sportschoolrebs · 5 years
In a child’s life, there is only so much time during the week to play sports. You only have so much energy. When I was a kid, I played three sports during the year, but it was hard to work out and really only amounted to one at a time. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a sport, but here are some things you might want to consider.
Time of Year
 If you are looking to play a sport in the winter, your options are different than in the spring or the summer. Winter sports can include skiing, hockey, football, or basketball. Spring and summer sports might include baseball, soccer, track, and swimming.
You can overcome whatever you would like to overcome, as that is a big part of the lessons that you learn in sports, but you might also just want to shake what your momma gave you. If you are super tall, basketball or volleyball are going to be suggested to you more than anything. Shorter people tend to be better soccer, hockey, and baseball players, as the low center of gravity helps.
Individual or Team
Sports are a great way of teaching teamwork, but they are also just a lot of fun, which is why it is also okay to go it alone. Individual sports include tennis, golf, skiing, snowboarding, track, cycling, swimming, and wrestling. A lot of times, you might not learn teamwork, but you learn a lot about accountability and the importance of hard work. With no one else to rely on but yourself, you must learn responsibility. On the other side, team sports include baseball, soccer, hockey, basketball, lacrosse, and more. In these, ego must be thrown to the side to go for the greater good. These are great if you are good at playing your role.
Some people can hit a soda can with a football from 50 yards away, but others are just not that coordinated. Just because you can’t catch a ball, does not mean that you will never be able to play sports. There are a lot of sports that you can play that do not require you to catch a ball. In darts, all you do is throw.
Endurance Level
Think like you would choose a track specialty. Sports like baseball and football take place in quick bursts, like sprints. For a baseball player, you spend a lot of time standing around waiting for things to happen, but the maximum energy you can expend on a single play would be hitting an inside-the-park home run, which is very rare. Most hits are a 90 foot sprint to first or an additional 90 to get to second. A home run lets you jog. In football, every play is also like a quick sprint, only lasting around 20 seconds before another 40 second break between plays. Basketball, hockey, and soccer are more about endurance. You take shifts to preserve energy, but those shifts are a few minutes where you must pace yourself to not run out of energy too quickly. If you have strong lungs and thrive in endurance sports, these would be good for you, like long distance running in track.
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