Importance of Detecting Fake News in Tech Times
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With the massive increase and presence of social media platforms and ease of availability of information comes the drawbacks attached to the same, i.e. the spread of fake news and misinformation. This not only causes an unnecessary panic but arises a situation of mistrust among the organization and its employees in the long run.
Hence, we at Springfield Public School, the Best Boarding School in North India have simplified how you can identify and stop fake news epidemic from spreading across:
-Identify The Source
Identification of the source of the information is the most essential part when it comes to stopping the widespread of fake news. One needs to be well informed and thus for better identification must check the source before believing moreover forwarding the information received.
-Don’t Forward
The most important thing that you must keep in mind is how are you contributing to the pool of fake news, by sending those WhatsApp forwards you are being a part of the herd to spread misinformation too, no matter what your intent behind it is.
The thing that we, as laymen might ignore is the frequency and the timing of these WhatsApp forwards, the messages tend to get more regular and spread at a higher frequency around certain events like elections, a social calamity, etc. so b mindful of what you read forward keeping in mind the social situation of the country.
-Linguistic Features
As an average observation of these forwards, messages giving out fake news were found to be using a language hyperbolic in nature which is subjective and emotional. Most likely, these messages are biased and hamper the loyalty, authority, and sanctity of the subject.
Therefore, as young individuals and consumers of information on the web, it’s our responsibility to identify and detach ourselves from the trap of fake news. Which we at Springfield Public School, one of the Top boarding schools in India aim at delivering.
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Being the top boarding schools in India, at the Springfield Public School, our students performed a thrilling dance drama on 23rd Annual Day function. The students mesmerized the audience with their performance.
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Importance of Interaction Within a Class
Interaction helps in developing social skills, improves language learning and spontaneity of a child. Students always love interacting but at Springfield Public School, one of the top boarding schools in India we make sure it is in a productive way.
Here are some of the results of what interaction in a class helps the students:
• Improves Critical Thinking of Children Students need to participate in the discourse of the discipline to think, speak, and be heard. Students develop competency to think in a classroom that provides opportunities for intensive, structured interaction among students when they speak instead of just listening.
• Increases Motivation Classroom interaction fuels student motivation and stimulates students’ involvement in the class. It helps the students see the relevance of teachers’ topic and increases participation as all students are involved.
• Improves Teamwork Skills When there is an interaction of students among themselves, it allows the student to learn and understand how to work with partners. This develops and improves the skills of teamwork and it improves peer relationship and they can learn from each other as well.
• Teaches Values to Students Whether the interaction is among small groups of students or whole-class discussion, or student-teacher interaction, learners interacting this way in an interactive classroom learn the importance of patience and to value the point of view of others.
• Collaboration Collaborative learning, particularly through the use of collaborative tasks such as role plays and conversation works best in fostering language development since learners can see a reason to use language in order to interact.
• Increases Self- Confidence For students who are hesitant, an interactive classroom environment helps them in pushing their capabilities to speak which boosts self- confidence of children.
Thus, student engagement is important for the overall development of a child. We, at Springfield Public School, among the top 10 boarding schools in India believe in bringing out the best in a child and improving their overall personality.
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Communication between Students & Teachers
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Student teacher communication is the lifeline of teaching. Even more so if you are in the Best Co-Educational Boarding School in India. Communication is key.
Most new age techniques in teaching fail because of ineffective communication between teachers and their students. So listed below are some ways you can make communication between teachers and students less of a bumpy road.
Be clear in your expectations with the student and make sure that they know the end goal of every instruction, whether it is education related or behavioral. However one needs to be careful to not make your tone patronizing or else the effect might the opposite of what it is intended to be.
Create Positive Relationships
Communication between human beings is based on a lot more than just talking. Smiling, making eye contact, moving around the room all are signs of effective communication. Good teachers always ensure that their students feel like a dialogue can be initiated at any given point of time between them and the teacher. A personalized approach helps the students open up and create a strong emotional bond.
Providing Prompt Feedback
Students should be provided with quick feedback on any task that they have completed as it shapes a lot of how they deal with future crises. Feedback is an essential part of the interactive approach of the classroom. It also shows the student that they are appreciated and their work holds merit.
It is essential that a teacher tries to make the classroom as collaborative as possible. Listening to contrasting opinions is what forms a healthy amount of tolerance amongst the students. It also gives the students an opportunity to flex their thinking muscle and practice their critical thinking skills.
As one of the top boarding schools in India we ensure that our teachers are effective communicators and make the students feel comfortable.
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How to Make Toddlers Focus
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It can get extremely difficult for parents and teachers to make toddlers concentrate as their attention can shift from one place to another really quickly. When they get bored, they don’t settle on what they are doing and find things that look more appealing. Generally, a toddler concentrates on a particular thing for about eight minutes before moving on to other things. As the best school in Ambala, at Springfield Public School, we make sure that our students learn how to focus and take an active part in the classroom.
