Getting ready to start my journey to lose 60 pounds. 😓 Any advice?? Greatly appreciated.
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It's hard dealing with all the stress and on top of that I am getting these bad vibes my signaficant other is not being true. Need to learn to love myself, before I deal with all the BS!!!!!
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Yes we all should.
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enjoying the skin I’m in
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So true
“I’m not for everyone. I’m barely for me.”
— Marc Maron
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I know I do too.
i want to be WOOED!!! i want to be ADORED!!! fuck anyone who says it’s “cheesy” or “a cliche” i want to be ROMANCED!!!
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I decided today to start loving myself and stop trying to love someone that does not appreciate or love me as I deserve to be loved.
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Just going to say it. Why does my other half act like today's another day (Valentine's)? It makes me feel as though I don't matter, or am I just being dramatic?
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Yes I agree
I fucking love girls tummies okay. 
Like chubby tummies with purple stretch marks? Amazing 
Flat tummies? Wonderful 
Muscled tummies? Sign me up
Handfuls of tummy? Fucking superb 
No such thing as a bad tummy pass it on 
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I love her art.
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I was let go of work as of the 31st of December do you believe the nerve of my previous employer? What a way to start of 2019!!! Its so hard for many of us to be positive and have a good attitude when you ended the previous year like I did. I just have to remind myself there's something better in the near future. Right?
Let's see how my job search comes along???
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Is it me? All in my head?
I walk into the room sometimes and he seems annoyed but never tells ne to give him privacy. There have been times he ends up walking out of the room. Ive asked him in the past if I was bothering him because he looked irritated. When I tell him that he gets mad and tells me it's just me all in my head. It just seems weird. If his on the computer he gets out of it or if his on his phone he does the same thing. His always home now or we go out together. I am not sure. What do you think?
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Why can't I walk away from this relationship things are not the same and my husband does as he please. Doesn't come home, won't tell me anything and us not affectionate with me. He tells me I created the storm now I got to deal with it. Everything was great for a week recently abd I felt as though our marriage was going to work out and than he never showed up last night. I'm sure his with her again. I need to let him go he brings me nothing but sadness and tears in my life and nothing is going right for me cause I'm not focusing on the other issues in my life. I deserve happiness and to have someone to love me and only me. 😩 Give me the attention I need, but I only want it from him. What a fool I am. What fantasy world do I live in.
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No more bullshit💩
Why can't we be straight out with one another when we are in a relationship? We prevent hurting eachother less and maybe there would be more trust in us.
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Tired of dealing with other people bullshit.
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