. I’m taking a break next week to work on volume 32 and I apologize for it! Let’s meet again in the next backstage.”
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spookywanderer · 8 years
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