Here are a few steps that can be followed to help your little one focus better:
Make Your Toddler Search for Things
While you are cleaning his room, tell him to bring things for you. He will be able to identify things that you name easily.
Indulge him in activities like coloring shapes, puzzle solving, and putting up blocks together. Keep electronic gadgets away from them so that they play with regular toys.
Break the Tasks
Your child cannot do one task in a go. If you are making him read a book, make him do it in bits and pieces.
When your child completes a task reward him with extra play time or candies. This will make him work better each time.
Outdoor Activities
For a child to maintain balance in his life, it is crucial for him to play outside. Give him time for cycling or playing with other kids.
Homework at a Specific Time Each Day
When you have stipulated time for each activity, it builds a routine, and your child develops a habit to complete his work in a specific time bracket.
Give Them Enough Time to Rest
After his favorite bedtime story, get him to sleep for around 8 to 9 hours. A good sleep ensures better concentration the next day. Also, you can make him sleep after he comes back from school. It will help him work better for the rest of the day.
As the best co-educational boarding school in India, Springfield Public School, we help our children develop a sense of attentiveness while they are at school. The parents are advised to follow these simple steps to make their children more focused while they are at home.
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Our Infrastructure
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A school’s infrastructure provides the students with an opportunity to grow in each aspect. Whether it is sports or arts, infrastructure helps in integrating efficient work in every field. At Springfield Public School, listed amongst the top 10 boarding schools in India, we believe that infrastructure plays an essential role in helping a child reach his potential. Here is a list of facilities that we provide so that our students get to explore themselves.
Games & Sports
We encourage the students to participate in maximum activities with large fields for games like cricket, football, volleyball, and basketball. Besides, we have a tennis court and a skating ring.  The indoor gaming area comprises of table tennis, chess, carom with a well-equipped gymnasium. It is mandatory for each student to participate in physical training and regular exercises.  The school has a modern swimming pool with two different sections, one for toddlers and one full-length.
Science isn’t the only subject that requires a laboratory. At Springfield, we have a language lab and mathematics lab besides physics, chemistry, and biology lab.  Students are able to learn various concepts and enhance their skills in these labs.
Our school is one of a kind with a museum that displays stamps, paintings, utensils, artwork, and priceless antiques. We encourage students to visit the museum regularly in order to know more about our rich heritage.
The library is well equipped with references and books on various subjects – geography, art, computer, social studies, language, and many more. Students are made to read newspapers and magazines on a regular basis. This helps them stay one step ahead in the world of knowledge and competition.
Art & Music
Without art and music life is colorless and boring. We encourage our students to learn any instrument or craft so that they get to polish their skills. Each child has a different set of hobbies, and we make sure that they choose at least one domain from the options we provide. They are: • Pottery • Glass painting • Papercraft • Vegetable carving • Cartooning • Clay modeling • Basket weaving
When a child is in a school, he is still discovering his inner potential. Therefore, we at Springfield Public School, one of the best CBSE boarding schools, make sure our students feel at home and encourage them to participate in maximum activities.
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Technology and Classrooms
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Technology has transformed the working of the human brain. When incorporated in the classroom it automatically helps encourage active participation of the students. We hardly see teachers using the board while teaching, instead they use laptops which engage the students better. Deemed as the best boarding school in North India, at Springfield Public School we foster change and incorporate it in our classrooms to make learning more effective.
Here are a few reasons why technology must be integrated into the classrooms.
Better Engagement
When introduced to technology students engage in a better way. They see everything as it is, which elevates their learning skills. A teacher will be able to address their doubts when they experiment everything right in front of their eyes, providing instant feedback.
Future Ready
Nowadays children have become more competitive. They see an opportunity and want to grab it instantly. When they are already aware of the changes in technology, they’ll be ready to face any challenge in the future.
One to One Conversation
When teachers connect to their students through technology they are able to communicate effectively on one to one basis. There are no or very few barriers when children know that their feedback or suggestion is welcomed. Students who feel shy while asking questions in front of other students can directly contact the teacher over an email.
Teachers often practice the exercise of giving tasks to students. It can be done with the help of PowerPoint presentations. This increases their ability to remember stuff more easily and is helpful at the time of exams.
Technology Builds Interest
The traditional way of teaching, where a teacher reads and explains from the textbook is indeed monotonous and tedious. When they engage the students with videos that explain the exact thing it increases the student’s interest towards the subject.
Quick Access to Information
When students are allowed to use technology in classrooms, they are able to access information quicker than ever. From science to entertainment, this helps them to stay updated about stuff that is happening around them.
Being the best Co-Educational Boarding school in India, at Springfield Public School we ensure that our students are always ready to face any challenge hands down.
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