sprawlingants · 5 days
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wip skketch,, ugoh hes a little batshit insane
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sprawlingants · 6 days
alice!!! ^_^
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sprawlingants · 7 days
Yo yo, would you be up to join a Newscapepro discord server? We have a bunch of their stuff archived.
sure! send me the link whenever!!
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sprawlingants · 8 days
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not finishing this but hi cory hie hey scrunkly hi scrimblo little blorbo..
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sprawlingants · 8 days
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sprawlingants · 9 days
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ohhd, i should probably post this on tumblr oops um hi tumblr people here you go
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sprawlingants · 9 days
close enough,, merry christmas!!!! /j
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sprawlingants · 10 days
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hoopoeer.. hooper :) is here :)))))
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sprawlingants · 19 days
everytime i get copper's little reblog of DON'T TOUCH MY SOUTHERN HANDSOME WIFE!!!!! this is all i can think about
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[talking about bobble's kitchen surprise ep]
like lara swoops in and immediately unties cory and trianna,, like oh my god r u hurt :(( no, ARE YOU?!! o em gee thanks lara ur the best haha we should all kiss
and hooper is still there with the ropes and everything just sitting there until he has to awkwardly fake cough to get their attention
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sprawlingants · 19 days
nothing burger of an edit,,, alice enjoyers STARVE TONIGHT!!!! /j
(feels like they've should've talked more about alice endlessly DYING????? like can they do something about that,,)
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sprawlingants · 20 days
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MR STEAL YO GIRLL!!!!!!??? (or well ms??)
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sprawlingants · 20 days
I’ll post my Otis headcanons I guess:
Gay man
Uses He/It
Secretly engaged to Hooper
Fucked up sleep schedule
Very aggressive but soft around Hooper
Loves Hooper’s tattoos but would never personally have them
Refers to himself as “It” for whatever reason
I know Hooper is my wife, but I ship Otis x Hooper so shut up /hj
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sprawlingants · 20 days
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you would not catch me posting anything on nsp server i think iwould bring it to my grave actually,, /j
-intense emma/ruby/tommy AND polybravo truther,,,
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sprawlingants · 20 days
headcanons pt.2 because i've shuffled some stuff around.. (i watched nspscp witth my eyes closed, and ears plugged, sorry if i got stuff wrong /j)
ruby - poly pansexual girlflux
emma - poly unlabeled (she/her)
tommy - poly cishet (he/him)
^ THEY ARE ALL DATING!!!!!!! they should've been canon,,, wdym emma just let tommy go like that!!
lucy - aro sapphic transfem (she/her, hc that her id said her deadname so she just scribbled it out and wrote death on top instead)
trianna - i have too much work to do allat (she/any)
cory - genderqueer bisexual (any)
hooper - queer QUEER HES QUEER I KNOW HES QUEER HE WAS FRUITY!!!!! QUEER!!!!! point and laugh. /j (he/him)
lara - sapphic demi-girl (she/they)
valerie - aroace
alice - ARO LESBIAN LEBSIANS lesbian KAIGE?? WHO???????
uni - pansexual (he/they)
duni - EVIL pansexual!!! clasps hands together evilly.. (EVILL!!!! he/they)
making a whole ass separate post about otis because he's a Thing.. a Creatur,, horrible gender he has,, truly,,
iris - demiromantic, sapphic (she/they)
meri/166 - asexual, sapphic!!! !!! MERI!!! yay!!!! put meri in my hands and squeezes her as if she is a stress ball,,
o'connor - aroace (she/they/it, did i spell their name right,,)
simon - het transmasc (he/him)
johnson - bisexual cis male (he/him but is fine with others)
this is a nothing burger oops okay WHATEVERR!!!!! /silly
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sprawlingants · 20 days
otis and his stupid gender and his stupid HAT!!!!!! /j
okay MAN where do i start with this guy,, i have so many headcanons that i can't all fit into my canon,
because i DO headcanon him as transmasc but i also DO headcanon her as transfem, he just works for both
because what if he was transmasc??? if you called him short, or small, or anything that could barely be considered feminine, he'll kick your ass, heavily insecure that he looks too much like a girl to be a real man
or what if she was transfem, heavy internalized transphobia while she tries to dress more masculine so she could "get rid of those thoughts" and deepens her voice purposely to spite herself
but alsooo what if he was genderfluid and literally starts being so confused about his gender, one moment he NEEDS to wear a dress and do his eyeliner, and grow his hair out or he dies, and next second he needs to cut his hair so short, and dress into a suit and tie or he'll DIE!!!
^ he attempts to block out those thoughts, because it's dumb and gets irritated and frustrated because of gender dysphoria so he tries to excuse them as mood swings (which he tries to keep all bottled up, because he also thinks THOSE are dumb TOO!! this man can't catch a break with me)
what if they were non-binary, they'd get frustrated because something just FEELS wrong but they can't specify it, just slightly ever so wrong and they can't tell what
i headcanon that otis was raised in a family who thought lgbtq was just plain dumb, and otis had no other family, who was gonna tell him it's wrong to think that way??
it's getting a bit too long for my liking, hopefully i open someone's eyes to otis and his horrible gender thanks,,,
i was previously writing about my headcanons again but then i got to otis and then i NEEDED to write down my thoughts right now!!! ugoh DAMN YOU OTIS!!!!!! you INTERNALIZED TRANSPHOBIC THING GRAH!!!! imm putting him in a microwave..
also if u don't like these headcanons,, just don't say anything
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sprawlingants · 20 days
missing trevor henderson rp hours
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sprawlingants · 21 days
they should invent new genitals to get during bottom surgery. cock and pussy are so overdone. i want a mass of writhing tendrils or something
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